2-Day Course for Research Scholars 

“Innovation and Optimization using TRIZ and Taguchi Methods”


Dr. Prakash R. Apte, TIFR, Mumbai

Abstract :

A Ph.D. (in Experimental Sciences and Engineering) ought to address a 'difficult problem' and offer 'new/novel' solutions to the same. The measurements must be repeatable so that controlled experiments give clear results that support a new/novel prediction based on your new/proposed model/analysis. 

I have put together a tandem of techniques called "TRIZ-Inventive Problem Solving" and "Taguchi Method" to improve the chances of getting "novel results to difficult problems". These 2 techniques are,

(1)TRIZ: to find/define the "difficult problem" and propose several inventive solution concepts 

(2)TAGUCHI Method: to experimentally optimize one of the solution concepts, by working on the "existing" experimental setup/measurement system to get the "best" results 

What does the 2-day course offer? 

            This course introduces all the main TRIZ tools so that you can first identify the inventive problem and then find several innovative/inventive solutions for the same. One of the inventive solution concepts is chosen for implementation.

The course also teaches "Taguchi method", which is aimed at optimizing a process through experimentation over a range of process control parameter settings. It determines the 'best' settings of parameters that will make the process 'robust' in spite of unavoidable variations in control parameters and noise.


for more links click here   http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~apte/TrizTagPhD.htm

for more links click here   http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~apte/CV_PRA_TRIZ_TAGUCHI_2DAY.htm