The website is continuously updated and more experiments will be added in future

Welcome to the world electromagnetics

Electromagnetic Field (EM) Theory is one of the fundamental courses for both Electrical and Electronics Engineering disciplines. Generally, students perceive it as a difficult course to understand and they feel that the course is abstract and too mathematical. It is essential to explain the involved theory in the course through real-life practical examples and visual aids. In this virtual EM laboratory, the concepts of vector calculus and underlying theories in electrostatics, magnetostatics, and time-varying electromagnetic fields are explained using field plots generated by formulae and Finite Element Method (FEM) based computations.

This web based laboratory has been developed by using Java Applets and Java Scripts, which provide interactive features such as radio buttons and provision for drawing contours. The theory and examples given should be used as complementary material to a standard textbook on electromagnetics like the one mentioned below [A].

About the experiments in the virtual lab

The serial number of the experiments are given as per the chapter numbers of [A] in which the corresponding theory appears

[A] M.N.O. Sadiku and S.V. Kulkarni, Principles of Electromagnetics, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, India, 2015 (Asian adaptation of 'M.N.O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, Sixth International Edition, Oxford University Press')

Visitors count

Lab Overview

The main motive of this virtual lab is to fill the gap in visulization of the electromagnetic fields. Experiments in the lab are created by using Finite Element Method (FEM) and Matlab based analytical outcomes of some common practical application

Contact Us

Virtual Electromagnetic Lab team

Address: Field Computation Laboratory, EE Dept., IIT Bombay, Mumbai
Telephone: 022 2576 4424

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