Blind Deghosting for Automatic Multi-exposure Compositing

Shanmuganathan Raman, Kumar Vishal and Subhasis Chaudhuri

Vision & Image Processing Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, India


High dynamic range (HDR) image, which faithfully represents the real world scene, needs to be tone mapped to a low dynamic range (LDR) image for display/printing purposes. In this work, we propose a novel method to generate an LDR image of a dynamic scene directly from multi-exposure images, captured using methods like Auto-Exposure Bracketting (AEB). Though there are methods such as [Mertens et al. 2009] for producing such an LDR image, they produce artifacts called ‘ghosts’ in case of moving objects in the scene. We propose a novel approach to determine the moving objects and eliminate them while compositing. We do not assume any knowledge of camera response function and the exposure settings, a must for existing works like [Gallo et al. 2009]. We show that the resultant LDR images are artifact-free and are faithful representations of the HDR images.

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