Sandesh Inbox Storage Limit

All the Sandesh Users' Inbox Storage is Limited to 200MB.

Once this cap is reached, you won't be able to receive any new emails. And if there are bounces from any mailing lists such as EEstudents, you will be automatically unsubscribed from the mailing list.

To Check if Your Inbox is Full:

  1. Login to your Sandesh account using the webmail interface.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots in the top left corner beside your email ID.
  3. Click on "Show folder size".
  4. Check the size of the Inbox folder.

If Your Inbox is Full:

Create a new folder and move some emails to this folder using the following steps:

  1. Once you login to the webmail interface, click on the three vertical dots in the upper left corner beside your email address.
  2. Select "Manage folders".
  3. In the upper right of the screen, you will find a "Create" (plus sign) option. Click on it.
  4. Give the folder a name and save it.
  5. Go back to Mail.
  6. Select unnecessary emails by clicking on the letters highlighted in color.
  7. On the upper right of the screen, click on "More" and select "Move to..." and then select the folder you just created.

If you have been unsubscribed from any mailing list, use the following link to subscribe to relevant mailing lists:

If you face any further issues, please visit PC Lab.