1. “Parallel metal plated split U-shape Omnidirectional UWB Antenna”, S K Mishra, R K Gupta, A Vaidya, J Mukherjee, Application No 2792/MUM/2011, Indian Patent No 302835
2. “Wide Range Mixer”, Indian Patent No 332918, Vaibhav Singh, Jayanta Mukherjee
3. “Underground Communication System”, Ashutosh Patri and Jayanta Mukherjee US Patent No 10541759
4. “Low Cost, Efficient, High Gain and Wideband Microstrip Antenna fed Yagi Array in Fabry Perot Cavity”, A Vaidya, R K Gupta, J Mukherjee, S K Mishra, Indian Patent No 341129.
1. “Electrically Small Multilayered Hemi-Cylindrical Antenna for Underground Coal Mine Communication”, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Kalva Nagalakshmaiah and Jayanta Mukherjee, Indian Patent Application No E-11/34/2020/MUM
2. “Wearable Finger-Ring for Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring Using Electromagnetic Waves”, Pratik Sawant, Prakruti Barot, J Mukherjee, Indian Patent Application No.: 202021034704 dated August 12,2020.
1. Dr Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Thesis Title - Multilayer Directional and Planar Omnidirectional Antennas
2. Dr Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Thesis Title - Printed and Parallel Metal Plated UWB Antennas for Wireless Communication
3. Dr Jai Narayan Tripathi, Co advised with Prof P Apte, Thesis Title - Design and Optimization for Signal Integrity and Power Integrity
4. Dr Biswajeet Mukherjee, Young Scientist Award Winner, 2014 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China
Thesis Title - Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wideband and High Gain Applications
5. Dr Avinash Vaidya, Thesis Title - Gain and Bandwidth Improvement of Linearly and Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas
6. Dr G Shrikanth Reddy, Raman Charpak Fellow
Thesis Title - Design and Analysis of UWB Antennas with MIMO/Diversity and Multi Band-notch Characteristics
7. Dr Pragati Patel, Young Scientist Award Winner & Student paper contest Finalist, URSI AT-RASC 2015, Gran Canaria, Spain
Thesis Title - Design of Wideband and Compact Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas
8. Dr Krishnamoorthy K., Co advised with Prof K.P Ray, SAMEER Mumbai, Thesis Title - Analysis & Design of reconfigurable and multiband antennas using electromagnetic metamaterials
9. Dr Ashish Chittora, Thesis Title - Novel Designs of TM01 to TE11 Mode Converter for High Power Microwave Applications
10.Dr Basudev Majumder, Co advised with Prof K P Ray, DST INSPIRE FELLOW,
Thesis Title - Analysis and Design of Reconfigurable and Compact Wideband Antennas Using Electromagnetic Metamaterials
11.Dr Shilpa Kharche, Thesis Title - Multielement and high gain ultra wide band antenna
12.Dr Anil Kamma, Eiffel Excellence Scholar, CST University Publication Award 2014 winner, Raman Charpak Fellow,
Thesis Title - Design & synthesis of ultra-wide band and multi-band filters based on multi-mode resonators
13. Dr Darshak Bhat, Prime Ministers Fellow, IIT Bombay Monash Research Academy Scholar, Co Advised with Prof Jean Michel Redoute, Monash University,
Thesis Title - Study and Design of Integrated Mixer and LNA Topologies for WiFi and Wideband Systems with a High Immunity to Parasitic Signal
14. Dr Jogesh C Dash, URSI-Young Scientist Award at URSI-RCRS 2022
Thesis Title - Design, Analysis and Performance Evaluation of MIMO Antenna Configurations
15. Dr Shashank Tiwari, Thesis Title - Design of Low Power RF Receiver Front End Modules for Wideband Radios
16. Dr Ayaz Ahmad, Thesis Title - Open Stopband Suppressed Microstrip Periodic Leaky-Wave Antennas
17. Dr Vivek Tamrakar, Thesis Title - Input-Output Harmonic Controlled High-Efficiency Broadband RF Power Amplifiers for 5G Applications
18. Dr Ravi H.K., Thesis Title - Phase Frequency Detectors With Improved Average Gain, Minimal Blind Zone and Lock-in Detection for Fast Settling Phase Locked Loops
1. B. Anil Kumar, MTech 2008
2. Diwakar Suvvari, MTech 2008
3. Kapil Jainwal, MTech 2008
4. Siva Rama Krishna R, DD 2008, Prof M Shojaei-Baghini, Co-Superviser
5. Pankaj Arora, Co Supervised with Prof V Agarwal, 2009
6. B S Koyarh,MTech 2009
7. P Kalapala,MTech 2009
8. B P Dwivedi,MTech 2010
9. Vijay Ghanwat,MTech 2010
10. Prem Bahadur,MTech 2010
11. Kunal Vyas,DD 2010
12. Jay Waghmare,DD 2010
13. Kamlesh Meena,DD 2010
14. Vaibhav Singh, DD 2010
15. Saurabh Dubey, DD 2010
16. Nekman Verma, DD 2011
17. Ashay Shah, DD 2012
18. Sudheer Kamisetty, MTech 2012
19. Manish Patidar, Mtech 2012
20. Prashant Bhut, Mtech 2012
21. Siva Kumar G, Mtech 2012
22. Billa Swamy, MTech 2012
23. Hance Tharakan, MTech 2013
24. Monalisa Debata, MTech 2013
25. Krushit Kalaria, MTech 2013
26. Jiten Tandon, MTech 2013
27. Mohan Sai Kaushik, DD 2013
28. Rajesh Singh Parmar, MTech 2014
29. Kaustubh Chhabilwad, DD 2015, URA 3 Research Award
30. Akash Singh Kirar, MTech 2015
31. Jitendra Kumar Sahu, MTech 2015
32. Rohan Pillai, DD 2015
33. Jagdish Bhise, DD 2015
34. Nikhil Patil, DD 2015
34. Taraka Satish Kumar, DD 2015
35. M.Srinivasa Rao, MTech, 2015
36. Sandeep Singh, MTech, 2016
37. Hari Kiran, MTech, 2016
38. Aswathy Nandakumar, MTech 2017
39. Umang Shah, MTech 2017
40. Palla Pavankumar, MTech 2017
41. Krati Sethi, DD 2017
42. Prakruti, MTech 2020
43. Mihir Parikh, DD 2020
44. Shubham Gupta, DD 2020
45. Himanshu Kala, DD 2020
46. Vivian Lazarus, MTech 2020
47. Subrata Pradhan, MTech 2020
48. Abhinaw Kumar, MTech 2020
49. Aditya Rairkar, MTech 2021
50. Tushar Singh, MTech 2021
51. Shaurya Sindhu, DD 2021
52. Kriti Kamna, DD 2021
53. Sanjay Khatri, DD 2021
54. Navoj R, DD 2021
55. Navnit Kumar, DD 2021
56. Sahil Kumar, DD 2021
57. Chandan Kumar, DD 2021
58. M Srujana, MTech 2021
59. Pradeep Meena, MTech 2021
60. Abhishek Patel, MTech 2021
61. Tavish Mina, DD 2022
62. Naman Narang, DD 2022
63. Siddharth Maniar, DD 2022
64. Siddharth Jain, MTech 2022
65. Chirag Meena, DD 2023
66. Vaibhavi Agrawal, DD 2023
67. Riya Sharma, DD 2023
68. Uttam Bansal, DD 2023
69. Anushree Suhalka, DD 2023
70. Rishabh Sureka, DD 2023
71. Gaurav Kumar, DD 2023
72. Rishabh Gautam, DD 2023
73. Ayush Dahale, DD 2023
74. Hrishikesh Baviskar, DD 2023
75. Ujjwal Kalra, DD 2023
76. Rajat Soni, DD 2023
77. Harshit Srivastava, DD 2023
78. Mayur Ware, DD 2024
79. Apoorva Hotkar, DD 2024
80. Patteti Yashaswini, DD 2024
81. Kshitiz Susawat, DD 2024
82. Vipin Paradkar, MTech 2024
83. Kartikeya Chandra, DD 2024
84. Penumala Anudeep, DD 2024
1. Gold Medalist, Bachelor of Engineering, BIT Mesra
2. Texas Instruments Fellow 2001-2004, The Ohio State University
3. “DST - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Programme 2012” selected for top 50 technologies
4. IIT Bombay , Industrial Research and Consultancy Center, Young Investigator Award 2012.
5. Indian National Science Academy, Indo - Australia Early Career Researcher Fellowship 2012-13
6. Senior Member IEEE
7. CST University Publication Award 2014 for the following publication - “Multi-Band Notch UWB Band Pass Filter with Novel Contiguous Split Rings Embedded in Symmetrically Tapered Elliptic Rings.” A. Kamma, S. R. Gupta, G. S. Reddy, and J. Mukherjee Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 39, 133-148, 2013. .
* Editor, IETE Technical Review, July 2014 - 2019
* Invited as Guest Editor, IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Section : MIMO Antennas for 5G applications and beyond
* Session chair, Microstrip Leaky Wave Antennas and Periodic Structures, APS/URSI 2023
* Member Conference Organizing Committee, EuCAP 2022
* Convened Session and session chair - “MIMO Antennas for 5G applications” , EuCAP 2022
* Session Chair , Antenna and Microwave Theory, Indicon 2021
* Member, Conference Organizing Committee, EuCAP 2021
* Member, Organizing Committee, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2016, Delhi
* Session Chair - RF, Microwave and Optical track IEEE MWSCAS 2010
* Member, Program Committee - VLSI Conference, Chennai 2011
1. “Decoupling Network Optimization by Swarm Intelligence”, Jai N Tripathi, Jayanta Mukherjee, Computational Intelligence in Electronic Design, Springer, Sep 2015
2. “Kurokawa theory of oscillator design and phase-noise theory”, Nonlinear RF Circuits and Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzers”, Cambridge University Press, 2011
3. “Design Automation, Modeling, Optimization and Testing of Analog/RF Circuits and Systems by Particle Swarm Optimization”, Jai N Tripathi, J Mukherjee, P R Apte, Swarm Intelligence for Electric and Electronic Engineering, IGI Global Publishers
1. “Microwave Patch Antenna-Based Dielectric Characterization of Protein Denaturation: Correlation with Established Analytical Techniques”, Urvashi Singh, J Mukherjee, Shahiroze Khetani, Accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal
2. “Design of Stubs in a Comb-line Leaky-Wave Antenna for Minimizing Gain Variation at Broadside”, Ayaz Ahmad, Shanu Kumar and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3. “A Simple Sinusoidal Curve based 1-D PLWA for High Gain Continuous Beam Scanning”, Vishakha Pandey , Ayaz Ahmad, J Mukherjee, Accepted in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
4. “3D Geometric-based Indoor Stochastic Modeling using Inverse Parabolic Scatterer Distribution”, Akshay Kaushal, Vipin Paradkar and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation
5. “Design of Wideband and Wide-Angle Matching Bumper to Improve Automotive Radar Performance”, Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Sensors Letters
6. “Microstrip Patch antenna as sensor based on Meta material integrated structures for non-invasive characterization of biological materials”, Urvashi Singh, Ayaz Ahmad, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Sensors Journal.
7. “Wideband low profile magneto-electric dipole antenna stacked with patch and metasurface”, Sonal Gahankari, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IET Electronic Letters.
8. “Microstrip Leaky-Wave Antenna with Circular Polarization and Broadside Radiation”, Ayaz Ahmad, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.
9. Comment on “Investigation of a Class-J Mode Power Amplifier in Presence of a Second-Harmonic Voltage at the Gate Node“, Vivek Tamrakar, Sagar Dhar, Tushar Sharma, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
10. “Broadside Scanning Comb-line Leaky-Wave Antenna with Gain Enhancement and Reduced Cross-polarization”, Ayaz Ahmad, J Mukherjee, Accepted in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
11. “An Inductorless Low Power Wideband Push-Pull Balun LNA with Dual Stage Noise Cancelation and IIP2/IIP3 Linearity Modes for Sub-GHz Wireless Applications”, Shashank Tiwari, and Jayanta Mukherjee”, TechRxiv.
12. “Eight-Element Self-Isolated MIMO Antenna Based on Wideband SIW Rectangular Ring Slot Antenna”, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, Nagalakshmaiah Kalva, Nancy Modi, Jayanta Mukherjee, Volume 162, April 2023, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier
13. “Design and Development of a High Power Balanced TEM Horn Antenna for Ultra Wide Band Radiator”, Sandeep Kumar Singh, Romesh Chandra, S. Mitra, Ranjeet Kumar, Senthil K., Amitava Roy, Jayanta Mukherjee, and Archana Sharma, December 2022, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Early View).
14. “Investigation of Input-Output Waveform Engineered High-Efficiency Broadband Class B/J Power Amplifier”, Vivek Tamrakar, Sagar Dhar, Tushar Sharma, J Mukherjee, IEEE Access ( Volume: 10), Page(s): 128408 - 128423, Date of Publication: 07 December 2022
15. “High Efficiency Class-iF-1 Power Amplifier With Enhanced Linearity”, Chenhao Chu, Vivek Tamrakar, Sagar Dhar, Tushar Sharma, Jayanta Mukherjee and Anding Zhu, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ( Early Access ), Page(s): 1 - 13, Date of Publication: 01 December 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2022.3224132.
-Among Most Popular and Downloaded Papers (2022) in IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
16. “Feed-line Design for a Series-fed Binomial Microstrip Antenna Array with no Sidelobes”, K Nagalakshmaiah and B Mahesh Kumar, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters ( Volume: 22, Issue: 3, March 2023) Page(s): 650 - 654.
17. “Wideband Self Isolated Four Element MIMO Antenna based on Magnetic Monopole and Electric Monopole for Sub-6 GHz 5G Communication Applications”, Kalva Nagalakshmaiah, Busineni Mahesh Kumar & Jayanta Mukherjee (2022), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2022.2149354
18. “PFD with Improved Average Gain and Minimal Blind Zone Combined with Lock-in Detection for Fast Settling PLLs”, Ravi H K and J Mukherjee, Volume 116, October 2021, Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier
19. “Symmetric Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna for Open Stopband Suppression”, Ayaz Ahmad, Mahesh Busineni, J Mukherjee, Volume 63, Issue 12, December 2021,Pages 3021-3026, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
20. “An Inductorless Wideband Gm - boosted Balun LNA with nMOS-pMOS Configuration and Capacitively Coupled Loads for sub-GHz IoT Applications”, Shashank Tiwari and Jayanta Mukherjee Volume: 68 Issue: 10, Page(s): 3204 – 3208, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. (Among popular articles for Oct 2021)
21. “Low-power inductorless wideband SFBB (Self Forward Bulk Biased) balun low noise amplifier with noise reduction and third-order transconductance optimization”, Shashank Tiwari and J Mukherjee, Volume 62, Issue 12, December 2020, Pages 3864-3868, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
22. “A review of the recent advances in dielectric resonator antennas”, B Mukherjee, P Patel, J Mukherjee, Volume 34, 2020 - Issue 9, in Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, (Invited Article)
- among the most read articles of all time as of Feb 2023
- among the most cited articles published within the last 3 years as of Feb 2023
23. “Electrically Small Hemi-Cylindrical Shaped Multilayered VHF Antenna for Underground Mine Communication.”, J C Dash, K Nagalakshmaiah, G S Reddy, J Mukherjee, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation Volume 14, Issue 6
24. “Low-Power Switched Transconductance Mixer And LNA design For Wi-Fi And WiMAX Applications In 65 nm CMOS”, Darshak Bhatt, Jayanta Mukherjee,Jean-Michel Redoute, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Volume12, Issue 10, August 2018, Pages 1736-1744
25. “A Wide Band Circularly Polarized Diversity Antenna for Satellite and Mobile Communication”, Shilpa Kharche, G Shrikanth Reddy, Rajiv Gupta, J. Mukherjee, Volume 11, Issue 13, October 2017, Pages 1861-1867, IET Microwaves, Antenna and Propagation (Among top 50 most frequently accessed documents for Nov 2017)
26. “Spurious Free Controllable Compact Quad Band Filter Using Folded T- Shape Stub Loaded Modified Ring Resonator”, Anil Kamma, Ranjan Das, Jayanta Mukherjee, IET Microwaves, Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 11 Iss. 8, pp. 1156-116
27. “Ultra Compact Dual Mode Dual Band Filter Based on Separate Electric and Magnetic Coupling Paths”, Anil Kamma, Jayanta Mukherjee, Volume27, Issue6, August 2017, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, John Wiley.
28. “A Self-biased Mixer in 0.18μm CMOS for an Ultra-Wideband Receiver”, Darshak Bhatt, Jayanta Mukherjee, Jean-Michel Redoute, Volume: 65, Issue: 4, April 2017, Page(s): 1294 - 1302, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
29. “Multiple Band Notch and Dual Band Filter Using Concentric and Contiguous Split Ring Resonators (CCSRR)”, Anil Kamma, Volume 31, 2017 - Issue 1, Pages 57-71, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
30. “A 1–11 GHz Ultra-Wideband LNA Using M-Derived Inductive Peaking Circuit in UMC 65nm CMOS”, Darshak Bhatt, Jayanta Mukherjee and Jean-Michel Redoute, Volume59, Issue3, March 2017, Pages 521-526, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.
31. “A High Selective Coupled Multi Mode Resonators based Triple Band Notch UWB Filter”, Anil Kamma, Ranjan Das, and Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (Volume: 27, Issue: 2, February 2017), Page(s): 120 - 122
32. “Compact Broadband Directive Slot Antenna Loaded with Cavities and Single and Double Layers of Metasurfaces”, Basudev Majumder, Krishnamoorthy K, Jayanta Mukherjee,and K.P.Ray, Year: 2016, Volume: 64, Issue: 11, Pages: 4595 - 4606, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (Among top 3 frequently accessed articles for IEEE TAP in Nov 2016)
33. “Low-power Linear Bulk-Injection Mixer for Wide-Band Applications”, Darshak Bhatt, Jayanta Mukherjee and Jean Michel Redoute, Year: 2016, Volume: 26, Issue: 10,Pages: 828 - 830, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters
34. “A High-Isolation Linear Folded Mixer for ISM band in UMC 180nm CMOS Technology.”, Darshak Bhatt, Jayanta Mukherjee, Jean Michel Redoute, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Vol. 58, No. 10, October 2016, Pages 2461 - 2466
35. “Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Split Ring Resonators Loaded Square Slot Antenna”, Krishnamoorthy K., Basudev Majumder, Jayanta Mukherjee and K.P Ray, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, August.2016 Volume: 64 Issue: 8 page(s): 1-6
36. “A Novel TM01 to TE11 Mode Converter Designed with Radially Loaded Dielectric Slabs”, Ashish Chittora, Sandeep Singh, Archana Sharma and Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Year: 2016, Volume: 64, Issue: 4 Pages: 1170 - 1175
37. “Frequency Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Enabled by thin Anisotropic Meta - surface Layer”, Basudev Majumder, Krishnamoorthy K, Jayanta Mukherjee,and K.P.Ray, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Year: 2016, Volume: 64, Issue: 4 Pages: 1218 - 1225
38. “Wideband Circularly Polarized Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas using Square Shaped Slots”, Pragati Patel, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters Year: 2016, Volume: 15 Pages: 1309 - 1312
39. K. Krishnamoorthy, B. Majumder, J. Mukherjee, and K. P. Ray, “Low profile pattern diversity antenna using quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 55, 105-111, 2015.
40. “A Wideband Compact Directive Meta-surface Enabled slot antenna”, Basudev Majumder, Krishnamoorthy K, Jayanta Mukherjee, K.P Ray, Electronics Letters, Year: 2015, Volume: 51, Issue: 17 Pages: 1310 - 1312,
41. “A Tapered Metallic Baffle TM01 to TE11Y Mode Converter with TE11X Mode Transmission Capability”, Ashish Chittora, Sandeep Singh, Archana Sharma and Jayanta Mukherjee, Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE Year: 2015, Volume: 25, Issue: 10 Pages: 633 - 635
42. “Dielectric Loaded TM01 to TE11 Mode Converter for S-band Applications”, Ashish Chittora, Jayanta Mukherjee, Sandeep Singh and Archana Sharma, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Special Issue on Power Modulators and Repetitive Pulsed Power, Vol. 22,Issue 4, pp. 2057-2063, August 2015.
43. “Low RCS and Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna using Cross Slot Based Metasurface”, Krishnamoorthy. K, Basudev Majumder, Jayanta Mukherjee, K.P Ray, Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Year: 2015, Volume: 14 Pages: 1638 - 1641
44. Cross-Configured Directional UWB Antennas for Multidirectional Pattern Diversity Characteristics Reddy, G.S. ; Kamma, A. ; Kharche, S. ; Mukherjee, J. ; Mishra, S.K., Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 63 , Issue: 2, Publication Year: 2015 , Page(s): 853 - 858
45. “A Compact Wideband Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna using Perforations and Edge Grounding”, Patel, P. ; Mukherjee, B. ; Mukherjee, J., Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE Volume: 14, Publication Year: 2015 , Page(s): 490 - 493
46. “A Novel Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Complementary Split-Ring-Shaped Slots and Resonator for Wideband and Low Cross-Polar Applications ”, Mukherjee, B. ; Patel, P. ; Mukherjee, J., IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 57, No. 1, pp 120-128, February 2015
47. “MIMO Antenna for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX and UWB Applications”, Shilpa Kharche, Gopi S. Reddy, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Rajiv Gupta, and Jayanta Mukherjee, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 52, pp 53-62, 2014
48. “Dual–Band Filter for WiMAX and WLAN with improved upper stop band performance.” Anil Kamma, G Shrikanth Reddy, Rajesh Singh Parmar, Jayanta Mukherjee, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, pp 131-138, 2014
49. “Compact Bluetooth/UWB Dual-Band Planar Antenna with Quadruple Band-Notch Characteristics”, G Shrikanth Reddy, Anil Kamma, Sanjeev. K. Mishra, and Jayanta Mukherjee, Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE, Vol 13, pp 872 - 875
50. Vaidya, A.R.; Gupta, R.K.; Mishra, S.K.; Mukherjee, J., “Right-Hand/Left-Hand Circularly Polarized High-Gain Antennas Using Partially Reflective Surfaces,” Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,IEEE , vol.13, no., pp.431,434, 2014.
51. “Development of 3 kW 325 MHz Solid-state RF Power Amplifier Using Four Power Amplifier Modules”, B.V. Ramarao, S. Sonal, J.K. Mishra, M. Pande,P. Singh,G. Kumar, J. Mukherjee, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Volume 735, 21 January 2014, Pages 283–290, Elsevier
52. “Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna based on Apollonian Gasket of circles – A Fractal approach”, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Pragati Patel and Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation,VOL. 62, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014
53. “A Novel Cup-shaped Inverted Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wideband Applications”, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Pragati Patel, and Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, VOL. 12, 2013
54. G. S. Reddy, A. Chittora, S. Kharche, S. K. Mishra, and J. Mukherjee, “Bluetooth/UWB dual-band planar diversity antenna with WiMAX and WLAN band-notch characteristics,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 54, 303-319, 2013.
55. “Multi-Band Notch UWB Band Pass Filter with Novel Contiguous Split Rings Embedded in Symmetrically Tapered Elliptic Rings.” A. Kamma, S. R. Gupta, G. S. Reddy, and J. Mukherjee Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 39, 133-148, 2013. - CST University Publication Award 2014
56. “Selection and Placement of Decoupling Capacitors in High Speed Systems”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Jayanta Mukherjee, Prakash R. Apte, Raj Kumar Nagpal, Rakesh Malik, IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, Volume 2, Quarter 4, 2013, pp 58-64.
57. “A Novel Half Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Array of Slots for Wideband Applications”, B. Mukherjee, P. Patel, G. Shrikanth Reddy, and J. Mukherjee, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 36, 207-221, 2013.
58. G. Shrikanth Reddy, S. K. Mishra, S. Kharche, and J. Mukherjee,“High Gain and Low Cross-Polar Compact Printed Elliptical Monopole UWB Antenna Loaded with Partial Ground and Parasitic Patches” Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol 43, 151 - 167, 2012'
59. “High-Gain Low Side Lobe Level Fabry Perot Cavity Antenna With Feed Patch Array”, A. R. Vaidya, R. K. Gupta, S. K. Mishra, and J. Mukherjee Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 28, 223-238, 2012.
60. “Compact Printed Dual Band-Notched U-Shape UWB Antenna”. S. K. Mishra and J. Mukherjee Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 27, 169-181, 2012.
61. “Efficient, High Gain with Low Side Lobe Level Antenna Structures Using Parasitic Patches on Multilayer Superstrate”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 54, Issue 6, June 2012, Pages: 1488–1493, Avinash R. Vaidya, Rajiv K. Gupta, Sanjeev K. Mishra and J. Mukherjee
62. Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv K Gupta, Avinash R Vaidya and Jayanta Mukherjee, “Low-Cost, Compact Printed Circular Monopole UWB Antenna with 3.5/5.5GHz Dual Band Notched Characteristics”, Microwave Optical Technology Letters vol. 54, No 1, pp. 242–246, Jan 2012.
63. “Printed Fork Shaped Dual Band Monopole Antenna for Bluetooth and UWB Applications with 5.5 GHz WLAN Band Notched Characteristics” , Sanjeev Mishra, Rajiv Gupta, Avinash Vaidya and J Mukherjee, Progress in Eelectromagnetic Research C 22, page 195-210, 2011
64. “A Compact Dual Band Fork Shaped Monopole Antenna for Bluetooth and UWB Applications”, Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv Gupta, Avinash Vaidya, J Mukherjee, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp 627-630, July 2011.
65. Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv K Gupta and Jayanta Mukherjee, “A Simple U-Shaped Printed Ultra-Wideband Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 53, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages: 1645–1649, Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Rajiv Kumar Gupta and Jayanta Mukherjee
66. “Parallel Metal Plated Tuning Fork Shaped Omnidirectional Monopole Antenna For UWB Application”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 53, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages: 601–604, S. K. Mishra, R. K. Gupta and J. Mukherjee
67. “Efficient High Gain with low SLL Antenna Structures Using Circular Array of Square Parasitic Patches on a Superstrate Layer”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 52, Issue 12, December 2010, Pages: 2812–2817, R. K. Gupta and J. Mukherjee
68.“Effect of Superstrate Material on a High Gain Antenna using array of parasitic patches”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 52, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages: 82–88, R. K. Gupta and J. Mukherjee
69.“Low Cost Efficient High Gain Antenna Using Array of Parasitic Patches on a Superstrate Layer”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 51, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages: 733–739, R. K. Gupta and J. Mukherjee
70. “An Analytic Circuit-Based Model for White and Flicker Phase Noise in LC Oscillators”,Mukherjee, J. ; Roblin, P. ; Akhtar, S. Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 54 , Issue: 7
71. “Novel modeling methodology of LC differential oscillator noise”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 48, Issue 4, April 2006, Pages: 805–808, Jayanta Mukherjee and Patrick Roblin
1. “1×3 Microstrip Line Fed Metal Plated Split U-Shape Omnidirectional Ultra-Wideband Monopole Antenna”, Mishra, S. K., R. K. Gupta, A. Vaidya, and J. Mukherjee,IETE Journal of Research, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp 429-434, Sep.- Oct. 2012
1. “Miniaturization of CPW Fed Ultra-Wideband Slot Antenna”, Surbhi Arora, J Mukherjee, Accepted in MAPCON 2024
2. “A 45-Degree Rotated Square Ring Frequency Selective Surface Structure for Broadband Matching Automotive Bumper”, Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar Busineni and Jayanta Mukherjee, accepted in URSI-RCRS 2024, Bhimtal
3. “Wideband Matching Automotive Bumper Using Frequency Selective Surface”, Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, J Mukherjee, Accepted in APMC 2024, Bali, Indonesia.
4. “Circularly Polarized MIMO Antenna Based on SIW Cavity-Backed Square Ring Slot”, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, Nancy Modi, J Mukherjee, Accepted in APMC 2024, Bali, Indonesia.
5. “Enhancing Early-Stage Breast Cancer Detection: Antenna Design, Realistic Phantom Modeling, and Multi-Static Imaging with DAS Algorithm”, Patteti Yashaswini, Urvashi Singh, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN 2024), Noida
6. “Self-Isolated MIMO Antenna Using SIW Cavity Antenna for Dual-Band (28, 38 GHz) Applications”, B Mahesh Kumar, Nancy Modi, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE EuCAP 2024, Glasgow.
7. “Analysis of the Effects of Rainwater Covered Bumper on the Automotive Radar Signals”, Nancy Modi, B Mahesh Kumar, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE EuCAP 2024, Glasgow.
8. “Asymmetric Stub Loaded HMSIW Leaky-Wave Antenna for Continuous Scanning Through Broadside”, Ayaz Ahmad, Shanu Kumar, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023.
9.“RCS Reduction of Slot Antenna Using Honeycomb FSS Structures”, S. Arora, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
10. “Microstrip Leaky Wave Antenna With Constant & High Gain and High-Efficiency”, Chirag Meena Shanu Kumar, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
11. S. Arora and J. Mukherjee “ Miniaturized CPW Fed Open End Ring Slot Antenna for Broadband Applications”, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2023.
12. “High-Efficiency, Broadband Doherty Power Amplifier for 5G Applications”, Sheetal Verma, Vaibhavi Agrawal, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
13. “Design of Cryogenic Circulator in 65-nm CMOS Technology Using All-Pass Filter Architecture”, Apoorva Hotkar, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
14. “Study of the Tilted Mounting Angle of Automotive Radar Antenna Installed Behind a Painted Bumper” Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
15. “A Five-Element MIMO Antenna Based on Wideband Triple-Resonance SIW Antenna for Vehicular Communications”, Nancy Modi, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
16. “IN-SILICO Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring Using Patch Antenna”, Goundla Sricharani, Urvashi Singh, J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE MAPCON 2023
17. “High Gain Asymmetrical Branching Stub 1-D Combline Leaky Wave Antenna With Improved Backward to Forward Scanning”, Vishakha Pandey and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE International symposium on antennas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023.
18. “A Novel Technique for Open Stop Band Suppression in 1-D Combline LWA Using Slots” Accepted in SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC), Castelldefels, Spain 2023.
19. “1-D Periodic Leaky Wave Antenna With Open Stop Band Suppression and High Gain” Accepted in IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA), Genoa, Italy, 2023.
20.“Efficiency-Enhanced, Harmonic-Controlled Class-E Power Amplifier Design”, Sheetal Verma and J Mukherjee, 2023 First International Conference on Microwave, Antenna and Communication (MAC)
21. “High gain 1-D Centipede-Like End-Fire Leaky wave Antenna”, Vishakha Pandey and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE APS/URSI 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA.
22.“High gain Asymmetrical Branching stub 1-D combline Leaky wave antenna with improved backward to forward scanning”, Vishakha Pandey and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE APS/URSI 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA.
23.“High gain 1-D complementary paired combline PLWA with backward to forward scanning”, Vishakha Pandey and J Mukherjee, Accepted in IEEE APS/URSI 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA.
24. “Open Stopband Suppressed Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Based Leaky-Wave Antenna for Forward and Backward Beam Scanning”, Shanu Kumar, Ayaz Ahmad, Jayanta Mukherjee,IEEE MAPCON 2022
25. “SIW Based Circularly Polarised Leaky Wave Antenna With Improved Scanning Rate and Scanning Range Using Hairpin-Shaped Delay Lines”, Pallavi Malame, J C Dash, J Mukherjee, IEEE MAPCON 2022. (Best Student paper Award in Female category)
26. “Study of the Bumper Thickness and its Placement for Automotive Radar Applications”, Nancy Modi, Mahesh K Busineni, J C Dash, J Mukherjee, Accepted in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Denver, USA.
27. “Non- invasive continuous blood glucose monitoring using EM waves”, Pratik Sawant and J Mukherjee, Accepted in 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Denver USA
28. “Triple-Band Quad-Element Polarization/Pattern Diversity Directional MIMO Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Application”, J C Dash, K Nagalakshmaiah, G Shrikanth Reddy, J Mukherjee, EuCAP 2022, Madrid
29. “Branch Line Coupler Inspired Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna With Broadside Scanning”, Ayaz Ahmad, Vishakha Pandey, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, EuCAP 2022, Madrid
30. “SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna Using Concave-Convex Shaped Slots for Gain Enhancement”, Vishakha Pandey et.al., Accepted in InCAP 2021.(Mrs Ranjana Pal Award for practical applications and design (Female))
31. “Input-Output Harmonic Controlled Broadband Class-B/J Power Amplifier”, Vivek Tamrakar, Sagar Kumar Dhar, Tushar Sharma, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in APMC 2021, Brisbane, Australia
32. “Metasurface Based Compact Dual Band Antenna with Wide Bandwidths”, Sonal Gahankari, J Mukherjee, 2021 IEEE COMCAS, Tel Aviv Israel
33. “A 4-Element Wideband MIMO Antenna using Quarter-Mode SIW and 90-Degree Bent Planar Dipole”, Mahesh Kumar Busineni, Ayaz Ahmad, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Singapore.
34. “Wideband MIMO Antenna Based on Quarter-Mode SIW and 90-Degree Bent Planar Dipole”,Mahesh Kumar Busineni, Ayaz Ahmad, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Singapore.
35. “Analysis of models to reduce complexity and simulation time of Multilayered Media for Automotive Radar Applications” Nancy Modi, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Singapore.
36. “Electrically Small VHF MIMO Antenna For Underground Coal Mine Application”, JOGESH CHANDRA DASH, Nagalakshmaiah Kalva, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Singapore.
37. “Performance Evaluation of Automotive Radar in the Presence of Bumper with Multiple Paint Layers Using Bidirectional Loss Model”, Jogesh C Dash, Mihir Parikh, Nancy Modi, J Mukherjee, Sajitha V R, Tejomurtula SaiDeepak, Vivek Dhoot, 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
38. “Offset-Meandering Line Fed-Patch Periodic-Leaky Wave Antenna for Scanning Through Broadside and Consistent Gain” Ayaz Ahmed, Mahesh K, J Mukherjee, 2021 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)
39. “Closely Spaced Dual-band Quad-Element Compact MIMO Antenna with Polarization and Pattern Diversity”, Nagalakshmaiah Kalva, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in APS/URSI 2020
40. “Isolation Enhancement in Compact MIMO Antenna Using Dual-Stub Loaded Resonator”, Nagalakshmaiah Kalva, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in APS/URSI 2020
41. “A Gain Boosted N-Path Filter with Improved Out of Band Rejection” Shashank Tiwari, J Mukherjee, Accepted in ISCAS 2020.
42. “A New Architecture of the Phase Frequency Detector with Improved Gain and Minimal Blind Zone for Fast Settling PLLs”, Ravi H K, J Mukherjee, Accepted in ISCAS 2020.
43. “Isolation Enhancement of Closely Spaced MIMO System Using Inverted Fork Shaped Decoupling Structure”, J C Dash, K Nagalakshmaiah, S Kharche, J Mukherjee, Accepted in Eucap 2020.
44. “Closely Spaced Series Fed Tapered Arrays for Base Station Massive MIMO Application”, Jogesh Chandra Dash, Shilpa Kharche and Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in InCAP 2019.
45. “An Inductorless Noise Cancelling Wideband Balun LNA with Dual Shunt Feedback and Current Reuse”, Shashank Tiwari and Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted for MWSCAS 2019
46. “A Model for Equivalent Loss Tangent of Multilayered Media for Automotive Radar Applications”, Jogesh C Dash, Shilpa Kharche, J Mukherjee, Vivek Dhoot, Ranga Makanaboyina, Accepted in EuCap 2019, Krakow Poland.
47. “Circularly polarized L shape diversity antenna for WiMAX applications”, Shilpa Kharche, G Shrikanth Reddy, Jayanta Mukherjee and Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Accepted in InCap 2018, Hyderabad
48. “Compact TM01 toTE11 Mode Converter Designed with Matching Sections”, Ashutosh Patri, Ashish Chittora , Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference
49. “Mutual Coupling Reduction by using tilted Variable Length SRR like structure in UWB MIMO Antennas”, Shilpa Kharche, Gopi S Reddy, J Mukherjee, R K Gupta, Accepted in 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference
50. “Broadband Spiral diversityAntenna with Dielectric Loading”, Shilpa Kharche, Pragati Patel, J Mukherjee, Pummy Ratna, Usha Verma, Accepted in 2017 IEEE AP-S/URSI Conference
51. “Multiple Band Notch Filter Using Contiguous Split Ring Resonators (SRR)”, Anil Kamma et.al. Accepted in Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2016, Delhi, India
52. “Controllable Dual-Mode Dual-Passband Filter Using Inductive Short Stub SRR (ISSSRR)”, Anil Kamma et.al. Accepted in Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2016, Delhi, India
53. “Dual Band Aperture Coupled MIMO Antenna”, Anil Kamma et.al. Accepted in Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2016, Delhi, India
54. “Mutual Coupling Reduction using Shorting Posts in UWB MIMO Antennas”, Shilpa Kharche et. al. Accepted in Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2016, Delhi, India
55. “Portable Metamaterial Inspired Directional Antenna for Underground Mine TTE Communication”, Ashutosh Patri; Umang Shah; G. Shrikanth Reddy; Jayanta Mukherjee, 2016 USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Year: 2016, Pages: 11 - 12, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, June 26 - July 1, 2016
56. “Fish-eye shaped dielectric flat lens design utilizing 3-D printing technology”,Ashutosh Patri, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)Year: 2016, Pages: 1843 - 1844,
57. “Design of Wideband Coaxial-TEM to Circular Waveguide TM01 Mode Transducer”, Ashish Chittora, Sandeep Singh, Archana Sharma, Jayanta Mukherjee, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, April 2016, Davos, Switzerland
58. 'Noise Figure Analysis of 2.5 GHz Folded Cascode LNA using High-Q Layout Optimized Inductors', Shashank Tiwari, Venkata Narayana Rao Vanukuru, and Jayanta Mukherjee, '2015 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Post Graduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics', Gold Leaf certificate (Best Paper Award)
59. “Design of Multi-Band Antenna Using Zeroth Order Resonator Loaded with SRR and Modified Ground Plane”, K.Kandasamy, B.Majumder and J.Mukherjee, K.P. Ray, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2015, Nanjing, China
60. “Dual Band Dual Polarized Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna Using Meta-surface”, B.Majumder, K.Kandasamy, J.Mukherjee, K.P. Ray, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2015, Nanjing, China
61. “Dual Orthogonal CPW Feed Single Element UWB Antenna with Polarization Diversity”, Shrikanth Reddy et.al, The 45th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)/The 12th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2015, Paris France
62. “New Wideband Quadrature Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna”, Pragati Patel et.al, The 45th European Microwave Conference (EuMC)/The 12th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2015, Paris France
63. “Beam-Tilted and Wide Beam Antennas using Hybrid Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures”, Krishnamoorthy K. et.al, The 45th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2015, Paris France
64. “A Novel Circularly Polarized / Dual Band Dual Polarized Antenna Using Metasurface,” Basudev Majumder, Krishnamoorthy Kandasamy, Jayanta Mukherjee, K P Ray, 2015 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting - Vancouver 2015
65. “Design of SRR Loaded Reconfigurable Antenna for UWB and Narrow Band Applications,”, Krishnamoorthy Kandasamy, Basudev Majumder, Jayanta Mukherjee, Kamla Prasan Ray, 2015 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting - Vancouver 2015
66. “A High Gain EBG Backed Slot Antenna Loaded with Anisotropic Mue-Negetive Superstrate,”, Basudev Majumder, Krishnamoorthy Kandasamy, Jayanta Mukherjee, Kamla Prasan Ray, 2015 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting - Vancouver 2015
67. “Compact Dual Band Notched Printed UWB MIMO Antenna with Pattern Diversity,”, Kaustubh Chhabilwad, Shrikanth Reddy, Anil Kamma, Basudev Majumder, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2015 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting - Vancouver 2015
68. “Compact Wideband Perforated Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna,”, Pragati Patel, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2015 IEEE AP-S Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI CNC/USNC Joint Meeting - Vancouver 2015
69. “Planar Multiband MIMO Antenna System Operating in GSM 1800, LTE2300, LTE2500, WLAN and WiMAX Bands.”, Kaustubh Chhabilwad, G.Shrikanth Reddy, Anil Kamma, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in EuCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.
70. “A Novel Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Swastika shaped DGS for High Gain Applications,” Biswajeet Mukherjee, et.al, URSI AT-RASC 2014, Canary Islands, Spain
71. “Novel S shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wireless Communication,”, Pragati Patel et.al. URSI AT-RASC 2015, Canary Islands, Spain (Student Paper Contest Finalist),(Young Scientist Award Winner)
72. “Jitter failure investigation of high speed parallel links in System on Chip environment, modeling and mitigation approach”, Raj Kumar Nagpal,Pratik Damle,Jai Narayan Tripathi, Rakesh Malik, Jayanta Mukherjee, Designcon 2015, Santa Clara, USA
73. “A Novel and Compact Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Filter Using Modified Split Ring Resonator (MSRR)”, A. Kamma, G. Reddy, P. Suggisetti, J. Mukherjee, IMaRC Dec, 2014, Bengaluru
74. “Application of Nature Inspired Algorithms in Power Delivery Network Design : An Industrial Case Study”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Jayanta Mukherjee, Raj Kumar Nagpal, and Rakesh Malik, EPEPS 2014, Portland, USA
75. B. Mukherjee, P. Patel, J. Mukherjee, “Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna loaded with a novel Sierpinski Carpet Fractal based Photonic Band Gap Structure for wireless applications”, IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Sendai, Japan, 2014
76. P. Patel, B. Mukherjee, J. Mukherjee, “Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Wideband and High Gain applications”, IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Sendai, Japan, 2014.
77. Shilpa Kharche, G S Reddy, Rajiv Gupta, Jayanta Mukherjee, “Antenna for Ultra Wideband Repeater applications”, IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Sendai, Japan, 2014.
78. “Planar Spatial Diversity Sectored UWB Antenna with WiMAX and WLAN Band Notch Characteristics”, K. G. Chhabilwad, G. S. Reddy , J. Mukherjee IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Sendai, Japan, 2014.
79. “A Circular Polarization Reconfigurable Antenna Based on Reconfigurable Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structures”, Krishnamoorthy K, Basudev Majumdar, J Mukherjee, K P Ray, Metamaterials 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
80. “A Novel Miniaturized Complimentary Split Ring Loaded Electromagnetic Band Gap Structure for Isolation Improvement and Absorber Applications at Microwave Frequencies”, Basudev Majumdar, Krishnamoorthy K, J Mukherjee, K P Ray, Metamaterials 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
81. “Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Embedded in a Novel Sierpinski Carpet Fractal Based Photonic Band Gap Structure for Wideband Systems”, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Pragati Patel, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Harbin, China
82. “Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator Antenna Loaded with a Photonic Band Gap Structure for Wideband and High Gain Applications”, Biswajeet Mukherjee et.al. 2014 URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Beijing, China (Young Scientist Award Winner)
83. “A Compact Electromagnetic Band Gap Ground Controlled Tunable Dual Mode Band Pass Filter”, Basudev Majumder et.al, 16th international symposium on antenna technology and applied electromagnetics, 2014, Victoria, Canada
84. “A Novel and Compact UWB Filter with Improved Upper Stop Band”, Anil Kamma, G Shrikanth Reddy, Rajesh Singh Parmar and Jayanta Mukherjee, 15th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON 2014), Tampa, USA
85. “Ultra Wideband Printed Monopole Antenna with Curve shaped Extended Asymmetric CPW Ground Plane for Stable Unidirectional Radiation Pattern”, Shrikanth Reddy, Shilpa kharche, Jayanta Mukherjee, Accepted in 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Memphis, USA.
86. “Mode converter based on dielectric phase shift”, Ashish Chittora, Swapnil R. Gupta, Sandeep Singh, Archana Sharma, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2014 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference (IPMHVC), Santa Fe, USA
87. “A High Isolation Linear Folded Mixer for WiFi Applications”, Darshak Bhatt, J Mukherjee, Jean-Michel Redoute, ISCAS 2014, Melbourne, Australia.
88. “Decoupling Network Optimization in High Speed Systems by Mixed-Integer Programming”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Ashutosh Mahajan, Jayanta Mukherjee, Nitin Kumar Chhabra, Raj Kumar Nagpal, and Rakesh Malik, ISCAS 2014, Melbourne, Australia
89. “Top Down design Methodology for Enhanced Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures”, Jai N Tripathi et.al, Designcon 2014 Santa Clara, USA
90. “A Novel EBG Structure with Super-Wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise in High Speed Circuits” Jai N Tripathi, J Mukherjee, Prakash Apte, Raj Kumar Nagpal, Nitin Chabra and R Malik, IEEE Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS)-2013, Austin, USA
91. “High-Gain Broad-Band Planar Antennas with Feed Patch Array and Partially Reflective Surfaces”, Avinash R Vaidya, J Mukherjee, S K Mishra, Asia Pacific Conference on Communication, Bali, Indonesia, 2013
92. “Wideband Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Novel Array of Square Shaped Slots”, Pragati Patel, Biswajeet Mukherjee, and Jayanta Mukherjee, 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Seoul, Korea
93. “Compact Printed Monopole UWB Antenna loaded with Non - Concentric Open - Ended Rings for Triple Band - Notch Characteristic”, Shrikanth Reddy, Anil Kamma, and Jayanta Mukherjee 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Seoul, Korea
94. “A Novel Cheeseholes type Hemispherical Dielectric Resonator antenna for wireless applications”, Biswajeet Mukherjee, Pragati Patel and Jayanta Mukherjee, European Microwave Conference 2013, Nuremberg, Germany
95. “Power Integrity Analysis and Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors on High Speed Power Planes by Particle Swarm Optimization”, Jai N Tripathi et.al, ISQED 2013, Santa Clara, USA
96. “WLAN Band-Notched Printed U-Shape UWB Antenna”, International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM 2012), Sanjeev K Mishra et.al, Bangalore
97. “Efficient High Gain Wideband Antenna with Circular Array of Square Parasitic Patches”, Avinash Vaidya, Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv K Gupta, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore
98. “Printed Band - notched U shaped Ultra Wide Band Antenna with Modified Split Ring Resonator”, Anil Kamma, Shrikanth Reddy, Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Jayanta Mukherjee, 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Singapore
99. “Damping the Cavity-Mode Anti-Resonances’ Peaks on a Power Plane by Swarm Intelligence Algorithms”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Nitin Kumar Chhabra, Raj Kumar Nagpal, Rakesh Malik and Jayanta Mukherjee, ISCAS 2012, Seoul, South Korea
100. “Maintaining Power Integrity by Damping the Cavity-Mode Resonances Peaks on a Power Plane by Particle Swarm Optimization”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Raj Kumar Nagpal, Nitin Kumar Chhabra, Rakesh Malik and Jayanta Mukherjee, ISQED 2012, Santa Clara, USA
101. “Optimization of Analog RF Circuit Parameters using Randomness in Particle Swarm Optimization”, Sudheer Kamisetty, Jyoti Garg, Jai Narayan Tripathi and Jayanta Mukherjee, WICT 2011, Mumbai, India
102. “ Low Cost, Efficient, High Gain and Wideband Microstrip Antenna Fed Yagi Array in Fabry-Perot Cavity”, Sanjeev K Mishra et.al., PIERS 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
103. “Optimizing Gain of 5 GHz RF Amplifier keeping Minimum Deviation in Center Frequency and Noise Figure”, J.N Tripathi, P R Apte, J Mukherjee, ISIC 2011, Singapore, Dec 2011.
104. Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv K Gupta, Avinash R Vaidya and Jayanta Mukherjee, “Parallel Metal Plated U-Shape Ultra-wide Band Antenna with WLAN Band-Notched Characteristics”, PIERS 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
105.“Effect of Superstrate Height on Gain of MSA Fed Fabry Perot Cavity Antenna”, Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference 2011 (Accepted), A.R Vaidya, R.K Gupta, S.K Mishra, J Mukherjee, Loughborough, UK
106. “Optimizing Phase Noise of 2 GHz RF Oscillator with Minimum Frequency Deviation”, Jai Narayan Tripathi, Jayanta Mukherjee, and Prakash R. Apte, IEEE MWSCAS 2011, Seoul, Korea.
107. “Printed U-shaped Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications”, Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Rajiv Kumar Gupta and Jayanta Mukherjee, International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing, 14-17 December 2010, Jodhpur, India
108. “A Simple Ultra-wideband Printed Circular Monopole Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection”, Sanjeev Kumar Mishra, Avinash R Vaidya and Jayanta Mukherjee, International Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation & Remote Sensing, 14-17 December 2010, Jodhpur, India
109. “Designing Asymmetric 2.2 GHz RF Oscillator by Design of Experiments using Taguchi Methods”, J.N. Tripathi, J. Mukherjee, P.R Apte , 5th European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, November 23-25, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
110. “Designing Asymmetric 2.4 GHz RF Oscillator for Improving Signal Integrity by Design of Experiments”, J.N Tripathi, J. Mukherjee, P.R Apte, APCCAS 2010, Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
111.Sanjeev K Mishra, Rajiv K Gupta and Jayanta Mukherjee, “Effect of Substrate Material on Radiation Characteristics of an UWB Antenna”, Accepted in Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC), Loghborough, U.K., 8th-9th Nov 2010
112. “Performance Analysis of CMOS Mode Locked Class E Power Amplifier”, Pankaj Arora, Jayanta Mukherjee, Vivek Agarwal, MWSCAS 2010, Seattle USA, Aug 1-4, 2010
113. “27.1GHz CMOS Distributed Voltage Controlled Oscillators With Body Bias for Frequency Tuning of 1.28GHz”, Kalyan Bhattacharyya, J. Mukherjee and M. Shojaei, MWSCAS 2009, Cancun, Mexico, Aug 2 - 5 2009.
114. “Phase Noise Reduction in Quadrature LC Oscillators Using Inverter Based Tail Noise Shaping”, J. Mukherjee, M Shojaei-Baghini, Manoj Johnson, NEWCAS-TAISA'09, Toulouse, France June-July 2009.
115.“20GHz CMOS Distributed Voltage Controlled Oscillators With Frequency Tuning By MOS Varactors”, Kalyan Bhattacharyya, Jayanta Mukherjee, M. Shojaei-Baghini, 2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ELECTRON DEVICES AND SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY (IEDST 2009), June 1-2, 2009, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
116. “CURRENT-MODE CMOS PIPELINED ADC”, S.R Krishna R, M Shojaei-Baghini, J. Mukherjee, IEEE Eurocon 2009, St Petersburg, Russia, May 2009
117. “Phase Noise Reduction in CMOS LC Oscillators Using Tail Noise Shaping and Gm3 Boosting”, Kapil Jainwal and Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE ICECE Conf, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dec 2008.
118.“Microstrip Equivalent Parasitics Modeling of RFIC Interconnects”, Jayanta Mukherjee et.al.,IEEE MWSCAS 2007, Montreal Canada, August 2007
119. “Optimizing MOSFET Channel Width for Low Phase Noise in LC Oscillators”, Jayanta Mukherjee, IEEE MWSCAS 2007, Montreal Canada, August 2007
120. “Impact of Amplitude Phase Correlation on Oscillator Phase Noise Model”, Jayanta Mukherjee IEEE MWSCAS 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico, August 2006 (Student Paper Contest Finalist)
121. “Accurate circuit based non linear perturbation model of phase noise in LC oscillators”, Jayanta Mukherjee, Patrick Roblin And Steven Bibyk, IEEE MWSCAS 2005, Cincinnati, USA, August 2005
122. “General non linear perturbation model for flicker noise in LC oscillator”, Jayanta Mukherjee et.al. IEEE MWSCAS 2005, Cincinnati, USA, August 2005
123. “RFIC loadpull simulations implementing best practice RF and mixed-signal design using an integrated agilent and cadence EDA tool”, Jayanta Mukherjee et. al., IEEE Microelectronic System Education Conference, Anaheim, USA, June 2003.
1999-2000 System Engineer, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore
2002-2003 Intern, Thomson Multimedia, Princeton
2007 - 2011 Assistant Professor, IIT Bombay
2011 - 2015 Associate Professor, IIT Bombay
2015 - Present, Professor, IIT Bombay
The following papers have been published
1. “Designing Asymmetric 2.2 GHz RF Oscillator by Design of Experiments using Taguchi Methods”, J.N. Tripathi, J. Mukherjee, P.R Apte , 5th European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, November 23-25, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
2. “Designing Asymmetric 2.4 GHz RF Oscillator for Improving Signal Integrity by Design of Experiments”, J.N Tripathi, J. Mukherjee, P.R Apte, APCCAS 2010, Dec 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. “Performance Analysis of CMOS Mode Locked Class E Power Amplifier”, Pankaj Arora, Jayanta Mukherjee, Vivek Agarwal, MWSCAS 2010, Seattle Washington, Aug 1-4, 2010
4. “27.1GHz CMOS Distributed Voltage Controlled Oscillators With Body Bias for Frequency Tuning of 1.28GHz”, Kalyan Bhattacharyya, J. Mukherjee and M. Shojaei, MWSCAS 2009, Cancun Mexico, Aug 2 - 5 2009.
Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India
Email : jayanta[AT]ee.iitb.ac.in
(O) : 91-22-2576 7479
(R) :
Office room no: 105(A)(Annexe Building)
Fax: (0091 22) - 25723707