G. Kumar and K.C. Gupta, “Trapezoidal shaped microstrip antennas for wider bandwidth and beamwidth”, Int. conf. on communication and circuit systems, Calcutta, India, p. 7, Dec. 1981.
G. Kumar and K.C. Gupta, “Gap - coupled microstrip antennas”, Int. Symp. on microwave and communication, Kharagpur, India, pp. 12 - 15, Dec 1981.
G. Kumar and K.C. Gupta, “Broadband microstrip antennas using coupled resonators”, IEEE AP - S Int. Symp. Digest, pp. 67 - 70, May 1983.
G. Kumar, L. Shafai, A. Ittipiboon and E. Bridges, “Characteristics of higher order modes of circular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP - S Int. Symp. Digest, pp. 573 - 576, June 1984.
G. Kumar, L. Shafai and G.B. Neilson, “Antenna technology for land mobile satellite communication”, Miconex Symp. Digest, Winnipeg, Canada, May 1985.
K. Parasnis, G. Kumar and L. Shafai, “A new microstrip antennas for generation of higher order modes”, IEEE AP – S Int. Symp. Digest, pp. 79 - 82, June 1985.
G. Kumar and L. Shafai, “Microstrip phased array antennas for mobile satellite communication”, IEEE AP - S Int. Symp. Digest, pp. 719 - 722, June 1985.
G. Kumar and L. Shafai, “Multifed technique to generate any higher order mode of circular microstrip antennas”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 40, p. 10, April 1986.
B. Rawat, G.R. Babu and G. Kumar, “A study of biomedical effects using electromagnetic field concept”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 41, p. 22, April 1987.
B. Rawat and G. Kumar, “Scattering matrix analysis of inverted strip dielectric waveguides”, IEEE Infrared and Millimetre wave Int. Conf. Digest, pp. 168 - 169, Dec. 1987.
G. Kumar, T. Hapy and J. Maalouf, “Voice - controlled video - display system”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 42, p. 52, April 1988.
G. Kumar, “Emphasis of creativity in the under graduate engineering education”, Supplement of Proc. of ASEE North - Midwest section Annual Meeting, Oct. 1988.
T. Gerber, K. Guillaume and G. Kumar, “Appliance timer using digital clock module”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 43, p. 91, April 1989.
P. Zabinsky and G. Kumar, “Data Acquisition for GOES series satellites”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 43, p. 110, April 1989.
D. Quack, J. Salls, and G. Kumar, “Infrared deer detector and time recorder”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 44, p. 113, April 1990.
J. Sloan, M. Hennes and G. Kumar, “12 Channel fibre optic data link”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 44, p. 115, April 1990.
C. Kohl and G. Kumar, “Microprocessor based remote well depth recording system”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 44, p. 100, April 1990.
D. Rogers and G. Kumar, “Design links engineering education with industry and community”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 44, p. 28, April 1990.
G. Kumar, “Innovative electronic design techniques leading towards research and economic development”, Proc. of North Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 44, p. 35, April 1990.
G. Kumar, D. Mathsen and A. Fletcher, “Planning for engineering education in 2000”, Proc. of Frontiers in education, Vienna, Austria, July 1990.
G. Kumar, “Teaching electronics design can be rewarding”, Proc. of ASEE North - Midwest section Annual Meeting, pp. 6.12 - 6.16 Oct. 1990.
M.H. Kostepen and G. Kumar, “Speech recognition using back propagation neural networks”, Proc. of IEEE TENCON' 91, New Delhi, vol. II, pp. 144 - 148, Aug. 1991.
G. Joshi, B.R. Bahiri, and G. Kumar, “Development of resonator controller for the super - conducting linear accelerator”, Symp. on Advanced Instrumentation for Nuclear Research, BARC, Bombay, pp. G2.1 - G2.9, Jan. 1993.
M.B. Nile and G. Kumar, “Analysis of circular sectors using Green's function and segmentation method”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 170 - 173, June 1994.
A.A. Rasheed and G. Kumar, “Single feed circularly polarised modified triangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 818 - 821, June 1994.
M.B. Nile, A.A. Rasheed and G. Kumar, “Broadband gap - coupled semi - circular and triangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 1202 - 1205, June 1994.
R. K. Singh and G. Kumar, “Edge - coupled and multilayered circular microstrip antennas”, 26th midterm symp. on microwaves and millimetre waves - Recent trends, DEAL, Dehradun, India, April 1995.
A.E. Daniel and G. Kumar, “Rectangular microstrip antenna with stub along the non radiating edge for dual band operation”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 2136 - 2139, June 1995.
A.E. Daniel and G. Kumar, “Dual and triple frequency stub loaded rectangular microstrip antenna”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 2140 - 2143, June 1995.
R.K. Singh and G. Kumar, “Broadband parasitically coupled circular microstrip antennas”, ISRAMT 95, Kiev, Ukraine, Sep. 1995.
A.E. Daniel and G. Kumar, “Multiport network model for tuneable rectangular microstrip antennas”, Proc. NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 572-577, Dec. 1995.
R. Kakkar and G. Kumar, “Broadband microstrip log - periodic antennas”, Proc. NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 578-583, Dec. 1995.
A. K. Singh and G. Kumar, “Microstrip feed for reflector antenna used in satellite receiver in C – Band”, Proc. NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 645-650, Dec. 1995.
A. Goel and G. Kumar, “Reduced height antennas for mobile communication”, Proc. NCC, Bombay, pp. 32-35, Feb. 1996.
R. Kakkar and G. Kumar, “Stagger tuned microstrip log-periodic antenna”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 1262 - 1265, June 1996.
A. K. Singh and G. Kumar, “EMCP microstrip antennas as feed for satellite receiver”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 1274 - 1277, June 1996.
R. K. Kotapati and G. Kumar, “Wideband aperture coupled microstrip antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-96, Kochi, pp. 86-89, Nov. 1996.
K.P. Ray, G. Kumar and S.H. Damle, “Direct coupled wideband and dual band semi-circular microstrip antennas”, Proc. APMC’96, N. Delhi, pp. 425-428, Dec. 1996.
N.P. Agrawall, K.P. Ray, G. Kumar, G.S. Isola, and R.S. Parolia, “Broadband circular and elliptical monopole antennas”, Proc. APMC’96, N. Delhi, pp. 749-752, Dec. 1996.
N.P. Agrawall, G. Kumar, and K.P. Ray, “New wideband monopole antennas” IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 248-251, July 1997.
S. Babu, I. Singh, and G. Kumar, “Improved linear transmission line model for rectangular, circular and triangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP - S Symp. Digest, pp. 614-617, July 1997.
S.K. Satpathy, K.P. Ray, and G. Kumar, “Compact microstrip antenna using a single shorting post”, NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 69-72, March 1998.
V. Srinivasan and G. Kumar, “Multiport network model for dual frequency shorted rectangular microstrip antennas”, NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 73-76, March 1998.
B. Balakrishnan and G. Kumar, “Electromagnetic coupled circular microstrip antennas for broadband, dual frequency and circular polarisation”, NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 77-80, March 1998.
N.K. Parhi and G. Kumar, “Moisture content measurement in liquids and solids using microstrip antennas”, NSAML, New Delhi, pp. 253-256, March 1998.
B. Balakrishnan and G. Kumar, “Dual band circularly polarized off-centered EMCP antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 316-319, June 1998.
B. Balakrishnan and G. Kumar, “Wideband and high gain electromagnetically coupled circular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 1112-1115, June 1998.
K.P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Stub loaded microstrip antenna”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-98, Kochi, pp. 84-87, Dec. 1998.
V. Srinivasan, R. Kapur, and G. Kumar, “MNM for compact dual frequency rectangular microstrip antenna”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-98, Kochi, pp. 88-91, Dec. 1998.
S.K. Satpathy, V. Srinivasan, K.P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Compact microstrip antennas for personal mobile communication”, IEEE TENCON-98, N. Delhi, pp. 245-248, Dec. 1998.
K.T.V. Reddy, V. Srinivasan, and G. Kumar, “Higher order modes of rectangular microstrip antenna”, Proc. NCC-99, I.I.T. Kharagpur, pp. 767-772, Jan. 1999.
V. Srinivasan, R. Kapur, S.K. Satpathy, and G. Kumar, “Multiport network model for C-shaped microstrip antenna”, Proc. NCC-99, I.I.T. Kharagpur, pp. 741-746, Jan. 1999.
R. Kapur and G. Kumar, “Hybrid-coupled shorted rectangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, July 1999.
K. P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Circular microstrip antenna with double stubs”, Proc. ISRAMT 99, Malaga, Spain, pp. 381-384, Dec. 1999.
K.P. Ray, G. Kumar and S.H.Damle, “Improved method for calculating the resonant frequency of microstrip antennas“, Proc. ISRAMT 99, Malaga, Spain, pp. 515-518, Dec. 1999.
V. Srinivasan, R. Kapur, and G. Kumar, “Analysis of C-microstrip antennas using MNM”, Proc. ISRAMT 99, Malaga, Spain, pp. 671-675, Dec. 1999.
V. Srinivasan, K.T.V. Reddy, and G. Kumar, “MNM for analysing second and third order modes of rectangular microstrip antenna”, Proc. ISRAMT 99, Malaga, Spain, pp. 688-691, Dec. 1999.
K. P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Broadband and dual-frequency gap coupled compact 900 sectoral microstrip antenna”, Proc. Radar Symp., Bangalore, India, pp. 88-94, Dec. 1999.
V. Srinivasan, K. P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Dual polarized microstrip antennas”, Proc. Radar Symp., Bangalore, India, Dec. 1999.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Broadband compact microstrip antennas”, Proc. Radar Symp., Bangalore, India, Dec. 1999.
S. Pandav and G. Kumar, “Analysis of Yagi-Uda antenna using Method of Moments”, Proc. NCC-2000, I.I.T. Delhi, India, pp. 45-48, Jan. 2000.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Shorted compact broadband microstrip antennas”, Proc. NCC-2000, I.I.T. Delhi, India, pp. 49-52, Jan. 2000.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Broadband circularly polarized square microstrip antennas”, Proc. IETE Symp., ETI-2000, Navi Mumbai, India, pp. 16-21, March 2000.
G. Kumar, “Broadband microstrip antennas”, Proc. NSAML-2000, Delhi, India, March 2000.
M. Datta and G. Kumar, “Planar gap-coupled circular microstrip antennas using two different substrates ”, Proc. NSAML-2000, Delhi, India, March 2000.
V. Srinivasan, K. P. Ray and G. Kumar, “Orthogonal polarised microstrip antennas”, Proc. NSAML-2000, Delhi, India, March 2000.
M. Datta and G. Kumar, “Broadband gap-coupled circular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 1418-1421, July 2000.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Hybrid coupled compact variations of rectangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 1422-1425, July 2000.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Stacked circular microstrip antennas for wideband circular polarization”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2000, Kochi, India, pp. 47-50, Dec. 2000.
M. Datta, R. Mohan, and G. Kumar, “Three gap-coupled triangular microstrip antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2000, Kochi, India, pp. 51-54, Dec. 2000.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Two way rectangular microstrip unequal power divider”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2000, Kochi, India, pp. 156-159, Dec. 2000.
P.V. Anob, K.P. Ray, G. Kumar, M.S. Bhatia, and V.K. Madan, “Circular mesh monopole antennas for EMI/EMC applications”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2000, Kochi, India, pp. 346-349, Dec. 2000.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Gap-coupled broadband circularly polarized square microstrip antennas”, ICCD-2000, I.I.T. Kharagpur, India, pp. 365-368, Dec. 2000.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Compact square ring microstrip antennas for circular polarization”, ELECTRO-2001, BHU, Varanasi, India, pp. 46-49, Jan. 2001.
K.P. Ray, V. Srinivasan, S. Satpathy, and G. Kumar, “Investigations on shorted rectangular microstrip antennas, ELECTRO-2001, BHU, Varanasi, India, pp. 153-156, Jan. 2001.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Compact circularly polarized microstrip antennas for wireless application”, Seminar on Wireless Multimedia Communication, IETE, Mumbai, India, pp. 6B.1.1-6B.1.5, Feb. 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband gap-coupled corner shorted microstrip antennas”, ISMOT 2001, Montreal, Canada, pp. 165-168, June 2001.
P.V. Anob and G. Kumar, “Wideband modified triangular monopole antennas”, ISMOT 2001, Montreal, Canada, pp. 169-172, June 2001
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Microstrip cross-over junctions with square configuration”, ISMOT 2001, Montreal, Canada, pp. 487-490, June 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband gap-coupled shorted L-shaped microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, vol. 1, pp. 106-109, July 2001.
P.V. Anob, K.P. Ray, and G. Kumar, “Wideband orthogonal square monopole antennas with semi-circular base”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, vol. 3, pp. 294-297, July 2001.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Stacked microstrip antennas for broadband circular polarization”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, vol. 3, pp. 420-423, July 2001.
G. Kumar and K.P. Ray, “Stacked gap-coupled multi-resonator rectangular microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, vol. 3, pp. 514-517, July 2001.
A.E. Daniel and G. Kumar, “Tunable multi-band rectangular microstrip antenna with two equal stubs”, MICROWAVE-2001, Jaipur, India, pp. 7-10, Nov. 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband C and W shaped gap-coupled microstrip antennas”, MICROWAVE-2001, Jaipur, India, pp. 7-10, Nov. 2001.
S.B. Ray, J.R. Deoghare and G. Kumar, “Semi-circular microstrip unequal and equal power divider”, MICROWAVE-2001, Jaipur, India, pp. 41-44, Nov. 2001.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Sequentially rotated nearly square microstrip antennas for broadband circular polarization”, MICROWAVE-2001, Jaipur, India, pp. 134-137, Nov. 2001.
K.T.V. Reddy and G. Kumar, “Planar gap-coupled circular microstrip antennas for wideband circular polarization”, International Radar Symposium India-2001, Bangalore, India, pp. 415-421, Dec. 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband gap-coupled square ring and W-shaped microstrip antennas”, International Radar Symposium India-2001, Bangalore, India, pp. 853-861, Dec. 2001.
K.T.V. Reddy, G. Kumar and K.P. Ray, “Reliability of dual feed circularly polarized square microstrip antennas”, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control, Mumbai, India, pp. R61.1-R61.4, Dec. 2001.
A.E. Daniel, G. Kumar and K.P. Ray, “Reliability of electromagnetically coupled rectangular microstrip antennas”, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control, Mumbai, India, pp. R62.1-R62.4, Dec. 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Reliability of suspended rectangular microstrip antennas”, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control, Mumbai, India, pp. R63.1-R63.4, Dec. 2001.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband gap-coupled center shorted rectangular microstrip antennas”, National Conference on Communications-2002, IIT Bombay, India, pp. 214-218, Jan. 2002.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Microstrip circular disc and ring cross-over junctions”, National Conference on Communications -2002, IIT Bombay, India, pp. 270-274, Jan. 2002.
M.S. Bhatia and G. Kumar, “On the EMI potential of various laser types”, Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Bangalore, India, pp. 3-5, Feb. 2002.
M.S. Bhatia, V.K. Madan, A.S. Dongare, R. Phulluke, G. Kumar and V. Agarwal, “Mapping of radiation field from a discharge laser head”, Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Bangalore, India, pp. 6-10, Feb. 2002.
R. Phulluke, V. Agarwal, G. Kumar, M.S. Bhatia, V.K. Madan, and A.S. Dongare, “Conducted EMI issue and design of EMI filters for AC power supply feeding a copper vapour type laser”, Proc. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Bangalore, India, pp. 267-271, Feb. 2002.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband C-shaped stacked microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, June 2002.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact rectangular microstrip antenna for conical radiation pattern”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, June 2002.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Design of 2-way equal power dividers using lumped elements”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2002, Kochi, India, pp. 159-162, Dec. 2002.
G. Kumar and K.P. Ray, “Suspended multilayer multi-resonator rectangular microstrip antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2002, Kochi, India, pp. 225-228, Dec. 2002.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband S-shaped stacked Microstrip Antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2002, Kochi, India, pp. 229-232, Dec. 2002.
A.E. Daniel and G. Kumar, “Slot loaded rectangular microstrip antenna for tunable dual band operation”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2002, Kochi, India, pp. 233-236, Dec. 2002.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Compact rectangular ring unequal power divider”, International MTT Symposium, June 2003.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Suspended four feed square microstrip antenna for broadband circular polarization”, AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 284-287, June 2003.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact broadband shorted square microstrip antenna”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 872-875, June 2003.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Half U-slot loaded rectangular microstrip antenna”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 876-879, June 2003.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Broadband rectangular microstrip antenna with pairs of slots”, ISMOT, Ostrava, Czech Republic, August 2003.
S.B. Ray and G. Kumar, “Broadband suspended dual feed microstrip antenna with feed network”, ISMOT, Ostrava, Czech Republic, August 2003.
Soma B. Maran, V K Singh, Virpal Singh, R.P. Dixit, Sudhabindu Ray, and Girish Kumar, “Development of Ka-band microstrip patch array antenna”, National Communication Conference (NCC-2004), I.I.Sc. Bangalore, India, Jan. 2004.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Even mode multi-port network model for dual band rectangular microstrip antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2004, Kochi, India, Dec. 2004.
P. Chine and G. Kumar, “Space fed microstrip antenna array”, Proc. ICAT-2005, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 119-122, Feb. 2005.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact E and S-shaped microstrip antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, Washington, USA, pp. 297-300, July 2005.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact and broadband rectangular microstrip antenna using stepped U or V-slot”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, Washington, USA, pp. 389-392, July 2005.
P. Chine and G. Kumar, “Three dimensional, efficient, directive microstrip antenna array”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, Washington, USA, July 2005.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Broadband L-probe fed rectangular microstrip antenna”, ISMOT, Japan, pp. 394 – 397, August 2005.
P. Chine and G. Kumar, “Circularly polarized space fed microstrip antenna array”, ISMOT, Japan, pp. 398-401, August 2005.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Formulation of Resonant Frequency for Compact Microstrip Antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pg. 1981 – 1984, New Mexico, USA, July 2006.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Compact Broadband Stacked Microstrip Antennas”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, pp. 3747 – 3750, New Mexico, USA, July 2006.
S.K. Das, R. Gupta, and G. Kumar, “Dual-Band Planar Monopole Antenna”, IEEE AP-S Symp. Digest, New Mexico, USA, July 2006.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Modified U-slot loaded Rectangular Microstrip Antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2004, Kochi, India, pp. 51 – 54, Dec. 2006.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Broadband Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antennas”, Proc. APSYM-CUSAT-2004, Kochi, India, pp. 217 – 220, Dec. 2006.
A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, “Broadband Slotted Rectangular Microstrip Antennas”, National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT), Mumbai, March 2007.
A. Kundu and G. Kumar, “Low cost implementation of GPR for landmine detection”, National Conference on Communications-2008, IIT Bombay, India, Jan. 2008.
M. M. Mhala, P. Desai and G. Kumar, “Broadband impedance matching network for RF power amplifier”, National Conference on Communications-2008, IIT Bombay, India, Jan. 2008.
Gopal Joshi, P. Singh, Girish Kumar and Vivek Agarwal, “Resonant Frequency Tracking System”, Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, Indore, Feb. 10-13, 2009
G. Joshi, M. Vretenar, G. Kumar, and V. Agarwal, “Development of RF System Model for one Resonator fed with two Amplifiers”, Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) 2009, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009.
G. Joshi, G. Kumar, R. G. Pillay, and V. Agarwal, “Development of the Model of a Self-Excited Loop”, Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) 2009, Vancouver, Canada, May 2009.
R. S. Kashyap and G. Kumar, “Dualband microstrip bandpass filters with narrow passbands and good in-between rejection”, ISMOT, Delhi, India, pp. 76-77, Dec. 2009.
R. S. Kashyap and G. Kumar, “Coupled line bandpass filter with attenuation poles for UWB applications”, ISMOT, Delhi, India, pp. 78-79, Dec. 2009.
G. Kumar and R. Bhide, “Space fed microstrip antenna arrays”, ISMOT, Delhi, India, pp. 392-393, Dec. 2009.
N. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Biological effects of cell tower radiation on human body”, ISMOT, Delhi, India, pp. 678-679, Dec. 2009.
G. Joshi, Sujo C.I., P.D. Motiwala, P. Singh, G. Kumar and V. Agarwal, “RF Control Electronics for 400keV RFQ”, National Symposium on Nuclear Instrumentation, NSNI-10, Mumbai, India, pp. 160-164, Feb. 24-26, 2010.
G. Joshi, G. Kumar and V. Agarwal, “Development of Digital Self Excited Loop”, National Symposium on Nuclear Instrumentation, NSNI-10, Mumbai, India, pp. 195-198, Feb. 24-26, 2010.
M. Arrawatia, M. S. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “RF Energy Harvesting System at 2.67GHz and 5.8GHz”, Proc. APMC, Japan, pp.900-903, Dec. 2010.
M. Arrawatia, M. S. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “RF Energy Harvesting System from Cell Towers in 900MHz Band”, NCC2011, Bangalore, India, pp.1-5, Jan. 2011.
G. Kumar, D. Unnikrishnan, , V. R. Bala, M. Pande, and V. K. Handu, “Tunable waveguide WR2300 to N-type coaxial adapter”, INPAC2011, Delhi, India, Feb. 2011.
V. R. Bala, J. K. Mishra, M. Pande, V. K. Handu, G. Kumar, and J. Mukherjee, “Analysis and Design of High Power Solid-state Module at 350
MHz for RF Accelerator”, INPAC2011, Delhi, India, Feb. 2011.
C. Kaur, M. Arrawatia, and G. Kumar, “Low power portable GPS based transceiver for sea and land surveillance”, ICCSP2011, Calicut, India, pp.379-383, Feb. 2011.
G. Kumar and N. Kumar, “Thermal effects of cell phone and cell tower radiation”, Micro-Nano-2011, JNU, Delhi, India, March 2011.
D. Unnikrishnan and G. Kumar, “Half wavelength double-ridged half height rectangular waveguide resonator”, Proc. ICVCI, Kottayam, Kerala, India, pp. 586-590, April 2011.
D. Bhatnagar, et al, “Microwave Related Activities in India: An Overview” Proc. 41st European Microwave Conference, Manchester, UK, pp. 1356-1359, Oct. 2011.
P. Mathur, G. Kumar and M. Chattopadhyay, “Non radiating edge gap coupled microstrip antennas for 3G Applications”, ICMARS, Jodhpur, India, pp. 219-220, December 2011.
M. Arrawatia, V. Diddi, H. Kochar, M. S. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “An Integrated CMOS RF Energy Harvester with Differential Microstrip Antenna and On-Chip Charger”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on VLSI Design, pp.209-214, Hyderabad, India, Jan. 2012.
P.K. Mishra and G. Kumar, “Dual polarized circular microstrip space-fed antenna array design with high isolation and broad bandwidth”, ICDCS, Coimbatore, India, pp. 538-542, March 2012.
P. Mathur, G. Kumar and M. Chattopadhyay, “Non-radiating edge gap coupled Capsule- shaped and Nose-shaped Microstrip Antennas for 3G Applications”, ICECT, Kanyakumari, India, April 2012.
P. Pathak, P.K. Mishra, G. Kumar and D.N. Singh, “Detection of water level by monopole antenna”, National conference on Recent Trends in Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave 2012), Jaipur, India, July 2012.
M. Arrawatia, A. Yadav, M.S. Baghini and G. Kumar, “Broadband Elliptical Rectenna for RF Energy Harvesting”, National conference on Recent Trends in Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave 2012), Jaipur, India, July 2012.
P.K. Mishra and G. Kumar, “Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Array for Broad Beamwidth in the Horizontal E-Plane”, National conference on Recent Trends in Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave 2012), Jaipur, India, July 2012.
P. Mathur, M. Chattopadhyay and G. Kumar, “Orthogonal fed Four Edges Gap Coupled Microstrip Antennas for 3G Applications”, National conference on Recent Trends in Microwave Techniques and Applications (Microwave 2012), Jaipur, India, July 2012.
N. Kumar, I. Das and G. Kumar, “Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards and its Biological Effect”, Proc. of National Conf. on Harmful Effects of Mobile Phone Radiations on the Health of Human Beings, Barwani, India, p. 1, Sep. 2012.
I. Das, N. Kumar, and G. Kumar, “Review of Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Plant Growth and Productivity”, Proc. of National Conf. on Harmful Effects of Mobile Phone Radiations on the Health of Human Beings, Barwani, India, p. 2, Sep. 2012.
I. Das, G. Kumar and N.G. Shah, Disinfestation of food products using microwave energy: A review”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Food Processing & Technology, Hyderabad, p. 82, Nov. 2012.
G. Kumar, “Cell Phone/Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Engineering, NUiCONE, Ahmedabad, India, pp. 109-110, Dec. 2012.
M. Arrawatia, M.S. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “RF Energy Harvesting from FM Towers” National Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSYM 2012), India, Dec. 2012.
G. Kumar, “Health Hazards due to Cell Phone/Tower Radiation and Solutions”, Proc. of 15th Annual Conf. of Indian Assoc. of Preventive and Social Medicine, Jhansi, India, Dec. 2012.
G. Kumar, “Cell Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions”, International Conf. on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems, Kolkata, India, Dec. 2012.
B. V. Ramarao, J. K. Mishra, Manjiri Pande, P. Singh, G. Kumar, and J. Mukherjee, “Comparison study of LDMOS and VDMOS technologies for RF power ”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1512, pp. 492-493, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2012.
P. K. Mishra and G. Kumar, “Electromagnetically coupled dual polarized antenna with high isolation and broad bandwidth”, International Symposium on Microwaves (ISM), Bengaluru, India, Dec. 2012.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “A dual orthogonally polarized antenna with high isolation and broad bandwidth”, International Conference on Navigation and Communication (NAVCOM), Hyderabad, India, pp. 228-232, Dec. 2012.
P.K. Mishra and G. Kumar, “Broadband Sectoral Antenna Array Using Printed Dipole with Reflector for Wider Beam Coverage in H-Plane”, National Conference on Communications-2013, IIT Delhi, India, pp. 1-5, Feb. 2013.
G. Kumar, “Cell Towers - an income avenue or a menace”, National Conference on Co-operative Societies, Trusts, Redevelopment of properties, legal and taxation aspects, Mumbai, India, pp. 47-55, Aug. 2013.
G. Kumar, P. Mathur, G. Joshi, R. Kumar and BV Ramarao, “Design and Development of RF Components for Linear Accelerator”, National Symp. on Nuclear Instrumentation (NSNI), Mumbai, pp. 4-5, Nov. 2013.
R. Tejwani, G. Kumar, C.S. Solanki, “Remote Monitoring for Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Rural Application Using GSM Voice Channel”, Presented at ISES Solar World Congress 2013, Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 2013.
G. Kumar, “Cell Phone/Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions”, National Conference on Mobile Phones & Electromagnetic Pollution Hazards: Challenges and Solutions”, Jaipur, India, pp. 22-23, Dec. 2013.
I. Das, G. Kumar, and N.G. Shah, “Simultaneous Blanching and Drying of button Mushroom (AgaricusBisporus) using Microwave Enhanced Hot Air Heating System”, 2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences, Hyderabad, India, p. 124, Feb. 2014.
H. Patil, I. Das, G. Kumar, and N.G. Shah, “Almond Quality as Influenced by Microwave Treatment for Disinfestation”, 2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences, Hyderabad, India, p. 127, Feb. 2014.
G. Kumar, “Cell Phone/Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions”, National Seminar on Cell Phone/Tower Radiation Hazards and Solutions”, IASST, Guwahati, India, pp. 7-8, Feb. 2014.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “A broadband cavity-backed slot antenna design with small cavity height and analysis on large ground plane”, National Conference on Communication (NCC), Kanpur, India, pp. 1-6, Feb.-March 2014.
A. Mardikar, M. Arrawatia, and G. Kumar, “Broadband Fractal Monopole Antenna for GSM 900, GSM 1800 and 3G Bands”, Indian Antenna Week, Chandigarh, May 2014.
G. Kumar and R. Kaur, “Effect of Cell Tower Radiation on Environment”, National Seminar on Advances in Mobile Phone and Cell Tower Radiation on Environmental Health (NAME-2014), JNU, Delhi, India, Dec. 2014.
V Srinivasa Rao, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “Design and Development of Broadband Circularly Polarized C-Band Microstrip Antenna Array” Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Pune, India, Dec. 2014.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “Circularly Polarized Active Antenna Array for Telemetry Reception”, 2014 IEEE International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC), Bengaluru, India, pp. 282-285, Dec. 2014.
M. Arrawatia, M. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “Broad Band Directional Triangular Microstrip Antenna Array”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation (Apsym-2014), Cochin, India, Dec 17-19, 2014.
B. V. Ramarao, S. Sonal, J. K. Mishra, M. Pande, P. Singh, G. Kumar, and J. Mukherjee, “Design of a Four-Way 5 kW, 325
MHz Wilkinson Power Combiner for RF Accelerator”, 14th International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation (Apsym-2014), Cochin, India, Dec 17-19, 2014.
Rajbala, K. P. Ray and Girish Kumar, “Effect of Finite Ground Plane on the Performance of Rectangular Microwave Antennas”, 10th International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Propagation and Remote Sensing (ICMARS-2014), Jodhpur, India, pp. 215-218, ICMARS14407, Dec. 9-12,2014.
A. Mardikar, R. Mohan, M. Arrawatia, and G. Kumar “Dual Band Dual Circular Ring Monopole Antennas” National Conference on Communication (NCC-2015), Mumbai, India, 27 Feb -1 March, 2015
D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “A Four Branch Microstrip Coupler with Improved Bandwidth and Isolation”, Proc. 21st National Conference on Communications (NCC), Mumbai, India, pp. 1-6, 27 Feb - 1 March, 2015.
H. Patil, I. Das, G. Kumar, N.G. Shah, “Microwave disinfestation and quality analysis of peanut kernels”, ICEF12 - 12th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Quebec, Canada, June 14 -18, 2015.
H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Design and Parametric Analysis of Pyramidal Horn Antenna with High Efficiency”, ISMOT, Dresden, Germany, pp. 134-137, 29 June – 1 July, 2015.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “Effect of Superstrate on High Gain Space-fed Antenna Arrays”, ISMOT, Dresden, Germany, pp. 138-141, 29 June – 1 July, 2015.
V. Rao, M. Arrawatia, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “Broadband Planar Triangular and Circular Bi-directional Antennas”, ISMOT, Dresden, Germany, pp. 152-155, 29 June – 1 July, 2015.
D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “High Isolation Dual Three Branch Microstrip Couplers”, ISMOT, Dresden, Germany, pp. 160-163, 29 June – 1 July, 2015
M. Arrawatia, M. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “A Dual Band Dual Polarized Bidirectional Horse Shoe Shape Antenna”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1948-1949, 19-25 July 2015.
P. Mathur, G. Kumar, Y. K. Verma, P. K. Mishra, “Large Gain Linear Series-Fed Microstrip Antenna Arrays at Ka and C bands”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1872-1873, 19-25 July 2015.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar and G. Kumar, “Gap-coupled Series-fed Antenna Array with Improved Bandwidth”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Vancouver, Canada, 19-25 July 2015.
M. Arrawatia, M. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “A CMOS power amplifier with 180° hybrid on-chip coupler for 4G applications,” IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Fort Collins, USA, pp.1-4, 2-5 Aug. 2015.
V Srinivasa Rao, Vipin W. Paradkar, DR Jahagirdar, and G. Kumar, “Wideband Broad Beamwidth Circularly Polarized Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna with RF Switch for Data Link Application”, IMARC, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 2015.
G. Joshi, P. Singh, V. Agarwal, G. Kumar, “Digital limiter for a self-excited loop”, ID- 343, InPAC 2015, Mumbai, pp. 855-859, Dec. 2015
G. Joshi, A. Agashe, B.K. Sahu, P. Singh, V. Agarwal, G. Kumar, “Digital self-excited loop based RF control for the superconducting resonators of IUAC Linac”, ID-344, InPAC 2015, Mumbai, pp.860 -862, Dec. 2015.
A. Majumdar, R. Varghese, A. Shukla, M. Arrawatia, and G. Kumar, “Anxiety response in rats exposed to 900
MHz non-ionizing radiation”, National Seminar on Effects of mobile phone radiation on plant, human & other animals, Chas, Bokaro, India, p. 1, April 2016.
A. Shukla, I. Das, G. Kumar, R. Varghese, and A. Majumdar, “Effect of 2.45
GHz on rat using microwave oven integrated with horn antenna”, National Seminar on Effects of mobile phone radiation on plant, human & other animals, Chas, Bokaro, India, p. 2, April 2016.
M. Arrawatia, M. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “Broadband RF Energy Harvesting System covering CDMA, GSM900, GSM1800, 3G Bands with Inherent Impedance Matching”, IEEE International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, USA, May 2016.
M. Arrawatia, M. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “Broadband Rectenna Array for RF Energy Harvesting”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Puerto Rico, USA, June 2016.
H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Microstrip Antenna Array with Ratrace Comparator at X-Band for Monopulse Tracking Radar”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Puerto Rico, USA, pp. 513-514, June 2016.
H. Kumar, G. Kumar, Y. Verma, and P. K. Mishra, “Compact Waveguide Monopulse Comparator at Ka-Band for Monopulse Tracking”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Puerto Rico, USA, pp. 1357-1358, June 2016.
D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “A Four Port Microstrip Testset for Network Analyzers”, Proc. 46th European Microwave Conference, London, UK, pp. 377-380, Oct. 2016.
P. Mathur and G. Kumar, “Improved Performance of Microstrip Antenna Arrays Through Electromagnetic Coupling At Ka-band” 2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough, UK, Nov. 2016.
H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “An Inverted Suspended Microstrip Antenna Array Integrated with Ratrace Comparator at X-Band for Monopulse Tracking”, Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016), New Delhi, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016.
S. Sharma, H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Single Feed Dual Band Circularly Polarized Stub Loaded Tunable Microstrip Patch Antenna”, Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016), New Delhi, Dec. 2016.
P. Mathur and G. Kumar, “Non-Radiating Edge Coupled Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Array”, Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016), New Delhi, Dec. 2016.
R. Chopra, G. Kumar, and R. Lakhmani, “Corner Fed Microstrip Antenna Array with Reduced Cross Polarization and Side Lobe Level”, Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016), New Delhi, Dec. 2016.
P. K. Mishra, D. R. Jahagirdar, and G. Kumar, “Broadband Cylindrical Cavity Backed Slot Antenna for Telemetry Applications”, Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC-2016), New Delhi, Dec. 2016.
D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “Asymmetric high isolation 6 dB microstrip couplers for load sensing applications,” IEEE MTT-S Intl. Microwave and RF Conference, New Delhi, India, pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016.
S. P. Wadkar, S. M. Rathod, H. Kumar, G. Kumar and B. G. Hogade, “Normal Mode Helical Antenna at 1.8
GHz with Small Circular Ground Plane”, 15th International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation (Apsym-2016), Cochin, India, , pp. 1-4, Dec. 2016.
H. Patil, I. Das, G. Kumar, and N. G. Shah, “Disinfestation of Sesame Seeds using Microwaves along with Quality Analysis and Shelf Life Studies”, Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, Dec. 2016.
H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Compact Planar Yagi-Uda Antenna with Improved Characteristics”, 11th IEEE European Conference on Antenna and Propagation, Paris, France, pp. 2008-2012, 19-24 March 2017.
S. P. Wadkar, G. Kumar, R. Chopra, and B.G. Hogade, “Broadband and high gain stacked antennas for wireless communication systems”, Indian Antenna Week (IAW), Pune, India, June 2017.
H. Kumar and G. Kumar, “Compact Planar Log-Periodic Dipole Array Based Yagi-Uda Antenna,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, California, July 2017
P. Mathur and G. Kumar, ”Waveguide fed Microstrip Antenna Array using I-shaped slots at Ka-band,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, California, July 2017.
M. Arrawatia, M.S. Baghini, and G. Kumar, “Broadband Omnidirectional Antenna for GSM900, GSM1800, 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, California, July 2017
D. Ghosh and G. Kumar, “Broadband high directivity asymmetric microstrip coupler using quadrature mode suppression,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, Nov. 2017.
D. Ghosh, V. B. Narayane and G. Kumar, “Improved bandwidth four branch microstrip coupler using lumped and distributed elements,” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, Nov. 2017
R. Chopra and G. Kumar, “Compact Dumbbell Shaped Microstrip Antenna with Suppressed Harmonics” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, Nov. 2017.
A. K. Singh, H. Kumar, G. Kumar, and M. R. Tripathy, “Seven Element Wideband Planar Log-periodic Antenna for TVWS Base Station” Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Singapore, Nov. 2017.
K. K. Bindu, R. Chopra, and G. Kumar, “Low Cost Broadband Stacked Circular Microstrip Antenna” Conference of Indian Antenna Innovation and Modern Technologies (IAIM), Bangalore, India, Nov. 2017.
S. P. Wadkar, S. M. Rathod, H. Kumar, G. Kumar and B. G. Hogade, “Effect of variation of height on performance of normal mode helical antenna”, 6th Biennial Applied Electromagnetics Conference, Aurangabad, India, Dec. 2017.