Virendra Singh, Ph.D(NAIST, Japan)
Department of Electrical Engineering, and
Department of
Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076 India
E-mail :
Tel :
+91-22-2576-9432 (O)
+91-22-2576-8432 (R)
Fax :
Office :
122 D, EE Building
Publications . Teaching . Funding . Professional
Activities . Students . Visitors . RASDAT . IWPVTD . WHF
Research Lab.: Computer
Architecture and Dependable Systems Lab. (CADSL)
Indo-Japanese Joint Laboratory
for Intelligent Dependable Cyber Physical Systems (IDCPS)
(PI): Information Security Research and Development
Centre (ISRDC)
Lab: Gigabit
Networking Lab. (GNL), CSE
Lab: Centre of excellence
for Blockchain research
Centre for Machine Intelligence and
Data Science
Requirements: PDFs, Ph.D Aspirants, Project Associates/Assistants (experience
in Cyber Security)
New Project: AI powered
adaptive cyber defence framework (sponsored by NSCS, GoI)
Funding: DST-JST funding,
DRDO funding, SRC funding, NSCS funding
Papers: ISCAS`21 paper
Conferences: VDAT`22, ITC-India`22, RASDAT`22, ICISS-21
Received SP Sukhatme excellence in teaching award in 2021
Courses: [Next Semester- Spring
2022]: CS-654: Current Topics in VLSI &
System Design, EE-739: Processor Design,
EE-309: Microprocessors, CS-226: Digital Logic & Computer Architecture
[Last Semester- Autumn 2021]: EE-748: Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture, CS-683: Advanced
Computer Architecture, EE-677: Foundation of VLSI
Debates at EE-748: End to VN
Architecture, Is
Microarchitecture dead ?
A note for students
- Cyber
- Computer
- Processor
architecture & micro-architecture
- Memory
system design
- Reconfigurable
- Adaptive
- Compiler
support for modern architectures
- Fault-tolerant
- Robust
design and architectures
- Self-healing
system design
testing and design for testability
- SoC/NoC design and test
- Post
silicon debug
- High
level synthesis
- Formal
- Trusted
based acceleration
- Trusted
hardware design
- Cyber
physical systems
- Network
router design and algorithms
- Software
defined networking (SDN)
- Blockchain
- Ph.D
(Computer Science) - (2002-2005)
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Science City, Nara, Japan
Advisor: Prof. Hideo
Co-Advisors: Prof. Kewal K. Saluja (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
and Prof. Michiko Inoue
Thesis: Instruction-Based
Self-Testing of Performance Oriented Faults in Modern Processors
- M.E (Electronics & Communication) - (1994-1996)
Malaviya National
Institute of Technology (MNIT)
(Rajasthan) India
Advisor: Prof. MS Gaur
Thesis: Simulation of ATM Networks with Heavy Tail Traffic
- B.E (Hons) in Electronics
& Communication - (1990-1994)
Malaviya National
Institute of Technology (MNIT)
Major Research Projects:
AI Powered Adaptive Cyber Defence Framework (2021
– 2023)
National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), Govt. of India, Funding: USD 16M
(INR 1.2 Arab)
Architecting Intelligent Dependable Cyber Physical System
Targeting IoTs and Mobile Big Data Analysis (2017-2022)
Sponsor: JST
& DST, Funding: INR 12.5 Crores (IITB: INR 5.1 Crores, and Tokyo Univ.: Yen 14.8 Crores)
vulnerabilities in applications and device drivers in Linux and Windows OS
platforms using symbolic execution
(with IIT Jammu and MNIT Jaipur)
Cyber Physical Cognitive System
(with Tokyo University, Japan)
Publications: List of my
Recent Publications:
Selected papers in 2021
- Jaynarayan Tudu, Satyadev
Ahlawat, Sonali Shukla, and Virendra Singh, `A framework for
configurable for joint-scan design-for-test architecture`, Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and Application, 2021
- Arindam Sarkar, Newton Singh, Varun Venkitaraman, and
Virendra Singh, `DAM: Deadlock aware migration techniques for STT-RAM
based hybrid caches`, IEEE Computer Architecture Lettres
(CAL), 20(1), 2021
- Nirmal Kumar Boran, Shubhankit Rathore, Meet Udeshi, and
Virendra Singh, `Fine-grained scheduling in heterogeneous-ISA
architectures`, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 20(1), 2021
- Vineesh VS, Binod
Kumar, Rushikesh Shinde,
Neelam Sharma, Masahiro Fujita and Virendra
Singh, `Enhanced design debugging with assistance from guidance based
model checking`, IEEE Trans. On Computer Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits (TCAD), 40(5), 2021
- Abhinish Anand,
Winnie Thomas, Suryakant Toraskar,
and Virendra Singh, `Predictive warp scheduling for efficient execution in
GPGPU`, Proc. of ACM annual Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), June
- Winnie Thomas, Suryakant
Toraskar, and Virendra Singh, `Dynamic
optimization in GPU using Roofline model`, Proc. of IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS`21), Daegu,
Korea, May 2021
- Harsh Bhargav, Vineesh VS, Binod Kumar and
Virendra Singh, `Enhancing testbench quality via
genetic algorithm`, Proc. of Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems
(MWSCAS) 2021
Selected Publications (Before 2021):
- Antara Ganguly, Shankar Balachandran, Anant Nori, Virendra Singh, and Sreenivas
Subramoney, `Characterization of data generating
neural network application on x86 server architecture`, Proc. of IEEE
International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
(ISPASS), Boston, USA, April 2020
- Jiji Angel and Virendra Singh, `On the DSA key recovery
attack with variable partial nonces known`, ISEA
International Conference on Security and Privacy (ISEA-ISAP), Guwahati,
India, Feb 2020
- Binod Kumar, Swapaniel Thakur, Kanad Basu, Masahiro Fujita,
and Virendra Singh, `A low overhead methodology for validating memory
consistency models in chip multiprocessors`, 33rd International
Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID-2020), Bangalore, India, Jan 2020
- Rajkumar Choudhary, Newton Singh, Harideep Nair, Rishabh Rawat, and Virendra Singh, `Free-flow Core: Enhancing
performance of in-order cores with energy efficiency`, 37th
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD-2019), Abu Dhabi,
UAE, Nov 2019
- Binod Kumar, Masahiro Fujita and Virendra
Singh, "A Methodology for SAT-based Electrical Error Debugging during
Post-silicon Validation", 32nd International Conference on VLSI
Design (VLSID-19) 2019, Delhi, Jan 2019
- Jaidev Shenoy,
Virendra Singh, Kelly Ockunzzi and Kushal Kamal, "On-chip MISR compaction technique to
reduce diagnostic effort and test time", 32nd
International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID-19) 2019, Delhi, Jan
- Antara Ganguly,
Virendra Singh, Rajiv Muralidhar, and Masahiro
Fujita, "Memory system requirements for convolutional neural
networks", International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS-2018),
Washington DC, USA, October 2018
- Suhit Pai, Newton, and
Virendra Singh, "AB-Aware: Application Behavior Aware Management
of Shared Last Level Caches", 28th ACM Great Lakes
Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May
23-25, 2018
- Darshit Vaghani, Satyadev Ahlawat, Jaynarayan Tudu, Masahiro
Fujita, and Virendra Singh, "On Securing Scan Design Through Test
Vector Encryption", 51st IEEE International Symposium
on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2018, Florence, Italy, May 2018
- Rohini Gulve and Virendra
Singh, "ATPG Power Guards:
On limiting the test power below threshold", Proc. of Design
Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March 2018
- Ankush Srivastava,
Virendra Singh, Adit Singh, and Kewal Saluja, "A reliability aware methodology to
isolate timing critical paths under aging", Journal of
Electronic Testing: Theory and Application (JETTA), Vol. 34, No. 1, Feb 2018
- Newton, Sujit
Mahto, Suhit Pai, and Virendra Singh, "DAAIP: Deadblock Aware Adaptive Insertion Policy for High
Performance Caching", 35th International Conference on
Computer Design (ICCD), Boston,
MA, USA, November 2017
- Shoba Gopalkrishnan and
Virendra Singh, `REMORA: A hybrid
low-cost soft-error reliable fault tolerant architecture`, 30th
IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and
Nanotechnology Systems (DFT), Cambridge, UK, October 2017
- Binod Kumar, Kanad Basu, Ankit Jindal, Masahiro
Fujita, and Virendra Singh, `Improving
post-silicon error detection with topological selection of trace signals`,
25th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale
Integration (VLSI-SoC), Abu Dhabi, UAE,
October 2017
- Ankush Srivastava, Adit Singh, Virendra Singh, and Kewal
K. Saluja, `Exploiting path delay test generation to develop better TDF tests
for small delay defects`, 48th IEEE International Test
Conference (ITC), Texas, USA, November 2017
- Abhishek Rajgadia, Newton Singh, and
Virendra Singh, `EEAL: Processors performance enhancement through early
execution of aliased loads`, 27th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on
VLSI (GLSVLSI), Alberta,
Canada, May 2017
- Nihar Hage, Rohini
Gulve, Masahiro Fujita, and Virendra Singh,
`Instruction-based self-test for delay faults maximizing operating
temperature`, 23rd IEEE International Symposium on On-Line
Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS),
Thessaloniko, Greece, July 2017
- Satyadev Ahlawat, Darshit
Vaghani, and Virendra Singh, `An efficient test
technique to prevent scan-based side-channel attacks`, 22nd
IEEE European test Symposium (ETS),
Limassol, Cyprus, May 2017
- Toral
Shah, Anzhela Matrosova,
Binod Kumar, Masahiro Fujita and Virendra Singh,
`Testing Multiple Stuck-at Faults of ROBDD Based Combinational Circuit
Design`, 18th IEEE Latin American Test Symposium (LATS), Bogota,
Colombia, March 2017
- Nihar Hage, Rohini
Gulve, Masahiro Fujita, and Virendra Singh, `On
testing of superscalar processors in functional mode for delay faults`, 30th
International conference on VLSI Design (VLSID), Hyderabad, Jan 2017
- Nirmal Kumar Boran, Rameshwar Prasad Meghwal, Kuldeep Sharma, Binod Kumar, and Virendra Singh, ` Performance modelling
of heterogeneous ISA multicore architecture`, 14th IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium
(EWDTS) 2016, Yerevan, Armenia,
Oct 2016
- Shoba Gopalakrishnan and Virendra
Singh, `REMO: Redundant execution with minimum area, power, performance
overhead fault tolerant architecture`, 22nd IEEE International
Symposium on Online Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS) 2016, Catalunya, Spain, July
- Satyadev Ahlawat, Jaynarayan
Tudu, Anzhela Matrosova, and Virendra Singh, `A high performance
scan flip-flop design for serial and mixed mode scan test` 22nd
IEEE International Symposium on Online Testing and Robust System Design (IOLTS) 2016, Catalunya,
Spain, July 2016
- Parth Lathigara, Shankar Balachandran, and Virendra Singh, `Application
behavior aware re-reference interval prediction for LLC`, 33rd
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) 2015, New York, USA, Oct 2015
- Ankush Srivastava, Virendra Singh, Adit Singh, and Kewal Saluja, `A methodology for identifying high timing
variability paths in complex designs`, 24th IEEE Asian Test
Symposium (ATS) 2015, Mumbai,
India, Nov 2015
- Satyadev Ahlawat, Jaynarayan
Tudu, Virendra Singh, and Anzhela
Matrosova, `A new scan flip flop design to
eliminate performance penalty of scan`, 24th IEEE Asian Test
Symposium (ATS) 2015, Mumbai,
India, Nov 2015
- Adithyalal P.M, Shankar Balachandran,
and Virendra Singh, `A soft error resilient low leakage SRAM cell design`,
24th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS) 2015, Mumbai, India, Nov 2015
- Toral Shah, Anzhela Matrosova, and Virendra Singh, `PDF testability of a
combinational circuit derived by covering ROBDD nodes by Invert-And-Or
graph,` 19th International Symposium
on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT)
2015, Ahmedabad, India, May 2015
- D. Nikolov, U. Ingelsson, V.
Singh, and E. Larsson, `Evaluation of level of confidence and optimization
of roll-back recovery with check pointing for real time systems`,
Microelectronics Reliability, vol 54, 2014, pp.
- Lokesh Siddhu, Amit
Mishra, and Virendra Singh, `Operand isolation circuit with reduced
overhead for datapath design`, 27th International
Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID)
2014, Mumbai, India, Jan 2014
- Anzhela Matrosova, Evgenii Mitrofanov, and
Virendra Singh, `Delay testable sequential circuit design`, 11th
IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium (EWDTS), Rostov, Russia, Aug 2013
- Suraj Sindia, Vishwani
D. Agrawal, and Virendra Singh, `Parametric
fault testing of non-linear analog circuits based on polynomial and
v-transform coefficients`, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and
Applications (JETTA), Vol. 28, No.
5, pp. 557-571, 2012
- Suraj Sindia, Vishwani
D. Agrawal, and Virendra Singh, `Defect level
and fault coverage in coefficient based analog circuit testing`, Journal
of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 541-549, 2012
- Pawan Kumar, and Virendra Singh, `Efficient regular
expression pattern matching for network intrusion detection system using
modified word based automata`, 5th ACM International Conference
on Security of Information and Networks (SIN) 2012, Jaipur, India, Oct 2012
- Indira Rawat, M.K. Gupta, and Virendra Singh, `Scheduling
test for 3D SOCs with temperature constraints`, 10th IEEE
International East West Design and Test Symposium (EWDTS) 2012, Kharkov, Ukrain, Sep
- A. Matrosova, E. Nikolaeva, D. Kudin, and V. Singh, `PDF testability of circuits
derived by special covering ROBDDs with gates`, 10th IEEE
International East West Design and Test Symposium (EWDTS) 2012, Kharkov, Ukrain, Sep
- A. Matrosova, S. Ostanin, A. Melnikov, and V. Singh, `Observability
calculations of variables oriented to robust PDFs and LOC or LOS
techniques`, 10th IEEE International East West Design and Test
Symposium (EWDTS) 2012,
Kharkov, Ukrain, Sep 2012
- Mohammed Shayan, Virendra Singh, Adit
Singh, and Masahiro Fujita, `SEU tolerant robust memory cell design`, 18th
IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS) 2012`, Sitges, Spain, June
- Jaynarayan Tudu, Deepak Malani, and Virendra Singh, `ILP based approach for
input vector controlled toggle maximization in combinational circuits`, 16th
International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) 2012, Kolkata, India, July 2012
- Mohammad Shayan, Virendra Singh, Adit
Singh, and Masahiro Fujita, `SEU tolerant robust latch design`, 16th
International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT) 2012, Kolkata, India, July 2012
- Suraj Sindia, Vishwani
D. Agrawal, and Virendra Singh, `Impact of
process variation on computers used for image processing`, IEEE
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2012, Seoul, Korea, May 2012
- Prasanth V., Rubin Parekhji,
and Virendra Singh, `Derating based hardware
optimizations in soft error tolerant designs`, 30th IEEE VLSI
Test Symposium (VTS) 2012, Hawai, USA, April 2012.
- Vijay Sheshadri, Prasanth V., Rubin Parekhji,
Vishwani D. Agrawal,
and Virendra Singh, `Evaluating impact of soft errors in embedded system`,
IEEE International Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test
(RASDAT) 2012, Hyderabad, India, Jan 2012.
- Pramod Subramanyan, Virendra Singh,
Kewal Saluja, and Erik
Larsson, `Adaptive execution assistance for multiplexed fault-tolerant
chip multiprocessors`, 29th IEEE International Conference on
Computer Design (ICCD) 2011,
Amherst, MA, USA, October 2011
- Mohammed
Abdul Razzaq, Virendra Singh, and Adit Singh, `SSTKR: Secure and testable scan design
through test key randomization`, 20th IEEE Asian Test Symposium
(ATS) 2011, New Delhi, India,
Nov. 2011
- Suraj Sindia, Vishwani
Agrawal, and Virendra Singh, `Test and diagnosis
of analog circuits using moment generating functions`, 20th
IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS)
2011, New Delhi, India, Nov. 2011
- Manas Puthal, Virendra Singh, MS
Gaur and Vijay Laxmi, `C-Routing: An adaptive
hierarchical NoC routing methodology`, 19th
IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC)
2011, Hongkong, China, October 2011
- Pawan Kumar and Virendra Singh, Efficient regular expression
pattern matching using cascaded automata architecture for network
intrusion detection system`, 9th IEEE East-West Design and Test
Symposium (EWDTS) 2011,
Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 2011.
- V. Prasanth, Virendra Singh, and Rubin Parekhji, `Reduced overhead soft error mitigation
methodology using error control coding technique`, 17th IEEE
International On-Line Test Symposium (IOLTS)
2011, Athens, Greece, July 2011.
- Suraj Sindia, Vishwani
Agrawal, and Virendra Singh, `Nonlinear analog
circuit test and diagnosis under process variation using V-transform
coefficients`, 29th IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), 2011, California, USA, May
- Naveen Choudhary, M.S. Gaur, Vijay Laxmi,
and Virendra Singh, `Traffic aware topology generation methodology for
application specific NoC`, IEEE International
Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Application (DELTA) 2011, Queens Town, New Zealand, Jan 2011
- [Book Chapter] Dimitar
Nikolov, Mikael Vayrynen,
Urban Ingelson, Virendra Singh, and Erik
Larsson, `Optimizing Fault Tolerance for Multi-Processor System-on-Chip`, Design and Test Technology for Dependable
Systems-on-Chip, Editors: Raimund Ubar, Jaan Raik, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus,
2010, Hardcover, ISBN:978-1-6096-0212-3.
- Pramod
Subramanyan, Virendra Singh, Kewal
K. Saluja, and Erik Larsson, `Energy efficient
fault tolerance in chip multiprocessors using critical value forwarding`,
40th IEEE International Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks (DSN), Chicago, IL,
USA, June 2010.
- Jaynarayan Tudu, Erik Larsson, Virendra Singh, and Hideo
Fujiwara, `Scan cell reordering to minimize peak power during test cycle:
A graph theoretic approach`, 15th IEEE European Test Symposium
(ETS) 2010, Prague, Czech Rep.,
May 2010.
- Pramod
Subramanyam, Virendra Singh, Kewal
Saluja, and Erik Larsson, `A low cost redundant execution
architectures for Chip multiprocessors`, Design Automation and Test in
Europe (DATE) 2010, Dresden,
Germany, March 2010.
- Dimitar
Nikolov, Urban Ingelsson,
Virendra Singh, and Erik Larsson, `Estimating error probability and its
application for optimizing roll-back recovery with checkpointing`,
IEEE Symposium on Electronic Design, Test & Applications (DELTA) 2010, Ho Chi Minh , Vietnam, Jan 2010
- Suraj
Sindia, Virendra Singh, and Vishwani
Agrawal, `Multi-tone Testing of Linear and
Nonlinear Analog Circuits using Polynomial Coefficients`, IEEE Asian Test
Symposium (ATS) 2009, Taichung,
Taiwan, Nov 2009.
- Jaynarayan
Tudu, Erik Larsson, Virendra Singh, and Vishwani D. Agrawal, `On Minimization of Peak Power during SoC Test`, IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) 2009, Seville, Spain, May
- Reshma
Jumani, Niraj Jain,
Virendra Singh, and Kewal K. Saluja,
`DX-Compactor: Distributed
X-Compaction for SoC Test`, ACM Annual Great
Lake Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
2009, Boston, USA, May 2009.
- Mikael Vayrynen, Virendra Singh, and Erik Larsson, `Fault-Tolerant Average Execution Time
Optimization for General Purpose Multi-Processor System-on-Chips`,
Intl. Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2009, Nice, France, Apr
- Virendra
Singh, Michiko Inoue, Kewal K. Saluja, and Hideo Fujiwara, `Instruction-Based
Self-Testing of Delay Faults in Pipelined Processors`, IEEE Trans. on
VLSI Systems, Vol. 14, No. 11, Nov. 2006, pp. 1203-1215.
- Virendra
Singh, Michiko Inoue, Kewal K. Saluja, and Hideo Fujiwara, `Program-Based Testing of
Superscalar Microprocessor`, Proceedings of the IEEE 14th
North Atlantic Test Workshop, May 2005, pp. 79-86, Berlington,
VT, USA, May 2005.
- Virendra
Singh, Michiko Inoue, Kewal K. Saluja, and Hideo Fujiwara, `Delay Fault Testing of
Processor Cores in Functional Mode`, IEICE Trans. on Information &
Systems, Vol. E-88D, No. 3, March 2005, pp. 610-618.
Project: AI Powered Adaptive Cyber Defence
Framework (2021 – 2023)
PI: Virendra
Sponsor: National Security Council
Secretariat, Govt. of India, Funding: USD 16M (INR 1.2 Arab)
- Indo
Japanese Joint Research Laboratory Program (2016 to 2021)
Architecting Intelligent Dependable Cyber Physical System Targeting IoTs and Mobile Big Data Analysis
PI: Virendra
Singh, IITB and Prof. Masahiro Fujita, The University of Tokyo
Funding: INR
12.5 Crores (IITB: INR 5.1 Crores,
and TU: Yen 14.8 Crores)
Indo Russian
(DST-RMES) Joint Project (2017 to 2020)
Project: Technologies and Toolset for Reliable
Control of Production Areas of Internet of Things
PI: Prof. RK Shyamasundar,
Co-PI: Virendra Singh, IITB, and Prof. Vsevolod Kotlyarov, SPBSTU, Russia
Funding: INR 60 Lakhs (IITB)
- Project:
Design Development and Prototype of 720 Gbps
Capable Transport Cross Connect Switch (2016 to 2018)
DRDO, Funding: INR 11.4 Crores
PI: Prof. Ashwin Gumaste, Co-PI: Virendra
- Project:
Special Manpower Development Program for Chip to System Design (2015 to
MCIT, Govt. of India, Funding: INR 7.2 Crores
PI: Prof. Shalabh Gupta, Co-PI: Virendra Singh
- Project:
Information Security Research and Development Centre (2015 to 2018)
MCIT, Govt. of India
PI: Prof.
R.K. Shyamasundar, Investigator: Virendra Singh
- Indo
French Cooperative Project (2016 to 2019)
Reflection Aware ICC Analysis Framework for Android Apps
PI: Prof.
M.S. Gaur, Co-PI: Virendra Singh
Design of
Self-healing System Chips
INR 72 Lakhs
- UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) grant, with Prof. MS Gaur, MNIT,
Jaipur and Prof. Mark Zwolinski, Southampton University, UK - (2009 to
Project: Multi-Processor Electronic Design Automation
Funding: INR
22 Lakhs
Technology Research Grant (2009 to 2013)
Techniques to Speedup Loading of Scan Pattern
INR 40 Lakhs (INR 10 Lakhs per year)
Research grant under strategic Japanese-Indian
cooperative program (DST-JST) with Prof. Masahiro Fujita,
Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan (2010 - 2013)
Project: Computer aided design of hardware accelerated Tsunami
prediction system
Funding: INR 1.6 Crores
- Indo Russian (DST-RFBR) joint research grant with Prof. Anzhela Matrosova, Tomsk
State University (2011 - 2013)
Synthesis of high quality testable circuits and diagnosis of performance
oriented faults
Funding: INR
20 Lakhs
- Indo Russian (DST-RFBR)) joint research grant with
Lyudmila Babenko, Taganrog Institute of
Technology, and Prof. M.S. Gaur, MNIT, Jaipur (2011 - 2013)
Development of techniques for metamorphic malware detection and analysis
Semester (Jan-Apr 2018)
- EE-739:
Processor Design (Basic & Advanced)
- EE-709:
Testing and Verification of VLSI Circuits
- CS-654:
Current Topics in VLSI and System Design
Semester (July-Nov 2017)
Past (at IIT-B)
- IT-448:
Multi-core Architectures (MNIT, Jaipur)
(Jul-Nov 2012)
(at IISc)
- MEL-G626:
VLSI Testing and Testability (at BITS,
Pilani, Aug-Dec 2006)
(VLSI Testing and Formal Verification)
Activities/ Courses:
- Co-coordinator,
IEP on VLSI Testing &
Verification at IISc. (Mar 10-19, 2008)
Computer Architecture & Dependable Systems Lab., IITB (2011 - till date)
Computer Design and Test Lab., SERC, IISc (2007-2011)
Departmental Curriculum Committee (DCC), SERC, IISc
Committee member
Design Conference
Intl. Workshop on Reliability Aware System Design and Test (RASDAT)
Asian Test Symposium (ATS)
Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT)
Co-Chair - RASDAT
(2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
General Chair: VLSI Design Conference 2014, Embedded Systems Conference 2014
Co-Chair: VLSI Design Conference 2014, Embedded Systems Conference 2014
Co-Chair - WRTLT 2011, VDAT 2013, VDAT 2016, VDAT 2017
Chair - ATS 2011
Co-Chair - DRV 2011
Co-Chair - IWPVTD 2011,
Co-Chair – ATS 2015
Program Committee Member
- IEEE International Conference on
Computer Design (ICCD) - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 (Processor
architecture track)
Asia Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC) - 2011, 2012, 2013
International Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI) - 2011 (Chennai)
International Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC) - 2011
(Hong Kong)
- Design Automation and Test in
Europe (DATE) - 2009 (Nice), 2010 (Dresden)
- Intl. Conference on VLSI Design
- 2010 (Student
track chair), 2011 (Test Track Chair), 2012 (TV track chair), 2013
- VLSI Design and Test Symposium (VDAT) - 2009
(Bangalore), 2010 (Chandigarh), 2012 (Kolkata)
Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT) - 2009 (Hong Kong),
2010 (Shanghai), 2011, 2012
- Intl.
Conference on Risk and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS) - 2009
- Intl.
Conf. on Advanced Computing and Communication (ADCOM) - 2009 (track chair)
- Intl.
Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures (NoCArc)
- 2009 (New
- Intl.
Conf. on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET) - 2009
Workshop on Design Reliability and Variability (DRV) - 2009 (Austin, USA)
North Atlantic Test Workshop (NATW) - 2010 (New York)
Current Students
(at IITB)
Suryakant Toraskar (Ph.D)
Jaidev Shenoy (Ph.D)
Rohini Gulve (Ph.D)
Rajkumar Chaudhary (Ph.D)
Newton (Ph.D)
Nirmal Boran (Ph.D)
Antara Ganguly (Ph.D)
Varun Venkitaraman (Ph.D)
Avinash Kumar (Ph.D)
Raghunandan K.K (Ph.D)
Sonali Shukla (Ph.D)
Anusha (Ph.D)
Tejeshwar Thorawade (Ph.D)
Yogesh Gholap (Ph.D)
Prokash Ghosh (Ph.D)
Full list of current
and former students