Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Btech(2019 – 2021 Batch)

Btech(2019 – 2021 Batch)

Btech(2019 – 2021 Batch)

Semester 1
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
PH107Quantum Physics and Applications2106
CH105Organic-Inorganic Chemistry*2004
CH107Physical Chemistry*2004
ME113Workshop Practice0134
PH117/CH117Physics Lab/Chemistry Lab0033
EE113Introduction to Electrical Engineering Practice (DIC-1)2026
NC101#National Cadet Corps (NCC)000P/NP
NO101#National Sports Organisation (NSS)000P/NP
NS101#National Service Scheme (NSS)000P/NP
Total credits41
#Any one of these three P/NP courses
*Half Semester Courses
Semester 2
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
MA106Linear Algebra2004
MA108Ordinary Differential Equations 12004
PH108Basics of Electricity & Magnetism2106
PH117/CH117Physics Lab/Chemistry Lab0033
CS101Computer Programming and Utilization2026
ME119Engineering Graphics and Drawing0135
EE114Power Engineering- I3006
NC102#National Cadet Corps (NCC)000P/NP
NC102#National Sports Organisation (NSS)000P/NP
NS102#National Service Scheme (NSS)000P/NP
Total credits34
#Any one of these three P/NP courses
Semester 3
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
Mathematics II
(Complex Analysis + DE II)
EE204Analog Circuits3006
EE224Digital Systems3006
EE214Digital Systems lab3003
EE325Probability and Random Processes3006
EE229Signal Processing – I3006
Total credits41
Courses for Honor Requirement
Honors Elective 13006
Semester 4
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
EE 230Analog Circuits lab0033
EE 309Microprocessors3006
EE 337Microprocessors lab0033
EE 207Electronic Devices2106
EE 302Control Systems3006
EE238Power Engineering – II3006
EE240Power Engineering lab0033
Total credits33
Courses for Honor Requirement
Honors Elective E23006
Semester 5
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
HSS Elective3006
EE341Communication Systems - I2106
EE301EM Waves2106
EE 340Communications Lab0033
Dept. Elective I3006
EE 324Control Systems lab0033
EE 236Electronic Devices lab0033
Total credits33
Courses for Honor Requirement
Honors Elective E33006
Semester 6
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
EE344Electronics Design Lab1046
Dept. Elective II3006
Dept. Elective III3006
Dept. Elective IV3006
EE 350Technical Communication3006
Total credits30
Courses for Honor Requirement
Honors Elective E43006
Semester 7
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
Environment Studies2106
Institute Elective I3006
Dept. Elective V3006
Dept. Elective VI3006
Total credits30
Semester 8
Course CodeCourse NameCredit Structure
Institute Elective II3006
Dept. Elective VII/Open Elective3006
Dept. Elective VIII
& Dept. Elective IX




Total credits24
Courses for Honor Requirement

  • ALL courses listed as core and electives for MTech and DD in EE to be qualified as Honours.

  • Courses from other department (list given below) to be qualified as for honors.

Honours Elective E62106
Courses for Minor Requirement
EE203Electronic Devices2106
Elective List For B.Tech . Electrical Engineering
EE429Discrete Data and Digital Control
EE760/EE442Advanced Network Analysis
EE708Information Theory and Coding
EE669VLSI Technology
EE389Electronic Design Laboratory (6 CREDITS, 0 0 6 6)
EE492B. Tech Project II (12 CREDITS)
EE605Error Correcting Codes
EE606Fibre Optic Communication
EE609Radiating Systems
EE620Physics of Transistors
EE622Optimal Control Systems
EE634Simulation of Circuits and Devices
EE649Finite Fields and their Applications
EE657Electric Drives I
EE659A First Course in Optimization
EE660Application of Power Electronics to Power Systems
EE661Physical Electronics
EE666High Power Semiconductor Devices
EE679Speech Processing
EE701Introduction to MEMS
EE713Circuit Simulation in Power Electronics
EE714Behavioral Theory of Systems
EE722Restructured Power Systems
EE725Computational Electromagnetics
EE720Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptography
List of Honours Courses for B.Tech
ALL courses listed as core and electives for MTech and DD in EE to be qualified as Honours.
Courses from other department (list given below) to be qualified as for honors.
The students can take at most one course from the list and minimum three from within the department for honour degree.
CS 207 Discrete Structures
CS 213 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 317 Database and Information Systems
CS 347 Operating Systems
CS 348 Computer Networks
CS 416 Computer and Network Security
CS 419 Introduction to Machine Learning
CS 212 Electronics Design I
CS 218 Design and analysis of algorithms
CS 302Implementation of Programming Languages
CS 303 Digital Signal Processing
CS 305 Computer Architecture
CS 317 Database and Information Systems
CS 336 Computer Aided Geometric Design
CS 344 Artificial Intelligence
CS 406 Cryptography and Network Security -1
CS 408 Graph Theory
CS 414 Introduction to Wireless Networks
CS 435 Linear Optimization
CS 470 Modelling and Simulation
CS 472 Introduction to VLSI Design Automation
CS 478 Advanced Microprocessor
CS 601 Algorithms and Complexity
CS 604 Combinatorics
CS 621 Artificial Intelligence
CS 623 Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets
CS 627 Graphical Models and Structured Learning
CS 641 Computer Networks
CS 642 Communication Networking
CS 649 Network Security
CS 653 Mobile Computing
CS 660 Multimedia Systems
CS 663 Digital Image Processing
CS 664 Pattern Recognition
CS 683 Advanced Computer Architecture
CS 684 Embedded Systems
CS 709 Convex Optimisation
CS 716 Introduction to Communication Networks
CS 724 Network Security & Cryptography 2
CS 725 Machine Learning
CS 726 Advanced machine learning
CS 729 Topics in Machine Learning
CS 763 Computer Vision
EN 640 Solar Photovoltaic Devices
EN 642 Power Generation & Systems Planning
EN 703 Advanced Concepts in Solar Cells
EP 205 Photonics
EP 208 Statistical Mechanics
EP 222 Classical Mechanics 1
EP 226 Waves and Oscialltions and Thermodynamics
EP 252 Intro to Quantum Mechanics
EP 307 Quantum Mechanics 1
EP 308 Introduction to Solid State Physics
EP 331 E.M. Theory and Relativity
EP 332 Thermal and Statistical Physics
EP 401 Photonics I
EP 409 Applied solid state physics
EP 410 Advanced photonics
EP 425Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology
EP 426 Physics of Quantum devices
EP 431 Semiconductor Physics
EP 432 Physics of Nanostructures and Nanoscale devices
EP 454 Light Mata Introduction
IE 502 Probablistic Models
IE 610 Networks, Games and Algorithms
IE 611 Introduction to Stochastic Models
IE 616 Decision Analysis and Game Theory
IE 702 Neural Nets, Fuzzy Systems and Applications
IE 708Markov Decision Processes
IE 712 Selected Applications of Stochastic Models
IE 718 Networks, Games and Algorithms
MA 403 Real Analysis 1
MA 404 Real Analysis 2
MA 408 Measure Theory
SI 402 Statistical Inference
SI 417 Introduction to Probability Theory
SI 422 Regresssion Analysis
SI 514 Statistical Modeling
SI 527 Introduction to Derivative Pricing
PH 409 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
PH 429 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics I
PH 430 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics II
PH 504 Quantum Electronics
PH 534 Quantum Information & Computing
PH544 General Theory of Relativity

IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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