Source code for kClusterLib.filter

#if __name__ == '__main__' :

from scipy.signal import tf2ss
import numpy as np

previousSpnds =0
previousFiltered =0
count = 0

DEBUG = False

k = 1 #1.415*10**-20/60           #A.cm2.min.n-1  
tau_p = 23.68/60                  #min            
tau_d = 315.0/60                  #min            

T = 1     #sampling period is 1 min

A,B,C,D = tf2ss([k*tau_p, k], [tau_d, 1])
# if DEBUG:
#     print "A: ",A
#     print "B: ",B
#     print "C: ",C
#     print "D: ",D


[docs]def RealTimeFilter(currentSpnds, isInitial=False): ''' Real time implementation of Vanadium TF filter. Cobalt data is passed to this function one row at a time. Parameters ---------- currentSpnds : list Row of SPND( Co ) values for a time instant. isInitial : bool Optional Flag. Default is False. Returns -------- filteredSpnds : list Filtered sensor data after passing via Vanadium TF (based upon previous data and current data) ''' global previousSpnds global previousFiltered global count global a,cb,d ## y_k=a*y_{k-1} + cb*u_{k-1} + d*u_{k} if isInitial: previousSpnds = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(currentSpnds))) previousFiltered = np.zeros(shape=(1,len(currentSpnds))) #previousFiltered = np.zeros(shape=(1,5)) for spndj in range(len(currentSpnds)): if currentSpnds[spndj]<0 or np.isnan(currentSpnds[spndj]): currentSpnds[spndj]=0 else: for spndj in range(len(currentSpnds)): if currentSpnds[spndj]<0 or np.isnan(currentSpnds[spndj]): currentSpnds[spndj]=previousSpnds[spndj] # print "VV : ", previousFiltered.shape # print type(a) # print type(previousFiltered) # print a i1 = ass*previousFiltered i2 = cbss*previousSpnds i3 = dss*currentSpnds #print "Instant : ", count #print "shape i1", i1.shape #print "shape i2", i2.shape #print "shape i3", i3.shape #print "i3",i3 filteredSpnds = i1 + i2 + i3 #filteredSpnds = a*previousFiltered + cb*previousSpnds + d*currentSpnds count += 1 previousFiltered = np.copy(filteredSpnds) previousSpnds = currentSpnds return filteredSpnds
[docs]def foo(): ''' Super function foo. Makes us all insane. Parameters ---------- None : None Doesn't take input ''' global ass,cbss,dss if DEBUG: print "a :", ass print "cb:", cbss print "d :", dss mat = [[6, -9, 12, 15, 18],\ [ 5, -8, 11, -14, 20],\ [ 4, 7, 10, 16, 19],\ [ 3, 9, 12, 15, -18],\ [ 5, 8, 11, 14, 17],\ [ 11, 16, 5, 14, -07]] mat = np.array(mat) b = RealTimeFilter(mat[0,:], isInitial=True) print "b isInitial",b for i in range(1,6): b = RealTimeFilter(mat[i,:]) print "b not isInitial",b
if __name__ == '__main__': foo()