  1. Indian Patent: 408534, Application Number: 20212101053, Date of Filing: 12/03/2021 “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DYNAMIC-WIDE-FIELD MAGNETOMETRY USING NITROGEN-VACANCY DEFECTS IN DIAMOND”

Journal Articles:

  1. “Phase-Based Approaches for Rapid Construction of Magnetic Fields in NV Magnetometry”, P Anand, A Khandelwal, A A Kumar, M G Chandra, P K Reddy, A Bathla, D Shishir, K Saha, arXiv:2408.11069v1. – Accepted in IEEE Sensors Letters.
  2. “Stress-induced magneto response and its influence on quantum emission performance of nitrogen-vacancies in boron-implanted single-crystal diamond”,  V Shukla, A Majumder, B Yadav, S Dalal, N Singh, K Saha, and P Rai, (Submitted)


Journal Articles:

  1. “Real-time Simultaneous Dual Sensing of Temperature and Magnetic Field using NV-based Nano-diamonds”, S Sarkar, N Agrawal, D Shishir and K Saha, http://arXiv:2408.17418.
  2. “Transverse resistance due to electronic inhomogeneities in superconductors”, S. Sengupta, A Farhadizadeh, J Youssef, S Loucif, F Pallier, L Dumoulin, K Saha, S Pujari, M Oden, C Marrache-Kikuchi, M Monteverde, arXiv:2407.16662.
  3. “Observation of Ultra-low AC Susceptibility in Micro-magnets Using Quantum Diamond Microscope”, D. Shishir, M. Markham, K.Saha, arXiv:2404.17376.
  4. “p-type NiOX Dielectric-Based CMOS Inverter Logic Gate using Enhancement-Mode GaN nMOS and Diamond pMOS Transistors”, M. Patil*, S. K. Pradhan*, V. K. Shukla, P. Rai, A. Sahu, J. Paul, A. H. Sheikh, B. Parvez, Ranie S. J., S. Ganguly, K. Saha, and D. Saha. (*Equal Authors), Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 252104.
  5. “Ultrafast Green Single Photon Emission from an InGaN Quantum Dot-in-a-GaN Nanowire at Room Temperature”, S Bhunia, A Majumder, S Chatterjee, R Sarkar, D Nag, K Saha, S Mahapatra, A Laha, Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 044002.
  6. “High dynamic-range and portable magnetometer using ensemble nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, H. Kumar, D. Shishir, M. Mangat, S. Tallur, K. Saha, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 075002, DOI:, arXiv:2402.15748.
  7. “Optimized Current Density Reconstruction from Widefield Quantum Diamond Magnetic Field Maps”, S Midha, M Parashar, A Bathla, D. Broadway, J. P. Tettienne, K. Saha, Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 014015, DOI:

  8. “Single photon emission from in situ created nitrogen-vacancies in chemical vapor deposition grown single crystal diamond”, Vivek K. Shukla, H. K. Poswal, A. Kala, V. G. Achanta, A. Majumder, K. Saha, P. Rai. Phys. Scr. 99 045106, 2024. DOI 10.1088/1402-4896/ad2da4
  9. “Enhanced Threshold Voltage and Improved Subthreshold Swing Using NiOX/ITO Reverse Bias Gated Diamond pMOS”, S. J. Ranie, S. K. Pradhan, V. K. Shukla, K. Saha, P. Rai, S. Ganguly, and D. Saha, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 2400242, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/pssr.202400242


  1. “Towards volume imaging of neurons using quantum diamond microscope (Invited Paper)”, Kasturi Saha, SPIE Photonics West Conference, San Francisco, USA, January 2024 Paper ID: PC12863-26
  2. “Normally-off  NiOx based hydrogen-terminated diamond metal oxide semiconductor field-effect-transistor” , Subrat Kumar Pradhan, V. K. Shukla, P. Pohekar, Padmnabh Rai, Dipankar Saha, Kasturi Saha, Semiconductor Materials and Device Physics Conference, Turkey, April, 2024.
  3. “Quantum Imaging with NV-Diamond”, Kasturi Saha, Invited Talk, Optica Imaging Congress, France, July 2024.
  4. “Towards Quantum Resolution Limit of Magnetic Field Imaging with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers”, Nicolas Deshler, Ayan Majumder, Kasturi Saha, Saikat Guha, Optica Imaging Congress, France, July 2024.
  5. “Ultra-low AC Susceptibility Measurement with Quantum Diamond Microscope”, D. Shishir, Kasturi Saha, Optica Imaging Congress, France, July 2024.
  6. “Engineering a Mechanically Stable Hybrid Photonic Crystal Cavity Coupled to Color Defects in Diamond”, Ayan Majumder, Anuj Bathla and Kasturi Saha,  QCMC 2024, IIT Madras. (Contributed talk: Total of 212 submissions and only 20 contributed talks from this list were selected.)


  1. News article in Quantum Vibes by CDAC:
  2. Physics News (Indian Physics Association): Showcasing cutting edge science of young women physicist in India:

Journal Articles

  1. S. Sarkar, A. Gokhale, M. Parashar and K. Saha, “Efficient Signal Processing for Low-Cost Magnetometry Using Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-12, 2023, Art no. 7001812, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2023.3234086
  2. “Mapping AC Susceptibility with Quantum Diamond Microscope”, D. Shishir, M. Parashar, K. Saha Rev Sci Instrum 1 May 2023; 94 (5): 053702, (2023).
  3. Opto-thermoelectric trapping of fluorescent nanodiamonds on plasmonic nanostructures“,  A. Shukla, S. Tiwari, A. Majumder, K. Saha, GV Pavan Kumar, Optics Letters, 48, 11, 2937-2940
  4. Decoupling nuclear spins via interaction-induced freezing in nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond“, A. Kejriwal*, D. Shishir*, S. Pujari, K. Saha, Quantum Information Processing, 22, 289. *Equal authors


  1. “Mapping AC Susceptibility with Quantum Diamond Microscope”,D. Shishir, M. Parashar, K. Saha – APS March Meeting, (March 2023)
  2. “Few NV center nanodiamonds enable high-speed and high-resolution sensing of paramagnetic species”, A. Modak, A. Majumder, M. Parashar, S. Tallur, K. Saha, IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Toyama, Japan. (May 2023)
  3. “Fourier and Bayesian Approaches for Current Reconstruction: A Comparitive Study”, S. Midha, M. Parashar, K. Saha, Gordon Research Seminar, Les Diablerets Conference Center, Switzerland. (July 2023)
  4. A Priori Constrained 3D Volume Magnetic Field Imaging From Dynamic Quantum Diamond Microscopy​”, M. Parashar*, A. Bathla*, K. Saha, Gordon Research Conference on Frontiers of Sensing in the Quantum Regime with Atomic, Solid-State and Photonic Systems, Les Diablerets Conference Center, Switzerland. (July 2023). *Equal authors
  5. “Dynamic Widefield Thermal Imaging using Nanodiamonds” , Sonia Sarkar, Dasika Shishir, Madhur Parashar, Kasturi Saha, International workshop on physics of semiconductor devices, IIT Madras, India. (December 2023)
  6. “Extended dynamic range magnetometer based on ensemble of Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in Diamond”, Himanshu Kumar, Dasika Shishir, Madhur Parashar, Siddharth Tallur and Kasturi Saha, XXII International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD)” 14th -17th Dec 2023 IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
  7. “Closed loop feedback-controlled magnetometer based on ensemble of Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in Diamond”, Himanshu Kumar, Dasika Shishir, Madhur Parashar, Siddharth Tallur, and Kasturi Saha, Feedback control of Quantum Machines 2023 27th Nov-1st Dec 2023, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, OIST, Okinawa Japan (awarded full travel support).
  8. “Barrier inhomogeneity and current distribution characteristics of schottky diodes on boron doped diamond” , S. K. Pradhan, P. Rai, D. Saha, K. Saha, International workshop on physics of semiconductor devices, IIT Madras, India. (December 2023)


  1. “Sub-second Temporal Magnetic Field Microscopy Using Quantum Defects in Diamond”, M Parashar, A. Bathla, D. Shishir, A. Gokhale, S. Bandyopadhyay, and K. Saha, Scientific Report 12, 8743 (2022)
  2. “Engineering a Mechanically Stable Hybrid Photonic Crystal Cavity Coupled to Color Defects in Diamond”, A. Majumder, B. D. Choudhury and K. Saha, IOP Journal of Optics, 24 064014, (2022)


  1. “Nitrogen-Vacancy Centre-based Diamond Microscope for Investigating Quantum Materials”, D. Shishir, K. SahaBulletin of Material Sciences, 44, 276 (2021). Part of a special collection of invited review articles on Quantum Materials and Devices.
  2. “Lock-in Detection based Dynamic Widefield Magnetometry using Quantum Defects in Diamond”, M Parashar, D Shishir, A Bathla, A Gokhale, S Bandyopadhyay, and K SahaarXiv:2107.12232 (2021)
  3. “Dispersion Engineering of GaN-based Coupled Waveguides for Blue Frequency Combs”, P Das, K Saha and S Tallur, IOP Journal of Optics23 095001(2021).
  4. “Size Dependence in Flux-Flow Hall Effect using Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equations”, V Punyamoorty, A Malusare, S SenguptaS PujariK Saha, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033144 (2021).
  5. “Detecting Initial Correlations via Correlated Spectroscopy in Hybrid Quantum Systems”, P Jatakia, S Vinjanampathy, K SahaScientific Report, 11, 20718. (2021)
  6. “The Avian Compass can be sensitive even without Sustained Quantum Coherence”, R Jain, VS Poonia, K Saha, D Saha, S Ganguly, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477, 2250 (2021).


  1. “Axon Hillock Currents Allow Single-Neuron-Resolution 3-Dimensional Functional Neural Imaging Using Diamond Quantum Defect-Based Vector Magnetometry”, M Parashar, K Saha, S Bandyopadhyay, Communications Physics, 3, 174 (2020).
  2.  “Low-cost passive pH sensor fabricated on scotch tape”, A Majumdar, S K Pradhan, K Saha, S Tallur, IEEE Sensors Letters DOI:10.1109/LSENS.2020.2982469 (2020).


  1. “Modelling of Magnetostriction for Stress-Imaging via Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond”, V. Purnyamoorty, D. Shishir, K. Saha, IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID), DOI: 10.1109/RAPID.2019.8864357. (2019)
  2. “Stress Generation in Terfenol-D using HBAR for NV Center Based Hybrid Sensor”, A Patil, K Saha, IEEE- International Frequency Control Symposium, DOI: 10.1109/FCS.2018.8597442 (2018).
  3. “Cross-sensor feedback stabilization of an emulated quantum spin gyroscope”, J. C. Jaskula*, K. Saha*, A. Ajoy, D. J. Twitchen, M. Markham, P. Cappellaro, Physical Review Applied 11 (5), 054010 (2019) * equal contribution
  4. “A bright nanowire single-photon source”, L. Marseglia, K. Saha, A. Ajoy, T. Schroder, D. R Englund, T. Teraji, F. Jelezko, R. Walsworth, J. L Pacheco, D. Perry, E. Bielejec, P. Cappellaro, Optics Express 26 (1), 80-89 (2018).
  5. “Protecting solid-state spins from a strongly coupled environment,” M. Chen, W.K.C. Sun, K. Saha, J.C. Jaskula, P. Cappellaro, New Journal of Physics 20 (6), 063011 (2018).


  1. “Mapping AC susceptibility with quantum diamond microscope”, D. Shishir, M. Parashar, K. Saha (2022) (QMAT, IIT Kanpur)
  2. “Efficient Signal Processing for Low-cost Magnetometry using Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond”, S. Sarkar, A. Gokhale, M. Parashar and K. Saha (2021, IWPSD, IIT Delhi) (“J C Bose Best Poster Award”)
  3. M. Parashar, D. Shishir, A. Gokhale, A. Bathla, S. Bandopadhyay, K. Saha, “Dynamic widefield magnetometry using quantum defects in diamond”. CLEO (2021) (Virtual Conference,  Poster)
  4. A. Majumder, B. D. Choudhury, K. Saha, “Practical design consideration and material hybridization for hihg-Q nanobeam cavity in color center diamond for quantum computing and sensing”, Student chapter conference on advances in optics, TIFR OSA(2021)(Virtual Conference,  Poster)
  5. M. Parashar, D. Shishir, A. Gokhale, A. Bathla, S. Bandopadhyay, K. Saha, “Per pixel lock in detection based dynamic widefield magnetometry using quantum defects in diamond”. APS March Meeting (2021) (Virtual Conference,  ORAL)
  6. P. Das, A. Verma, P. Solanki, A. Kejriwal, S. Chandgothia, S. Vinjanampathy, K. Saha, “Quantum Synchronization in Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamonds”, APS March Meeting (2021) (Virtual Conference, ORAL)
  7. D. Shishir, K. Saha, “Dynamic widefield imaging of strain using quantum defects in diamond”, APS March Meeting (2021) (Virtual Conference, ORAL)
  8. M. Parashar, K. Saha, S. Bandopadhyay, “3-D imaging of mammalian neuron axon potential via vector magnetometry using NV-centers in diamond”, (2018) – conference poster in Neurosciences, USA, November 2018.
  9. A. Malusare, S. Pujari, S. Sengupta, K. Saha, “Imaging Vortex Dynamics in High-Tc Superconductors using Ensemble Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) Centers in Diamond”, APS March meeting, Boston, MA, USA. (ORAL)
  10. P. Jatakia, S. Vinjanampathy, K.Saha, “Characterizing Initial Correlations via Spectroscopy”, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 2019. (ORAL)

Invited Talks:

  1. QIQT IISER Kolkata (2021)
  2. Oxford Instruments, Virtual BTNT (2021)
  3. IIT Gandhinagar – Physics Department Colloquium (2021)
  4. Intercontinental NMR Seminar – hosted by TIFR Hyderabad (2021)
  5. OSA Student Chapter Conference on advances in optics – hosted by TIFR Mumbai (2021)
  6. Sensor’s Workshop – IIT Bombay (2021)
  7. Student conference on photonics and quantum technology (SCPQT) – NISER Bhuwaneshwar (2021)
  8. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) – Kolkata – Jan 2019.
  9. International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE, Banglore, December 2018.
  10. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) – Mohali – October 2018.
  11. The Royal Society, Indo-UK Frontiers of Science, London, June 2018.
  12. CENSE, Indian Institute of Sciences Bangalore, August 2017.
  13. Gordon Research Conference, Hong Kong, July 2017.
  14. National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 2017.
  15. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, March 2017.

Selected publications from past research: 

  1. Quantum interpolation for high-resolution sensing, A. Ajoy, Y.-X. Liu, K. Saha, L. Marseglia, J.-C. Jaskula, U. Bissbort and P. Cappellaro, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. (2017). (Covered in  MIT news)
  2. Modelocking and femtosecond pulse generation in chip-based frequency combs, K. Saha, Y. Okawachi, B. Shim, J. S. Levy, M. A. Foster, R. Salem, A. R. Johnson, M. R. E. Lamont, M. Lipson and A. L. Gaeta, Opt. Express 21, 1335 (2013). (Covered in Spotlights in Optics, highlighted articles from OSA journals)
  3. Phase modulation at the few-photon level for weak-nonlinearity-based quantum computing, V. Venkataraman, K. Saha, and A. L. Gaeta, Nature Photonics 7, 2, 138 (2013)
    (Blogged by NanoWerk: Switching with a few photons for quantum computing)
  4. Octave-spanning frequency comb generation in a silicon nitride chip, Y. Okawachi*, K. Saha*, J. S. Levy, Y. H. Wen, M. Lipson and A. L. Gaeta Opt. Lett. 36, 3398 (2011). *Equal contribution
  5. Silicon-based monolithic optical frequency comb source, M. A. Foster, J. S. Levy, O. Kuzucu, K. Saha, M. Lipson, and A. L. Gaeta Opt. Express 19, 14233 (2011). (Covered in Spotlights in Optics, highlighted articles from OSA journals)
  6. Broadband parametric frequency comb generation with a 1-μm pump source, K. Saha*, Y. Okawachi*, J. S. Levy, M. Lipson and A. L. Gaeta Opt. Express 20, 26935 (2012). *Equal contribution
  7. Chip-based frequency combs with sub-100 GHz repetition rates, A. Johnson, Y. Okawachi, J. S. Levy, Jaime Cardanes, K. Saha, M. Lipson and A. L. Gaeta Opt. Lett. 37, 875 (2012).
  8. Few-photon all-optical modulation in a photonic band-gap fiber, V. Venkataraman*, K. Saha*, P. Londero, and A. L. Gaeta Phys. Rev. Lett 107, 103902 (2011). *Equal contribution
  9. Enhanced two-photon absorption in a hollow-core photonic-band-gap fiber, K. Saha, V. Venkataraman, P. Londero, and A. L. Gaeta Phys. Rev. A 83, 033833 (2011).

A complete list of publications: Google Scholar: Kasturi Saha