Vivek Agarwal: personal homepage

Home page of Dr.Vivek Agarwal


Date of Birth : 13th June, 1964
Designation : Professor (Institute chair professor),
Address: Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, India,

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Academic Qualifications
    Ph.D. (Electrical Engg.) 1990 - 1995: University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
    Specialization : Power Electronics

    M.E. (Electrical. Engg.) 1986 - 1990: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India,

    B.Sc. Physics (Hons.) 1982 - 1985: St. Stephen's college, Delhi University,
    New Delhi, India
Field of Interest
  1. Power conversion: New converter topologies, High frequency link power conversion, ZCS-ZVS configurations, Switched Capacitor DC-DC converters

  2. Power quality issues: Power factor correction techniques, Static VAR compensation, Active filters

  3. Non-conventional energy (solar PV, Wind, Fuel cell) : Power conditioning, maximum power point tracking, stand-alone and grid connected systems, Microgrid

  4. Intelligent control of power electronic systems (including electric drives): Advanced control schemes, DSP and FPGA based control

  5. Design of electronic systems : Design and fabrication of hardware for a range of applications such as biomedical applications, navigation systems and intelligent trransportation systems etc., Radiation effects on electronic and power electronic systems and components.

  6. ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI): EMI analysis and mitigation techniques for electronic and power electronic circuits and power systems.

Professional Experience

    Professor : Feb-2005 onwards, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay.

    Associate Professor: Feb-2001 to Feb 2005, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay.

    Assistant Professor: 1995 to Feb 2001, Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay.

    Research Engineer: 1994 - 1995, Statpower Technologies Corp., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

    Research and Teaching Assistant: 1990-1994, Univ. of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Teaching Experience

    For nearly 25 years, I have taught several courses at graduate and undergraduate levels at the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay. These courses are listed below :

  • Digita Electronics (minor course) (EE221) - for under graduate students during the year 2021.
  • Introduction to Electrical Systems (EE111) - for under graduate students during the year 2015.
  • Introduction to Electrical and electronics circuits (EE101) - for under graduate students during the year 2016, 2017 and 2019, 2020.
  • Experimentation and Measurement Laboratory (IC211) - for under graduate students during the year 2014.
  • Electronic Design Lab (EE413, EE318) - for under graduate students during the years 1995, 1996, 1999, 2009.
  • Work Visits* (EE396) - for undergraduate students during the years 1996 and 2001.
  • Microprocessors and Microcomputers (EE637) - for graduate students during the years 1995 and 1996.
  • Microprocessor Lab (EE639) - for graduate students during the years 1995 and 1996.
  • Inverters (EE644) - for graduate students during the years 1995, 1996 and 1999.
  • Power Electronics Lab (EE642) - for graduate students during the year 1997.
  • Electrical Machines (EE-303) - for undergraduate students during the year 1997.
  • Electrical Machines Lab (EE-311) - for undergraduate students during the years 1997 and 1998.
  • Electrical Machines Lab(EE-003, 220 etc.) - for under graduate students during the years 1999 and 2000.
  • Power Electronics (EE-321) - for undergraduate students during the year 1998,2008,2009, 2010, 2018 and 2020.
  • Special Topics in Power Electronics (EE-698) - for graduate students during the year 1998,2008.
  • Electric Drives (EE-657) - for graduate students during the year 1998, 2011 and 2012.
  • Electronic Circuit Lab(EE-261, EE-005) - for under graduate students during the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2008.
  • Digital Circuits Lab (EE-214) - for undergraduate students during the year 2001.
  • Microprocessor Applications in Power Electronics (EE-675)- for graduate students during the years 1999, 2000 and 2002.
  • Power Electronics I (EE-653) - for graduate students during the years 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009 , 2010 and 2014.
  • Power Electronics II (EE-654)- for graduate students during the years 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 ,2016 and 2017.
  • Basic Principles of Electrical Engineering (EE-002) - for undergraduate students during th years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
  • Basic Principles of Elec. Engg. Lab (EE-003) - for undergraduate students during the years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.
  • Power Electronics and Power Systems Lab (EE-673) - for graduate students during the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
  • Practical Training Coordinator - for undergraduate students from the year 1999 to 2008.

* This involves visiting various local industries with the students

Continuing Education Programme (CEP) Courses

  1. CEP course for IPCL/Reliance, Degree level course in Instrumentation Engineering, Nagothane, 2005 - 2010.
  2. Renewable Energy Technology, 5-day CEP course, 14th May - 18th May, 2012.
  3. Introductory Course on EMI/EMC (Course code CEP/2016-2017/I-46), one day CEP course, 14th Jan 2017.
  4. Power Electronics and Applications to renewable Energy Conversion (Course code CEP/2016/2017/I-37), 17th Feb 2017 - 22nd Feb 2017.

Affiliations with Professional Bodies

    Fellow, IEEE, USA ; Fellow, NASI, India, Fellow, IETE, India, Life Member, ISTE, India; Fellow, INAE; Fellow, INSA, India; Fellow, IASc, India

Ph.D.Thesis Supervision

S.No Name of Student Title of Thesis/Dissertation Year of Completion


Shashank Wekhande

New static VAR compensator for applications in active line current conditioning and induction generator control.



Madhuwanti Joshi

EMI/EMC issues in Power Electronic Systems



Sincy George

Active Filter based Power Factor Correction and harmonic elimination under non-sinusoidal conditions




Performance evaluation and improvement of safety-related instruments and equipment in nuclear power plants



A. Alamayehu*

Multirate output feedback based digital redesign of sliding mode control algorithms and their applications



Sachin Jain

Single-stage, Grid Connected PV Systems with Maximum Power Point Tracking



C. Sreekumar

Investigations into the Hybrid M deling and Control of DC-DC power converters



Hiren Patel

Investigations into the performance of PV systems operating under partially shaded conditions



Shekhar Dimble*

Nanotechnology based fabrication and testing of fuel cell stack for power electronic applications



Rajesh Thakur

Advanced control schemes for Wind Energy Systems



Pooja Sharma

Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking



Rupesh Wandhare

Penetration Issues with the Grid Connected Solar PV Systems



Boddu Somaiah*

Novel Approaches for Maximum Power Extraction from Fuel Cell fed Power Sources



Gopal Joshi*

RF Control of Linear Accelerator



Sushil Thale

Investigation into the Control,Coordination and Protection Aspects of an AC Microgrid



Moumita Das

High Efficiency, High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter Configurations for Stand Alone and Grid Connected Solar PV Applications



Pradeep Peter

PV fed Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters with Ground Isolation



Vishal Jain

High voltage power Supplies for generating atmospheric pressure air plasma



P. Nataraj

Issues with Tidal Energy (tentative)



K. Tarakanath

Advanced Control Techniques for Renewable Energy fed PV Systems (tentative)



Chamarthi Phanikumar

New Control Techniques and Modulation Strategies for Multilevel Inverters (tentative)



Shreelaksmi M.P

Power Quality and Energy Efficiency improvement in Elevators (tentative)



Mini Rajeev

Reducing Ground Loop Currents in Grid Connected PV Systems (tentative)



Amit Kumar Gupta

Transformer-Less Grid Connected PV Systems (tentative)



Prajof P.

Investigation into the Load Sharing, Voltage Regulations, and Voltage Imbalance Issues with Low-Voltage DC-Microgrid Systems



Ramchandra Bhosle

Performance Enhancement of Energy Storage Devices in a DC Microgrid



Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain

Investigations into the Voltge Instabilities and their Mitigation in DC Power Systems with Constant Power Loads



Gopakumar Melath

Control Schemes for Performance Enhancement of Hybrid Microgrids



Santhosh Jois

Building Integrated Solar PV.



Soumya Ranjan

Advanced Current Control Techniques to Tackle Issues in Grid-Interactive 3-level Inverters



Prashant Jain

Improved Solutions for Master-Slave Configured (MSC) Grid-Connected Centralized Inverter (GCCI) for Large PV Power Plants



Geethi Krishnan

Modelling and optimization of the supercapacitor. (tentative)



Arpan Hota

Performance, power quality and efficiency optimization of home appliance motor drives. (tentative)



Shashank Kurm

Efficient and optimized converter topologies for interfacing of energy storage devices.(tentative)



Rahul Mishra

Grid connected modular multilevel converters for large scale PV plants.(tentative)



Shamim Hasan

Control of grid connected inverters under unbalanced conditions.(tentative)



Sriram Rangarajan

Elevator drives.(tentative)



Kavita Kiran Prasad

Wireless energy transfer for electric vehicle charging (tentative)


*Either supervisor or co-supervisor for these students

M.Tech. Thesis Supervision

    M.Tech. Thesis List in the pdf document

Major Sponsored Projects as Principal Investigator
  1. Reliability up-gradation of electronic equipment, Sponsoring Agency: BRNS, Amount of Grant: Rs.42.5 Lakhs (US$ 70,833 approx.), Duration and year: 4 years(2000-2004).

  2. Solar Power Conditioning unit for residential applications, Sponsoring Agency : MNES, Amount of Grant: Rs.17.5 Lakhs (US$ 29,166 approx.), Duration and year: 2 years(2002-2004).

  3. Modernisation of an EMI/EMC Lab, Sponsoring Agency : MHRD, Amount of Grant: Rs.9.00 Lakhs (US$ 15,000 approx.), Duration and year: 1 year(2002-2003).

  4. Performance of semi-conductor devices under temperature, humidity & radiation environments, Sponsoring Agency : MHRD, Amount of Grant:Rs.16 Lakhs (US$ 27,500 approx.), Duration and year: 3.5 years (2003-2006).

  5. Study of Electric Arcs, their Detection, Characterization and Mitigation, Sponsoring Agency : BRNS, Amount of Grant:Rs.23.5 Lakhs (US$ 39,166 approx.), Duration and year: 3 years (2005-2008).

  6. DSP based hardware for GPS-INS integration, Sponsoring Agency : ARDE, Pune, Amount of Grant:Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 16,666 approx.) , Duration and year: 1.0 years (2005-2006).

  7. Expansion of EMI/EMC Research and Measurement Facilities, Sponsoring Agency : MHRD(under MODROBS scheme), Amount of Grant: Rs.11 Lakhs (US$ 18,333 approx.), Duration and year: 2 years (2005-2007).

  8. Linux Based, Cost Effective Embedded Web-server for Bio-medical applications, Sponsoring Agency : MHRD(under MODROBS scheme), Amount of Grant: Rs.13 Lakhs (US$ 21,666 approx.), Duration and year: 2 years (2005-2007).

  9. A fully compensated, hybrid, distributed generation system based on renewable energy sources Feasibility study and implementation, Sponsoring Agency : MHRD(R&D scheme), Amount of Grant: Rs.16 Lakhs (US$ 26,666 approx.) , Duration and year: 3 years (2005-2008)

  10. Design and Development of Power Electronics and Non-Conventional Energy Course Module (lectures on CD) - Sponsoring Agency : MNRE, Amount of Grant: Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 16,666 approx.), Duration and year: 8 months (2008- 2009)

  11. Design and Development of a High Frequency, High Voltage Supply for High-Field Asymetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometer (FA- MS) application - Sponsoring Agency : Defense Research and Development Establishment, Amount of Grant: Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 16,666 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (2009-2010)

  12. Design, development and analysis of high power switched capacitor- Inductorless DC-DC converters - Sponsoring Agency : Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences , Amount of Grant: Rs.15.25 Lakhs (US$ 25,500 approx.), Duration and year: 2 years (2009-2011)

  13. Analysis of transient loading, inverter current loading propagation to fuel cells and design of bi-directional active power network - Sponsoring Agency : Naval Material Research Laboratory, NMRL (DRDO), Ambarnath, Mumbai, Amount of Grant: Rs.10 Lakhs (US$ 16,666 approx.), Duration and year:18 months (2009-2011)

  14. Development of a Remote Whole Body Radioactivity Detector and a Centralised Continuous Monitoring Data Display System for In-patient Nuclear Medicine Therapy Procedures - Sponsoring Agency : BARC, Amount of Grant: Rs.12.8 Lakhs (US$ 20,833 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (Aug 2009- Jan 2011)

  15. Investigations into the performance of solar PV panels and their power conditoining at high altitude for UAV applcations - Sponsoring Agency : ADE, DRDO, Bangalore, Amount of Grant: Rs.9.996 Lakhs (US$ 16,660 approx.), Duration and year: 18 months (Oct 2012- Nov 2013)

  16. Design and Development of Power Packs with Aerogel Supercapacitors & Fractional Order Modeling, Sponsoring Agency : Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Amount of Grant: Rs.100.00 Lakhs (US$ 6,16,666 approx.), Duration and year: 3 years(2013-2016). [Project is a joint collaboration between C-MET Thrissur, BARC-Mumbai and IIT-Bombay]

  17. Design and Developement of a low cost, Rugged solar PV Microinverter for Rural, Sponsoring Agency : Tata Center (IIT-BOMBAY), Amount of Grant: Rs.10,00,000 (US$ 14,600 approx.), Duration and year: 1 years(2014-2015).

  18. Design and Fabrication of Power Electronic Controllers for Certain Home Appliance Motors, Sponsoring Agency : Tata Center (IIT-BOMBAY), Translational Grant: Rs. 35,00,000 , Duration and year: 2 years(Aug 2016- 2018).

    * A conversion rate of 1 US$ = 60 Rs. (Indian Ruppees) is assumed

Major Sponsored Projects as Investigator or Project Team Member
  1. Mission Mode project on the development of FHP motor and power electronic controller, Sponsoring Agency:MHRD, Amount of Grant:INR 1,08,00,000 US$ 229166, Duration and year: 4 year (1996-2000).

  2. EMI / EMC investigations of lasers and pulsed power, Sponsoring Agency:BRNS, Amount of Grant:INR 25,00,000 nearly US$ 41666, Duration and year: 4 year (1999-2003).

  3. System Optimization for a Mobile Integrated Power Plant, Sponsoring Agency:ADRDE (Agra), Amount of Grant:INR 10,00,000 nearly US$ 16,6666, Duration and year: 2 year (2005-2007).

  4. Stability and Performance of Photovoltaics (STAPP), Sponsoring Agency:RCUK & DST, Amount of Grant:UK side: 2.5 million pound Indian side: matching amount, Duration and year: 3 year (2010-2013).

  5. National Centre for Photovoltaic Research and Education (NCPRE), Sponsoring Agency:MNRE, Amount of Grant:INR 47 crores nearly US$ 8.3 million, Duration and year: 5 year (2010-2015).

  6. Intelligent MicroGrids with Appropriate Storage for Energy (IMASE), Sponsoring Agency:RCUK & DST , Amount of Grant:INR 5.2 crores nearly US$ .8 million, Duration and year: 3 year (2014-2017).

    * A conversion rate of 1 US$ = 60 Rs. (Indian Ruppees) is assumed

Major Consultancy Projects
  1. Power Factor Corrected Battery Charger, Sponsoring Agency: Statpower Corporation, Canada, Amount of Grant: C$ 22,000 (approx), Duration and year: 2 years (1997-1998).

  2. EMI/EMC investigations into Microcontroller PCBs, Sponsoring Agency:General Electric Co., USA, Amount of Grant: US$ 10,000 (approx), Duration and year: 1 year (1999-2000).

  3. EMI/EMC investigations into furniture partitions, Sponsoring Agency:Godrej and Boyce, Mumbai, India , Amount of Grant: US$ 3,125 (approx), Duration and year: 1 year (2002-2003).

  4. PSPICE Modeling of Devices, Sponsoring Agency: IXYS Corporation, USA, Amount of Grant: US$ 3,333 (approx), Duration and year: 1 year (2003-2004).

  5. Consultancy on misc, power electronics projects, Sponsoring Agency: Precision Power Products, India, Amount of Grant: Rs.1.5 Lakhs (US$ 2,500 approx.), Duration and year: 1 year (2004-2005).

  6. Applications of Ultra Caps, Sponsoring Ag ncy: Aartech Solonics , India, Amount of Grant: Rs.3.5 Lakhs (US$ 5,833 approx.), Duration and year: 1 year (2010-2011).

  7. Study of the effects of the magnectic fields of high voltage, high power XLPE cable of neighbouring power cable, oil pipelines and metal to metal touchvoltage for GIS bus duct, Sponsoring Agency: Fichtner Consulting Engineers (I) Pvt Ltd, India, Amount of Grant: Rs.3.00 Lakhs (US$ 5,000 approx.), Duration and year: 4 months (Oct 2012-Feb 2013).

  8. Development of Solar PV based Water Pumping System for Agrarian Applications, Sponsoring Agency: Kisan Solar, Amount of Grant: INR 2,60,000 (US$ 4,167 approx.), Duration and year: 1 year ( 2013- 2014).

  9. Development of Solar PV Power Conditioing Unit (PCU) with advanced MPPT and Anti-islanding techniques , Sponsoring Agency: Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL), Amount of Grant: US$40,000 , Duration and year: 1 year ( 2014- 2015).

  10. Modeling, Simulation and Control of High Performance Induction Motor Drive for EV Application , Sponsoring Agency: Hella India Automotive Pvt. Ltd., Amount of Grant: INR 3,42,000, Duration and year: 3 months (2015).

  11. Modeling, Simulation and Control of High Performance BLDC Motor, Sponsoring Agency: Hella India Automotive Pvt. Ltd., Amount of Grant: INR 12,00,000 , US$20,000/- Duration and year: 6 months(2016-17).

  12. Application of Ultracapacitor based Energy Storage as Smart Grid Initiative for Recuperation and Reuse of Energy in Elevators for High Rise Buildings in Smart Cities, Sponsoring Agency: Aartech Solonics Ltd, Amount of Grant: INR 10,00,000, US$16,660/- Duration and year: 1 year (2016-2017).

    * A conversion rate of 1 US$ = 60 Rs. (Indian Rupees) is assumed

  1. US Patent Application - Attorney's docket no. 1138.102 PCT/US 03/33419


    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal, V.P. Sundarsingh, Serge Bontemps and Alain Calmels

    Patent issued on Jan. 2, 2007 as U.S. Patent No. 7,157,886 B2

  2. Indian Patent (Application No. 2286/MUM/2008 filed on 23rd Oct. 2008)


    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal, P.S.V. Nataraj and Rajesh Thakur

    Patent issued on April 5, 2016 as Indian Patent No. 272522

  3. Indian Patent (Application No. 849/MUM/2011 filed on 23th Mar. 2011; International application no. PCT/IB2011/001169 dt. 30 May 2011; U.S. Patent Application No. 13/265,619


    Inventors:Vivek Agarwal and Pradeep Peter

    Patent issued on April, 28, 2015 as US Patent No. 9,018,892 B2

  4. Indian Patent (Application No. 2409/MUM/2011 filed on 26th Aug. 2011)


    Inventors:Vivek Agarwal, Rahul Patel, Bhavic Chaudhuri and Rupesh Wandhare

    Patent issued on 3rd June, 2019 as Indian Patent No. 313686

  5. Indian Patent (Application No. 1234/MUM/2012 filed on 16th April, 2012)


    Inventors:Vivek Agarwal and Kriti Kumar

    Patent issued on March, 31, 2021 as Indian Patent No. 363821

  6. Indian Patent (Application No. 1652/MUM/2012 filed on 5th June, 2012)


    Inventors:Vivek Agarwal and Pooja Sharma

    Patent issued on September, 17, 2020 as Indian Patent No. 346945

  7. Indian Patent (Application No. 1715/MUM/2012 filed on 13th June, 2012)


    Inventors:Vivek Agarwal and Pradeep Peter

    Patent issued on September, 6, 2019 as Indian Patent No. 320038

  8. Indian Patent (Application No. 2908/MUM/2012 filed on 3rd October, 2012)


    Inventors: Rupesh Wandhare and Vivek Agarwal

    Patent issued on October, 22, 2020 as Indian Patent No. 349889

  9. Indian Patent (Application No. 2952/MUM/2012 filed on 9th October, 2012)


    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal and Pooja Sharma

    Patent issued on December, 7, 2020 as Indian Patent No. 353176

  10. Indian Patent (Application No. 515/MUM/2012 filed on 22nd february, 2013)


    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal and Sajeesh Kumar

  11. Indian Patent (Application No. 1509/MUM/2013 filed on 25nd April, 2013)


    Inventors: Devendra Patil and Vivek Agarwal

    Patent issued on December 3, 2019 as Indian Patent No. 326665

  12. Indian Patent (Application No. 3999/MUM/2014 filed on 28th Nov, 2014)


    Inventors: Sushil Thale and Vivek Agarwal

    Patent issued on February 26, 2021 as Indian Patent No. 359817

  13. Indian Patent (Application No. 1811/RQ/MUM/2015. filed on 15th May, 2015)


    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal, S.R. Gurumurthy

  14. Indian Patent (Application No. 201621036096. filed on 21st Oct., 2016)


    Inventors: Amit Gupta, Madhuwanti Joshi and Vivek Agarwal

  15. Indian Patent (Application No. - 201721023121,filed on 30th June, 2017)

    Title: Method of Trajectory Optimization for Loss Minimization in Induction Motor Fed Elevator Systems

    Inventors: Shreelakshmi M.P. and Vivek Agarwal

  16. US Patent (Application No. - 14407890,filed on 12th Dec, 2014)

    Title: Distributed maximum power point tracking of a photovoltaic source using switched DC-DC converters

    Inventors: Vivek Agarwal and Pradeep K. Peter

    Patent issued on 10th Oct 2017 , U.S. Patent No. 9785172

  17. Indian Patent (Application No : 201921041958, filed on October 16, 2019)


    Inventors: Ramchandra Bhosale, Shashank Kurm, Vivek Agarwal

Book(s) and Book Chapters
  1. Agarwal, V. and Patel, Hiren (expected soon): Photovoltaic Systems Under Partially Shaded Conditions: Springer Verlag, Germany

  2. Contributed/Co-authored two Chapters for the book entitled: Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals,Technologies and Applications, published by Prentice Hall of India. This book was released in January 2009.

Journal Papers (in reverse chronological order)
  1. Jagabar Sathik, Vigna K Ramachandramurthy, Arpan Hota, Saad Mekhilef, Vivek Agarwal (2024): Improved Dual Boost ANPC-Type Five-Level Inverter Topology, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.

  2. Rampraksh, Lokesh B, SIvaSubramani, Tarakanath Kobaku, Vivek Agarwal, (2024): "Optimal DG Planning Incorporating Energy management for an Economical and Resilient Smart Distribution System, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, October, 2023.

  3. Tarakanath Kobaku, Rajesh Poola, Vivek Agarwal (2023): ,"Design of Robust PID Controller Using PSO Based Automated QFT for Nonminimum Phase Boost Converter, , IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, Vol 69, no 12, Dec.

  4. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2023): A Novel Leg-Integrated Switched Capacitor Inverter Topology for Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  5. Kavita Kiran Prasad and Vivek Agarwal (2023): Design Recommendations Considering Charging Pads’ Self-Inductance Variation with LCC-S and LCC-LCC Compensation based IPT Chargers in Low Clearance EVs, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023.

  6. Shamim Hasan and Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Voltage Support Scheme for Distributed Generation with Minimal Phase Current under Asymmetrical Grid Faults, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  7. Rahul Mishra and Vivek Agarwal (2022): Modified-Series Chain Link MMC for Offshore Wind Farms with Boosted AC voltage: Frequency Domain Modelling and Submodule Capacitor Voltage Ripple Optimization, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  8. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Novel Switched Capacitor Pre-charging Method for Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive Applications Utilizing the Winding Inductance, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  9. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2022): A New H8 Inverter Topology with Low Common Mode Voltage and Phase Current THD for 3- Induction Motor Drive Applications, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  10. Tarakanath Kobaku, Rajesh Poola, and Vivek Agarwal (2022): Design of Robust PID Controller using PSO based Automated QFT for Non-minimum Phase Boost Converter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -II.

  11. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2022): Novel Switched Capacitor Quadruple Boost Inverter Configuration for Low-Power 3-ϕ Induction Motor Drive, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  12. Gopakumar K. Melath, Md. Nawaz Hussein and Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Nonlinear Adaptive Backstepping Controller for Stabilizing the DC bus voltage of an Islanded Hybrid Microgrid, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics.

  13. Shashank Kurm, and Vivek Agarwal (2022): Characterization of ZVS Behavior and Optimum Control Point Determination for 3-Port Current Fed Dual Active Bridge Converter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  14. Phanikumar Chamarthi, Vivek Agarwal, M.s. El Moursi and Vinod Khadkikar (2022): A Novel 1-ϕ Dual Input Nine-Level Inverter Topology with Generalized Modulation Technique, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

  15. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A New Three-Phase Inverter Topology for Reducing the dv/dt and peak-to-peak Value of Common Mode Voltage, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  16. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Dual Active Bridge based Reduced Stage Multi-Port DC/AC Converter for PV-Battery Systems, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  17. Rahul Mishra, Kamal Vaghasiya and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A High Voltage Gain Capable MMC for Offshore Wind Farms: Frequency Component Analysis and Minimization of Capacitor Voltage Ripple, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  18. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Enhancement of Line-to-line Voltage Support during Asymmetrical Microgrid Faults using a Four-legThree-level Inverter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

  19. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Interfacing Standalone loads with Renewable Energy Source and Hybrid Energy Storage System using a Dual Active Bridge based Multi-Port Converter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  20. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Novel Three-Phase H10 Inverter Topology with Zero or Constant Common Mode Voltage For Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive Applications, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  21. Shamim Hasan and Vivek Agarwal (2021): An Unconstrained Voltage Support Scheme for Distributed Generation Connected to Resistive-Inductive Grid under Unbalanced Conditions, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  22. Ram Bhosale, Rupesh Gupta and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Novel Control Strategy to Achieve SOC Balancing for Batteries in a DC Microgrid Without Droop Control, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  23. Amit Kumar Gupta, Madhuwanti S. Joshi, Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Novel Per Unit (p.u.) Integer Format applied to a Grid-Tied Solar PV Inverter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.

  24. Suman Dhara, Arpan Hota, Sachin Jain, and Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Transformerless 1-ϕ, 5-level Half-Bridge PV Inverter Configuration based on Switched-Capacitor Technique, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  25. Arpan Hota, Mohammad Qasim, James L. Kirtley, and Vivek Agarwal (2020): Novel Switched Capacitor Boost Inverter Configuration for Three-Phase Induction Motor Driven Home Appliances, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  26. Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain, Gopakumar Melath and Vivek Agarwal (2020): An Active Damping Technique for PI and Predictive Controllers of an Interlinking Converter in an Islanded Hybrid Microgrid, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  27. Sachin Jain, Suman Dhara, Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Voltage-Zone Based Power Management Scheme with Seamless Power Transfer between PV- Battery for OFF-Grid/Stand-alone System, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  28. Tarakanath Kobaku, Vinayak rao, Sachin Patwardhan, Vivek Agarwal (2020): Improved Set-point tracking and Disturbance Rejection of DC-DC Converters using Voltage-Mode Digital Control, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  29. Phani kumar Chamarthi, Vivek Agarwal and Ahmed Al-Durra (2020): A New 1-ϕ, Seventeen Level Inverter Topology with Less Number of Power Devices for Renewable Energy Application, Accepted for publication in Journal of Frontiers in Energy Research-Process and Energy Systems Engineering.

  30. Shashank Kurm, Vivek Agarwal (2020): Hybrid Energy Storage System based on a Novel Reduced Rating Multi Input Converter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Applications.

  31. Gopakumar Melath, Sriram Rangarajan, Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Comprehensive Power Management Scheme for the Intelligent Operation ofPhotovoltaic-battery based Hybrid Microgrid System, Accepted for publication in IET Renewable Power Generation.

  32. Mini Rajeev, Vivek Agarwal (2020): Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability of a Novel Grid Connected inverter Suitable for Transformer-less solar Photo voltaic Grid Interface, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications.

  33. Amit Kumar Gupta, Madhuwanti S. Joshi, and Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Multicarrier-PWM Scheme along with a Regonfigurabel Buck Converter Imitating Multiple Times Higher Switching Frequency, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  34. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra, Vivak Agarwal (2020): An Advanced Voltage Support Scheme Considering the Impact of Zero Sequence Voltage Under Microgrid Faults using Model Predictive Control, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  35. Amit Gupta, Madhuwanti Joshi and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Novel Multicarrier PWM Scheme for a Reconfigurable Single-Phase Inverter to achieve Manifold Higher Effective Switching Frequency, Accepted for publication in Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  36. Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Optimal Placement of Constant Power Loads at Different Buses of a DC Microgrid Ensuring Maximum Stability Margins, Accepted for publication in Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  37. Phani kumar Chamarthi, Vivek Agarwal and Mohamed Shawky El Moursi (2019): A New self balancing 7-level inverter with coupled inductors for single phase grid connected renewable energy systems with voltage boosting capability, Accepted for publication in IET Power Electronics.

  38. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra, Vivak Agarwal (2019): An Improved Reduced Complexity Model Predictive Current Controller for Grid-Connected Four-Leg Multilevel Inverter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  39. Venu Sonti, Sachin Jain, Vivak Agarwal (2019): Analysis of Terminal Voltage in Single-Phase Extended Three-Phase Transformerless PV Inverter Topologies, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.

  40. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra, Vivak Agarwal (2019): Model Predictive Control for Flexible Reduction of Active Power Oscillation in Grid-tied Multilevel Inverters under Unbalanced and Distorted Microgrid Conditions, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  41. Geethi Krishnan, Shantanu Das, Vivak Agarwal (2019): An Online Identification Algorithm to Determine the Parameters of the Fractional Order Model of a Supercapacitor, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  42. G Veera Bharath, Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2019): A New Family of 1-ϕ Five-Level Transformerless Inverters for Solar PV Applications, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  43. Amit Gupta, Madhuwanti Joshi and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Improved Transformerless Grid-Tied PV Inverter Effectively Operating at Twice the Switching Frequency with Constant CMV and Reactive Power Capability, Accepted for publication in the Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  44. Prajof P. and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Novel Boost-SEPIC type Interleaved DC-DC Converter for Mitigation of Voltage Imbalance in a Low Voltage Bipolar DC Microgrid, Accepted for publication in IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics.

  45. Venu Sonti, Sachin Jain, Vivek Agarwal and Subhashish Bhattacharya (2019): Terminal Voltage Analysis for the Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Topologies in Single Phase System, Accepted for publication in IET Renewable Power Generation.

  46. Mohd Aquib, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal, (2019): A Time-Based Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for PV System, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  47. Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain and Vivek Agarwal, (2019): A Novel Feedforward Stabilizing Technique to Damp Power Oscillations Caused by DC-DC Converters fed from a DC bus, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics.

  48. Gopakumar Melath, Sriram Rangarajan and Vivek Agarwal, (2019): A Novel Control Scheme for Enhancing the Transient Performance of an Islanded Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 9644-9654, Oct. 2019.

  49. Venu Sonti, Sumon Dhara, Piyusha Kukade, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Analysis for the Minimization of Leakage and Common Mode Currents in Cascaded Half-Bridge PV Fed Multilevel Inverter, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected topics in Power Electronics (2018).

  50. Sachin Jain, Sumon Dhara and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): RES and Battery Fed Energy Efficient Single-Phase Induction Motor Drive System with Retrofit Solution, , Accepted for publication In IET Electric Power Applications (2018).

  51. Amit Gupta, Himanshu Agrawal and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): A Novel 3-phase, Transformerless H-8 Topology with Reduced Leakage Current for Grid-Tied Solar PV Applications, Accepted for publication In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2018).

  52. Prajof Prabhakaran and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Novel Four-Port DC-DC Converter for Interfacing Solar PV- Fuel Cell Hybrid Sources with Low-Voltage Bipolar DC Microgrids, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected topics in Power Electronics (November 2018).

  53. Moumita Das and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Novel High Gain, High Efficiency DC-DC Converter Suitable for Solar PV Module Integration with Three Phase Grid Tied Inverters, Accepted for publication in IEEE PV Journal (2018).

  54. Ramchandra Bhosale and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Enhanced Transient Response and Voltage Stability by Controlling Ultra-Capacitor Power in DC Micro-Grid using Fuzzy Logic Controller, Accepted for publication In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2018).

  55. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Model Predictive Controller with Reduced Complexity for Grid Tied Multilevel Inverters, Accepted for publication In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Letters (2018).

  56. Shreelakshmi M P, Moumi ta Das and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Design and Development of a Novel High Voltage Gain, High Efficiency Bi-directional DC-DC Converter for Storage Interface, Accepted for publication In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2018).

  57. Shreelakshmi M.P. and Vivek Agarwal, (2018): Novel High Efficiency High Voltage Gain Topologies for AC-DC Conversion with Power Factor Correction for Elevator Systems, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2018).

  58. Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain, Rahul Mishra and Vivek Agarwal (2018): A Frequency-Dependant Virtual Impedance for Voltage regulating Converters Feeding Constant Power Loads in a DC Microgrid, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (2018).

  59. Chamarthi Phanikumar, Jibanesh Roy and Vivek Agarwal (2018): A Hybrid 9-level, 1-ϕ Grid Connected Multi-Level Inverter with Low Switch Count and Innovative Voltage Regulation Techniques across Auxiliary Capacitor, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (2018).

  60. Mini Rajeev and Vivek Agarwal (2018): Analysis and Control of a Novel Transformer-less Micro-Inverter for PV-Grid Interface, Accepted for publication in IEEE PV Journal (2018) .

  61. Tirthasarathi Lodh, Nataraj Pragallapati, Vivek Agarwal (2018): Novel Control Scheme for Interleaved Flyback Converter Based Solar PV Microinverter to Achieve High Efficiency, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications (2018) .

  62. Prashant Jain, Vivek Agarwal, Bishnu Prasad Muni(2018): Hybrid Phase Locked Loop for Controlling Master-Slave Configured Centralized Inverters in Large Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants, Accepted for publication in IEEE transaction on Industrial Application (2018) .

  63. Vishal Jain, Anand Visani, R. Srinivasan, and Vivek Agarwal (2018): Design and Development of a Low Cost, High Current Density Power Supply for Streamer Free Atmospheric Pressure DBD Plasma Generation in Air, Accepted for publication in Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI), AIP (American Institute of Physics) (2018).

  64. Mini Rajeev and Vivek Agarwal (2017): Single Phase Current Source Inverter with multi loop control for Transformer-less Grid-PV interface, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications.

  65. T. Sen, P. Nataraj, V. Agarwal and R. Kumar (2017): Global maximum power point tracking of PV arrays under partial shading conditions using a modified particle velocity based PSO technique, Accepted for publication in IET Renewable Power Generation.

  66. Prajof Prabhakaran, Yogendra Goyal and Vivek Agarwal (2017): A Novel Communication Based Average Voltage Regulation Scheme for a Droop Controlled DC Microgrid, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

  67. A. Hota, S. Jain and Vivek Agarwal (2017): An Improved Three Phase Five-level Inverter Topology with Reduced Number of Switching Power Devices, Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.

  68. Prajof Prabhakaran, Yogendra Goyal, and Vivek Agarwal, (2017): Novel Nonlinear Droop Control Techniques to Overcome the Load Sharing and Voltage Regulation Issues in DC Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  69. Shreelakshmi M P , Vivek Agarwal, (2017): Trajectory Optimisation and loss minimization in induction Motor Fed Elevator Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  70. Hota, A., Jain, S., Agarwal, V. (2017): A Modified T-Structured Three-level Inverter Configuration Optimized with Respect to PWM Strategy Used for Common Mode Voltage Elimination, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  71. A. Hota, S. Jain, V. Agarwal (2017): An Optimized Three Phase Multilevel Inverter Topology with Separate Level and Phase Sequence Generation Part, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Letters.

  72. K., Tarakanath, Patwardhan, S.C. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Experimental Evaluation of Internal Model Control Scheme on a DC-DC Boost Converter Exhibiting Non-minimum Phase Behavior, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  73. Das, M. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Generalized Small Signal Modeling of Coupled Inductor based High Gain, High Efficiency DC-DC Converters, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.

  74. P. Nataraj, Sen, T. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Adaptive Velocity PSO for Global Maximum Power Control of PV Array under Non-Uniform Irradiation Conditions, A IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.

  75. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Photovoltaic Module Integrated Standalone Single Stage Switched Capacitor Inverter with Maximum Power Point Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  76. Somaiah, B. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Distributed Maximum Power Extraction from Fuel Cell Stack Arrays using Dedicated Power Converters in Series and Parallel Configuration, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion.

  77. Gurumurthy, S.R., Agarwal, V. and Sharma, A. (2016): A Novel Dual Winding BLDC Generator-Buck Converter combination for enhancement of the harvested energy from a Fywheel, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 12, 7563 - 7573.

  78. Phanikumar, C., Chhetri, P., and Agarwal V., (2016): Simplified Implementation Scheme for Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation of n-level Inverter with On-line Computation of Optimal Switching Pulse Durations, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 11, 6695 - 6704.

  79. Gurumurthy, S.R., Agarwal, V. and Sharma A., (2016): High-Efficiency Bidirectional Converter for Flywheel Energy Storage Application, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 9, 5477 - 5487.

  80. Das M. and Agarwal V., (2016): Design and Analysis of a High Efficiency DC-DC Converter with Soft Switching Capability for Renewable Energy Applications Requiring High Voltage Gain, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 5, 2936-2944.

  81. Thale, S. and Agarwal, V. (2016): Controller Area Network Assisted Grid Synchronization of a Microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources and Storage, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 7, no. 3, 1442-1452.

  82. Patil, D. and Agarwal, V. (2016) : Compact ON Board Single Phase EV Battery Charger with Novel Low Frequency Ripple Compensator and Optimum Filter Design, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 4, 1948-1956.

  83. Das M. and Agarwal V., (2015): Novel High Performance Stand Alone Solar PV System with High Gain, High Efficiency DC-DC Converter Power Stages, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 6, 4718-4728.

  84. P. Nataraj and Agarwal, V. (2015): Distributed PV Power Extraction based on a Modified Interleaved SEPIC for Non-Uniform Irradiation conditions, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, vol.5, no.5, 1442-1453.

  85. Joshi, G., Motiwala, P., Randale G., Singh P., Agarwal, V., Kumar G.,(2015): An offset tone based gain stabilization technique for mixed-signal RF measurement systems, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research ,A, vol. 795, 399-408.

  86. Joshi, G., Singh, P., Agarwal, V., Kumar, G., (2015): Digital self excited loop for a superconducting linac, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,762, 70–76.

  87. Thale, S.,R. Wandhare and Agarwal, V. (2015): A Novel Reconfigurable Microgrid Architecture with Renewable Energy Sources and Storage, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications,vol.51, no.2, 1805-1816

  88. R. Wandhare and Agarwal, V. (2015): Novel Integration of PV-Wind Energy System with Enhanced Efficiency, IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics vol.30, no.7, 3638-3649

  89. Sharma, P. and Agarwal, V. (2014): Maximum Power Extraction from a Partially Shaded PV Array using Shunt-Series Compensation, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics vol.4, no.4, 1128-1137

  90. Somaiah, B. and Agarwal, V. (2014): Maximum Power Extraction from Series Connected Fuel Cell Stacks by Current Compensation Technique, IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics vol.30, no.2, 582-589 28, 4636-4643

  91. Sharma, P and Agarwal, V (2014): A Novel Approach for Maximum Power Tracking from Curved Thin Film Solar Photovoltaic Arrays under Changing Environmental Conditions, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications vol. 50, no. 6, 4142-4151

  92. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V. (2014): Current Equalization in Photovoltaic Strings with Module Integrated Ground Isolated Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters, Journal of Photovoltaics vol. 4, no. 2, 669-678

  93. Suresh M., Nilesh J. Vasa, Vivek Agarwal, and Jacob Chandapillaic (2014): UV photo-ionization based asymmetric field differential ion mobility sensor for trace gas detection", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier Science 195, 44-51

  94. Gopal Joshi, Bhuban Kumar Sahu, Vivek Agarwal, and Girish Kumar (2014): )Electronic Damping of Microphonics in Superconducting Resonators of a Continuous Wave Linac, Review of Scientific Instruments , 85, 026107

  95. Wandhare R. G. and Agarwal V.(2014): Reactive Power Capacity Enhancement of a PV-Grid System to Increase PV Penetration Level, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 4, 1845-1854.

  96. Gurumurthy, S.R. and Agarwal, V (2014): )Optimal Energy Harvesting from a high speed BLDC generator based Flywheel Energy Storage system, IET Electric Power Appl., vol. 7, no. 9, 693-700.

  97. Sharma, P. and Agarwal, V (2014): Exact Maximum Power Point Tracking of Grid Connected Partially Shaded PV Source Using Current Compensation Concept, IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics, vol. 29, no. 9, 4684-4692.

  98. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V (2014): Novel Stability Enhancing Control Strategy for Centralized PV-Grid Systems for Smart Grid Applications, IEEE Tran. on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 3, 1389-1396.

  99. Somaiah, B. and Agarwal, V. (2013): )Recursive Estimation based Maximum Power Extraction Technique for a Fuel Cell Power Source Used in Vehicular Applications, IEEE Tran. On Power Electronics.

  100. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V. (2012): ) On the input resistance of a reconfigurable switched capacitor dc-dc converter based maximum power point tracker of a photovoltaic source, IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics, 27, 4880-4893

  101. Somaiah, B., Agarwal, V., Choudhary, S. R., Duttagupta, S. and Govindan, K. (2011): Analysis And Comparative Study Of Pulsating Current Of Fuel Cells By Inverter Load With Different Power Converter Topologies, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Elsevier Science), 36, 15018-15028

  102. R. Thakur, Agarwal, V. and Nataraj, P.S.V. (2011): A Reliable and Accurate Calculation of Excitation Capacitance Value for an Induction Generator Based on Interval Computation Technique, International Journal of Automation and Computing (A Springer Verlag Publication), 8, 429-236

  103. Agarwal V., Ranganadh T.S. and Chandramouli C. (2010): Design and Development of a Wireless Internet based ECG Monitoring System for Ambulatory Applications, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 4, 257-275

  104. Patel, H. and Agarwal V. (2010): Investigations into the Performance of PV based Active Filter Configurations and their Control Schemes under Uniform and Non-Uniform Insolation Conditions, IET Proc. on Renewable Power Generation, 4, 12-22

  105. Agarwal V., Aggarwal R., Patidar P., and Patki C. (2010): A Novel Scheme for Rapid Tracking of Maximum Power point in Wind Energy Generation Systems, IEEE Tran. On Energy Conversion, 25, 228-236

  106. Satav, S. and Agarwal, V.(2009): Design and Development of a Low-Cost Digital Magnetic Field Meter With Wide Dynamic Range for EMC Precompliance Measurements and Other Applications, IEEE Tran. on Instrumentation and Measurements, 58, 2837 - 2846.

  107. Agarwal, V., Murali N. and Chandramouli, C. (2009): A Cost Effective Ultrasonic Sensor Based Driver Assistance System for Congested Traffic Cond tions, IEEE Tran. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10, 486-498

  108. Agarwal, V., Arya, H. and Bhaktavatsala, S. (2009): Design and Development of a Real-Time DSP and FPGA-Based Integrated GPS-INS System for Compact and Low Power Applications, IEEE Tran. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 45, 443-454.

  109. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2009): MPPT Scheme for a PV fed Single-Phase Single-Stage Grid-Connected Inverter Operating in CCM with Only One Current Sensor, IEEE Tran. on Energy Conversion, 24, 256-263.

  110. Agarwal, V. and Krishna, D. (2009): Statistical Approach to Robust Design of Control Schemes for Series or Parallel Connected Power Devices, European Power Electronics (EPE) Journal, Vol. 19, no. 3 (Sep. 2009 issue).

  111. Sheta M., Agarwal V. and Nataraj P.S.V. (2009): A New Energy Optimal Control Scheme for a Separately Excited DC Motor Based Incremental Motion Drive, International Journal of Automation and Computing (A Springer Verlag Publication), /FONT> 6, 277-286.

  112. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Single-Stage Single-Phase Transformer-Less Doubly-Grounded Grid-Connected PV Interface, IEEE Tran. on Energy Conversion, 24, 93-101.

  113. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2008): A Hybrid Control Algorithm for Voltage Regulation in DC-DC Boost Converter. IEEE Tran. on Industrial Electronics, 55, 2530-2538.

  114. Satav, S. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Cost-effective In-house Fabrication of an Open TEM Cell For EMC Precompliance: Do it Yourself!. IEEE EMC Society Newsletter, 66-71.

  115. Agarwal, V., Arya, H., Nayak, B. and Saptarshi, L. (2008): Extended Kalman Filter Based Loosely Coupled INS/GPS Integration Scheme Using FPGA and DSP, International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, 1, 5-26.

  116. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Taguchi Based Performance and Reliability Improvement of an Ion Chamber Amplifier for Enhanced Nuclear Reactor Safety, IEEE Tran. on Nuclear Science, 55, 2303-2314.

  117. Agarwal, V. and Ramachandran, N.C.S. (2008): Design and Development of a Low Cost Spirometer with an Embedded Web Server, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 1, 439-452.

  118. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2008): An Integrated Hybrid Power Supply for Distributed Generation Applications Fed by Non-Conventional Energy Sources, IEEE Tran. on Energy Conversion, 23, 622-631.

  119. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Maximum Power Point Tracking Scheme for PV Systems Operating Under Partially Shaded Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Industrial Electronics, 55, 1689-1698.

  120. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Control of a Stand-alone Inverter Based Distributed Generation Source for Voltage Regulation and Harmonic Compensation. IEEE Tran. on Power Delivery, 23, 1113-1120.

  121. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Optimum Control of Selective and Total Harmonic Distortion in Current and Voltage under Non-sinusoidal Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Power Delivery, 23, 937-944.

  122. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2008): MATLAB Based Modeling to Study the Effects of Partial Shading on PV Array Characteristics. IEEE Tran. on Energy Conversion, 23, 302-310.

  123. Balaji, E., Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Universal Single-Stage Grid-Connected Inverter. IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, 23, 128-137.

  124. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Voltage Regulation of a Buck Boost Converter- A Hybrid Control Approach, Asian Journal of Control, 9, 484-490.

  125. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Hybrid Control Approach for the Output Voltage Regulation in Buck Type DC-DC Converter. IET Electric Power Applications, 1, 897-906.

  126. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Comparison of the Performance of Maximum Power Point Tracking Schemes Applied to Single Stage Grid Connected PV Systems. IET Electrical Power Applications, 1, 753-762.

  127. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A Single-Stage Grid Connected Inverter Topology for Solar PV Systems. IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics, 22, 1928-1940.

  128. Reddy, N. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Utility Interactive Hybrid Distributed Generation Scheme with Compensation Feature. IEEE Tran. on Energy Conversion, 22, 666-673.

  129. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A DSP Based Optimal Algorithm for Shunt Active Filter under non-sinusoidal supply and unbalanced load conditions. IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics, 22, 593-601.

  130. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A New, Current Control Based, MPPT Technique for Single-Stage Grid Connected PV Systems. Elsevier Science Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, 48, 625-644.

  131. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A DSP Based Control Algorithm for Series Active Filter for Optimized Compensation under Non-Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Voltage Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Power Delivery, 22, 302-310.

  132. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Safety of Electronic Pressure Transmitters in a Nuclear Environment. Special issue of the International Journal Communications in Dependability and Quality Management, Cacak, 9, 22-32.

  133. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Performance Evaluation and Qualification of Differential Pressure Switches for Nuclear Environment including LOCA. Special issue of the International Journal Communications in Dependability and Quality Management, Cacak, 9, 121-131.

  134. Abera, A., Bandyopadhyay, B. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Robust Multirate Output Feedback Sliding Mode Controller for Sensorless Induction Motor. System Science and Control Journal, 32, 57-70.

  135. Agarwal, V., Sundarsingh, V. and Ramachandran, V. (2006): A Comparative Study of Gamma Radiation Effects on a Logarithmic Amplifier-Based Multiplier Circuit Using Common and Precision Devices. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3, 7-15.

  136. Kumar, M. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Power Line Filter Design for Conducted Electromagnetic Interference using Time Domain Measurements. IEEE Tran. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 48, 178-186.

  137. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (2006): High Resolution Absolute Position Vernier Shaft Encoder Suitable for High Performance PMSM Servo Drives. IEEE Tran. on Instrumentation and Measurements, 55, 357-364.

  138. Agarwal, V. and Birkar, S. (2005): Comparison of Gamma Radiation Performance of a Range of Analog to Digital Converters under Biased Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Nuclear Science, 52, 3059 3067.

  139. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2005): A Novel, DSP Based Algorithm for Optimizing the Harmonics and Reactive Power Under Non-Sinusoidal Supply Voltage Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Power Delivery, 20, 2526-2534.

  140. Agarwal, V., Sundarsingh, V. and Ramachandran, V. (2005): Prediction of the Performance of an Ion Chamber Amplifier under Gamma Radiation, Elsevier Science Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235, 1373 -1387.

  141. Krishna, D. and Agarwal, V. (2005): Active Gate Control of Series Connected IGBTs using Positive Current Feedback Technique. IEEE Tran. on Circuits and Systems II, 52, 261-265.

  142. Agarwal, V., Sundarsingh, V and Ramachandran, V. (2005): A Comparative Study of Gamma Radiation Effects on Ultra Low Input Bias Current Linear Circuits under Biased Conditions. IEEE Tran. on Nuclear Science, 52. 510-518.

  143. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2004): A New Algorithm for Rapid Tracking of Approximate Maximum Power Point in Photovoltaic Systems. IEEE Power Electronics Letters, 2, 16-19.

  144. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (2001): A New Variable Speed Constant Voltage Controller for Self-Excited Induction Generator. Elsevier Science Journal of Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR), 59, 157-164.

  145. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (2001): Simple Control for a Wind-Driven Induction Generator, IEEE Industry Applications magazine, 7, 44 53.

  146. Agarwal, V., Bhat, A. and Belaguli, V. (1997): Dynamic Analysis of LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter operating in Discontinuous Current Mode. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 22, 119 - 129.

  147. Jain, A. and Agarwal, V. (1997): Design and Fabrication of Quasi-Resonant Converter. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 457-468.

  148. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1995): Large Signal Analysis of the LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter using Discrete Time Domain Modeling. IEEE Tran. on Power Electronics, 10, 222-238.

  149. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1995): Small-Signal Analysis of the LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter using Discrete Time Domain Modeling, IEEE Tran. on Industrial Electronics, 42, 604-614.

Selected (Refereed) Conference Papers (in reverse chronological order)
  1. Aakash Lilhore, Kavita Kiran Prasad, and Vivek Agarwal (2023): Machine Learning-based Electric Vehicle User Behavior Prediction, 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT), IEEE, 2023.

  2. Shamim Hasan Prasad, Vivek Agarwal (2023): Novel Voltage Support Scheme with Active Power Control for Distributed Generation Connected to a High Voltage Grid, 2023 IEEE 14th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Montreal, Canada, 2023, (accepted for presentation).

  3. Arpan Hota, Vivek Agarwal (2023): Novel Three-Phase Inverter with Integrated Voltage Boosting Circuit for Motor Drives Application, 2023 IEEE 14th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS), Montreal, Canada, 2023, (accepted for presentation).

  4. L. Mutyam and Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Novel High Power Three Phase Integrated Battery Charger for Plug-in Electric Vehicles, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Jaipur, India, 2022, pp. 1-6.

  5. Shamim Hasan Prasad, Vivek Agarwal (2022): An Improved Voltage Support Scheme for the DG with Independent Active Power Control under Asymmetrical Grid Faults, 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SeFeT), 2022, pp. 1-6.

  6. Kavita Kiran Prasad, Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Novel Frequency Modulation Technique to Minimize the Start-up Transients in Dynamic Wireless Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW) 2022.

  7. Sriram Rangarajan and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Novel Active Damping Scheme to Stabilize and Enhance the Performance of v/f Controlled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Driven Passenger Elevator System, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Application Society Annual Meeting 2022 (IEEE IAS Annual Meeting 2022).

  8. Kavita Kiran Prasad, Vivek Agarwal (2022): A Novel Dual-LCC Hybrid Compensation Network for High-Efficiency CC-CV Wireless Charging of an EV Battery considering Weak Communication, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Power and Renewable Energy Conference (IPRECON) 2021.

  9. Sriram Rangarajan and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Novel Active Damping Scheme to Enhance the Performance of PMSM Driven Gearless Elevators by Minimizing their Vertical Vibrations, Accepted for presentation in IEEE National Power Electronics Conference (NPEC) 2021.

  10. Gopakumar Melath and Vivek Agarwal (2021): An Inertia Emulation Scheme using a Non-linear Backstepping Controller to Enhance the DC Bus Voltage Stiffness of a Grid Tied DC Microgrid, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE-India), Bhubaneshwar, India, 2021.

  11. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Characterization of ZVS behavior and optimal operating point for three-port current fed Dual Active Bridge Interlinking converter, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy (ICPEE-India), Bhubaneshwar, India, 2021.

  12. Arpan Hota, Venu Sonti, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal (2021): Common Mode Voltage Elimination in Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter using a 3rd Leg, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2021.

  13. Arpan Hota, Venu Sonti, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Novel Single-Phase Switched-Capacitor Transformer-less 5-level Inverter Topology with Voltage Boosting, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2021.

  14. Arpan Hota, Venu Sonti, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Novel Single-Phase Switched-Capacitor Based 5-level Inverter Topology Featuring Voltage Boosting Capability and Common Mode Voltage Reduction, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2021.

  15. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Modified 2-level Three-Phase Inverter Topology with Common Mode Voltage Performance of a 3-level Inverter, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2021.

  16. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2021): A Novel Three Phase Induction Motor Drive for Ceiling Fan Application with Improved Dc-link Utilization, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation (SEFET), Hyderabad, India, 2021.

  17. Sriram Rangarajan and Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Novel Static Optimization Scheme to Minimize the Energy Consumption of PMSM Driven Elevators by Reducing their Leveling Time in Creep To Floor Speed Profile, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  18. Gandluru Veera Bharath, Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Novel Single-Phase Five-Level Transformerless Inverter with Voltage Boosting Capability, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  19. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2020): Novel Pre-charging Method for a Switched Capacitor Voltage Boosted Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  20. Arpan Hota and Vivek Agarwal (2020): A Novel Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive with Voltage Boosting Capability, Low Current THD and Low Common Mode Voltage, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  21. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2020): Dual Active Bridge based DC/AC converter for Standalone Renewable Energy Systems with Low DC Link Capacitance, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  22. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2020): Current Fed Dual Active Bridge based Multi-Port DC/AC Converter for Standalone Solar PV fed Systems with Battery Backup, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives, and Energy Systems (PEDES) December 16 - 19, 2020.

  23. Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): Optimization of Facade based Building Integration Photovoltaic Module Installation, Accepted for presentation in 47TH IEEE Phtovoltaic Specialists Coference (PVSC 47) June 15-21, 2020.

  24. Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): Impact of Facade Based Building Integrated Photovoltaics on Indoor Thermal Condition in Tropical Area - Mumbai Case Study, Accepted for presentation in 47TH IEEE Phtovoltaic Specialists Coference (PVSC 47) June 15-21, 2020.

  25. Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): Facade Solar PV Potential Estimation considering Rooftop Capacity and Building Code for Indian Cities, Accepted for presentation in 47TH IEEE Phtovoltaic Specialists Coference (PVSC 47) June 15-21, 2020.

  26. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra, Palakurla Shekar, Vivek Agarwal, Sachin C Patwardhan(2019): Experimental Evaluation of Internal Model Control for 3ϕ Grid-tied Solar PV Inverter accepted for International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2020)

  27. Kavita Kiran Prasad and Vivek Agarwal (2019): A Comprehensive Analysis of Single-Stage Wireless Power Transfer Compensation Topologies for Battery Chargers in Electric Vehicles Accepted for presentation in IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), Texas A&M University, 2020

  28. Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): Impact of Facade based Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics on the Indoor Thermal Comfort in Tropical Urban Areas - Mumbai as a case study Accepted for presentation in AGU fall meeting 2019, San Francisco

  29. Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): Modelling tools development for assessing façade based PV feasibility in a data-scarce developing nation using open source technology Accepted for presentation in AGU fall meeting 2019, San Francisco

  30. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Novel Dual Active Bridge Based Multi Port Converter for Interfacing Hybrid Energy Storage Systems in Electric Vehicles Accepted for presentation in 2019 International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Bangalore, 2019

  31. Sriram Rangarajan and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Load Sensorless Novel Control Scheme for Minimizing the Starting Jerk and Energy of the PMSM Driven Gearless Freight Elevators with Varying Stiction and Rotor Flux Linkage Accepted presentation in 2019 International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Bangalore, 2019

  32. G. Melath and Vivek Agarwal (2019): A Novel Virtual Inertia Implementation Scheme using Model Predictive Control for Enhancing the Voltage Stiffness of a Grid-Tied DC Microgrid, Accepted presentation in 2019 International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Bangalore, 2019

  33. Ramchandra Bhosale, Rupesh Gupta, Vivek Agarwal (2019): A Novel Control Strategy to Share Power among Dispatchable Battery Sources and Achieve SOC Balancing without Droop Control in a DC MicroGrid, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

  34. Rahul Mishra, Kamal M. Vaghasiya and Vivek Agarwal(2019): Improved Modular Multilevel Converter with Output Voltage Boosting Capability for Medium Voltage DC Distribution System, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

  35. Rahul Mishra, Kamal M. Vaghasiya and Vivek Agarwal(2019): Analysis and Control of Grid Tied Modular Multilevel Converter under Unbalanced PV Power Generation and Unbalanced Grid Conditions, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

  36. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal (2019): Model Predictive Control for Flexible Reduction of Active Power Oscillation in Grid-tied Multilevel Inverters under Unbalanced and Distorted Microgrid Conditions, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

  37. Shamim Hasan and Vivek Agarwal(2019): An Unconstrained Voltage Support Scheme for Distributed Generation Connected to Resistive-Inductive Grid under Unbalanced Conditions, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland USA.

  38. Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain and Vivek Agarwal(2019): Optimal Placement of Distributed Energy Resources in a DC Microgrid with Constant Power Loads to Minimize Bus Voltage Deviations and Line Losses, Accepted for presentation in IEEE Global Power, Energy, and Communication Conference- GPECOM2019, Cappadocia, Turkey.

  39. Ramchandra Bhosale, Santhosh Jois, Krithi Ramamritham, Vivek Agarwal (2019): New topology for extracting maximum power from facade based Building-integrated Photovoltaics , Accepted for presentation in 46TH IEEE Phtovoltaic Specialists Coference (PVSC 46) June 16-21, 2019, Chicago, IL.

  40. Rupesh Gupta and Vivek Agarwal(2019): SoC based droop control for a DC microgrid with improved voltage regulation using low bandwidth communication, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT) 2019.

  41. Arpan Hota, Mohammad Qasim, James L Kirtley and Vivek Agarwal(2019): Novel Boost Inverter Configuration and 3-ϕ Induction Motor Drive for Home Appliances, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT) 2019.

  42. Arpan Hota, Mohammad Qasim, James L Kirtley and Vivek Agarwal(2019): A Low Cost Electrolytic Capacitor-less Induction Motor Drive Based on a Novel Open Loop Model Predictive Control Strategy, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (I-PACT) 2019.

  43. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal(2019): Comparative Experimental Study of Predictive and Resonant Controllers of Grid-Tied Inverter under Unbalanced Grid Conditions, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems (ICSETS) 2019.

  44. Sumon Dhara, Arpan Hota, Sachin Jain and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Novel Single-Phase T-Type PV Inverter With Improved DC Utilization, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018.

  45. Arpan Hota, Mohammad Qasim, James L Kirtley and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Novel Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive for Domestic Fan Application with Improved Reliability, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018.

  46. Soumya ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal(2018): An Advanced Model Predictive Controller for Grid-Tied Four-Leg Multilevel Inverters, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018.

  47. Rahul Mishra and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Novel Four Terminal Integrated Submodule Modular Multilevel Converter, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018.

  48. Geethi krishnan, Shantanu Das and Vivek Agarwal(2018): State of Charge Estimation of Supercapacitors with Fractional Order Modelling, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems 2018.

  49. Geethi krishnan, Shantanu Das and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Simple Adaptive Fractional Order Model of Supercapacitor for Pulse Power Applications, Accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS annual meeting 2018.

  50. Prashant Jain, Vivek Agarwal, Bishnu Prasad Muni, Eswar Rao, Deepak Gehlot, and S. Gautam(2018): Active Anti-Islanding technique with reduced Non-Detection Zone for Centralized Inverters, Accepted for presentation in IEEE International Power Electronics Conference, IPEC-2018 ECCE, Asia”, Niigata, Japan 2018.

  51. Rahul Mishra and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Novel Voltage Balancing Technique for Modular Multilevel PV Inverters, Accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS annual meeting 2018.

  52. Shashank Kurm and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Multi Input Converter for Interfacing Battery and Supercapacitor to the Load, Accepted for presentation in IEEE IAS annual meeting 2018.

  53. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra and Vivek Agarwal(2018): A Low Computational Cost Model Predictive Controller for Grid Connected Three Phase Four Wire Multilevel Inverter, Accepted for presentation in 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), held in Cairns, Australia 2018.

  54. Chamarthi Phanikumar and Vivek Agarwal(2018): An Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter with Minimum Number of Switches for 1-ϕ Grid-Connected Applications, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  55. Ali Akbar, Rajesh Gupta, Vivek Agarwal (2018): Model-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of an Ageing Solar PV Module, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  56. Ramchandra Bhosale, Vivek Agarwal (2018): Control of Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer based Hydrogen Storage System with Ultra-Capacitor for Voltage Stability and Enhanced Transient Stability in a DC Micro Grid, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  57. Ramchandra Bhosale, Wrushabh Warshe, Shreelakshmi MP, Pratik Arlikar, AK prakash, Vivek Agarwal (2018): Performance comparison of Two PWM Techniques Applied to BLDC Motor Control, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  58. S. Kurm, V. Agarwal(2018): A Zero Current Switching Non Isolated Bidirectional Converter for Interfacing Energy Storage Devices with Microgrids, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  59. G Veera Bharath, Arpan Hota, Vivek Agarwal. (2018): A Novel Switched-Capacitor Based Single-phase Five-level Transformerless Inverter, Presented in IEEE ICETEST 2018.

  60. Mini Rajeev, Pranit Dutta and Vivek Agarwal (2017): Realization of a Novel Transformer-less Grid-PV Interfaced Inverter, Presented in IEEE 2nd second International conference second international conference on circuits, control and communications (2017).

  61. S R Gurumurthy, Vivek Agarwal, Vijaya Srinath(2017): Compact and Modular Solid State controlled Flywheel based Capacitor Charging Power Supply, Presented in IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference India CCPS-ITEC-2017.

  62. G Veera Bharath, Arpan Hota, Vivek Agarwal. (2017): A Novel 1-ϕ, 5-Level Transformerless Inverter with Voltage Boosting Capability, IEEE NPEC 2017.

  63. Amit Kumar Gupta,Vaibhav Pawar, Madhuwanti S Joshi, Vivek Agarwal,Deepak chandran.(2017): A Solar PV Retrofit Solution for Residential Battery Inverters, IEEE PVSC 2017.

  64. Soumya Ranjan Mohapatra, Amit Kumar Gupta, Madhuwanti Joshi, Vivek Agarwal.(2017): SiC Switch based Single-Stage Buck-Boost Transformerless Mini Inverter with Low Leakage Current and Negligible DC Injection, IEEE PVSC 2017.

  65. Amit Kumar Gupta, Madhuwanti Joshi, Vivek Agarwal. (2017): Novel PWM Scheme to Realise Two Times Effective Switching Frequency with Reactive Power Capability in 1-ϕ Grid-Tied Transformerless Full Bridge PV Inverter, IEEE PVSC 2017.

  66. Phanikumar chamarthi, Amit kumar Gupta, Madhuwanthi Joshi, Vivek Agarwal. (2017): A Single-Stage C̈uk-based Transformerless Inverter for 1-ϕ Grid-Connected PV Systems, IEEE PVSC 2017.

  67. Prashant Jain, Vivek Agarwal, Bishnu Prasad Muni (2016), "Hybrid Phase Locked Loop for controlling Centralized inverters in large solar Photovoltaic power plants" 2016 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Trivandrum, 2016, pp. 1-7.

  68. Jain, V. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "An Accurate Electrical Model for Atmospheric Pressure DBD Plasma in Air with Experimental Validation" IEEE Seventh India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2016), Patiala, India, Nov-2016.

  69. Jain, V. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Design and Simulation of Feedback System to Generate Plasma Arc in Current Source Mode" IEEE PIICON 2016,7th Power India International Conference, Bikaner, Rajasthan, Nov-2016.

  70. Rajeev, M. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Current Source Inverter with reduced leakage current for Transformer-less Grid-PV interface" IEEE PIICON 2016,7th Power India International Conference, Bikaner, Rajasthan, Nov-2016.

  71. Lodh, T.S., Pragallapati, N. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Single Stage Multi-Port Flyback Type Solar PV Module Integrated Micro-Inverter with Battery Backup" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  72. Melath, G., Kapse, D. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "A Loss Optimized and Cost Effective Droop Control Scheme for a DC Microgrid Integrated with a Weak Rural Distribution Grid" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  73. Hussain, N., Mishra, R. and Agarwal, V. (2016) "A Self-Switched Virtual Impedance Based Stabilization Method For a Droop Controlled DC Microgrid With Constant Power Loads and Input Load Filters" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  74. Mishra, R., Hussain, N. and Agarwal, V. (2016) "Sliding Mode Control Based Stabilization of Multiple Tightly Regulated Converters with Identical Input Filters in More Electric Aircrafts" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  75. Shreelakshmi, M.P., and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Novel High Gain Topologies for AC-DC Conversion with Power Factor Correction and DC link capacitor reduction" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  76. Bhosale, R. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Enhanced Transient Response and Voltage Stability by Controlling Ultra-Capacitor Power in DC Micro-Grid using Fuzzy Logic Controller" A IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  77. Agrawal, H., Gupta, A. K. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "A Novel Three Phase H-8 Transformerless Topology with Low Variation in CMV to Reduce Leakage Current" IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), Kerala, India, Dec-2016.

  78. Tarakanath K., Patwardhan C. and Agarwal, V. (2016) "Implementation of an internal model controller with anti-reset windup compensation for output voltage tracking of a non-minimum phase DC-DC boost converter" 2nd IEEE Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec-2016.

  79. Prajof P. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Mitigation of Voltage Unbalance in a Low Voltage Bipolar DC Microgrid Using a Boost SEPIC type Interleaved DC-DC Compensator" 2nd IEEE Annual Southern Power Electronics Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, Dec-2016.

  80. Chandran, D., Joshi, M. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Solar PV Based Retrofit Solution for Cell Phone Towers Powered by Diesel Generators" International Communications Energy Conference(INTELEC) 2016, Austin, Texas, USA.

  81. Rao, V., Tarakanath, K., Patwardhan, S., More, D. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Comparative Evaluation of Digital Control Algorithms for DC-DC Boost Converter Exhibiting Inverse Response" 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) 2016, Delhi, India

  82. Lodh, T.S., Pragallapati, N. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "An Improved Control Scheme for Interleaved Flyback Converter Based Micro-Inverter to Achieve High Efficiency" 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) 2016, Delhi, India

  83. Thakur, S., Patil, P. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "Design and Development of Controller Area Network Based Communication Architecture for Power Sharing in a DC Microgrid" 1st International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES) 2016, Delhi, India

  84. Muddineni, K., Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "A New Solar PV fed Multiple Input DC-DC converter for DC Microgrid Application" IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2016, Portland, LA

  85. Roy, J., Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2016), "A Hybrid 9-level Inverter with Minimum Number of Switches for Single phase Grid connected Solar PV system" IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2016, Portland, LA.

  86. Rokade, S., Bandyopadhyay, B., Agarwal, V. and Mishra, S. (2015), "Control of single-stage grid-connected three-phase solar photovoltaic system using sliding mode control" 41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2015, Yokohama, Japan

  87. Rajeev, M. and Agarwal, V. (2015), "Closed loop Control of a Novel Transformer-less Inverter Topology for Single phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic systems" Power and Energy Conference 2016, Illinois, USA.

  88. Pragallapati, N., Lodh, T.S. and Agarwal, V. (2015), "Parallel-Input Series-Output Interleaved Flyback based Solar PV Module Integrated Micro-Inverter" 4th ICRERA conference, 2015, Palermo, Italy.

  89. Venugopal, S. and Agarwal, V.(2015): "A Novel Control Strategy for an Ultra-Capacitor Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Controllable DC-Link Voltage", IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics For Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2015,Aachen,Germany.

  90. Patil P. and Agarwal, V. (2015): "Novel Soft Switched Interleaved DC-DC Converter for Integration of Renewable Sources and Storage into Low Voltage DC Microgrid", IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2015, Aachen, Germany.

  91. S.R.Gurumurthy, Agarwal, V. and A. Sharma (2015): "Design Considerations for a PM-BLDC Machine for Flywheel Energy Storage Applications", IEEE 6th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2015, Aachen, Germany.

  92. Hussain, N. and Agarwal, V. (2015): "A New Control Technique to enhance the Stability of a DC Microgrid and to Reduce Battery Current Ripple during the charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles", IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment & Electrical Engineering(EEEIC),2015, Rome.

  93. Phanikumar, C. Mini Rajeev and Agarwal, V. (2015): "A Novel Single Stage Zero Leakage Current Transformer less Inverter for Grid Connected PV systems", IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2015, New Orleans, LA.

  94. Prajof P. and Agarwal, V. (2015), "Novel Solar PV-Fuel Cell fed Dual-Input-Dual-Output DC-DC Converter for DC Microgrid Applications" IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2015, New Orleans, LA.

  95. Prajof P. and Agarwal, V. (2015), "Novel Boost-SEPIC type Interleaved DC-DC Converter for Low-Voltage Bipolar DC Microgrid-tied Solar PV Applications" IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2015, New Orleans, LA.

  96. Mini Rajeev and Agarwal, V (2015), "Novel Transfomer-Less Inverter topology for Single-Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic System" IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2015, New Orleans, LA.

  97. Prashant Jain, Vivek Agarwal, Bishnu Prasad Muni, S. Gautam and Deepak Gehlot (2015): "Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracking Schemes for Centralized Inverters for Large Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants" IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2015, New Orleans, LA.

  98. Rohit Parashar and Agarwal, V (2015), "[15_1019] Rapid Synchronization Technique for Enhanced Low Voltage Ride-through Operation of Distributed Energy Resource" ICPE 2015-ECCE Asia.

  99. Das. M and Agarwal, V (2014), "Generalized Small Signal Modeling of Coupled Inductor, Based High Gain, High Efficiency DC-DC Converters", 30th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference & Exposition, March 2015.

  100. Shreelakshmi, M.P. and Agarwal V (2014): Dynamic Optimization of Speed Pattern for Efficiency Improvement in Elevator Systems, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  101. Tarakanath, K., Patwardhan, S.C. and Agarwal, V (2014): Two Degree of Freedom Internal Model Control Approach for Non-minimum Phase Switching DC-DC Converter, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  102. Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V (2014):A Nine Level Inverter based Grid Connected Solar PV System with Voltage Boosting, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  103. Tarakanath K., Yadav, P., and Agarwal, V (2014): Hardware in the Loop Simulation of Direct Synthesis Based Two Degree of Freedom PID (2DOF-PID) Control for DC-DC Boost Converter Using Real Time Digital Simulation in FPGA, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  104. Jain Sachin and Agarwal, V (2014): High-Gain Boost Converter with Coupled Inductor and Switched Capacitor for Low Voltage Renewable Energy Sources, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  105. Sonti Venu, Jain Sachin and Agarwal, V (2014): A New Low Cost and High Efficiency Cascaded Half-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches, IEEE PEDES-2014, Mumbai, India, Dec. 2014.

  106. Gupta A.K. , Joshi, M. , Agarwal, V. (2014), "On the control and design issues of single phase transformerless inverters for photovoltaic applications" IEEE IICPE, 2014 ,Kurukshetra ,India

  107. Patankar M.,Wandhare R. and Agarwal, V A High Performance Power Supply for an Electric Vehicle with Solar PV, Battery and Ultracapacitor Support for Extended Range and Enhanced Dynamic Response, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2014.

  108. Wandhare R. and Agarwal V Precise Active and Reactive Power Control of the PV-DGS Integrated with Weak Grid to Increase PV Penetration, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2014.

  109. Wandhare R. and Agarwal V Design of a Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System for Hierarchical Control of a Microgrid, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2014, Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2014.

  110. Pragallapati N, Agarwal V. Single Phase Solar PV Module Integrated Flyback based Micro-Inverter with New Active Power Decoupling Circuit, IET 7th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines & Drives, Manchester, UK, April, 2014

  111. Shreelakshmi M.P. and Agarwal, V Jerk and Loss Minimization in Electric Elevator, IEEE International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications 2014, 4-5 April, 2014, Mumbai, India

  112. Das. M and Agarwal, V A Novel Control Strategy for Stand-alone Solar PV Systems with Enhanced Battery Life, IEEE Conf. on Applied Power Electronics (APEC), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, March 16-20, 2014

  113. Phanikumar, C., Nataraj. P. and Vivek Agarwal.: Novel 1-ϕ multilevel current source inverter for balanced/unbalanced PV sources, IEEE 39th photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC) 2014, Denver, Colorado,USA,June 2014.

  114. Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V A New coupled inductor based 9 level inverter with reduced number of switches for standalone/grid connected systems, IEEE 39th photovoltaic specialist conference (PVSC) 2014 , Denver, Colorado,USA,June 2014

  115. Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V Novel self balancing single phase 7 level inverter with two coupled inductors, IEEE Student's Technology symposium, 28 Feb- 2nd March, 2014, IIT Kharagpur, India.

  116. Phanikumar, C. and Agarwal, V Novel self balancing single phase asymmetric 9 level grid connected inverter for photovoltaic applications, Annual IEEE India Conference(INDICON) on Impact of engineering on global sustainability, 13-15 Dec, 2013, IIT Bombay, INDIA

  117. V. Jain, A. Visani, C. Patil, A. Sanghariyat, P. Kikani, S. K. Nema, S. Mukherjee, V. Agarwal,(2013): "Simulation Study of Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma in Air and its Experimental Validation", International Conference on Plasma Science Applications (ICPSA-2013),Singapore.

  118. Chamarthi Phanikumar and Vivek Agarwal.: Single Phase 9 level Grid Connected inverter for Photovoltaic Applications, 4th IEEE Conference on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems 8-11 July, 2013, Rogers, Arkansas, USA.

  119. Gurumurthy, S. R., Agarwal, V., Sharma, A. and Sarkar, S. Apportioning and Mitigation of losses in a Flywheel Energy Storage system, 4th IEEE Conference on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems 8-11 July, 2013, Rogers, Arkansas, USA.

  120. Rakesh Sharma and Vivek Agarwal.: A High Gain DC-DC converter with Voltage multiplier, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition Asia (ECCE Asia)June 2013, 3-6 June, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.

  121. Shreelakshmi M.P and Vivek Agarwal.: An Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Elevator System Using Ultracapacitor and Fuel Cell with Power Factor Correction, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition Asia (ECCE Asia)June 2013, 3-6 June, 2013, Melbourne, Australia.

  122. Sushil Thale, Rashmi Kale and Vivek Agarwal.: Design and Implementation of a Solar PV Panel Integrated Inverter with Multi-mode Operation Capability, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  123. Rupesh G. Wandhare and Vivek Agarwal.: A Photovoltaic Power Control Algorithm Covering Complete Range, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  124. Nataraj Pragallapati, Pooja Sharma, Vivek Agarwal.: A New Voltage Equalization Based Distributed Maximum Power Point Extraction from a PV Source Operating Under Partially Shaded Conditions IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  125. Shreelakshmi M. P., Moumita Das, and Vivek. Agarwal.: High Gain& High Efficiency Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter for Battery Charging Applications in Stand-Alone Photo-Voltaic Systems, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  126. Moumita Das, and Vivek. Agarwal.: PV Fed High Efficiency and High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converter for Micro-inverter Applications, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  127. Pooja Sharma and Vivek Agarwal.: Model based Distributed MPPT using Current Equalization for Contoured Flexible PV Strings, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  128. Pooja Sharma, and Vivek Agarwal.: Comparison of Model based MPPT and Exact MPPT for Current Equalization in Partially shaded PV Strings, IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC) 2013, 16-21 June, 2013, Tampa, Florida, USA.

  129. Naik, T, R.G Wandhare and Agarwal, V.: Three Level NPC Inverter with a Novel Voltage Equalisation For PV Grid Integration, IEEE 2013 Power and Energy Conference, Illinois, USA, February 22-23 2013.

  130. Wandhare, R., Thale, S. and Agarwal, V.: Reconfigurable Hierarchical Control of a Microgrid Developed with PV, Wind, Micro-hydro, Fuel Cell and Ultra-Capacitor, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2013, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2013.

  131. Wandhare, R., Jain, S. and Agarwal, V.: Novel Multi-Input Solar PV Topologies for 1-Ph and 3-Ph Standalone Applications to Mitigate the Effects of Partial Shading, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2013, Long Beach, California, USA, March 2013.

  132. Kumar, S. and Agarwal, V.: Digital Controller Implementation for Non-Inverting Buck-Boost Converter Using Run-Time Partial Reconfiguration of FPGA, IEEE Fifth India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2012) . New Delhi, India, 6-8 Dec., 2012.

  133. Kumar, S. and Agarwal, V.: Run-Time Partially Reconfigurable FPGA Based Applications in PV Fed Systems, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2012), Bangalore, India,16-19 Dec., 2012

  134. B. Somaiah . and Agarwal, V.: Power Conversion topologies for Naval Applications of High Power Fuel Cells, Workshop organized by the Electrical Trials and Modification Authority (ETMA) of the Indian Navy at Mumbai, held on 7th Nov, 2012..

  135. Sharma,P., Duttagupta S.P. and Agarwal, V.: A Novel and Universal Model for Accurate Prediction of PV Module Characteristics for Power Optimization Under Various Design Layouts and Dynamic Environmental Conditions, IEEE Fifth India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE 2012). held in New Delhi, India, during 6-8 Dec. 2012

  136. Thale S.,Unni K.and Agarwal, V.: CAN based Control of DC-DC Converters in Distributed Generation Units Operating in Master Slave Configuration, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2012). held in Bangalore, India, during 16-19 Dec. 2012

  137. Thale S., Gore.S.and Agarwal, V.: Adaptive Protection Scheme with Fault Detection, Classification and Isolation Features for Offgrid Distributed Generation System, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2012). held in Bangalore, India, during 16-19 Dec. 2012

  138. Das, M. and Agarwal, V.: A Novel, High Efficiency, High Gain, Front End DC-DC Converter for Low Input Voltage Solar Photovoltaic Applications, IECON 2012, MONTREAL,CANADA,OCT 25-28,

  139. Bhise, K., Nataraj, P., Thale, S. and Agarwal, V.: LabVIEW Based Emulation of Photovoltaic Array to Study Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  140. Das, M. and Agarwal, V.: Novel Three Phase Single Power Stage Photovoltaic Inverter Topology with MPPT, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  141. Thale, S. and Agarwal, V.: Controller Area Network (CAN) based Smart Protection Scheme for Solar PV, Fuel Cell, Ultra-Capacitor and Wind Energy System based Microgrid, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  142. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: A Control Strategy to Reduce the Effect of Intermittent Solar Radiation and Wind Velocity in the Hybrid Photovoltaic/Wind SCIG System without Losing MPPT, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  143. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: A Modified Control Strategy for Centralized PV - Grid Systems for Assisting Dynamic Stability to overcome Penetration Issues, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  144. Pradeep, P., Sharma, P. and Agarwal, V.: Switched Capacitor Dc-Dc Converter Based Current Equalization Scheme for Maximum Power Extraction from Partially Shaded PV Modules Without Bypass Diodes, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  145. Sharma, P., Pradeep, P. and Agarwal, V.: Exact Maximum Power Point Tracking for Partially Shaded PV Strings Based on Current Equalization Concept, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  146. Kumar, S. and Agarwal, V.: Run-Time Partially Reconfigurable FPGA Applications in PV Fed Systems, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  147. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V.: High Gain, High Efficiency DC-DC Converter with soft switching Feature, 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, June 2012.

  148. Jain, V., Visani, A., Srinivasan, R., Mukherjee, S. and Agarwal, V.: Floating Electrode plasma Jet at Atmospheric Pressure using half bridge Resonant Converter, IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Edinburgh, UK, July 2012.

  149. Patil, D., Sinha, M and Agarwal, V.: A Cuk Converter based bridegless topology for high power factor fast battery charger for electric vehicle applications, IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Dearborn, Michigan, USA, June 2012.

  150. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: Novel Control Scheme to Reduce the Effect of Intermittent Solar Radiation on the Grid Connected PV System Power Output Without Losing MPPT, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) 2012), Orlando, Florida, USA, Feb. 2012.

  151. Sharma, A. and Agarwal, V.: Modeling & Simulation of Radiated & Conducted EMI/EMC issues due to presence of Switched mode Power Supplies in Military Systems, COMCAS 2011, held in Tel Aviv (Israel), 7-9 Nov. 2011.

  152. Dimble, S., S. Gupta and Agarwal, V. Performance of Miniature Fuel Cells with Segmented Contacts Attached to the GDL 2nd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, held at the American University of Sharjah, UAE, November 15-17, 2011

  153. Thale, S. and Agarwal, V.: Design and Implementation of Communication and Control Architecture for Solar PV based Microgrid supported by PEM Fuel Cell based Auxiliary Source, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  154. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: A Low Cost Light Weight and Accurate Photovoltaic Emulator, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  155. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: Advance Control Scheme and Operating Modes for Large Capacity Centralized PV-Grid Systems to Overcome Penetration Issues, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  156. Wandhare, R. and Agarwal, V.: Novel Control Scheme for High Power Centralized PV-Grid System to Realize Functionalities of AVR and Governor as in Conventional Generators, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  157. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: A Compact Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter Based Global Peak Power Point Tracker for Partially Shaded PV Arrays of Portable Equipment, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  158. Patnaik, B., Sharma, P., Duttagupta, S. and Agarwal, V.: Reconfiguration Strategy for Optimization of Flexible Solar Photovoltaic Array under Non-Uniform Illumination Conditions, 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 June, 2011.

  159. Thale, S. and Agarwal, V.: A Smart Control Strategy for the Black Start of a Microgrid Based on PV and other Auxiliary Sources under Islanded Condition 37th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, held in Seattle, USA, 19-24 Nov 2011.

  160. Gohil, G. and Agarwal, V.: Modelling, Design And Fabrication Of Auxiliary Power Support System For Back-Up And Transient Stability in A Micro-Grid Environment Using Fuel Cell And Ultra-Capacitor Electrimacs-2011, held in Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 2011.

  161. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: A Composite Control Scheme For Output Voltage Regulation of a Switched Capacitor Dc-Dc Converter with a Large Input Voltage Variation Electrimacs-2011, held in Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 2011.

  162. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: PV Fed Boost Type Switched Capacitor Power Supply for a Nano satellite, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2010), held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 12-16 Sep. 2010.

  163. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: Analysis and Design of a Ground Isolated Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter, International symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE-2010), held in Bari, Italy, 4-7 July 2010.

  164. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of a PV Source for Nano Satellite Application, 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference. held in Waikiki, Hawaii. USA, 20-25 June, 2010.

  165. Pooja, S. and Agarwal, V.: Dynamic Power Optimization of Contoured Flexible PV Array Under Non-Uniform Illumination Conditions, 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference. held in Waikiki, Hawaii. USA, 20-25 June, 2010.

  166. Rupesh, W. and Agarwal, V.: A Novel Technique for THD Control in Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems using Step Variable Inductor Approach, 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference. held in Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, 20-25 June, 2010.

  167. Thakur, R. and Agarwal, V.: A Quantitative Feedback Theory Based Control of a Variable Speed Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Driven by Wind Turbine, International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2010), to be held in Kandy, Sri Lanka during December 6-9, 2010.

  168. Joshi G. , Sujo C.I. , Motiwala P.D. , Singh P. , Kumar G. and Agarwal, V. : RF control electronics for 400keV RFQ, National Symposium on Nuclear Instrumentation,(NSNI-10), Feb. 24-26, pp. 160-164, Mumbai, 2010.

  169. Joshi G. , Kumar G. and Agarwal, V. : Development of digital self excited loop, National Symposium on Nuclear Instrumentation,(NSNI-10), Feb. 24-26, pp. 195-198, Mumbai, 2010.

  170. Somaiah, B. and Agarwal, V.(2009): Analysis and comparative study of pulsating current of fuel cells by inverter load with different power converter topologies, International Symposium & Exhibition on Fuel Cell technologies : FUCETECH 2009. held in Nehru centre, Mumbai, India, 11 - 13 November, 2009.

  171. Patel, R., Patki, C. and Agarwal, V.(2009): Armature and Field Controlled DC Motor Based Wind Turbine Emulation for Wind Energy Conversion System Operating Over a WideRange of Wind Velocity, International conference on sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Brighton, United Kingdom during 29th - 30th April and 1st May 2009.

  172. Sharma, A. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Selecting Optimum Heat Sink for EMI Mitigation in Aircraft Power Supplies , IEEE conference- EMC 2009, St. Petersberg, Russia, June 2009.

  173. Satav, S. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Design, Development and "Do-It-Yourself" Fabrication of an E-field Probe for Isotropic EMI Measurement, IEEE conference- EMC 2009, St. Petersberg, Russia, June 2009.

  174. Joshi, G., Singh, P., Kumar, G. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Resonant Frequency Tracking System, Indian Partcle Accelerator Conference -InPAC 2009, being held at RRCAT, Indore, India, from February 10 to 13, 2009.

  175. Sharma, A. and Agarwal, V.(2009): Investigating the Conducted EMI Issues in Fighter Aircrafts Power Supplies, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposium, Florida, USA during April 13-17, 2009.

  176. Sharma, P., Duttagupta, S.P. and Agarwal, V.: Characterization and modeling of flexible photovoltaic modules for portable power applications, SUPERGEN, Nanjing, China during 6-7 April, 2009.

  177. Sharma, P., Duttagupta, S.P.and Agarwal, V.: Parameter extraction for Flexible Photovoltaic (FPV) modules to determine the impact of FPV technology on high insolation module performance, Proc. of SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposium, Florida, USA during April 13-17, 2009.

  178. Joshi, G. Vretenar, M., Kumar, G. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Development of RF system model for CERN LINAC2 Tanks, Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) 2009, Vancouver, Canada during May 4-8, 2009.

  179. Joshi, G., Kumar, G, R. G. Pillay. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Development of the Model of a Self-Excited Loop, Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) 2009, Vancouver, Canada during May 4-8, 2009.

  180. Surya Prabha J. and Agarwal V. (2009): Experimental Investigations into the Performance of Forward and Flyback Based S4 Topologies for Lithium-Ion Battery Charging Applications, International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems and Power Electronics in Emerging Economics, Chennai, India, April 16-17, 2009.

  181. B.V.K. Chaitanya. and Agarwal V. (2009): Fuzzy Logic based Sensorless Control of a BLDC motor, International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems and Power Electronics in Emerging Economics, Chennai, India, April 16-17, 2009.

  182. Patki, C. and Agarwal V. (2009): Matrix Converter based Grid Connected System with Reactive and Harmonic Compensation Features. 2nd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization PCO 2009, Bali, Indonesia during June 1-3, 2009.

  183. Patki, C. and Agarwal, V. (2009) : Matrix Converter Interface for a Wind Energy Conversion System: Issues and Limitations. 2nd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization PCO 2009, Bali, Indonesia during June 1-3, 2009.

  184. Rajkiran, A. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Hybrid Control of Permanent Magnet DC Motor Drive, 2nd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization (PCO), Bali, Indonesia during June 1-3, 2009.

  185. Padmakumar, S., Roy, K. and Agarwal, V. (2009): Shaft Currents in Medium Voltage Motors and their Effect on Motor Bearings, International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems and Power Electronics in Emerging Economics, Chennai, India, April 16-17, 2009.

  186. Padmakumar S., Agarwal, V.and Roy, K. (2009): An Investigative Study into Observer based Non-Invasive Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Induction Motors: Part-II, WASET sponsored International Conference on Electric Machines and Drive Systems (ICEMDS) Hongkong, China, March 23 25, 2009.

  187. Padmakumar, S., Agarwal, V.and Roy, K. (2009): A Comparative Study into Observer based Fault Detection and Diagnosis in DC Motors: Part - I, WASET sponsored International Conference on Electric Machines and Drive Systems (ICEMDS) Hongkong, China, March 23- 25, 2009.

  188. Padmakumar, S., Agarwal, V. and Roy, K. (2009): A Tutorial on Dynamic Simulation of DC Motor and Implementation of Kalman Filter on a Floating Point DSP, WASET sponsored International Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ICMS), Tokyo, Japan, May 2009.

  189. Padmakumar, S., Agarwal, V. and Roy K. (2009): Single phasing in induction machines: Neutral connection and the advantages IEEE SDEMPED 09, France during 31/08-3/09.

  190. Chandramouli, C. and Agarwal,V. (2009): Speech Recognition based Computer Keyboard Replacement for the Quadriplegics, Paraplegics, Paralytics and Amputees, IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Cetraro, Italy, May 2009.

  191. Chandramouli, C. and Agarwal,V. (2009): Alternative Emergency Communication Channel through Television Cable, IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), Cetraro, Italy, May 2009.

  192. Somaiah, B., Govindan, K., Dattagupta, S. and Agarwal, V.: Analysis and comparative study of input pulsating current of fuel cells by inverter load with different power converter topologies, International symposium on fuel cell technologies: FUCETECH 2009, held at Nehru Centre, Mumbai during 11-13 November 2009.

  193. Peter, P. and Agarwal, V.: Design and Analysis of a Buck Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converter, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS-2009), Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 28-31 Dec 2009.

  194. Thakur, R.K. and Agarwal, V. (2009): A Quantitative Feedback Theory Based Control of a Variable Speed Squirrel Cage Induction Generator, IEEE PEDS conference held in Taipei, Taiwan during November 2-5, 2009.

  195. Thakur R.K. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Application of Interval Computation Technique to Fixed Speed Wind Energy Conversion System, IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, Singapore, November 2008.

  196. Talwalker, A., Chandramouli, C., Praveen, C. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Susceptibility Studies on 8051 Microcontroller Mounted on Single- and Multi-Layer Printed Circuit Boards, 10th International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility INCEMIC, Bangalore India, November 2008.

  197. Padmakumar, S., Roy, K. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Induction machines: a Novel, Model Based, Non-Invasive Fault Detection and Diagnosis Technique, IEEE conference, POWERCON, New Delhi.

  198. Chaitanya, K. and Agarwal, V. (2008): Fuzzy logic based speed control of sensorless BLDC motor. 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 2008.

  199. Jayakrishna, B. and Agarwal, V. (2008): FPGA Implementation of QFT based Controller for a Buck type DC-DC Power Converter and Comparison with Fractional and Integral Order PID Controllers, IEEE Control and Modelling for Power Electronics, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2008.

  200. Deodhar, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Islandi g Effects on the Line Frequency in Distributed Generation Systems. National Power Electronics Conference at Bangalore, India, December 2007.

  201. Jain, S. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A Grid Connected Multi-Operating-Mode PV Configuration Suitable for a Wide Range of Input Voltage. National Power Electronics Conference at Bangalore, India, December 2007.

  202. Thakur, R. and Agarwal, V. (2007): Effect of Excitation Capacitance Value On The Transient Behavior Of Induction Generator In Wind Energy Conversion Systems. National Power Electronics Conference at Bangalore, India, December 2007.

  203. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2007): A Simple Hybrid Mode Switching Control Law for a Buck Converter and its Stability Analysis, International Conference on Advances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems at Bangalore, India. February 2007.

  204. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Hybrid Control of Tri-State Boost Converter, International Conference on Industrial Technology at Mumbai, India. December 2006.

  205. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2006): A Circuit Theoretical Approach to the Hybrid Control of PCCM Boost Converter, International Conference on Industrial Technology at Mumbai, India. December 2006.

  206. Patel, H. and Agarwal, V. (2006): PV Based Distributed Generation with Compensation Feature Under Unbalanced and Non-linear Load Conditions for a 3-phase, 4 Wire System, International Conference on Industrial Technology at Mumbai, India. December 2006.

  207. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Comparison of Mode Switched Controllers for a Pseudo Continuous Current Mode Boost Converter. IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems at New Delhi, India, December 2006, 1-6.

  208. Sharma, V., Chatterjee, K and Agarwal, V. (2006): A Novel Pulse Power Supply Operating at High Input Power Factor. IEEE nternational Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems at New Delhi, India, December 2006.

  209. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Hybrid automaton models and control synthesis of a single inductor multiple output boost converter, International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference at Shanghai, China. August 2006, 281 285.

  210. Sreekumar, C. and Agarwal, V. (2006): Hybrid control of a Boost Converter operating in Discontinuous Current mode, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference at Jeju, South Korea, June 2006, 255-260.

  211. Satav, S. and Agarwal, V. (2006): A Low Cost Emission Measurement System for VDUs as per MPR II. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference Compatibility -2006 at Bangalore, India, February 2006.

  212. Abera, A., Bandyopadhyay, B., Agarwal, V. and Janardhanan, S. (2005): Multirate Output Feedback Sliding Mode Controller for Sensorless Induction Motor. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology at Hong Kong, Dec. 2005, 877-881.

  213. Abera, A., Baandyopadhyay, B., Janardhanan, S. and Agarwal, V. (2005): Robust Control of Induction Motor using Fast Output Sampling Technique. 2nd International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics at Barcelona, Spain, September 2005, 25-30.

  214. Abera, A., Baandyopadhyay, B., Agarwal, V. and Janardhanan. S. (2005): Sensorless Control of Induction Motor Using Fast Output Sampling Technique. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications at Toronto, Canada, August 2005, 493-497.

  215. Padmakumar, S., Agarwal, V., Roy, K. (2005): Estimation of Induction Motor Flux A Novel Method for Fault Detection and Reliability Assessment. International Conference on Reliability Safety and Hazard at Mumbai, India, December 2005.

  216. Padmakumar, S., Roy, K. and Agarwal, V. (2005): Dynamic modeling of induction machines for fault detection and diagnosis application. Na ional Conference of Control and Dynamical Systems at Mumbai, India, January 2005.

  217. Agarwal, V., Sundarsingh, V., Bontemps, S., Calmels, S. and Denis Grafham (2003): Novel single-switch Isolated 42V/1kW Battery Charger Module uses Converter operating at near-unity Power Factor. Power Conversion Conference and Intelligent Motion at Nuremberg, Germany, May 2003, 858-863.

  218. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2003): A Novel Technique for Optimizing Harmonics and Reactive Power with Load Balancing under Non-Sinusoidal Supply and Unbalanced Load Conditions, 34th IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference 2003 at Mexico, June 2003, Vol. 4, 1537 1541.

  219. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2003): Reliability Analysis of a Modern Power Supply Under Nuclear Radiation Effects, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics Drive System, Singapore, 71-76.

  220. Phulluke, R., Kumar, G., Agarwal, V., Bhatia, M.S. and Madan V. K. (2002): Conducted EMI issues and the design of EMI filters for AC power supply feeding a Copper vapor type laser. IEEE International Conference in EMI/EMC, 2002, pp. 267-271.

  221. Bhatia, S., Madan, V., Dongare, A., Phulluke, R., Kumar, G. and Agarwal, V. (2002): Mapping of radiation field from a discharge laser head. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference Compatibility at Banglore, India, February 2002, 6-10.

  222. Agarwal, V. Sundarsingh, V., Bontemps S. and Grafham, D. (2002): A Smart Power Converter Module for Buck Applications Operating at High Input Power Factor, 28th Annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronic society at Sevilla, Spain, November 2002, 1202 1207.

  223. George, S. and Agarwal, V. (2002): A Novel Technique for Optimising the Harmonics and Reactive Power Under Non-Sinusoidal Voltage Conditions, 28th Annual conference of the IEEE industrial electronic society at Sevilla, Spain, November 2002, 858 863.

  224. Kulkarni, R., Bora, J.S., Prakash, R., Agarwal, V. and Sundersingh, V. P.(2002): Synergistic Behavior f Nuclear Radiation, Temperature-Humidity Extremes LOCA Situation on Safety Safety-related Equipment in Indian Nuclear Power Plants, 1st National Conference on Nuclear Reactor Safety, Mumbai, India, 2002.

  225. Kulkarni, R., Bora, J.S., Prakash, R., Agarwal, V. and Sundersingh, V. P.(2002): Reliability Assessment and Enhancement of Pressure Differential Pressure Transmitter Subjected to LOCA Environment in Nuclear Power Plants, 1st National Conference on Nuclear Reactor Safety, Mumbai, India, 2002.

  226. Kulkarni, R., Bora, J.S., Prakash, R., Agarwal, V. and Sundersingh, V. P.(2002): Qualification of Differential Pressure Switches for Nuclear Environment including LOCA, 1st National Conference on Nuclear Reactor Safety, Mumbai, India, 2002.

  227. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2002): Effects due to the Synergistic Behaviour of Nuclear Radiation, Temperature-Humidity & LOCA Situation on Safety-related Equipment in Indian Nuclear Power Plants, in Academic Industry Meet, Mumbai, India, 2002.

  228. Gawshinde, A., Vishwanath, R. and Agarwal, V.(2002): Reliability Upgradation of an Electronic Monitoring and Display System under Gamma Radiation Environment, International Conference on Multimedia and Design, Mumbai, India, September 2002, 192 195.

  229. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V. (2001): Reliability Prediction of Electronic Power Electronic Devices Subjected to Gamma Radiation, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control at Mumbai, India, December 2001, R27-1 R27-7.

  230. Kulkarni, R. and Agarwal, V.(2001): Predicting the Life of Operational Amplifiers Operating Under Nuclear Environment, international conference on Quality, Reliability and Control, Mumbai, India Dec. 2001, R16-1 R16-8.

  231. Eapen, S. and Agarwal, V. (2001): Effect of Harmonics on the Reliability of Electrical Equipment, international conference on Quality, Reliability and Control at Mumbai, India, December 2001, R68-1 R68-4.

  232. Hariharan, M. and Agarwal, V. (2000): Crisis in Power Engineering Education - A Challenge and an Opportunity, eleventh National Power Systems Conference (NPSC) at Bangalore, India, December 2000.

  233. Joshi, M. and Agarwal, V. (2000): EMI Mitigation in Power Electronic Circuits operating at high power factor. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology at Pretoria, South Africa, January 2000, 267-271.

  234. Kulkarni, R., Agarwal, V. and Gupta, A.(2000): Issues related to nuclear radiation effects on semiconductor devices, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2000, 609-614.

  235. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1999): A variable speed constant voltage controller for self-excited induction generator with minimum control requirements. IEEE Power Electronics and Drive System at Hong Kong, July 1999, 98-103.

  236. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1999): A new induction generator controller for standalone application with unbalanced load. European Conference Circuit Theory and Design at Stresa, August 1999.

  237. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1999): A simple Wind driven self excited induction generator controller. IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference at Denmark, June 1999.

  238. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1999): Wind driven self excited induction generator with simple de coupled excitation control. Annual Industry Application Society Conference at Arizona, USA, 1999, Arizona, USA, 2077-2083.

  239. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1998): Static VAR compensator with supply side current sensors and improved transient response using feed-forward control, IEEE Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems conference at Australia, December 1998, 757-761.

  240. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1998): High Resolution Absolute position Vernier Shaft E coder suitable for High Performance PMSM Servo Drives. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference at Fukuoka, Japan, May 1998, 119-124.

  241. Joshi, M. and Agarwal, V. (1998): Generation and Propagation of EMI waves in Power Electronic Circuits. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference at Fukuoka, Japan, May 1998, 1165-1172.

  242. Joshi, M.and Agarwal, V. (1998): Component Placement for Improved EMI Performance in Power Electronic Circuits. IEEE applied power electronics conference at California, USA, February 1998, 944 - 950.

  243. Wekhande, S. and Agarwal, V. (1997): A Static VAR Compensator with Reduced Current Sensors and Instantaneous Current Feed forward Control, International Conference on Power Generation, system planning and Operation at New Delhi, December 1997, 757-761.

  244. Joshi, M. and Agarwal, V. (1997): Design optimization of ZVS and ZCS Quasi-resonant converters for EMI reduction. International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility at Hyderabad, India, December 1997, 407 - 414.

  245. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1996): Steady-State and Dynamic Analysis of the Fixed-Frequency Pulse-Width Modulated LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter. IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference at Baveno, Italy, June 1996.

  246. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1995): Small- Signal Equivalent Circuit Modeling of the LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter using Discrete Time Domain Modeling. Power Electronics and Drives System at Singapore, February 1995, 146-151.

  247. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1994): Small-Signal Analysis of the LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter using Discrete Time Domain Modeling. IEEE Power Electronics Specialist Conference at Taipei, Taiwan, June 1994, 805-813.

  248. Agarwal, V., Belaguli, V. and Bhat, A. (1993): Large Signal Analysis using Discrete Time Modeling for LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter operating in Discontinuo s Current Mode, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, September 1993, 80-83.

  249. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1993): Large Signal Analysis of the Series- Parallel Resonant Converter using Discrete Time Domain Modeling. IEEE Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, November 1993, 836-841.

  250. Agarwal, V. and Bhat, A. (1992): A complete DC analysis of LCC-Type Parallel Resonant Converter. IEEE Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, November 1992, 179 - 184.

  251. Bhat, A. and Agarwal, V. (1992): Operating Modes and Simulation of the Series-Parallel Resonant Converter, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems at San Diego, California, May 1992, 1883- 1886.

    Citations of Papers


Invited Magazine Article(s):
  1. Vivek Agarwal, Electromagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Compatibility, Industry Watch Electrical and Electronics, an Infomedia India Magazine for Industries.

  2. Vivek Agarwal and B. Somaiah, Fuel cells as alternate source of Energy, Electrical India Magazine, vol. 49, 2009.

  3. Vivek Agarwal and Chetan Patki, Wind Energy Conversion Systems- A Review, Electrical India Magazine, vol. 50, No. 1, 2010.

In News
  1. Prof. Agarwal is appointed PELS representative on the steering committtee of Journal of Photoavoltaics (JPV)

  2. Prof. Agarwal is appointed as the Co-Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (effective 1st January, 2021)

  3. Prof. Agarwal is elected as a Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, Delhi (effective 1st January, 2021)

Awards, Honors, Professional Activities
  1. Awarded the "JC Bose National Fellowship", 2023

  2. Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India (Prayagraj), 2023

  3. Appointed PELS representative on the steering committtee of Journal of Photoavoltaics (JPV)

  4. K SHANKAR IEEE BS 2020 Meritorious Paper Award from IEEE Bombay section for the paper with the following details: M. Rajeev and V. Agarwal, "Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability of a Novel Grid Connected Inverter Suitable for Transformer-Less Solar PV–Grid Interface," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 2799-2806, May-June 2020.

  5. Co-Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics , effective 1st January, 2021

  6. Fellow, Indian National Science Academy, Delhi , effective 1st January, 2021

  7. Fellow, Indian Academy of Sciences Bangalore , effective 1st January, 2020

  8. IRCC Research Dissemination Award (2018), for the contribution in Solar Photovoltaics under partially shaded conditions.

  9. Institute Chair Professor, since Nov, 2015.
  10. IEEE Fellow, effective 1st Jan, 2015.

  11. Prof. H.H. Mathur Award for Excellence in Applied Sciences for 2014.

  12. Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

  13. Editor for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

  14. System Society of India Vikram award (2008), consisting of a gold medal and citation for contribution to real life problems of importance to the nation: for the work on web server based spirometer.

  15. Fellow,Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE). .

  16. Appointed Research Ambassador by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the academic session 2010-2011 in recognition of outstanding commitment and leadership in promoting Indo-German relations in education and research.

  17. IETE Bimal Bose Award for the year (2010) for contributions in the field of power electronics.

  18. Associate Editor, IEEE Tran. on Industry Applications Society.

  19. The following paper: S. Jain and V. Agarwal, "Comparison of the performance of maximum power point tracking schemes applied to single -stage grid -connected photovoltaic systems", Vol. 1, Issue 5, September 2007. was among the top 20 most downloaded IET Electric Power Applications papers by users of the IEEE Xplore database in 2008 and is ranked No. 5 from the hundreds of papers that the journal has published since its launch in 1980, receiving 378 full text downloads during 2008.

  20. The paper with the following details; Joshi, M. and Agarwal, V. (1997): Design optimization of ZVS and ZCS Quasi-resonant converters for EMI reduction, International Conference on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility, Hyderabad, India, December 1997, 407 - 414. Received the best paper award.

  21. The paper with the following details: Agarwal, V. and Kulkarni, R.D. (2001): Reliability Prediction of Electronic and Power Electronic Devices Subjected to Gamma Radiations. International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control, Mumbai, India, December 26-28, 2001. Received the best paper award for a technical session.

  22. The work based on web based spirometer was reported in several newspapers and news websites.

  23. Award for excellence in Teaching Assistantship, Univ. of Victoria, 1991.

  24. Fellow of IETE and Life member of ISTE. [IETE: Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications engineers, India; ISTE: Indian Society of Technical Education]

  25. Executive council member of IETE Mumbai during 2001.

  26. Member, Editorial Board, Inderscience Journal of Intelligent Defense Support Systems.

B.Tech. Students / Dual Degree

  • Rahul Jadhav
  • Sumit Agarwal
  • Manoj Kuldeep
  • Sangeeta Meena
  • Shravant Valluru
  • Sapan Shrivastava
  • Neeraj Mandotia
  • Parth Shrimali
  • Hemant Boddu
  • Bandaru Sri Harsha
  • Hanisha Nagati
  • Sharath Chandra Ale
  • Uddeshya Patel

  • M.Tech Students

  • Amit Jain, 1996
  • Amitabh Chatterjee, 1996
  • S. Ganesh, 1996*
  • Ratnesh Singh, 1997
  • Nabanita Ray, 1997
  • P. Siva Prakash, 1997
  • Anand kumar singh, 1997
  • S. Sreejakumar, 2001
  • Mahesh Nankar, 2001
  • Suresh Suralkar, 2001
  • S. Santhosh, 2001
  • Nitesh Singh, 2001
  • Pradeep Anand, 2001*
  • Prashant Gugle,2002
  • Mini Rajeev, 2002
  • Pavan Kumar Chillara, 2003
  • T. Ranganadh, 2003
  • C. Pavan Kumar, 2003
  • R.Vishwanath, 2003
  • Hiren Patel, 2003
  • Sunil Kumar, 2003*
  • Anil Rahate, 2004
  • D.V. M. M. Krishna, 2004
  • Sandeep Dhadich, 2004
  • Mohit Kumar, 2004
  • B.Raju Sekhar, 2004
  • S.Bhaktavatsala, 2004*
  • N.Reddy, 2005
  • N.C.S. Ramachandran, 2005
  • Sandeep Satav, 2005
  • Vineet Aras, 2005*
  • Somak Gupta Roy, 2005*
  • Nitesh Kumawat, 2005
  • A.N.V. Uday Kiran, 2005
  • Kapil Maheshwari, 2005
  • Vishalkumar Bhanani, 2005
  • Nitesh Kumawat, 2005
  • Milan Sheta, 2005*
  • Pundlik Ghate, 2005
  • Lalit N. Saptarshi, 2006
  • E. S. Balaji, 2006
  • Raghavendra Thota, 2006
  • Tarun Kumar, 2006
  • N.Murali, 2006
  • Ramanji Reddy, 2006
  • Vishnu Sharma, 2006
  • Rakesh Aggarwal, 2007
  • Krishnanjulu Thota, 2007
  • M.Ravi, 2007
  • C.Praveen, 2007
  • Venkat Ramani, 2007
  • Praveen Patidar, 2007
  • Shirish Deodhar, 2007
  • Amit Kaushik, 2007
  • Shabbir Bohra, 2007
  • Atul Gupta, 2007
  • P. Rajesh, 2007
  • Poonam Jasuja, 2007
  • Bh. Srinivasulu, 2007
  • Biswanath Naik, 2007
  • Mukesh Bagul, 2007
  • Ashutosh Maheshwari, 2007
  • Sai Krishna, 2007
  • Ashwini Dixit, 2008
  • Ashish Talwalker, 2008
  • P.Santosh Krishna, 2008
  • Jai Krishna, 2008
  • K. Chaitanya, 2008
  • Rajesh P, 2008
  • J.Suryaprabha, 2008
  • Pradeep Sharma, 2008
  • Rahul Porwal, 2008
  • V.N.V.Srikanth, 2008
  • Chetan Patki, 2009
  • B.S.N.Raju, 2009
  • Rahul Patel, 2009
  • Ashish Sharma, 2009
  • Sundeep Sunkari, 2009
  • Vinod kumar, 2009*
  • Neeraj Mandolai, 2009
  • G.Sudhakar, 2008
  • Raj Kiran, 2009
  • Pankaj Arora, 2009*
  • Kriti Kumar, 2010
  • C.Chandramouli, 2010
  • Shantanu R.Nakhate, 2010
  • Hussain, 2010
  • Deepak Parmar, 2010
  • Davu Anil Kumar, 2010
  • Rupesh G.Wandhare, 2010
  • Bhavik C.Chaudhari, 2010
  • Sagar Petkar, 2010
  • Ghanshyam Gohil, 2011
  • Santosh Phulare, 2011
  • S. Narendra Kumar, 2011
  • Ramesh Akula, 2011
  • Swaroop, 2011
  • Mayank Sinha, 2012
  • Srikanth Kantipaka, 2012
  • Sai Vivek, 2012
  • Sajeesh Kumar, 2012
  • Dheeraj Kapur, 2012
  • Rupendra Narwaria, 2012
  • Shafeeq Elanattil, 2012
  • Devendra Patil, 2013
  • Rajesh Sura, 2013
  • Tejas Naik, 2013
  • Rakesh Kunjur, 2013
  • Hashim M., 2013
  • Rammohan Reddy, 2013
  • Ashutosh Pailwan, 2014
  • Sandeep Bhagwat, 2014
  • Kapil Bhise, 2014
  • S. Venugopal, 2015
  • Vineeth Krishnan, 2015
  • Pratik Patil, 2015
  • Kanchan Joshi, 2015
  • Rohit Parashar, 2015
  • Pawan Chetri, 2015
  • Deepak Kapse, 2016
  • Yogendra Goyal, 2016
  • Kapil Muddineni, 2016
  • Tirthasarathi Lodh, 2017
  • Jibanesh Roy, 2017
  • Heena Masuriya, 2017
  • Ashish Ranjan, 2017
  • Shroff Kalind Nishith, (2018)
  • Gandluru Veerabharathchandrareddy, (2018)
  • Palakurla Shekar, (2018)
  • Ali Akbar Ajmerwala, (2018)
  • Rohit Kawde, (2018)
  • Vaghasiya Kamal M., (2019)
  • Shreyas Ravindra Kulkarni, (2019)
  • Rupesh Gupta, (2019)
  • Aniket Sunil Vaze, (2019)
  • Priya Sogani, (2019)
  • Joginder Yadav, (2019)
  • Ravindranath T., (2019)
  • Ravi Kumar Thakur., (ongoing)
  • Sudesh Bhamnya, (ongoing)
  • Jaafar Abbakar Ahmed Alnoor, (ongoing)
  • *Either supervisor or co-supervisor for these students

    Phd Students

  • Shashank Wekhande, 2001
  • Madhuwanti Joshi , 2001
  • Sincy George, 2005
  • R.D.Kulkarni, 2007
  • A.Alamayehu, 2007
  • Sachin Jain, 2008
  • C. Sreekumar, 2008
  • Hiren Patel, 2008
  • Shekhar Dimble, 2012
  • Rupesh Wandhare,2014
  • Rajesh Thakur, 2014
  • Pooja sharma, 2014
  • Boddu Somaiah, 2015
  • Gopal Joshi, 2015
  • Sushil Thale, 2015
  • Moumita Das, 2016
  • Nataraj P, 2017
  • S. R. Gurumurthy, 2017
  • Pradeep Peter, 2017
  • Vishal Jain, 2018
  • Mini Rajeev, 2018
  • Tarakanath K, 2018
  • Sreelakshmi M.P, 2018
  • Chamarthi Phanikumar, 2018
  • Amit Kumar Gupta, 2020
  • Prajof P., 2018
  • Ramchandra Bhosale,(2020)
  • Mosaddique Nawaz Hussain,(2021)
  • Prashan Jain,(2021)
  • Gopakumar Melath, (2021)
  • Soumya Ranjan, (2021)
  • Santhosh Jois, (ongoing)
  • Shashank Kurm, (2022)
  • Rahul Mishra, (ongoing)
  • Geethi Krishnan, (ongoing)
  • Arpan Hota, (2022)
  • Shamim Hasan, (ongoing)
  • Sriram Rangarajan, (ongoing)
  • Kavita Kiran Prasad, (ongoing)
  • Laxman Mutyam, (ongoing)

  • Contact information

      Vivek Agarwal
      Electrical Engineering Department
      Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay
      Powai, Mumbai 400076

      Tel: +91 (0)22 2576 7422

    Last updated on 27th Feb 2018