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Anil Kottantharayil (അനിൽ കൊറ്റന്തറയിൽ)

(Bank of Baroda Circular Economy, Green Energy & Sustainability Chair Professor, Electrical Engineering; FNAE; SMIEEE)


Summary Profile

Anil Kottantharayil received the B.Tech. degree in electronics and communication engineering from the National Institute of Technology Calicut, in 1993, the M. Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 1997, and the Dr.Ing. degree (summa cum laude) from the Universitat der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany, in 2002.

From 2001 to 2006, he was with the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, Leuven, Belgium, where he worked on FinFETs, metal gate, and high-κ integration in logic technologies. Since 2006, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, where he is currently the Bank of Baroda Circular Economy, Green Energy & Sustainability Chair Professor. His research interests are in the areas of novel MOS devices, memory technologies, graphene based devices, and silicon-based solar cells and modules. He has authored or co-authored more than 150 papers and conference presentations with h-index of 36, and is an investor/co-inventor of more than 10 national and international patents in these fields. 27 students have completed their Ph. D. under his guidance. He is a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Electron Devices Society and a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering. He was the Head of the Centre for Research in Nanotechnology and Science (CRNTS), and the Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF) at IIT Bombay during June 2018 - December 2021. Currently he is the Professor-in-charge of the Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Centre (PoTIC) at IIT Bombay.

Research Interests:

  • Silicon solar cells
  • Applications of graphene in electronic devices
  • CMOS device physics, design and modelling
  • Materials for advanced CMOS devices and solar cells
  • Electrical characterization
  • Gate oxide reliability and hot-carrier effects
  • Radiation effects on MOS devices

Sponsored/Consultancy Projects


  • Optimization of Silicon Nitride for Application in Charge Trap Nanoelectronic Non-volatile Memories by Direct Characterization of Bulk Traps; DST, Government of India; 2008-2011; PI.
  • Low temperature CMOS; Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT Bombay, 2007-2010; PI
  • High-k/metal gate for logic and memory applications; Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), USA; 2007-2010; Co-PI
  • Indian Nanoelectronics Users Program; Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India; 2008-2012; Co-PI
  • Nano Centre project; Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India; 2006-2010; Coordinator for crystalline silicon solar cell research.
  • Metal Nano Crystals for Nanocrystal Flash Memory Technologies, Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), USA; 2010-2012; PI.
  • National Center for Photovoltaic Research and Education, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India; 2010-2015; Investigator.
  • UMG Silicon solar cells, Northern Research Institute, Norut, Norway, 2011-2014; PI.
  • Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics, phase II; Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India; 2012-2016; Co-PI.
  • Assessment of Silicon Wire Array Radial Junction Solar Cells by Simulations and Experiments, DST, Government of India; 2012-2013; PI.
  • Solar Energy Research Institute for India and United States, Department of Energy, USA and DST, Government of India; 2012-2017; Investigator.
  • Study of Aluminium Oxide films for passivation of crystalline silicon solar cells, Applied Materials Incorporated; 2012-2013; PI.
  • Indian Nanoelectronics Users' Program, Phase II, Department of Electronics and Information Technology; 2014-2019; PI.
  • National Center for Photovoltaic Research and Education, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India; 2016-2021; Co-PI.

Courses Offered

  • CS212: Electronic Design
  • EE230: Analog Circuits Lab
  • EE005: Electronics Lab
  • EE672: Microelectronics Lab
  • EE661: Physical Electronics
  • EE101: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Circuits
  • EE728: Growth and Characterization of Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices
  • EE669: VLSI Technology
  • EN703: Advanced Photovoltaics
  • EE221: Digital Electronics (minor)
  • EE733: Solid State Devices

Teaching Resources

EE230: Analog Circuits Lab

  1. Design and implementation of a logarithmic amplifier in an undergraduate lab seems a difficult exercise. This is mainly because, the general assumptions about the diodes used are not true for all types of diodes. How do you choose the right diode? How do you design the circuit? Documents describing such an exercise and the current - voltage characteristics of 1N4148 can be found in

EE669: VLSI Technology

In the following, I have provided a list of open source tools and their use for simulation of some of the key processes used in VLSI processing. The objective is to familiarise the students to device/process simulations and help them develop an intuitive understanding of the trends. There is no implied guarantees on the numerical accuracy of the simulations, and the exercises are intended only for pedagogic applications.

  1. Effect of minority carrier life time on a silicon pn junction diode reverse bias current – a simulation exercise using publicly accessible free software, current of a pn junction diode and minority carrier lifetime.pdf
  2. Appreciation of the crystal structure of semiconductor materials is foundational for learning semiconductor devices and processing. VESTA is a free software tool to play with and view the crystal lattice in 3D.
  3. Simulation exercises on oxidation of silicon using tools available in, of silicon.pdf
  4. Simulation exercise on point defect mediated dopant diffusion in silicon, and sheet resistance of the resultant doping profiles. Diffusion in silicon.pdf

Academic Background

  • B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from NIT Calicut, Kerala: 1993
  • M. Tech in Electrical Engineering with Specialization in Microelectronics from IIT Bombay: 1997
  • Dr. Ingenieur (summa-cum-laude) in Electrical Engineering from the Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany: 2002
  • Fellow of the Chevening Rolls Royce Science, Innovation and Leadership Program, Said Business School, University of Oxford, 2016.

Work Experience

  • September 2014 - : Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
  • February 2009 - August 2014 : Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
  • November 2006 - January 2009: Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay.
  • 2001-2006: R & D Engineer in Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, Leuven, Belgium (IMEC).
  • October 1998-Januray 1999: Fall intern at the semiconductor division of Siemens AG, Perlach, Munich, Germany, (now Infineon Technologies) from October 1998 to January 1999.
  • 1994-1995: Deputy Engineer Bharat Electronics.

Contact Information

Department of Electrical Engineering
IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India
Email : anilkg[AT]
Phone (O) : +91 22 2576 7438
Phone (R) : +91 22 2576 8438
Facsimile (O): +91 22 2572 3707

Awards and Honours

  • Best poster award at the 2022 World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milan, Italy for the poster “Advantages of TOPCon Cell with Rear Full Area Hole Selective Contact on p-type Si with front n+ emitter over PERC”, Jayshree Bhajipale, Sreejith KP, Anil Kottantharayil.
  • IIT Bombay research paper award for 2021, for the paper: Jim J John, Sonali Warade,Govindasamy TamizhMani, and Anil Kottantharayil, “Study of Soiling Loss on Photovoltaic Modules with Artificially Deposited Dust of Different Gravimetric Densities and Compositions collected from Different Locations in India”, (2016) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6(1), 236 - 243.
  • India Electronics and Semiconductor Association Techno Mentor 2017 award.
  • Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering since 2017.
  • Best poster award at the 2017 International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Delhi for the poster “Cell efficiency enhancement in industrial monocrystalline silicon solar cells using new low-cost chemical passivation process”, Tarun S. Yadav, Sandeep K., Ashok K. Sharma, Pradeep P., K. L. Narasimhan, B. M. Arora, Anil Kottantharayil and Prabir K. Basu.
  • Best poster award at the PV Module Reliability Workshop 2016 for the poster: “Effect of Hot Cells on Electrical Degradation of PV Modules”, by Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Rajiv Dubey, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Jim Joseph John, Juzer Vasi, Anil Kottantharayil, Brij M. Arora, K. L. Narsimhan, Chetan S. Solanki, Birinchi Bora, Yogesh Kumar Singh and O.S. Sastry.
  • Best Ph. D. thesis award (IIT Bombay) for Abhishek Misra, 2015 convocation.
  • IIT Bombay research paper award for 2014, for the paper: “Bulk Planar Junction-Less Transistor (BPJLT): An attractive device alternative for scaling”, Suresh Gundapaneni, Swaroop Ganguly and Anil Kottantharayil, (2011) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32 (3), pp. 261-263.
  • Best poster award at the IIIrd International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2011), IIT Bombay, for the poster: “PULSED DC REACTIVE SPUTTER DEPOSITED ALUMINUM OXIDE FOR SURFACE PASSIVATION OF P-TYPE SILICON FOR SOLAR CELL APPLICATIONS” by Meenakshi Bhaisare, Gaudhaman Jeevanandam and Anil Kottantharayil.
  • Best paper award at the ESSDERC 2005 held at Grenoble, France for the paper: “Minimization of the MuGFET Contact Resistance by Integration of NiSi Contacts on Epitaxially Raised Source/Drain Regions” by A. Dixit, K. G. Anil, R. Rooyackers, F. Leys, M. Kaiser, R. Weemaes, I. Ferain, A. De Keersgieter, N. Collaert, R. Surdeanu, M. Goodwin, P. Zimmerman, R. Loo, M. Caymax, M. Jurczak, S. Biesemans, and K. De Meyer.
  • Siemens AG doctoral research fellowship from July 1997 to September 2001 under the Siemens “Youth and Knowledge” program.

Other Professional Activities

  • Member ET-28, Bureau of Indian Standards, since 2018
  • Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electron Devices Society
  • IEEE AP/ED Mumbai Chapter Chair since September 2016
  • Senior Member of IEEE since 2008 and member since 1997
  • Publicity Chair and member of program committee, International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) 2007, Mumbai, India.
  • Organizing committee co-chair, 2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ELECTRON DEVICES AND SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY (IEDST 2009) June 1-2, 2009, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  • Poster committee chair of International Conference on Nano science and Technology (ICONSAT-2010), February 17 - 20, 2010, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  • Organizing committee chair, International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE - 2012), December 15 - 17, 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
  • General Chair, 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE - 2014), December 3 - 6, 2014, IISc, Bengaluru, India.
  • Coordinator for online Indo - Norwegian workshop on “Silicon Crystal Growth” with SINTEF, Norway, on 5th of November 2021.
  • Coordinator for online 2nd Indo - UK workshop on “PV Soiling”, with Loughborough University, UK on 24-25th January 2022.
  • Technical Program Chair of track “Solar Cells & Photodetectors” at the 6th IEEE ICEE Conference, Bangalore, 2022.
  • Reviewer for the following journals:
    • IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
    • IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
    • IEEE Electron Device Letters
    • IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology
    • IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society
    • Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
    • Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
    • Applied Physics Letters
    • Journal of Applied Physics
    • Materials Science and Engineering (B)
    • ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
    • Microelectronics Reliability
    • Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (B)
    • Journal of Electronic Materials
    • Electric Power Components and Systems
    • Solar Energy
    • Surfaces and Interfaces
    • Communications Physics
    • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Thesis Supervised

Ph. D. Thesis

Select M. Tech Thesis


  1. SOLAR CELL AND STRUCTURE THEREOF (2024), Astha Tyagi, Kunal Ghosh, Anil Kottantharayil, Saurabh Vijaykumar Lodha, Indian patent number 502029 granted on 23 January 2024.
  2. Methods and Systems for Providing Nitrogen Doping and Introducing Magnetization in CVD Graphene (2023), Robin Singla, Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 427710 granted on 30 March 2023.
  3. Post-treatment of silicon nitride used in a solar cell (2022), Sandeep S. S., Mehul Raval, Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 404618 granted on 26 August 2022.
  4. Method for deposition of metal oxide on a substrate (2022), Kalaivani S., and Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 391027 granted on 2 March 2022.
  5. Method of fabricating inverted pyramid on crystalline silicon using lithography free fabrication technique (2021), Sandeep S. S., Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 374367 granted on 12 August 2021.
  6. Method providing functionalization of graphene (2021), Robin Singla, and Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 368329 granted on 01 June 2021.
  7. Functionalization of Graphene (2019), Robin Singla, Trupti Warang and Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent number 322817 granted on 15 October 2019.
  8. A Method for Etching Silicon Substrates (2012), Sandeep S. S., Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent filed, Application number 2063/MUM/2012.
  9. A system for extracting water from air for drinking and cleaning purposes and a method thereof (2011), Jim John, Mehul Rawal, Chetan Singh Solanki, Anil Kottantharayil, Indian patent filed, Application number 2408/MUM/2011. PTC filing PCT/1N2011/000701 on 10th Oct 2011.
  10. Method for doping a fin-based semiconductor device, (2008) Kottantharayil, Anil, EP1916717, Patent record available from the European Patent Office,
  11. Method for doping a fin-based semiconductor device, (2008) Kottantharayil, Anil, EP1892765, Patent record available from the European Patent Office
  12. Method for doping fin-based semiconductor device, (2008) Kottantharayil, Anil, JP2008053725, Patent record available from the Japanese Patent Office,
  13. Method for doping a fin-based semiconductor device, (2008) Kottantharayil, Anil, US20080050897, Patent record available from the US Patent Office,
  14. Formation method for fully silicided gate MOSFET and device obtained by the same method, (2007) Kittl Jorge Adrian, Lauwers Anne, Veloso Anabela, Kottantharayil Anil, Van Dal Marcus Johannes Henric, JP2007027727, Patent record available from the Japanese Patent Office,
  15. Method of forming dual fully silicided gate and device obtained by the method, (2006) Kittl Jorge Adrian, Lauwers Anne, Veloso Anabela, Kottantharayil Anil, Van Dal Marcus Johannes Henric, JP2006324627, Patent record available from the Japanese Patent Office,
  16. Method for Forming Dual Fully Silicided Gates and Devices with Dual Fully Silicided Gates, (2006) Kittl, Jorge Adrian, Lauwers, Anne, Veloso, Anabela, Kottantharayil, Anil, van Dal, Marcus Johannes Henricus, US20060263961, Patent record available from the US Patent Office,
  17. Multiple gate semiconductor device and method for forming same, (2005) Kottantharayil, Anil, EP1519420, Patent record available from the European Patent Office,
  18. Multilayer gate semiconductor device and manufacturing method therefore, (2005) Kottantharayil Anil, Loo Roger, JP2005051241, Patent record available from the Japanese Patent Office,
  19. Multiple gate semiconductor device and method for forming same (2005) Kottantharayil, Anil, Loo, Roger, US20050093154, Patent record available from the US Patent Office,

List of Publications

H-index = 36 (Google scholar)
i-10 index = 107 (Google scholar)


Journal Publications


  1. Shoubhik De, Narendra Shiradkar, and Anil Kottantharayil, “Estimation of non-uniform soiling loss in a utility-scale PV plant in India and strategies for enhanced performance through optimal cleaning schedules” (2025), Solar Energy,
  2. Resmi Colin, Sreejith K. P., Anil Kottantharayil, “Comprehensive Analysis of Recombination Characteristics due to Illumination under Elevated Temperature in Monocrystalline and Multicrystalline Wafers” (2025), Silicon,


  1. Ruchita Korgaonkar, Yogeswara Rao Golive, Rajiv Dubey, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Longitudinal study of c-Si Photovoltaic module degradation rates in the field in India”, (2024), Solar Energy,
  2. Joanna Bomber, Asher Einhorn, Chaiwat Engtrakul, Clare Lanaghan, Jeffrey Linger, Leonardo Micheli, David C. Miller, Joshua Morse, Helio Moutinho, Matthew Muller, Jimmy M. Newkirk, Lin Simpson, Bobby To, Sarah Toth, Telia Curtis, Fang Li, Govindasamy Tamizhmani, Sai Tatapudi, Vivian Alberts, Aaesha Al Nuaimi, Pedro Banda, Jim J. John, Gerhard Mathiak, Ahmad O.M. Safieh, Marco Stefancich, Bader Alabdulrazzaq, Ayman Al-Qattan, Sonali Bhaduri, Anil Kottantharayil, Ben Bourne, Zoe deFreitas, Fabrizio Farina, Greg Kimball, Adam Hoffman, “Soiling, cleaning, and abrasion: The results of the 5-year photovoltaic glass coating field study”, (2024), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells.
  3. Pinal Rana, Durga Prasad Khatri, Anil Kottantharayil, and Deepak Marla, “Laser ablation of thin SiNx layer coated on silicon wafer - evaluation of process performance for PERC solar cell application”, (2024), Semiconductor Science and Technology.
  4. Pinal Rana, Vishnu Narayanan, Anil Kottantharayil, and Deepak Marla, “A computational model to understand the interaction of nanosecond pulsed laser with ultra-thin SiNx layer-coated silicon substrate”, (2024), Journal of Manufacturing Processes.
  5. Shoubhik De, Narendra Shiradkar, and Anil Kottantharayil, “Improved Cleaning Event Detection Methodology Including Partial Cleaning by Wind Applied to Different PV-SCADA Datasets for Soiling Loss Estimation”, (2024), IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.


  1. Leonardo Micheli, Greg P. Smestad, Muhammad Zahid Khan, Katja Lange, Huda M. I. Almughary, Mounir Abraim, Yanal Alamat, Cody B. Anderson, Said Bentouba, Benjamin Figgis, Pavan Fuke, Ahmed Amine Hachicha, Mounia Karim, Anil Kottantharayil, Alfredo A. Martinez-Morales, Ahmed Alami Merrouni, Douglas Olivares, Giovanni Picotti, Jorge Rabanal-Arabach, Florian Wiesinger, Klemens Ilse, “Soiling in Solar Energy Systems: The Role of the Thresholding Method in Image Analysis”, (2023), Solar Rapid Research Letters (Solar RRL), 2300654,
  2. Greg P. Smestad, Cody Anderson, Michael E. Cholette, Pavan Fuke, Ahmed Amine Hachicha, Anil Kottantharayil, Klemens Ilse, Mounia Karim, Muhammad Zahid Khan, Herbert Merkle, David C. Miller, Jimmy M. Newkirk, Giovanni Picotti, Florian Wiesinger, Guido Willers, Leonardo Micheli, “Variability and associated uncertainty in image analysis for soiling characterization in solar energy systems” (2023), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,
  3. S. Bhaduri, R. Bajhal, M. Farkade, S. Mallick, N. Shiradkar and A. Kottantharayil, “Understanding Multiple Stressors Which Degrade Antisoiling Coatings: Combined Effect of Rain, Abrasion, and UV Radiation” (2023), IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics,
  4. Sonali Bhaduri, Makrand Farkade, Rohan Bajhal, Sudhanshu Mallick, Narendra Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Abrasion Resistance of Spray Coated Anti-Soiling Coatings During Waterless Cleaning of PV Modules” (2023), Materials Today Communications,
  5. Narendra Chundi, Easwaramoorthi Ramasamy, Suresh Koppoju, Sudhanshu Mallick, Anil Kottantharayil, Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel, “Quantum-sized TiO2 particles as highly stable super-hydrophilic and self-cleaning antisoiling coating for photovoltaic application” (2023), Solar Energy,
  6. E Resmi, KP Sreejith, Anil Kottantharayil, “Characterization of Light Induced Degradation in PECVD Silicon Nitride Passivated Cz Silicon Wafers Using Spectroscopic Techniques” (2023), Surfaces and Interfaces,
  7. Jayshree Bhajipale, Anil Kottantharayil, K.P. Sreejith, “TCAD based numerical exploration of industrially feasible tunnel oxide passivated contact on p-type silicon” (2023), Solar Energy,
  8. Resmi Colin, Sreejith KP, Anil Kottantharayil, “Analysis of Variation in Recombination Characteristics due to Light and Heat in Industrial Silicon Solar Cells” (2023), Solar Energy,


  1. Narendra Shiradkar, Rajeewa Arya, Aditi Chaubal, Kedar Deshmukh, Probir Ghosh, Anil Kottantharayil, Satyendra Kumar, Juzer Vasi (2022), Recent developments in solar manufacturing in India, Solar Compass, Volume 1, 2022,
  2. Rana P, Khatri DP, Kottantharayil A, Marla D. An experimental study on laser ablation of Ultra-thin SiNx layer of PERC solar cell. Journal of Micromanufacturing. 2022;0(0).
  3. Pinal Rana, Atul Singh, Anil Kottantharayil, Deepak Marla (2022), Precise removal of ultra-thin SiNx layer deposited on silicon substrate using nanosecond green laser for PERC solar cell fabrication, Manufacturing Letters,
  4. Jayshree Bhajipale, Suchismita Mitra, Hemanta Ghosh, K.P.Sreejith, and Anil Kottantharayil (2022), Spray-coated SiO2/PECVD SiN stack for the passivation of n emitter of p-type Si solar cell, Solar Energy,
  5. K.P. Sreejith, Tanushree JB Nath, Anil Kottantharayil (2022), Comprehensive Cell to Module Optical Loss Analysis of Metal Assisted Chemically Etched Inverted Pyramid Textured Multi-crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Modules by Ray-tracing Method, Solar Energy,
  6. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Anil Kottantharayil, Narendra Shiradkar (2022), Improving the accuracy of temperature coefficient measurement of a PV module by accounting for the transient temperature difference between cell and backsheet, Solar Energy,
  7. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Anil Kottantharayil, Narendra Shiradkar (2022), Sensitivity of accuracy of various standard test condition correction procedures to the errors in temperature coefficients of c-Si PV modules, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications,
  8. K.P. Sreejith, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Prabir Kanti Basu, Anil Kottantharayil (2022), Etching methods for texturing industrial multi-crystalline silicon wafers: A comprehensive review, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 238, 111531,


  1. Umang Desai, Devan P Vasudevan, Anil Kottantharayil and Aparna Singh (2021), Prediction of vibration induced damage in photovoltaic modules during transportation: finite element model and field study, Engineering Research Express, Vol. 3, No. 4, 045045.
  2. K. P. Sreejith, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Prabir Kanti Basu, Anil Kottantharayil (2021), “A Comprehensive Investigation of the Potential of Metal Assisted Chemical Etched (MACE) Nano-textures over Conventional Micron-sized Iso-textures for Industrial Silicon Solar Cell Applications”, Solar Energy, 230, 874-882.
  3. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi and Narendra Shiradkar (2021), “Determining the optimal standard test condition correction procedure for high-throughput field I–V measurements of photovoltaic modules”, Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications, 1- 14.
  4. Ashok KumarSharma, Suchismita Mitra, Sreejith K P, Durga Prasad Khatri, Almouzzam Khana, Anil Kottantharayil, Hemanta Ghosh (2021), “A comprehensive analysis of recombination and resistive losses in silicon solar cells induced by co-firing process”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 25, 101260,
  5. Narendra Chundi, Ganesh Kesavan, Easwaramoorthi Ramasamy, Sudhanshu Mallick, Anil Kottantharayil, Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel (2021), “Ambient condition curable, highly weather stable anti-soiling coating for photovoltaic application”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 230, 111203,
  6. Astha Tyagi, Jayeeta Biswas, Kunal Ghosh, Anil Kottantharayil and Saurabh Lodha (2021), “Performance Analysis of Silicon Carrier Selective Contact Solar Cells With ALD MoOx as Hole Selective Layer”, Silicon,
  7. Robin Singla, Ambika S Shukla and Anil Kottantharayil (2021), “Introducing ferromagnetism and anisotropic magnetoresistance in monolayer CVD graphene by nitrogen doping”, Nanotechnology, 32, 205704
  8. Sonali Bhaduri, Sudhanshu Mallick, Narendra Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil (2021), “Characterization of reliability of anti-soiling coatings using Tapping Mode - AFM Phase Imaging”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13, 023702.
  9. Dibyendu Chatterjee, Anil Kottantharayil (2021), “A TiO2 S/D n-Channel FD-SOI MOSFET Based Zero Capacitor Random Access Memory Device”, Journal of Computational Electronics, 20, 527–536,


  1. Jayshree Bhajipale, Anil Kottantharayil (2020),“Passivation of n- and p-type Silicon Surfaces with Spray-coated Sol-gel Silicon Oxide Thin Film”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67, 5045 - 5052.
  2. Poonam Jangid, Anil Kottantharayil (2020), “Reconstruction of Fractured Graphene by Thermal Treatment in Methane Gas”, Materials Science & Engineering B, 260, 114625,
  3. K.P. Sreejith, Ashok K. Sharma, Siddharth Behera, Anil Kottantharayil, Prabir K. Basu, (2020), “A low cost additive-free acid texturing process for large area commercial diamond-wire-sawn multicrystalline silicon solar cells”, Solar Energy, 205, 263-274,
  4. Sanchar Acharya, Anakha V Babu, R Abdul Khadar and Anil Kottantharayil (2020), “Mobility improvement in CVD graphene by using local metal side-gate”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 35, 045027
  5. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Sachin Zachariah, Rajiv Dubey, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Sonali Bhaduri, Hemant K. Singh, Birinchi Bora, Sanjay Kumar, A. K. Tripathi, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar (2020), “Analysis of Field Degradation Rates Observed in All-India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Reliability 2018”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 10, 560 - 567,
  6. Sanchar Acharya, Binita Tongbram, Indradev Samajdar and Anil Kottantharayil (2020), “What causes Poole-Frenkel transport in VLS grown silicon nanowires?”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 105, 104749,
  7. Sonali Bhaduri, Ajeesh Alath, Sudhanshu Mallick, Narendra S Shiradkar and Anil Kottantharayil (2020), “Identification of stressors leading to degradation of anti-soiling coating in warm and humid climate zones”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 10, 166 - 172,


  1. Tarun Singh Yadav, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Anil Kottantharayil and Prabir Kanti Basu (2019), “Comparative study of different silicon oxides used as interfacial passivation layer (SiNy:H / SiOx /n+-Si) in industrial monocrystalline silicon solar cells”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 201, 110077,
  2. Dibyendu Chatterjee, Anil Kottantharayil (2019), “A CMOS Compatible Bulk FinFET Based Ultra Low Energy Leaky Integrate and Fire Neuron For Spiking Neural Networks”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 8, 1301 - 1304,
  3. Robin Singla, Anil Kottantharayil (2019), “Stable hydroxyl functionalization and p-type doping of graphene by a non-destructive photo-chemical method”, Carbon, 152, 267-273,
  4. Kalaivani S., Anil Kottantharayil (2019), “Aluminium Oxide Thin Film Deposited by Spray Coating for p-type Silicon Surface Passivation”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 197, 93-98,
  5. Sreejith K. P., Ashok K. Sharma, Sandeep Kumbhar, Anil Kottantharayil, Prabir K. Basu (2019), “An additive-free non-metallic energy efficient industrial texturization process for diamond wire sawn multicrystalline silicon wafers”, Solar Energy, 184, 162-172,
  6. Prabir K. Basu, Sandeep Kumbhar, K. P. Sreejith, Tarun S. Yadav, Anil Kottantharayil, B. M. Arora, K. L. Narasimhan, Ashok K. Sharma (2019), “Active area cell efficiency (19%) monocrystalline silicon solar cell fabrication using low-cost processing with small footprint laboratory tools”, Bulletin of Materials Science, 42:33,
  7. A. Tyagi, K. Ghosh, A. Kottantharayil, and S. Lodha (2019), An analytical model for the electrical characteristics of passivated carrier selective contact solar cell, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 6, 1377-1385,
  8. Asher Einhorn, Leonardo Micheli, David C. Miller, Lin J. Simpson, Helio R. Moutinho, Bobby To, Clare L. Lanaghan , Matthew T. Muller, Sarah Toth, Jim J. John, Sonali Warade, Anil Kottantharayil, and Chaiwat Engtrakul (2019), Evaluation of Soiling and Potential Mitigation Approaches on Photovoltaic Glass, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, 233-239,
  9. Sonali Bhaduri and Anil Kottantharayil (2019), Mitigation of Soiling by Vertical Mounting of Bifacial Modules, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, 240-244,


  1. Shashwata Chattopadhyay et al. (2018), Correlating Infrared Thermography with Electrical Degradation of PV Modules Inspected in All-India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Reliability 2016, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8, 1800-1808,
  2. Prabir Kanti Basu, Sreejith KP, Tarun S Yadav, Anil Kottanthariyil and Ashok Kumar Sharma (2018), Novel low-cost alkaline texturing process for diamond-wire-sawn industrial monocrystalline silicon wafers, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 185, 406-414,
  3. Tarun Singh Yadava, Ashok Kumar Sharma, Anil Kottantharayil and Prabir Kanti Basu (2018), Low-Cost and Low-Temperature Chemical Oxide Passivation Process for Large Area Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Solar Energy, 169, 270–276.
  4. Sanchar Acharya and Anil Kottantharayil (2018), Poole-Frenkel Transport in Gold Catalyzed VLS Grown Silicon Nanowires (2018), IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 1685 - 1691.
  5. Poonam Jangid, Dawuth Pathan and Anil Kottantharayil (2018), Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors with High ION/IOFF Ratio and Mobility, Carbon, 132, 65 - 70.
  6. Astha Tyagi, Kunal Ghosh, Anil Kottantharayil, Saurabh Lodha (2018), Performance Evaluation of Passivated Silicon Carrier-Selective Contact Solar Cell, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 176 - 183.


  1. Dubey, R., Chattopadhyay, S., Kuthanazhi, V., Kottantharayil, A., Singh Solanki, C., Arora, B. M., Narasimhan, K. L., Vasi, J., Bora, B., Singh, Y. K. and Sastry, O. S. (2017), Comprehensive study of performance degradation of field-mounted photovoltaic modules in India. Energy Sci Eng., 5, 51-64.


  1. Sandeep S. Suseendran,S. Saravanan, Mehul C. Raval and Anil Kottantharayil, “Impact of interstitial oxygen trapped in silicon during plasma growth of silicon oxy-nitride films for silicon solar cell passivation”, (2016) in Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 095307.
  2. Mehul C. Raval, Sandeep S. Saseendran, Stephan Suckow, S. Saravanan, Chetan S. Solanki and Anil Kottantharayil, “N2O plasma treatment for minimization of background plating in silicon solar cells with Ni-Cu front side metallization”, (2016) Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 144, 671 - 677.
  3. Jim J John, Sonali Warade,Govindasamy TamizhMani, and Anil Kottantharayil, “Study of Soiling Loss on Photovoltaic Modules with Artificially Deposited Dust of Different Gravimetric Densities and Compositions collected from Different Locations in India”, (2016) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6(1), 236 - 243.
  4. Sandeep S. S., Mehul C. Raval and Anil Kottantharayil, “Impact of post deposition plasma treatment on surface passivation quality of silicon nitride films”, (2016) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 6(1), 74 - 78.


  1. Mehul C. Raval, Amruta P. Joshi, Sandeep S. Saseendran, Stephan Suckow, S. Saravanan, Chetan S. Solanki and Anil Kottantharayil, “Study of nickel silicide formation and associated fill-factor loss analysis for silicon solar cells with plated Ni-Cu based metallization”, (2015) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5(6), 1554 - 1562.
  2. Jim J John, Vidyashree Rajasekar, Sravanthi Boppana, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Anil Kottantharayil, and Govindasamy TamizhMani, “Quantification and Modeling of Spectral and Angular Losses of Naturally Soiled PV Modules”, (2015) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5(6), 1727 - 1734.
  3. Sandeep S. S., Anil Kottantharayil, “Inverted pyramidal texturing of silicon through blisters in silicon nitride”, (2015) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5(3), 819 - 825.


  1. Abhishek Misra, Hemen Kalita, Anil Kottantharayil, “Work Function Modulation and Thermal Stability of Reduced Graphene Oxide Gate Electrodes in MOS Devices”, (2014) ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(2), 786-794.
  2. Chattopadhyay, S., Dubey, R. ; Kuthanazhi, V. ; John, J.J. ; Solanki, C.S. ; Kottantharayil, A. ; Arora, B.M. ; Narasimhan, K.L. ; Kuber, V. ; Vasi, J. ; Kumar, A. ; Sastry, O.S., “Visual Degradation in Field-Aged Crystalline Silicon PV Modules in India and Correlation With Electrical Degradation”, (2014) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4 (6), 1470 - 1476.


  1. Fischer, I.A.; Bakibillah, A.S.M.; Golve, M.; Hahnel, D.; Isemann, H.; Kottantharayil, A.; Oehme, M.; Schulze, J.; , “Silicon Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors With Tunneling in Line With the Gate Field,” (2013) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34 (2), pp.154-156,
  2. Meenakshi Bhaisare, Abhishek Misra and Anil Kottantharayil, Aluminum Oxide Deposited by Pulsed-DC Reactive Sputtering for Crystalline Silicon Surface Passivation, (2013) IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 3 (3), 930 - 935,
  3. Sandeep S. S., Anil Kottantharayil, “Plasma Grown Oxy-nitride Films for Silicon Surface Passivation”, (2013) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34 (7), 918 - 920,
  4. Abhishek Misra, Amritha Janardhan, Manali Khare, Hemen Kalita, Anil Kottantharayil, “Reduced Multilayer Graphene Oxide Floating Gate Flash Memory with Large Memory Window and Robust Retention Characteristics”, (2013) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 34 (9), 1136-1138,
  5. Kousik Midya, Subhabrata Dhar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Trap characterization of silicon nitride thin films by a modified trap spectroscopy technique”, (2013) Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (15), 154101,


  1. Suresh Gundapaneni, Mohit Bajaj, Rajan K. Pandey, Kota V. R. M. Murali, Swaroop Ganguly and Anil Kottantharayil, Effect of Band-to-Band Tunneling on Junctionless Transistors, (2012) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 59 (4), pp. 1023 - 1029.
  2. Meenakshi Bhaisare, Abhishek Misra, Mayur Waikar and Anil Kottantharayil, High quality Al2O3 dielectric films deposited by pulsed- DC reactive sputtering technique for high-k applications, (2012) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 4 (6), 645 - 650,
  3. Abhishek Misra, Mayur Waikar, Amit Gour, Hemen Kalita, Manali Khare, Mohammed Aslam and Anil Kottantharayil, Work function Tuning and Improved Gate Dielectric Reliability with Multilayer Graphene as a Gate Electrode for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Device Applications, (2012) Applied Physics Letters, 100 (23), 233506,


  1. Suresh Gundapaneni, Swaroop Ganguly and Anil Kottantharayil, Bulk Planar Junction-Less Transistor (BPJLT): An attractive device alternative for scaling, (2011) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32 (3), pp. 261-263.
  2. Hasanali G. Virani, Suresh Gundapaneni and Anil Kottantharayil, Double Dielectric Spacer for the Enhancement of Silicon p-Channel Tunnel FET Performance, (2011) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50, 04DC04,
  3. Suresh Gundapaneni, Swaroop Ganguly and Anil Kottantharayil, Enhanced electrostatic integrity of short channel junctionless transistor with high-κ spacers, (2011) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 32 (10), pp. 1325-1327.


  1. Maheshwari, N., Kottantharayil, A., Kumar, M., Mukherji, S., Long term hydrophilic coating on poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrates for microfluidic applications, (2010) Applied Surface Science, 257, (2), pp. 451-457.
  2. Hasanali G. Virani, Rama Bhadra Rao and Anil Kottantharayil, Investigation of Novel Si/SiGe Hetero Structures and Gate Induced Source Tunneling for Improvement of P-channel Tunnel FETs, (2010) Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 49, 04DC12.
  3. Hasanali G. Virani, Adari Rama Bhadra Rao and Anil Kottantharayil, Dual-k Spacer Device Architecture for the Improvement of Performance of Silicon n-Channel Tunnel FETs, (2010) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 57 (10), pp. 2410-2417.


  1. Thakker, R.A., Patil, M.B., Anil, K.G., Parameter extraction for PSP MOSFET model using hierarchical particle swarm optimization, (2009) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22 (2), pp. 317-328.
  2. Walawalkar, M.G., Kottantharayil, A., Rao, V.R., Chemical Vapor Deposition Precursors for High Dielectric Oxides: Zirconium and Hafnium Oxide, (2009) Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 39 (6), pp. 331-340.


  1. Iyengar, V.V., Kottantharayil, A., Tranjan, F.M., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Extraction of the top and sidewall mobility in FinFETs and the impact of fin-patterning processes and gate dielectrics on mobility, (2007) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 54 (5), pp. 1177-1184.
  2. Ferain, I., Pantisano, L., Kottantharayil, A., Petry, J., Trojman, L., Collaert, N., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Reduction of the anomalous VT behavior in MOSFETs with high-κ/metal gate stacks, (2007) Microelectronic Engineering, 84 (9-10), pp. 1882-1885.


  1. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Rooyackers, R., Leys, F., Kaiser, M., Collaert, N., De Meyer, K., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Minimization of specific contact resistance in multiple gate NFETs by selective epitaxial growth of Si in the HDD regions, (2006) Solid-State Electronics, 50 (4), pp. 587-593.
  2. Singanamalla, R., Yu, H.Y., Pourtois, G., Ferain, I., Anil, K.G., Kubicek, S., Hoffmann, T.Y., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., De Meyer, K., On the impact of TiN film thickness variations on the effective work function of poly-Si/TiN/SiO2 and Poly-Si/TiN/HfSiON gate stacks, (2006) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 27 (5), pp. 332-334.
  3. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Collaert, N., Zimmerman, P., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Minimization of MuGFET source/drain resistance using wrap-around NiSi-HDD contacts, (2006) Solid-State Electronics, 50 (7-8), pp. 1466-1471.
  4. Kittl, J.A., Pawlak, M.A., Lauwers, A., Demeurisse, C., Hoffmann, T., Veloso, A., Anil, K.G., Kubicek, S., Niwa, M., van Dal, M.J.H., Richard, O., Jurczak, M., Vrancken, C., Chiarella, T., Brus, S., Maex, K., Biesemans, S., Phase effects and short gate length device implementation of Ni fully silicided (FUSI) gates (2006) Microelectronic Engineering, 83 (11-12), pp. 2117-2121.
  5. Janssens, T., Pawlak, M.A., Kittl, J.A., Fouchier, M., Lauwers, A., Kottantharayil, A., Vandervorst, W., Dopant profiling in Nix Si1-X gates with secondary-ion-mass spectroscopy, (2006) Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 24 (1), pp. 399-403.
  6. Kittl, J.A., Pawlak, M.A., Lauwers, A., Demeurisse, C., Opsomer, K., Anil, K.G., Vrancken, C., van Dal, M.J.H., Veloso, A., Kubicek, S., Absil, P., Maex, K., Biesemans, S., Work function of Ni silicide phases on HfSiON and SiO2: NiSi, Ni2Si, Ni31Si12, and Ni3Si fully silicided gates, (2006) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 27 (1), pp. 34-36.
  7. Pawlak, M.A., Lauwers, A., Janssens, T., Anil, K.G., Opsomer, K., Maex, K., Vantomme, A., Kittl, J.A., Modulation of the workfunction of Ni fully silicided gates by doping: Dielectric and silicide phase effects, (2006) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 27 (2), pp. 99-101.


  1. Dixit, A., Kottantharayil, A., Collaert, N., Goodwin, M., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Analysis of the parasitic S/D resistance in multiple-gate FETs, (2005) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 52 (6), pp. 1132-1140.
  2. Collaert, N., De Keersgieter, A., Anil, K.G., Rooyackers, R., Eneman, G., Goodwin, M., Eyckens, B., Sleeckx, E., de Marneffe, J.-F., De Meyer, K., Absil, P., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Performance improvement of tall triple gate devices with strained SiN layers, (2005) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 26 (11), pp. 820-822.
  3. Collaert, N., Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Rooyackers, R., Veloso, A., De Meyer, K. Shift and ratio method revisited: Extraction of the fin width in multi-gate devices (2005) Solid-State Electronics, 49 (5), pp. 763-768.


  1. Collaert, N., Dixit, A., Goodwin, M., Anil, K.G., Rooyackers, R., Degroote, B., Leunissen, L.H.A., Veloso, A., Jonckheere, R., De Meyer, K., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., A functional 41-stage ring oscillator using scaled FinFET devices with 25-nm gate lengths and 10-nm fin widths applicable for the 45-nm CMOS node, (2004) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25 (8), pp. 568-570.


  1. Anil, K.G., Mahapatra, S., Eisele, I., A detailed experimental investigation of impact ionization in n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistors at very low drain voltages, (2003) Solid-State Electronics, 47 (6), pp. 995-1001.


  1. Fink, C., Anil, K.G., Geiger, H., Hansch, W., Kaesen, F., Schulze, J., Sulima, T., Eisele, I., Enhancement of device performance in vertical sub-100 nm MOS devices due to local channel doping, (2002) Solid-State Electronics, 46 (3), pp. 387-391.
  2. Anil, K.G., Mahapatra, S., Eisele, I., Electron-electron interaction signature peak in the substrate current versus gate voltage characteristics of n-channel silicon MOSFETs, (2002) IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 49 (7), pp. 1283-1288.


  1. Anil, K.G., Eisele, I., Mahapatra, S., Observation of double peak in the substrate current versus gate voltage characteristics of n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors, (2001) Applied Physics Letters, 78 (15), pp. 2238-2240.
  2. K. G. Anil, S. Mahapatra, V. Ramgopal Rao and I. Eisele, Comparison of Sub- Bandgap Impact Ionization in Deep-Sub-Micron Conventional and Lateral Asymmetrical Channel nMOSFETs, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 40, Part 1, No. 4B, pp. 2621-2626, April 2001.
  3. Anil, K.G., Mahapatra, S., Eisele, I., Experimental verification of the nature of the high energy tail in the electron energy distribution in n-channel MOSFETs, (2001) IEEE Electron Device Letters, 22 (10), pp. 478-480.


  1. Stadler, A., Sulima, T., Schulze, J., Fink, C., Kottantharayil, A., Hansch, W., Baumgärtner, H., Eisele, I., Lerch, W., Dopant diffusion during rapid thermal oxidation, (2000) Solid-State Electronics, 44 (5), pp. 831-835.
  2. Fink, C., Anil, K.G., Geiger, H., Hansch, W., Schulze, J., Sulima, T., Eisele, I., Optimization of breakdown behaviour and short channel effects in MBE-grown vertical MOS-devices with local channel doping, (2000) Thin Solid Films, 369 (1), pp. 383-386.
  3. Fink, C., Anil, K.G., Hansch, W., Sedlmaier, S., Schulze, J., Eisele, I., MBE-grown vertical power-MOSFETs with 100-nm channel length, (2000) Thin Solid Films, 380 (1-2), pp. 207-210.


  1. Kaesen, F., Fink, C., Anil, K.G., Hansch, W., Doll, T., Grabolla, T., Schreiber, H., Eisele, I., Optimization of the channel doping profile of vertical sub-100 nm MOSFETs, (1998) Thin Solid Films, 336 (1-2), pp. 309-312.

Conference proceedings/presentations


  1. P. Fuke, S. De, N. Shiradkar and A. Kottantharayil, “Effect of Soiling on the PV Module Temperature and Soiling Loss Estimation”, 2024 IEEE 52nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Seattle, USA, 2024,
  2. S. Vishwanath, A. Kottantharayil and S. Mallick, “Development of anti-soiling coating for PV cover glass using hollow silica nanoparticles”, 2024 IEEE 52nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Seattle, USA, 2024,
  3. S. De, N. Shiradkar and A. Kottantharayil, “Spatial Variability of Soiling Loss in Large-Scale PV Installations”, 2024 IEEE 52nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Seattle, USA, 2024,
  4. C. Kottantharayil, S. De, Deepa M. U. and A. Kottantharayil, “A Signal Processing Method for the Reduction of Seasonal Variations in Performance Ratio Estimations of PV Powerplants”, 2024 IEEE 52nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Seattle, USA, 2024,


  1. S. De, Y. R. Golive, N. Shiradkar and A. Kottantharayil, “Improved Soiling Rate Estimation by Calculating PV Module Temperature Using a Distributed Thermal Model”, 2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), San Juan, PR, USA, 2023.
  2. Juzer Vasi, Mrunal Berad, Narendra Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, Dinesh Kabra, Kedar Deshmukh, Aditi Chaubal, Rajeewa Arya, Probir Ghosh, Satyendra Kumar, Lawrence L. Kazmerski, “India as an Emerging Solar Manufacturing Country”, 2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), San Juan, PR, USA, 2023.


  1. J. Bhajipale, A. Kottantharayil, K.P. Sreejith, “Advantages of TOPCon Cell with Rear Full Area Hole Selective Contact on p-type Si with Front n+ Emitter over PERC”, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milan, Italy, 2022.
  2. S. De, P. Fuke, N. Shiradkar, A. Kottantharayil, “Improved Shadow Filtering and Change-Point Detection Methods to Extract Soiling Loss from PV-Scada Data”, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milan, Italy, 2022.
  3. P. Fuke, S. De, N. Shiradkar, A. Kottantharayil, “Energy-Based Soiling Loss Monitoring for Solar PV Systems”, 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Milan, Italy, 2022.


  1. Devan P. Vasudevan, Anil Kottantharayil, “PV MODULE TRANSPORTATION IN TRUCKS WITH TWO DIFFERENT FLOOR DESIGNS”, presented at the 2021 European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition. The paper can be downloaded from


  1. Sonali Bhaduri, Rohan Bajhal, Sudhanshu Mallick, Narendra S Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Degradation of anti-soiling coatings: mechanical impact of rainfall”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  2. Sonali Bhaduri, Makrand Farkade, Rohan Bajhal, Sudhanshu Mallick, Narendra S Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Cleaning efficacy of anti-soiling coatings”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  3. Jayshree Bhajipale, Anil Kottantharayil, “Spray-coated SiO2 Thin Film for Passivation of n-type Cz Silicon Surface with Seff ∼ 6 cm-sec-1”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  4. Amey Sanjiv Chindarkar, Narendra S Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, Rajbabu Velmurugan, “Deep Learning based detection of cracks in Electroluminescence Images of Field PV modules”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  5. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Deepanshu Koshta, Karan P Rane, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Understanding the Origin of Unusual I-V Curves seen in Field Deployed PV Modules”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  6. Sreejith K. P., Sharma A. K., Siddharth Behera, Sandeep Kumbhar, Basu P. K., Anil Kottantharayil, “Optimization of MACE black silicon surface morphology in multi-crystalline wafers for excellent opto-electronic properties”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  7. Ruchita D. Korgaonkar, Subhasree Mondal, Hemant K. Singh, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer M. Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Role of Cloud Movement in Generation of Anomalous Data in SCADA Systems of PV Power Plants”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  8. Anil Kottantharayil, Albin Varghese, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Technical Survey of Solar Pump Irrigators Cooperative Enterprise in Dhundi, Gujarat, India”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC).
  9. Devan P. Vasudevan, Parth Bhatt, Anil Kottantharayil, “Lateral vibrations experienced by vertically placed PV modules in the pallet during transportation”, presented at the 2020 IEEE 47th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), pp. 1323-1325,


  1. Yogeswara Rao Golive, Hemant K. Singh, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Investigation of Accuracy of various STC Correction Procedures for I-V Characteristics of PV Modules Measured at Different Temperature and Irradiances”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
  2. Devan P. Vasudevan, Parth Bhatt, Anil Kottantharayil, “Impact of Transportation on Indian Roads, on PV Modules”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
  3. Sonali Bhaduri, Sachin Zachariah, Yogeswara Rao Golive, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Rajiv Dubey, Ritesh Ingle, Ali Asger Khattab, Hemant Kumar Singh, Sudhanshu Mallick, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Correlating the Hot Spots and Power Degradation seen in crystalline silicon modules in All India Survey of PV Module Reliability 2018”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
  4. Sachin Zachariah, Rajiv Dubey, Golive Yogeswara Rao, Sonali Bhaduri, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Chetan Singh Solanki, Anil Kottantharayil, Brij M. Arora, K.L. Narasimhan, Hemant Kumar Singh, Juzer Vasi, Narendra Shiradkar, “Electroluminescence Study of over 700 Fielded PV Modules in All India Survey 2018”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
  5. Saima Cherukat, Kalaivani Srinivasan, Anil Kottantharayil, “Performance Optimization of P+ N Silicon Solar Cell with Screen-printed Boron Emitter”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
  6. Lloyd Fernandes, Sonali Bhaduri, Ajeesh Alath, Narendra S Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Artificial dust deposition chamber for investigation of soiling loss in photovoltaic modules”, 2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),


  1. Sonali Bhaduri, et al., “Mitigation of Soiling by Vertical Mounting of Bifacial Modules”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.
  2. Sonali Warade, et al., “Analysis of Soiling Losses for Different Cleaning Cycles”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.
  3. Rajiv Dubey, et al., “On-Site Electroluminescence Study of Field-Aged PV Modules”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.
  4. Rajiv Dubey, et al., “Investigation of Poor Performing PV Modules Observed in All-India Survey of PV Module Reliability”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.
  5. Asher Einhorn, Leonardo Micheli, David Miller, Lin J. Simpson, Matthew Muller, Sarah Toth, Jim J. John, Anil Kottantharayl, Chaiwat Engtrakul, “Optical microscopy study of soiling on PV glass: Evaluation of possible mitigation strategies”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.
  6. Pratik Dhananjay Mundle, Shaswata Chattopadhyay, Chetan Singh Solanki, Narendra Shiradkar, Anil Kottantharayil, K.L. Narasimhan, Juzer Vasi, B.K. Chakravarthy, “Effect of Aluminum Back Plate on PV Module Temperature and Performance”, presented at the 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, USA, June 2018.


  1. Prabir K. Basu, Sandeep Kumbhar, Ashok K. Sharma, Pradeep Padmanabhan, Tarun S. Yadav, K. L. Narasimhan, B. M. Arora and Anil Kottantharayil, “20.3% effective efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells using low-cost processing with laboratory fabrication tools”, presented at the International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, Dec. 2017.
  2. A. K. Sharma, Manoj K. Ramanathi, Binny Nair, Tarun S. Yadav, Prabir K. Basu, Anil Kottantharayil, K. L. Narasimhan and B. M. Arora, “Photoluminescence Imaging of Silicon Wafers & Solar Cells for Process, Device Development & Diagnostics”, presented at the International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, Dec. 2017.
  3. Tarun S. Yadav, Sandeep K., Ashok K. Sharma, Pradeep P., K. L. Narasimhan, B. M. Arora, Anil Kottantharayil and Prabir K. Basu, “Cell efficiency enhancement in industrial monocrystalline silicon solar cells using new low-cost chemical passivation process”, presented at the International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, Dec. 2017.
  4. Saima Cherukat and Anil Kottantharayil, “Design Optimization of Bifacial Solar Cells with Bifaciality of 100%”, presented at the International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, Dec. 2017.
  5. Sreejith K. P., Ashok K. Sharma, Anil Kottantharayil and Prabir K Basu, “A new additive-free industrial chemical texturing process for diamond wire sawn mc-Si wafers”, presented at the International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, Dec. 2017.
  6. Rajiv Dubey, Sachin Zachariah, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Sugguna Rambabu, Sonali Bhaduri, Hemant K. Singh, Archana Sinha, Birinchi Bora, Rajesh Kumar, O. S. Sastry, Chetan S. Solanki1, Anil Kottantharayil, Brij M. Arora, K. L. Narasimhan, Juzer Vasi, “Performance of Field-Aged PV Modules in India: Results from 2016 All India Survey of PV Module Reliability”, presented at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2017, Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
  7. Sonali Bhaduri, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Rajiv Dubey, Sachin Zachariah, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Chetan Singh Solanki, Anil Kottantharayil, Brij M. Arora, K.L. Narasimhan, Juzer Vasi, “Correlating Infra-red Thermography with Electrical Degradation of Modules Inspected in All India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Reliability 2016”, presented at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2017, Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
  8. Sonali Bhaduri, Sachin Zachariah, Lawrence L. Kazmerski, Balasubramaniam Kavaipatti, and Anil Kottantharayil, “Soiling loss on PV modules at two locations in India studied using a water based artificial soiling method”, presented at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2017, Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
  9. Tarun S. Yadav, Sandeep K., Ashok K. Sharma, Spandana B., Prabir K. Basu, Anil Kottantharayil1, “A New Low Cost and Low Temperature Chemical Passivation Method for Large Area Industrial Single Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells”, presented at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2017, Washington DC, USA, June 2017.
  10. Astha Tyagi, Kunal Ghosh, Anil Kottantharayil, and Saurabh Lodha, “Carrier Selective Back Contact (CSBC) Solar Cell using Transition Metal Oxides”, presented at the 44th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2017, Washington DC, USA, June 2017.


  1. Rajiv Dubey, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Jim Joseph John, Chetan Singh Solanki, Anil Kottantharayil1, Brij M. Arora, K.L. Narasimhan, Juzer Vasi, Birinchi Bora, Yogesh Kumar Singh, O.S. Sastry, “Correlation of Electrical and Visual Degradation Seen in Field Survey in India”, presented at the 43nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2016, Portland, USA,
  2. Vivek Kuthanazhi, Santhosh Jois, Prachi Jadhav, Kamlesh Kumar, Akhilesh Magal, Ameya Pimpalkhare, Juzer Vasi, Anil Kottantharayil, Krithi Ramamritham, N.C. Narayanan, Vinit Kotak, Rajeev Dubey, “Estimating Mumbai’s Rooftop PV Potential through Mobilization of IEEE Student Community”, presented at the 43nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2016, Portland, USA,
  3. Sonali Bhaduri, Sonali Warade, Jim J. John, Balasubramaniam Kavaipatti and Anil Kottantharayil, “Artificial dust deposition using water as carrier solvent for investigation of soiling losses in photovoltaic modules”, presented at the 43nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2016, Portland, USA,
  4. Anil Kottantharayil, “Lessons learned from the all India Survey of photovoltaic modules”, Invited talk presented at the Photovoltaic Module Reliability Workshop 2016, Denver, USA.
  5. Anil Kottantharayil, “Soiling of Photovoltaic Modules: an Indian Perspective”, Invited talk presented at the Workshop on the Soiling Effects on PV Modules, 2016, Dubai, UAE.


  1. Kalaivani S., Anil Kottantharayil, “Spray Coated Aluminum Oxide Thin Film For P-type Crystalline Silicon Surface Passivation”, presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA,
  2. Jim J John, Sonali Warade, Abhishek Kumar, Anil Kottantharayil, “Evaluation and Prediction of Soiling Loss on PV modules with Artificially Deposited Dust”, presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA,
  3. Rajiv Dubey, Pranjal Batra, Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Anil Kottantharayil, Brij Arora, K. L Narasimhan , Juzer Vasi, “Measurement of Temperature Coefficient of Photovoltaic Modules in Field and Comparison with Laboratory Measurements”, presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA,
  4. Shashwata Chattopadhyay, Rajiv Dubey, Vivek Kuthanazhi, Jim Joseph John, Chetan Singh Solanki, Brij Mohan Arora, K. L. Narasimhan, Anil Kottantharayil, Juzer Vasi, Birinchi Bora, Yogesh Kumar Singh, O. S. Sastry, “All India Survey of Photovoltaic Module Degradation 2014: Survey Methodology and Statistics”, presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA,
  5. Sharma, A.K.; Saravanan, S.; Balraj A.; Ansari, Firoz; Burkul, Gurappa; Kumbhar, Sandeep; Narasimhan, K.L.; Arora, B.M.; Kottantharayil, Anil, “Imaging of carrier lifetime variation during c-Si solar cell fabrication”, presented at the 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2015, New Orleans, USA,
  6. Anil Kottantharayil, “Performance Degradation of Fielded Photovoltaic Modules: An India Centric Review”, Invited talk International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2015, Bangalore, India.


  1. R. Dubey, S. Chattopadhyay, J. J John, V. Kuthanazhi, A. Kottantharayil, B. M. Arora, C. S. Solanki, K. L. Narasimhan and J. Vasi, “Day Light Electroluminescence Imaging of Photovoltaic Modules by Image Difference Technique”, presented at the 6th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.
  2. R. Dubey, S. Chattopadhyay, V. Kuthanazhi, J. J. John, J. Vasi, A. Kottantharayil, B. M. Arora, K. L. Narsimhan, V. Kuber, C. S. Solanki, A. Kumar, O. S. Sastry, “Performance degradation in field-aged crystalline silicon PV modules in different indian climatic conditions”, presented at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2014, Denver, USA.
  3. V. Kuthanazhi, A. Kottantharayil, N. C. Narayanan, “Planning for integration of solar photovoltaics into the energy needs of villages through local self governments: An experience in the state of Kerala, India”, presented at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2014, Denver, USA.
  4. V. Kuthanazhi, S. Chattopadhyay, R. Dubey, J. J. John, C. S. Solanki, A. Kottantharayil, B. M. Arora, K. L. Narasimhan, J. Vasi, A. Kumar, O. S. Sastry, “Linking performance of PV systems in India with socio-economic aspects of installation”, presented at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2014, Denver, USA.
  5. S. S. Sandeep, A. Kottantharayil, “Photolithography free inverted pyramidal texturing for solar cell applications”, presented at the 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2014, Denver, USA.
  6. S. Acharya, A. Kottantharayil, “VLS growth of silicon nanowires in cold wall Cat-CVD chamber”, presented at the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics 2014, Bangalore, India.
  7. Bhaisare, M.; Sandeep, S.S.; Kottantharayil, A., “Thermal stability of single layer pulsed — DC reactive sputtered AlOX film and stack of ICP-CVD SiNX on AlOX for p-type c-Si surface passivation”, presented at the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics 2014, Bangalore, India.


  1. Meenakshi Bhaisare, Dayanand Sutar, Abhishek Misra, Anil Kottantharayil, “Effect of Power Density on the Passivation Quality of Pulsed- DC Reactive Sputtered Aluminum oxide on P-type Crystalline Silicon”, presented at the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2013, Tampa, USA.
  2. Sandeep S. S., Anil Kottantharayil, “Potential of Plasma Grown Oxide Films for Surface Passivation of Silicon Solar Cells”, to be presented at the European PV Solar Energy Conference 2013, Paris, France.
  3. Jim Joseph John, Mehul C Raval, Anil Kottantharayil, Chetan Singh Solanki, “Novel PV Module Cleaning System using ambient moisture and self-cleaning coating”, presented at the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2013, Tampa, USA.
  4. Amruta P Joshi, Mehul C Raval, Anil Kottantharayil, Chetan S Solanki, “Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy: A bulk analysis technique for silicon solar cell fabrication”, presented at the 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2013, Tampa, USA.
  5. Anil Kottantharayil, Meenakshi Bhaisare and Sandeep S. S., “Advanced thin films for surface passivation of crystalline silicon solar cells”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Gurgaon, 2013. (invited).


  1. Kousik Midya, Abhishek Sharma, Anil Kottantharayil, Subhabrata Dhar, “RF sputtered ITO thin film with improved optical property”, presented at MRS Spring Meeting 2012, San Francisco, USA. MRS ONline Proceedings Library
  2. Abhishek Mishra, Mayur Waikar, Amit Gour, Hemen Kalita, Meenakshi Bhaisare, Mohammed Aslam and Anil Kottantharayil, “Large Memory Window Floating Gate Flash Memory with Multilayer Graphene as Charge Storage Layer”, in proceedings of the International Memory Workshop 2012, Milano, Italy.
  3. Sandeep S. S., Ketan Warikoo, Anil Kottantharayil, “Optimization of ICP-CVD Silicon Nitride for Si Solar Cell Passivation”, in proceedings of the the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference 2012, Austin, USA, pp. 1102-1104.
  4. Fischer, I.A.; Hahnel, D. ; Isemann, H. ; Kottantharayil, A. ; Murali, G. ; Oehme, M. ; Schulze, J.; “Si Tunneling Field Effect Transistor with Tunnelling In-Line with the Gate Field”, 2012 International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting (ISTDM), Berkeley, USA.
  5. Abhishek Mishra, Manali Khare, Hemen Kalita, M. Aslam, Anil Kottantharayil, “Extraction of Graphene/TiN Work Function Using Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Test Structure”, presented at the International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2012), IIT Bombay, Dec. 15 - 17, 2012.
  6. Murali Golve, Suresh Gundapaneni, Anil Kottantharayil, “Novel architectures for zinc-oxide junctionless transistor”, presented at the International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE 2012), IIT Bombay, Dec. 15 - 17, 2012.


  1. Anil Kottantharayil, Suresh Gundapaneni, Srihari Marni and Swaroop Ganguly, “Junctionless field effect transistor for low power applications in the deca nanometer regime”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Kanpur, 2011. (invited).
  2. Meenakshi Bhaisare, Abhishek Misra, Mayur Waikar and Anil Kottantharayil, “High quality Al2O3 dielectric films deposited by pulsed- DC reactive sputtering technique for high-k applications”, presented at ICMAT 2011, Singapore in June- July 2011


  1. Hasanali Virani, David Esseni and Anil Kottantharayil, “Impact of electron velocity on the ION of n-TFETs”, Proceedings of the 40th European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) 2010, pp. 349.
  2. Hasanali Virani, Suresh Gundapaneni and Anil Kottantharayil, “Optimization of Silicon ρ-channel Tunnel FET with Dual κ Spacer”, presented at the 42nd Solid State Device Meeting (SSDM-2010), Tokyo, Japan in September 2010.
  3. Abhishek Misra, Sunny Sadana, Satya Suresh, Meenakshi Bhaisare, Senthil Srinivasan, Mayur Waikar, Amit Gaur and Anil Kottantharayil, “Effect of different substrate materials on the Pt Nanocrystal formation statistics (size, density area coverage and circularity) for flash memory application”, Proceedings of the MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Boston in November-December 2010, vol. 1288.


  1. Hasanali G. Virani, Rama Bhadra Rao and Anil Kottantharayil, Optimization of P-channel Tunnel FETs using High k spacers, presented at the 15th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2009), Delhi, India.
  2. Hasanali G. Virani, Rama Bhadra Rao, Vishwanath Nikam and Anil Kottantharayil, “Investigation of Novel Si/SiGe Hetero Structures and Gate Induced Source Tunneling for Improvement of P-channel Tunnel FETs”, presented at the 41st Solid State Device Meeting (SSDM-2009), Sendai, Japan.
  3. Hasanali G. Virani and Anil Kottantharayil, “Optimization of Hetero Junction n-channel Tunnel FET with High-k Spacers”, presented at the 2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ELECTRON DEVICES AND SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNOLOGY (IEDST 2009), Mumbai, India. The article is available on-line at


  1. Thakker, R.A., Patil, M.B., Anil, K.G., Parameter extraction for advanced MOSFET model using particle swarm optimization, (2008) Technical Proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, NSTI-Nanotech, Nanotechnology 2008, 3, pp. 845-848.
  2. Nikam, V., Bhuwalka, K.K., Kottantharayil, A., Optimization of n-channel tunnel FET for the sub-22nm gate length regime, (2008) Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC, art. no. 4800742, pp. 77-78.


  1. Ramos, J., Augendre, E., Kottantharayil, A., Mercha, A., Simoen, E., Rosmeulen, M., Severi, S., Kerner, C., Chiarella, T., Nackaerts, A., Ferain, I., Hoffmann, T., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Experimental evidence of short-channel electron mobility degradation caused by interface charges located at the gate-edge of triple-gate FinFETs (2007) ICSICT-2006: 2006 8th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings, art. no. 4098024, pp. 72-74.
  2. Thakker, R.A., Gandhi, N., Patil, M.B., Anil, K.G., Parameter extraction for PSP MOSFET model using particle swarm optimization (2007) Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, IWPSD, art. no. 4472470, pp. 130-133.
  3. Chopde, A.M., Khandelwal, S., Thakker, R.A., Patil, M.B., Anil, K.G., Parameter extraction for MOS model 11 using particle swarm optimization, (2007) Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices, IWPSD, art. no. 4472494, pp. 253-256.
  4. Van Dal, M.J.H., Collaert, N., Doornbos, G., Vellianitis, G., Curatola, G., Pawlak, B.J., Duffy, R., Jonville, C., Degroote, B., Altamirano, E., Kunnen, E., Demand, M., Beckx, S., Vandeweyer, T., Delvaux, C., Leys, F., Hikavyy, A., Rooyackers, R., Kaiser, M., Weemaes, R.G.R., Biesemans, S., Jurczak, M., Anil, K., Witters, L., Lander, R.J.P., Highly manufacturable FinFETs with sub-10nm fin width and high aspect ratio fabricated with immersion lithography, (2007) Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology,


  1. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Baravelli, E., Roussel, P., Mercha, A., Gustin, C., Bamal, M., Grossar, E., Rooyackers, R., Augendre, E., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., De Meyer, K., Impact of stochastic mismatch on measured SRAM performance of FinFETs with resist/spacer-defined fins: Role of line-edge-roughness, (2006) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, art. no. 4154303.
  2. Lenoble, D., Anil, K.G., De Keersgieter, A., Eybens, P., Collaert, N., Rooyackers, R., Brus, S., Zimmerman, P., Goodwin, M., Vanhaeren, D., Vandervorst, W., Radovanov, S., Godet, L., Cardinaud, C., Biesemans, S., Skotnicki, T., Jurczak, M., Enhanced performance of PMOS MUGFET via integration of conformal plasma-doped source/drain extensions, (2006) Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, art. no. 1705270, pp. 168-169.
  3. Jurczak, M., Collaert, N., Rooyackers, R., Kottantharayil, A., Dixit, A., Ferain, I., San, T., Son, N.-J., Lenoble, D., Zimmerman, P., De Keersgieter, A., Von Arnim, K., Ramos, J., Mercha, A., Verheyen, P., MUGFET - Alternative transistor architecture for 32 nm CMOS generation, (2006) Extended Abstracts of the Sixth International Workshop on Junction Technology, IWJT '06, art. no. 1669433, p. 1.


  1. Subramanian, V., Mercha, A., Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Decoutere, S., Maes, H., Groeseneken, G., Sansen, W., Geometry dependence of 1/f noise in n- and p-channel MuGFETs, (2005) AIP Conference Proceedings, 780, pp. 279-282.
  2. Kubicek, S., Veloso, A., Anil, K.G., Hayashi, S., Yamamoto, K., Mitsuhashi, R., Kittl, A., Lauwers, M., Van Dal, S., Horii, Harada, Y., Kubota, M., Niwa, M., De Gendt, S., Heyns, M., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Ni-FUSI on high-k as a candidate for 65nm LSTP CMOS (2005) 2005 IEEE VLSI-TSA - International Symposium on VLSI Technology - VLSI-TSA-TECH, Proceedings of Technical Papers, art. no. T63, pp. 99-100.
  3. Henson, K., Collaert, N., Demand, M., Goodwin, M., Brus, S., Rooyackers, R., Van Ammel, A., Degroote, B., Ercken, M., Baerts, C., Anil, K.G., Dixit, A., Beckx, S., Schram, T., Deweerd, W., Boullart, W., Schaekers, M., De Gendt, S., De Meyer, K., Yim, Y., Hooker, J.C., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., NMOS and PMOS triple gate devices with mid-gap metal gate on oxynitride and Hf based gate dielectrics (2005) 2005 IEEE VLSI-TSA - International Symposium on VLSI Technology - VLSI-TSA-TECH, Proceedings of Technical Papers, art. no. T87, pp. 136-137.
  4. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Mercha, A., Collaert, R., Brus, S., Richard, O., Rooyackers, R., Goodwin, M., Jurczak, M., De Meyer, K., Towards optimally shaped fins in p-channel tri-gate FETs: Can fin height be reduced further? (2005) 2005 IEEE VLSI-TSA - International Symposium on VLSI Technology - VLSI-TSA-TECH, Proceedings of Technical Papers, art. no. T73, pp. 112-113.
  5. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Collaert, N., Rooyackers, R., Leys, F., Ferain, I., De Keersgieter, A., Hoffmann, T.Y., Loo, R., Goodwin, M., Zimmerman, P., Caymax, M., De Meyer, K., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Parasitic source/drain resistance reduction in N-channel SOI MuGFETs with 15nm wide fins, (2005) Proceedings - IEEE International SOI Conference, 2005, art. no. 1563597, p. 226.
  6. Dixit, A., Anil, K.G., Rooyackers, R., Leys, F., Kaiser, M., Weemaes, R., Ferain, I., De Keersgieter, A., Collaert, N., Surdeanu, R., Goodwin, M., Zimmerman, P., Loo, R., Caymax, M., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., De Meyer, K., Minimization of the MuGFET contact resistance by integration of NiSi contacts on epitaxially raised source/drain regions, (2005) Proceedings of ESSDERC 2005: 35th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 2005, art. no. 1546680, pp. 445-448.
  7. Lauwers, A., Veloso, A., Hoffmann, T., Van Dal, M.J.H., Vrancken, C., Brus, S., Locorotondo, S., De Marneffe, J.-F., Sijmus, B., Kubicek, S., Chiarella, T., Pawlak, M.A., Opsomer, K., Niwa, M., Mitsuhashi, R., Anil, K.G., Yu, H.Y., Demeurisse, C., Verbeeck, R., De Potter, M., Absil, P., Maex, K., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Kittl, J.A., CMOS integration of dual work function phase controlled Ni FUSI with simultaneous silicidation of NMOS (NiSi) and PMOS (Ni-rich silicide) gates on HfSiON, (2005) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2005, art. no. 1609433, pp. 646-649.
  8. Anil, K.G., Verheyen, P., Collaert, N., Dixit, A., Kaczer, B., Snow, J., Vos, R., Locorotondo, S., Degroote, B., Shi, X., Rooyackers, R., Mannaert, G., Brus, S., Yim, Y.S., Lauwers, A., Goodwin, M., Kittl, J.A., Van Dal, M., Richard, O., Veloso, A., Kubicek, S., Beckx, S., Boullart, W., De Meyer, K., Absil, P., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., CMP-less integration of Fully Ni-Silicided Metal Gates in FinFETs by simultaneous silicidation of the source, drain, and the gate using a novel dual hard mask approach (2005) Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005, art. no. 1469266, pp. 198-199.
  9. Pawlak, M.A., Kittl, J.A., Janssens, T., Lauwers, A., Vandervorst, W., Anil, K.G., Schram, T., Veloso, A., Van Dal, M.J.H., Maex, K., Vantomme, A., Influence of activation annealing and silicidation process on as redistribution and pile-up at the NixSiy/SiO2 interface (2005) Proceedings - Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-05, pp. 241-248.
  10. Kittl, J.A., Lauwers, A., Pawlak, M.A., Demeurisse, C., Anil, K.G., Veloso, A., Van Dal, M.J.H., Schram, T., Brijs, B., Kaiser, M., Kubicek, S., Cunniffe, J., Verbeeck, R., Vrancken, C., Biesemans, S., Maex, K., Materials issues of NI fully silicided (fusi) gates for CMOS applications, (2005) Proceedings - Electrochemical Society, PV 2005-05, pp. 225-232.
  11. Kittl, J.A., Lauwers, A., Pawlak, M.A., Van Dal, M.J.H., Veloso, A., Anil, K.G., Pourtois, G., Demeurisse, C., Schram, T., Brijs, B., De Potter, M., Vrancken, C., Maex, K., Ni fully silicided gates for 45 nm CMOS applications (2005) Microelectronic Engineering, 82 (3-4 SPEC. ISS.), pp. 441-448.
  12. Kittl, J.A., Veloso, A., Lauwers, A., Anil, K.G., Demeurisse, C., Kubicek, S., Niwa, M., Van Dal, M.J.H., Richard, O., Pawlak, M.A., Jurczak, M., Vrancken, C., Chiarella, T., Brus, S., Maex, K., Biesemans, S., Scalability of Ni FUSI gate processes: Phase and Vt control to 30 nm gate lengths (2005) Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2005, art. no. 1469217, pp. 72-73.
  13. Hoffmann, T., Doornbos, G., Ferain, I., Collaert, N., Zimmerman, P., Goodwin, M., Rooyackers, R., Kottantharayil, A., Yim, Y., Dixit, A., De Meyer, K., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., GIDL (Gate-Induced Drain Leakage) and parasitic schottky barrier leakage elimination in aggressively scaled HfO2/TiN FinFET devices, (2005) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2005, art. no. 1609455, pp. 725-728.
  14. Snow, J., Vos, R., Anil, K.G., Kraus, H., Xu, K., Grinninger, F., Wagner, G., FKovacs, Mertens, P.W., Selective etching of sige for removal of dummy layers in fully silicided gate architectures, (2005) ECS Transactions, 1 (3), pp. 207-213.


  1. Anil, K.G., Veloso, A., Kubicek, S., Schram, T., Augendre, E., De Marneffe, J.-F., Devriendt, K., Lauwers, A., Brus, S., Henson, K., Biesemans, S., Demonstration of fully Ni-silicided metal gates on HfO2 based high-k gate dielectrics as a candidate for low power applications, (2004) Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, pp. 190-191.
  2. Kittl, J.A., Lauwers, A., Chamirian, O., Pawlak, M.A., Van Dal, M., Akheyar, A., De Potter, M., Kottantharayil, A., Pourtois, G., Lindsay, R., Maex, K., Applications of Ni-based silicides to 45 nm CMOS and beyond, (2004) Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 810, pp. 31-42.
  3. Veloso, A., Anil, K.G., Witters, L., Brus, S., Kubicek, S., De Marneffe, J.-F., Sijmus, B., Devriendt, K., Lauwers, A., Kauerauf, T., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., Work function engineering by FUSI and its impact on the performance and reliability of oxynitride and Hf-silicate based MOSFETs, (2004) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, pp. 855-858.
  4. Severi, S., Anil, K.G., Pawlak, J.B., Duffy, R., Henson, K., Lindsay, R., Lauwers, A., Veloso, A., De Marneffe, J.F., Ramos, J., Camillo-Castillo, R.A., Eyben, P., Dachs, C., Vandervost, W., Jurczak, M., Biesemans, S., De Meyer, K., Diffusion-less junctions and super halo profiles for PMOS transistors formed by SPER and FUSI gate in 45 nm physical gate length devices, (2004) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, pp. 99-102.


  1. Anil, K.G., Henson, K., Biesemans, S., Collaert, N., Layout density analysis of FinFETs, (2003) Proceedings of the European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 16-18 Sept. 2003 Page(s):139 – 142.


  1. Shrivastav, G., Mahapatra, S., Ramgopal Rao, V., Vasi, J., Anil, K.G., Fink, C., Hansch, W., Eisele, I., “Performance optimization of 60 nm channel length vertical MOSFETs using channel engineering”, (2001) Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 475-478.


  1. Anil, K.G., Mahapatra, S., Eisele, I., Role of inversion layer quantization on sub-bandgap impact ionization in deep-sub-micron n-channel MOSFETs, (2000) Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, pp. 675-678.
  2. K. G. Anil, S. Mahapatra, V. Ramgopal Rao and I. Eisele, Comparison of Sub- Bandgap Impact Ionization in Deep-Sub-Micron Conventional and Lateral Asymmetrical Channel nMOSFETs”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM) 2000, Sendai, Japan, 29-31 August 2000, pp. 60-61.
  3. K. G. Anil, S. Mahapatra, I. Eisele, V. R. Rao, J. Vasi, “Drain Bias Dependence of Gate Oxide Reliability in Conventional and Asymmetrical Channel MOSFETs in the Low Voltage Regime”, in Proceedings of the 30th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Cork, Ireland, 11-13 September 2000, pp. 132-135.
  4. K. G. Anil, T. Pompl, I. Eisele, “Impact of Gate Oxide Thickness Scaling on Hot- Carrier Degradation in Deep-sub-micron nMOSFETs”, in Proceedings of the 30th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Cork, Ireland, 11-13 September 2000, pp. 124-127.


  1. W. Hansch, K. Anil, P. Bieringer, C. Fink, F. Kaesen, I. Eisele, M. Tanaka and M. Miura-Mattausch, “Channel Engineering for the Reduction of Random-Dopant Placement-Induced Threshold Voltage Fluctuations in Vertical sub-100nm MOSFETs”, Proceedings of the 29th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), Leuven, Belgium, September 1999, pages 408-411.


  1. K. G. Anil, J. M. Vasi and R. K. Lal, “Low Dose Radiation Sensor for Medical Therapy Applications”, Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices, New Delhi, India, December 1997, pages 1145-1148.

Books/Chapters in Books

  1. B. M. Arora, P. Bhargava, A. Kottantharayil, S. Mallick, K. L. Narasimhan, S. Sarkar, C. S. Solanki and J. Vasi, “Solar Cells: Review and Recent Advances”, chapter in Advances in Solar Energy Science and Engineering Vol 1, edited by Praveen Saxena, H.P. Garg, O.S. Sastry, S.K. Singh, 2016, ISBN: 9788170195160.
  2. J. Kittl, A. Lauwers, O. Chamirian, M. Kmieciak, M. van Dal, A. Veloso, A. Kottantharayil, G. Pourtois, M. de Potter de ten Broeck, K. Maex, “Silicides - Recent advances and prospects” chapter in Materials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and Packaging edited by Ehrenfried Zschech, Caroline Whelan and Thomas Mikolajick, Springer Verlag, 2005.
faculty/anilkg.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/25 10:56 by Anil Kottantharayil