The last leg of family introduction stops at me. I have this lovely wife called Priyanka, who is also an ex-teacher. Right now her sole profession is to bring up our high-octane kid called Suvrat. She is a happy-go-lucky girl. Though the fact that she teaches me Mathematics at times, and I teach her some dishes in return, perhaps makes us a thoda hat-ke kind of couple.

Suvrat, who is now four years old(circa 2012) and supposedly photogenic, was a non-stop-twittery bird in early childhood, and a joker to the core! Now-a-days he just wants to play all the day, thankfully. Generally throughout the day, his tank simply remains full of fuel, and hence it is impossible to stop this running prankster-machine. He is prowd owner of five sports balls, one of them a regular-sized real leather football, with whom he plays the most!

Near-and-dear ones duly introduced, My best introduction can be found in my expresssions. To know about that, let's move to next page.

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