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Final Manuscript Submission

Congratulations on your paper being accepted. Please note that for publication in conference proceedings as well as in IEEE Xplore, atleast one author of an accepted paper must have completed full registration (not student rate) at the time of uploading the camera ready paper. One full registration will cover up to three papers. The last date of final manuscript submission is 20 January 2015. Please submit before the deadline, as we will start the publication process immediately after this date.

Follow the steps below to submit the Camera-Ready paper (please do a checklist on each item).

  1. Format: Final manuscripts are to be submitted in PDF format. Submissions should not exceed SIX pages in length, should use font size no smaller than 10points, and have margins on all four sides as per IEEE conference format. Papers should have no page numbers and no headers or footers. All fonts should be embedded in the pdf file. The system will not accept the upload of final manuscripts longer than SIX pages. Final papers accepted for publication should have a minimum length of THREE pages.

    Authors are encouraged to use LATEX to format their final manuscripts, using the standard IEEE conference specifications. Please note to enable the `a4paper' option inside your tex file, and pdflatex is the preferred way of generating the PDF file. Please ensure the paper size if you use other formatting utilities.

  2. Copyright: Insert Copyright Notice in Paper : All papers should contain the appropriate copyright clearance code notice on the bottom of the first page, according to the guidelines set forth in the Cataloging/Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceedings.
    • For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
    • For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-4799-6619-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 Crown
    • For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-4799-6619-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 European Union
    • For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-4799-6619-6/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE

    The following latex commands can be used to insert the IEEE copyright notice (which is listed in the last bullet above) in your paper. Add these (three lines below) before the "\maketitle" command.
    \IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{978-1-4799-6619-6/15/\$31.00~\copyright~2015 IEEE \hfill}
    \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}

    To see where the copyright notice will appear in the paper, check this template paper.
  3. Check Paper Format using IEEE PDF eXpress : All papers should first be checked using IEEE PDF eXpress Plus. Only verified papers are acceptable for final inclusion in the proceedings. The following link has Instructions for using Submit to pdf eXpress
  4. Upload Camera Ready Paper to EDAS after completing steps above : Login to EDAS. Click on the link 'My Paper' and follow the instructions for final paper submission.
  5. Fill Out E-Copyright information in EDAS : Click on the link for electronic copyright next to your paper and fill out the information requested and submit the form. This step is mandatory for submission of the paper to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Xplore. No other copyright form needs to be submitted besides this eCopyright form. (The electronic copyright form is active now)
  6. Please note that the program will be finalized immediately after 20th January, 2015, and your paper will be included in the program and the proceedings only if (i) it meets the formatting requirements and the submitted pdf file is IEEE pdf express certified, (ii) at least one author is registered with full registration, (iii) the title/authors in the submitted pdf file match with the edas records of the paper, and (iv) the copyright form is submitted.
  7. Invited papers also should satisfy the above requirements except for author registration.
  8. If you face problems during the verification process, some helpful hints are given below. Many a times, the document format and the font embeddings may create problems, please tackle them at the earliest.

Additional Guidelines

  • Some useful information on the general code of conduct for the submissions can be found here.
  • The style files suitable for IEEE conference format is available at MS Word and LaTeX templates.
  • While preparing the manuscripts (or in case of edas trouble), keep in mind that
    • PDF files must have version 1.4 or higher
    • Fonts must be embedded
    • Paper can have the following page sizes: A4
    • Only fonts 10 pt and larger may be used
    • The paper must have 2 columns
    • The minimum line spacing is 12 pt.
    • The left and right margins must be at least 1.2 cm
    • The top margin must be at least 1.9 cm
    • The bottom margin must be at least 2.9 cm
    • Manuscripts cannot contain conference headers before the paper title.
  • If you face EDAS problems, please check whether your preamble of the latex file has \documentclass[a4paper, conference, 10pt] to ensure A4 size. This may be the usual culprit. Sometimes the embedding of fonts can be an issue, this is true when
  • The camera ready version of the accepted papers have to be IEEE PDF eXpress compatible for uploading to IEEExplore. NCC is already registered with PDF eXpress under the id: 34578X. Please make use of this facility, if EDAS complains about the compatibility of your document. We will mail detailed instructions later for all accepted manuscripts.

  • Technical Co-sponsors