

The department is actively engaged in research areas ranging from practical implementation to theoretical investigations. Much of this research is funded by national and international funding agencies, both government and corporate. The research is published in leading international journals and conferences.

Communication and Signal Processing
The Group, consisting of 16 faculty members, actively pursues various research areas: Wireless Communication, Microwave RF, Antenna, Signal Processing, Fiber Optics and Photonics, Communication Networks, Computer Vision, Media processing, Image Processing. Our major research labs are Antennas and Microwave Laboratory, Bharti Centre for Communication, Communications Laboratory and Digital Audio Processing Laboratory, Information Networks Laboratory, Tata Teleservices – IIT Bombay Center for Excellence in Telecommunication.
Control and Computing
The activities of the Control and Computing Group include Automatic control, Computational methods for systems theory, Graph and matroid decompositions, Cryptography and coding theory, Dynamical systems, Grobner basis methods. There are 21 faculty members. Major labs where research is conducted is Control and Computation Laboratory. For more details about the Control and Computing group.
Power Electronics and Power Systems
An important aspect of the group's program is the integration of power electronics with the study of power systems. The group is actively providing research and development support for the national electric power infrastructure. There are 8 faculty members. Major labs where research is conducted are Field Computation Laboratory, Electrical Machines Laboratory, Power Electronics Laboratories and Power Anser Laboratory.
Electronic Systems
The research areas being pursued by the Electronic Systems Group are Embedded System design, Signal processing, Biomedical Electronics, Electronic Instrumentation, and Audio and Speech Processing. There are 9 faculty members. Major labs where research is conducted are Wadhwani Electronics Lab, Texas Instruments Digital Signal Processing Lab, Printed Circuit Board Lab, and Signal Processing and Instrumentation Lab.
Integrated Circuit and Systems
The research, teaching and learning activities in EE6 specialization are focused on techniques for design and development of integrated circuits for various applications. The current activities include study and development of microprocessor architectures along with design, test and verification methodologies, RF and millimeter wave IC design for communication, navigation and imaging applications, electronic and photonic IC design for high-speed wireline and optical interconnects, power amplifiers for wireless communications, CAD (computer aided design) techniques for VLSI design, integrated circuits for biomedical and agricultural applications and IoT, and FPGA based designs for hardware acceleration and AI/ML applications. Various labs in the department are equipped with state-of-the-art test and measurement facilities for research activities in this area. The students working in the area are not only able to conceptualize and design advanced integrated circuits, but are also able test the ICs designed by them using these facilities.
Solid State Devices
Engineers need to use physical objects to sense, compute and signal the natural physical world. These objects are solid-state devices. Major thrusts are nanoscale technology, design, and modeling of advanced devices. Moore’s Law has powered nanoelectronics. Three major trends drive the future for solid-state devices – More Moore, More-than-Moore, Beyond Moore. In More Moore which drives conventional computing, the group works on transistor and memory scaling and systems. In More-than-Moore which adds “eyes and hands” to computing, the group drives RF electronics, cameras, lasers and photodiodes, MEMS sensors and actuators, power electronics, etc. Finally, the Beyond Moore strategy is based on quantum technologies and artificial intelligence/neuromorphic computing where the group pushes qubit, quantum systems, neural networks chips. At 16 faculty members and growing, this is the largest devices group in the country and top performer driving “India’s Rise in Nanoelectronics Research” to global leadership. The group runs the IIT Bombay Nanofab Facility (IITBNF), National Center for Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy (NCPRE) – which are national centers to compete globally in creating nanoscale technologies and devices in cleanrooms, design labs. The group also has significant global industry partnerships and informs semiconductor policy at the national level.
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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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