Green Symbiotic Cloud Communications (GSCC)

A paradigm enabling convenient, on demand access to a shared pool of configurable resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal efforts and interactions constitutes the emblem of a Cloud environment. Though correlating a cloud with abstraction and virtualization, the existing archetypes enfold as backend data or service stations providing bunched services. In this proposal we aim to deviate from the traditional approach and develop an entirely new way to build, deploy and scale enterprise communications systems. Furthermore with emerging emphasis on stewardship towards the environment greener approaches have become fundamental necessity. We collectively coin this approach Green Symbiotic Cloud Communications (GSCC).

Evolving Communication and D2D Infrastructure for Big Data

A cloud is often defined as a visible collection of particles of ice and water suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the surface. It is generally a dim and obscure area in something otherwise clear and transparent. The cloud paradigm accepted within the scientific community, however, is far from this geographical definition. In view of this scenario SPANN Lab at IIT Bombay developed the concept and coined the term Cloud Communications that lays down the foundation for developing communication technologies of future. A paradigm named Green Symbiotic Cloud Communications (GSCC) is developed which introduces the true essence of cloud in communications. This requires new concepts for the design, operation, and optimization of communication networks, backhaul networks, operation and management algorithms, and architectural elements, tightly integrating communication networks and cloud processing. In the proposed project we aim to explore a futuristic paradigm, founded on fundamental utility-oriented ideas, and propose a new architecture / framework for communication systems, which will efficiently allow analysis and handling of big data. The project aims to decipher new technologies across all communication layers and paradigms, which translate cloud communications to radio access and backhaul networks making them capable of handling Big Data.


tuPOY: Thermerally Unstable Partially Oriented Yarns - Silicon of the Future

The mystique of nature, an age-old phenomenon experienced under specific temperaments like early winter mornings, yet scientifically unexplored, describes the ambit of static electricity. Embodied frequently in synthetic textiles as “static cling”, it associates itself with transition of the material to a temporary unstable state where it inherits and exhibits the properties of metallic substances. The inception of a neoteric material, Thermally Unstable Partially Oriented Yarn (tuPOY), that captures this unstability as a permanent endure and immutably embeds the characteristic of conduction and radiation of electricity; and logical processing in the non-metallic domain, is presented in this work. This radical tuPOY, manufactured from unsaturated polymer resin textiles, establishes a dynamic link connecting kinematical thermodynamics to electrical ambiance.The production process of tuPOY encompassing transesterification and  polymerization is developed and articulately arrested using an innovatively formulated retardant. The retardant forms an energy barrier, alternating between the polymer chains in tuPOY preventing the polycondensation process of stabilization to complete. The retardant embedded in the reaction is characterized such that it does not react with tuPOY or alter its chemical and structural properties.

High Performance Cognitive Radio Networks

The emerging cognitive radio (CR) technology is an attempt to mitigate the imbalance between spectrum allocation and its use. This creates the notion of primary (licensed) and secondary (unlicensed) users of the spectrum. A CR node is a wireless communication device that changes its parameters to improve connectivity and/or throughput efficiently by actively monitoring of radio environment such as radio frequency spectrum, user behavior and network state. A successful implementation of such a CR system requires an integrated approach to design of network, MAC and physical layer; which includes the RF front-end. CR would consist of Intelligent Sensing hardware and Intelligent Sensing Algorithms for white spaces or spectrum holes in the TV and Cellular band. Accordingly, this project aims to address the issues of intelligent identification of white spaces, cognitive relaying for better efficiency, adaptive spectrum management exploiting white spaces in 3-dimensions (frequency, time, code) and build a test-bed for CR networks at IITB and IITH.

Design and Development of Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Remote Monitoring: AgriSens

We have developed a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and its use for precision agriculture. We have developed a WSN for monitoring and control of agriculture farms, popularly known as "AgriSens". AgriSens is an end to end system i.e. it started from conceptualization system to implementation and finally to system deployment stage. AgriSens uses few set of wireless sensors to collect sensory data (such as soil moisture, soil temperature, leaf wetness, pH, rain gauge, ambient temperaturem relative humidity etc.). The sensory data is routed through multi-hop communication to a embedded gateway where the data is processed and stored in a structured database. The embedded gateway is connected to Internet through General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) interface. It facilitates smooth transfer of data stream management system at IIT Bombay. This data provides useful information to the farmers to improve crop productivity, and used to take a control action such as, starting or stopping of the irrigation system. This system was field tested at Sula Vineyard, located at Nashik (India). The data at the same is used for agriculture disease forecasting and predicting irrigation cycle schedule for the grape crop.


Vehicle to Vehicle Communication

Inter-vehicular communication has received great interest from many researchers and industry in recent times. This is because of the wide range of applications that can be developed using inter-vehicular communication. Some examples of these applications include collision warning systems, automatic collision avoidance systems, toll collection, surveillance and tracking, infotainment etc. Some of these applications fall in the category of public safety like collision warning systems, hence are given top priority. The communication layer in these applications has to provide sound and eective support sothat they can function efficiently. Also in Inter-vehicle communication the mobile wireless channel presents more challenges then the conventional static wireless channel. One major challenge is fading caused due to mobility of stations. Frequency selective fading and doppler fading are two major causes for concern. Another important challenge is short connection time for communication i.e. the need for extremely low communication latency(measured in milliseconds) from initially encountering a device that provides services to completing a set of data transfers. This means we can not use authentication protocol similar to the one in 802.11 WLAN because this will cause a lot of latency which will be unacceptable due to the dynamic nature of the node positions. The next generation intervehicular communication networks are expected to support high data rates by overcoming these challenges and at the same time provide quality of service (QoS) for real time


applications. In this regard, the initiative taken by IEEE has led to the development of 802.11p and 1609 standard (also called the WAVE standard). These act as guidingsteps towards developing infrastructure for Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication.