Principal Investigator:
Kasturi Saha, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
Core member: Center of Excellence in Quantum Information, Computing Science and Technology, IIT Bombay. (

Kasturi Saha joined IIT Bombay as an assistant professor in December 2016. She did her PhD in the Quantum and Nonlinear Photonics Group of Prof. Alexander Gaeta in the School of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell University. Her thesis involved the characterization, time-domain analysis and stabilization of frequency combs generated in silicon nitride microring resonators and ultra-low power nonlinear optics in photonic bandgap fibers. She worked closely with Prof. Michal Lipson’s group in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
She did her post-doctoral fellowship in the Quantum Engineering Group of Prof. Paola Cappellaro in the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) where she worked primarily on building a quantum spin-based gyroscope using Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centers in diamond.
She obtained her B.Sc.(Phys. Hons.) from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi from 2003-06 and M.Sc. in Physics from IIT-Delhi in 2008.
Faculty Accolades:
- Indian Academy of Sciences (INSA) Associate Fellow
- DST Inspire Faculty Fellowship – 2017-2022
- Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Young Faculty Fellowship – 2017-2020
- Venus International Young Researcher Award 2023
- SERB-Power Research Grant 2023-2025
- IIT Bombay C1973 Research Excellence Award 2025
Team Members:

Post Doctoral Fellow:
Ph.D. Students:
- Dasika Shishir (EE7- Solid State Devices)
- Sonia Sarkar (CRNTS, co-supervisor Prof. Pradeep Sarin)
- Anuj Bathla (CRNTS, co-supervisor Prof. Pradeep Sarin)
- Subrat Kumar Pradhan (Institute Ansys Fellowship, EE7- Solid State Devices, co-supervisor – Prof. Dipankar Saha)
- Ayan Majumder (EE7- Solid State Devices)
- Himanshu Kumar (PMRF, EE7- Solid State Devices)
- Jyotiprakash Parhi (EE7-Solid State Devices)
- Swanil R. Bait (EE7-Solid State Devices)
Project Staff
- Manali Verma
- Yash Upadhyay
Master’s thesis student:
- Kamal Kishor Singh (From Mumbai University)
Interested: We are always looking for Ph. D. students, post-docs and interns. (See special call on welcome page)
Ph.D students: visit Admission@EE, CRNTS
Post-docs: Email and apply via Institute Post Doc Fellowship
Interns and project students: Email
Former Members (UG Students, Interns, Collaboration Related, Project Staff, External Thesis):
- Tarun Kumar (IIT Delhi)
- Aryan Palimkar (IIT Madras)
- Akshat Barnwal (IIT Gandhinagar)
- Bhavana Parankusam (Physics – IIT Bombay)
- Namita Agrawal (Physics – IIT Bombay, BTP-II)
- Neeraj Prabhu (EE- IIT Bombay, UG Chanakya Fellow, BTP-II)
- Siddhant Midha (EE-IIT Bombay, UG Chanakya Fellow, BTP-II)
- Advait Risbud (MEMS – IIT Bombay, UG Chanakya Fellow, BTP-II)
- Dr. Madhur Parashar (Former PhD student, now in UC Berkeley with Prof. Ashok Ajoy)
- Abhishek Kejriwal (UG/PG Chanakya Fellow, Dual Degree Thesis, Engineering Physics) personal page
- Sammanay Bhuyan (BS-MS, IISER Mohali – Summer Intern – 2023)
- Samiran Chakraborty (BS-MS, IISER Kolkata – Summer Intern – 2023)
- Shrijani Manna (B.Tech Thesis, EE, Manipal University)
- Dr. Fabitha K. (IIT Bombay Postdoctoral Fellow)
- Dr. Rizwana Khanum (IIT Bombay Postdoctoral Fellow)
- Shrijani Manna (DST-Quest Summer Intern 2022, EE, Manipal University)
- Namita Agarwal (DST-Quest Summer Intern 2022, B.Tech, Engineering Physics)
- Arya Patil (SURP- IIT Bombay)
- Neeraj Prabhu (SURP- IIT Bombay)
- Utkarsh Jindal (SURP- IIT Bombay)
- Kaustav Prasad (SURP- IIT Bombay)
- Aryan Lall (D. D., Electrical Engineering, moved to Qualcomm)
- Anaida Ali (B.Tech., Engineering Physics)
- Alok M. Ghokhale (moved to Ferdinand Braun Institut, Berlin)
- Dr. Bikash Dev Choudhury (moved to IIT B Nanofabrication process team)
- Binkesh Pandey (M.Tech: EE7 – Solid State Devices)
- Chaitanya Somayajula (B.Tech., Engineering Physics)
- Shreyas Changothia (B.Tech., Engineering Physics)
- Pranoy Das (IISER Kolkata)
- Prerna Baranwal (BITS Pilani, BTech Thesis)
- Vineet Punyamoorty (D. D., Electrical Engineering, Dual Degree Thesis 2020)
- Alok Milind Gokhale (BITS Goa)(Spring 2020, MS – Thesis)
- Parth K. Jatakia (D. D., Engineering Physics) (Collaboration with Prof. Sai Vinjanampathy)
- Sanjeev Kumar (IIT Ropar, KVPY Fellow Summer 2019)
- Vineet Moghe (D. D., Electrical Engineering)
- Nived K. (B.Tech., Engineering Physics)(Collaboration with Prof. Udayan Ganguly)
- Virul Katiya (D. D., Electrical Engineering)
- Ayan Majumdar (IISER Mohali, Inspire student fellowship)
- Abhishek Purohit (IISER Mohali, KVPY Fellow)
- Shivansh Joshi (IISER Kolkata, KVPY Fellow)
- Aditya Malusare (B.Tech., Engineering Physics) (was working in collaboration with Prof. Sumiran Pujari, Prof. Shamashis Sengupta, and Prof. R. Vijayraghavan) – (Now: Graduate student in Purdue University, USA)
- Amritesh Sharma (D. D., Electrical Engineering)(was working in collaboration with Prof. Udayan Ganguly)
- Ashlesha Patil (Former D.D., EE – MicroElectronics, IITB)(Now: Graduate student at University of Arizona, USA)
- Vishvendra Poonia (Ph.D. student, EE – MicroElectronics)(Now: Assistant professor, IIT Roorkee)
- Rakshit Jain (B.Tech., Engineering Physics)(Now: Graduate student at Cornell University, USA)
- Villy Gohil (B.Tech, Electrical Engineering)