Bikash Kumar Dey
Email : bikash[AT],[at]
Phone (Internal(O)) : (0091 22) - 2576 7429
Fax: (0091 22) - 25723707
Office room no: 214B, EE Dept. Main Building
Research Areas
Information Theory, Coding Theory, Wireless Communication
About my interests
I work in the general area of communication engineering with a focus on fundamental theoretical questions. Such questions often take the most important aspects of a complex problem and studies the resulting simpler models. This approach is fundamental in the study of information theory, where storage and communication of information is studied quantitatively. I also work on coding theory, where practical coding techniques as well as theoretical limits of codes are studied.
Research Themes
Coding theory, network coding:
Coding theory deals with the codes that allow reliable communication in the presence of channel noise/error. Network coding is a relatively new field where intermediate nodes in a network perform computation/coding to improve throughput. Fascinating algebraic structures play an important role in these fields.
Much of my present work is information theoretic in nature. Interesting interplay of mathematics and intuition is characteristic of this field.
Communication against adversaries:
I am interested in studying communication in adversarial settings. This includes secret communication that requires the message to be kept secret from unintended receivers, as well as communication in the presence of jammers.
Wireless communication:
I am interested in wireless communication networks, specially in rate and power allocation to meet various performance goals.
Memberships, Awards, and Achievements
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2018-2020).
IIT Bombay Research Publication award for 2016
Prof. I. S. N. Murthy Medal from IISc for 1998-99 as the best M.E. student in the combined group of ME ( Regular ) and ME (Integrated) in the department of Electrical Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering.
The Alumni Medal from IISc for the best Ph.D. thesis in the division of Electrical Sciences in 2003-04.
Current PhD Students
Past PhD Students
Brijesh Rai : Network coding
Paneer Selvam : Cooperative MIMO
Manoj Mishra (NISER Bhubaneswar) : Secure multiparty computation
Amitalok Budkuley (IIT Kharagpur) : Communication against jammers
Jithin Ravi (IIT Kharagpur) : Distributed function computation and security in wireless networks
Krishnamoorthy Iyer
Past Masters Students (incomplete list)
Sneha Kamath
Vivek Mishra
Sreejith Sreekumar
Aditya S.T.
Sagar Shenvi
Saurabh Shintre
Vijay Ganwani
Mallika Kamath
Courses Taught
See my video course on
Digital Communication
As of 2017, the course had a total of 2 Million views on youtube (combined over all 32 lectures) .
These are the most commonly taught courses by me in IIT Bombay:
EE 708 Information Theory and Coding
EE 605 Error Correcting Codes
EE 703 Digital Message Transmission
EE 308 Communication Systems
EE 328 Digital Communication
Academic Background
I did my Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.Feb'99-Jan'03. My work
was on codes over rings, quasi-cyclic codes, and their generalizations.
Work Experience
I have been in the faculty of IIT Bombay since 2005. Prior to this, I worked in IIIT Hyderabad as a faculty for 2 years, and briefly worked in the industry at different times.
Recent Publications
Journal Publications
A. J. Budkuley, B. K. Dey, V. M. Prabhakaran, 'Communication in the Presence of a State-Aware Adversary', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 7396 - 7419, Nov. 2017.
M. Mishra, B. K. Dey, V. M.Prabhakaran, S. N. Diggavi, 'Wiretapped Oblivious Transfer', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 2560-2595, Apr. 2017.
J. Ravi, B. K. Dey, E. Viterbo, 'Oblivious Transfer Over Wireless Channels', IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 893-905, Mar. 2016.
S. Sreekumar, B. K. Dey, S. R. B. Pillai, 'Distributed Rate Adaptation and Power Control in Fading Multiple Access Channels', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 61, no. 10, pp. 5504 - 5524, Oct. 2015.
E. P. Selvam, B. K. Dey and S. Bhashyam, 'An MMSE Strategy at Relays with partial CSI for a Multi-layer Relay Network,' IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 271-282, Jan. 2014.
V. Shah, B. K. Dey, D. Manjunath, 'Network flows for functions,' IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Special Issue on In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 714 - 730, Apr. 2013.
B. K. Dey, S. Jaggi, M. Langberg, A. D. Sarwate, 'Upper bounds on the capacity of binary channels with causal adversaries,' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 3753 - 3763, Jun. 2013.
B. K. Dey, S. Jaggi, M. Langberg, 'Codes against online adversaries, part I: Large alphabets,' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 59, no. 6, pp. 3304 - 3316, Jun. 2013.
B. K. Rai, B. K. Dey, 'On network coding for sum-networks,' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 58, no. 1, January 2012, pp. 50 - 63.
Conference Presentations
B. K. Dey, S. Jaggi and M. Langberg, 'Sufficiently Myopic Adversaries are Blind,' ISIT 2015, Hong Kong.
M. Mishra, B. K. Dey, V. M. Prabhakaran, S. Diggavi, 'On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of the Degraded Wiretapped Binary Erasure Channel,' ISIT 2015, Hong Kong.
M. Mishra, T. Sharma, B. K. Dey and V. M. Prabhakaran, 'Private Data Transfer over a Broadcast Channel,' ISIT 2015, Hong Kong.
J. Ravi, B. K. Dey, 'Zero-Error Function Computation through a Bidirectional Relay,' ITW 2015, Jerusalem, Israel.
J. Ravi, B. K. Dey, E. Viterbo, 'Oblivious Transfer over OFDM and MIMO Channels,' ITW 2015, Jerusalem, Israel.
D. Data, B. K Dey, M. Mishra, V. M Prabhakaran, 'How to Securely Compute the Modulo-Two Sum of Binary Sources,' ITW 2014, Hobart, Australia.
S. Sreekumar, S. R. B. Pillai and B. K. Dey, 'On the Adaptive Capacity Region of Fading MACs with Distributed CSI,' ITW 2014, Hobart, Australia.
M. Mishra, B. K. Dey, V. Prabhakaran, S. Diggavi, 'On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity Region of the Binary Erasure Broadcast Channel,' ITW 2014, Hobart, Australia.