How do I set my Personal Home Page?

The link to your home page is Create a directory in your home called public_html then put whatever files you want to put on your home page in that directory. Give it world readable permissions using chmod 755 public_html. Give your home world exec perms using chmod 711 ~/.

You can also create home page at using Institute LDAP ID and Password.You home page link would be

How do I create my Home Page?

There are several ways to create your home page.

  • Coding: Using HTML, PHP(or any other Server side Language), Javascript( or any Client side Language), and CSS(for styling)
  • CMS(Content Managemen System): This is simpler, no coding required. You can use many CMS frameworks like:

    1. Wordpress
    2. Drupal
    3. Joomla ..

You need to configure first and make modifications to home page using web browser.

How to link my home page to Student list in EE Website?

Once your home page is setup and running on, write to admin [at] ee [dot] iitb [dot] ac [dot] in.