Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Electronic Systems

Electronic Systems

The research areas being pursued by the Electronic Systems Group are Embedded System design, Signal processing, Biomedical Electronics, Electronic Instrumentation, and Audio and Speech Processing. There are 9 faculty members. Major labs where research is conducted are Wadhwani Electronics Lab, Texas Instruments Digital Signal Processing Lab, Printed Circuit Board Lab, and Signal Processing and Instrumentation Lab.

Associated Faculty Members

Associated Research Labs


Electronic Instrumentation lab comprises of the students from various fields:- Communication & Signal Processing, Electronic System and Biomedical Engineering. The major research areas of this lab are: video surveillance and image processing, impedance glottography and cardiography, audiometer, motion tracking for assisted living, ECG denoising, audio and speech signal processing. Most of the work in this lab relates to design and development of hardware, development and implementation of various signal processing algorithms.

Associated Faculty Members

Prem C. Pandey Rajbabu Velmurugan Preeti Rao

The NEMS and MEMS Proto Fab (NMPF) situated in the IIT Bombay campus in Powai, Mumbai, is a unique, highly specialized fabrication unit for NEMS/MEMS and microfluidic device research and prototyping needs. The facility offering unparalleled flexibility to entities that require prototyping fabrication services, unlike other large scale foundries or research (academic) fabs. Established through support by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India, this is one-of-its-kind facility, with the idea of catalyzing the MEMS, microfluidic and sensors industry in India, in line with the Make in India initiative.

Our mission is to provide a sandbox for labs, startups and SMEs so that they don’t have to look overseas for upgrading their proof-of-concept devices to a demonstration prototype. Our vision is to foster ecosystem development for micro- and nano-technology backed sensors and device development in India.

NMPF is equipped with state-of-art microfabrication equipment and trained personnel. We have access controlled clean-rooms enabling microfabrication processes in a controlled environment, resulting in excellent reproducibility and higher yields.

The location of the facility offers a dual accessibility advantage of a well connected location, and approach to the world-class facilities already existing inside IIT Bombay. For start-up companies looking to engage IIT Bombay for consultancy in the areas of MEMS, microfabricated sensors, microfluidics etc., NMPF offers a unique add-on benefit. Now, startups or SMEs can approach IIT Bombay with a problem and walk away with an end-to-end solution and fully functional prototypes at affordable rates.

Associated Faculty Members

Siddharth Tallur

Research Areas
The prime focus areas of EmSys Lab are as follows.

  • Electronic/Embedded system design, prototyping and evaluation, starting from sensor/transducer interfacing to full system development and network of sensor nodes.
  • Post-silicon validation of Analog/Digital/Mixed-Signal/RF test chips (ASICs) designed by doctoral and graduate students as part of their research thesis or dissertation.
  • Signal processing, analysis and implementation for various sensing-based applications.
  • AI for ASIC design, sensor nodes and networks.
  • Deep learning for Signal and Data Analysis.
  • Hardware-accelerated simulation.

More than 20 test ASICs designed by graduate students and Ph.D. scholars have been tested and various performance parameters of the ASICs have been measured in our lab. Several prototypes have been designed and developed using the in-house designed ASICs and sensors/transducers or commercial integrated circuits and sensors/transducers.

Resources and Facilities

  • IMAGE Hardware Accelerated Verification System and 22 desktop machines from Powai Labs
  • R&S 3.2 GHz RF Source Generator
  • Tektronix 1GHz Mixed domain DSO
  • Keysight, Tektronix and APLab Function Generators (25 MHz to 80 MHz)
  • Keysight 16802A Logic Analyzer
  • Keithley Source Meters
  • Keysight Spectrum Analyzer (Handheld) and SRS Spectrum Analyzer
  • Agilent precision LCR meter
  • SRS Digital Lock-in Amplifier
  • Multi-core computation cluster
  • Weller Soldering Station
  • Telsonic Ultrasonic cleaner
  • Generic Function Generators and DSOs
  • CADtools for Analog/Digital/Mixed-Signal/RF ASIC Design
  • CADtools for device level simulations and modelling

Related Specialization and Courses
Specializations : Communications and Signal Processing Integrated Circuit and Systems Solid State Devices Electronic Systems

Contact Details
Name: Prof. Maryam Shojaei Baghini
Email address : mshojaei@ee.iitb.ac.in
Address : Fifth Floor, Girish Gaitonde (G.G.) Building, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay
Phone Number : +91-022-2576-4463

Associated Faculty Members

Maryam Shojaei Baghini Madhav P. Desai Virendra Singh Pramod Murali Joseph John Rajbabu Velmurugan Shalabh Gupta

At HPC labs, we aim to research to address future needs of high-end parallel computing. Rapid advancements in VLSI technology have ushered a new era in system design, by integrating many systems in a single framework. This makes the whole system much more powerful than it used to be earlier. It has, in turn, enabled us to solve even those problems which hardly had practical significance in the past. Our vision is to develop such high-performance, practical solutions, and contribute to the needs of both scientific and engineering community. Go to the given link for more informations "http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~hpc/index.html".

Associated Faculty Members

Sachin Patkar Saravanan Vijayakumaran Harihar Narayanan D. K. Sharma Virendra R. Sule Rajbabu Velmurugan Virendra Singh Madhav P. Desai

Research in the area of: (a) Advance and futuristic architecture and system including compiler and operating system support for architecture, (b) Advanced dependable system including formal verfication and VLSI testing, and (c) Computer Aided design of VLSI and hardware accelerator.
For further information about the lab, you can access the lab website

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh

In VLSI Design Lab, the main research focus is in the areas of analog and digital design. All major VLSI Cad vendor's tool licenses (Synopsys, Cadence, Mentor, Agilent, Magma, Xilinx etc) are hosted here.

Associated Faculty Members

Madhav P. Desai Maryam Shojaei Baghini Shalabh Gupta Jayanta Mukherjee A. N. Chandorkar Virendra Singh

PC Lab provides general computing facilities to students of Electrical Engineering and Reliability Engineering. Both Windows and Linux machines are present in the lab. In addition, a load-balanced server (Rudra) is available for heavier computational use. Software packages like MATLAB, Lyx, Scilab, Spice, Ansys, Sequel, Grace, etc. are installed on Rudra. You can use them for your (academic) work. Standard Linux/unix packages, such as LaTeX, mysql, etc are also available. In addition to Rudra Pclab also provides mail service with a central storage of 500MB to all students and faculty of the department. Team of System Adminstrators provide the tech-end support to the department. All the network infrastructure in the department is maintained the team.
The link for PCLAB website is here

Associated Faculty Members

Jayakrishnan U Nair

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aiCAS lab was established in 2018. Research at the aiCAS lab focuses on high-performance Analog, RF, Digital, Mixed-signal ICs, and Embedded Systems design. State-of-the-art hardware and software tools are available to develop integrated circuits using RF-Analog and Digital design flow. The lab has high-end measurement instruments required for the post-silicon validation of ICs.

Research Areas

• Radio Frequency Receiver Front-end ICs
• High performance data converters
• mm-Wave Transceiver Circuits
• Wireless Power and Data Transfer Chip for Healthcare Implants
• Phased-Array Receiver for 5G Communications
• AI/ML assisted Analog Circuit Design
• A Contact-less, Fast Body Temperature Imaging Device
• Streaming Analytics over Temporal Variables for Air quality Monitoring

Resources and Facilities

• CAD tools required for the design of Analog, RF, Mixed-signal and digital ICs.
• Post-silicon IC performance evaluation equipment.
• FPGAs for the development and verification of the digital ICs.
• Development boards for Embedded system design.
• Soldering Station for PCB assembly.

Related Specialization and Courses
Specialization : Communication and Signal Processing, Electronic SystemsIntegrated circuit and Systems

Acknowledgments and Support

• MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), Gov. of India.
• DST (Department of Science and Technology), Gov. of India.
• Ministry of Science and Technology, Gov. of India.
• Wadhwani Research Centre for Bioengineering (WRCB), IIT Bombay.
• IITB-OSU Frontier Center.


Associated students

Contact Details
Email address : shilparajesh@iitb.ac.in
Address : First Floor, Main Building, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Phone Number : +91-22-2576-4406

Associated Faculty Members

Rajesh H. Zele

The Signal Processing and Instrumentation lab focuses on research in the areas of speech and signal processing, biomedical signal processing & instrumentation, electronic instrumentation, and embedded system design. The following is a list of research problems being tackled by students in the lab. Vocal tract shape estimation from speech signal, Enhancement of electrolaryngeal speech using spectral subtraction, Multi-band frequency compression for hearing-impaired, Speech enhancement by modification of stop consonant landmarks, Speech transformation using multivariate polynomial modeling, Cardiac output monitoring using impedance cardiography, Diagnostic information from impedance cardiography.

Associated Faculty Members

Prem C. Pandey

The Digital Audio Processing Lab is a signal processing research facility dedicated to speech and audio applications. Research projects involving Ph.D. and M.Tech. students include music content analysis and retrieval, speech prosody for language learning, speech enhancement and recognition. The lab is equipped with computers, GPU servers, recording and listening equipment. The interdisciplinary flavour of several of the projects has stimulated many interactions with musicians, musicologists and language experts. Further, audio IP developed in the lab has been incorporated into a few products and services for the entertainment industry.
More information about the lab is available at DAP lab website

Research Areas/Publications
Audio Music Information Retrieval (MIR), Automating Spoken Language Assessment, Multi-channel Speech Enhancement

Resources and Facilities
GPU servers with NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti and GTX 1080, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface and microphone setup for audio dataset recordings, Microphone array with AKG C417PP lapel condenser microphones, M-AUDIO USB interface for multichannel audio recordings

Related Specialization and Courses
Specialization : Communication and Signal Processing
Courses : EE403 Digital Signal Processing EE679 Speech Processing EE443 Digital Signal Processing Lab

List of associated students
Current students:
Ph.D.: Sabu Kamini Munnalal, Nikhil M, Vinutha T.P.
M.Tech: Shreeharsha B S, M A Rohit, Sachin Nayak
Dual Degree: Aniruddha Deshpande, Krishna Subramani
Ph.D.: Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli, Shrikant Shankar Joshi, Joe Cheri Ross, Vaishali Patil, Veena Karjigi, Vishweshwara Rao, Patwardhan Pushkar P.
M.Tech & Dual Degree: Pratheek Suresh, Charvi Vitthal, Kanhaiya Nathani, Hitesh Tulsiani, Prakhar Swarup, George Jose, Shrikant Venkataramani, Amruta Vidwans, Mayur Jagtap, Prateek Verma, Parvathy Chandran, Harikrishnan P, Pranav Jawale, Arpita Agrawal, Rutika Maheshwari, K. L. Srinivas, Rohan Shah, Nikhil Bhave, Chitralekha Gupta, Kini Sujeet, Pant Sachin, Chandrayan Kedar, Sengupta Dipti, Pradeep Gaddipati, Belle Shreyas R., Dave Nipun, Motamarri Deepak, Santosh N., Patel Bhavik Rajnikant, Sarda Swapnil, Tamrakar Neelesh Kumar, Savitha S., Ramakrishnan S., Kartik S. Vijay, Hariharan Subramanian, Siva Kumar R., Singh Om Prakash, Thapliyal Sunil, Ram Singh, Pavan Kumar K., Agarwal Ankush, Bapat Ashutosh Vishwas, Bhargava Rishabh, Vaity Chetan J., Kesarkar Manish P., Shah Dhaval, Manohar K., Shandilya Saurabh Kumar, Patel Ritesh J., Santosh Gupta, G. Moharir, M. A. Raju, Kulshrestha Peeyush, Bajpai Satyarth, A.K. Malot

Contact Details
Email address : prao@ee.iitb.ac.in
Address : EE 119, First Floor, Old EE Building, Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone Number : +91-22-2576-4670

Associated Faculty Members

Preeti Rao

  • TI-DSP laboratory was set up in EE Department in June 1996 to serve the following important function:
    • To support DSP hands-on projects in the undergraduate level.
    • To conduct DSP lab for undergraduate students for better understanding of DSP concepts using DSP processors.
    • To support DSP Research and Development in the Postgraduate level.
    • Provide feasibility study on DSP projects
    • Equip with the latest DSP platforms and resources, all under one roof.

    Texas Instruments(TI) agreed to provide DSP specific hardware and software support while support for lab infrastructure comes from the institute and other sponsored projects.Apart from this, Research areas on which we are currently working on are following:

    • State of the art Video Coding Technology (AVC/H.264 & HEVC/H.265)
    • Scalable Video Coding
    • Wavelet-based Video Coding
    • Video Watermarking
    • Wavelet-based Image Coding
    • Multidimensional Multirate System
    • M-band non separable filter bank application in Volume Rendering
    • Image Processing
    • Applications of non separable wavelets
    • VLSI implementation of Wavelet based applications
    • Parameter Estimation of Chirp signals

    Lab is equipped with the following DSP hardware:

    • TMS320VC5510 - DSK board (Fixed-point Processor)
    • TMS320VC6713 - DSK board (Floating-point Processor)
    • TMS32054x - DSK board
    • TMDXVDP6437- Digital Video Developers Platform
    • TMDXEVM6467-DaVinci Board
    • TMS3205x - DSK kit
    • TMS32062xx/67xx - EVM board

    Lab courses conducted:

    • Undergraduate DSP lab(EE352)

Associated Faculty Members

Vikram M. Gadre Preeti Rao Rajbabu Velmurugan

TA duty for Analog and Digital Labs conducted in WEL 1 and 2, Maintenance of Lab equipments.
The link for WEL Lab site is here.

Associated Faculty Members

Mahesh B. Patil

Ongoing Projects

Past Projects

IIT Bombay Research Park

Project Detail: Sponsored by MHRD, 2014-2019

Associated Faculty Members

Abhay Karandikar Swaroop Ganguly Saurabh Lodha
Techniques to Speedup Loading of Scan Pattern

Project Detail: LSI Technology Research Grant

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
Multi-Processor Electronic Design Automation

Project Detail: UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) grant, with Prof. MS Gaur, MNIT, Jaipur and Prof. Mark Zwolinski, Southampton University, UK

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
Design of Self-healing System Chips

Project Detail: Institutional Grant for Younger Researchers by Swedish Foundation of International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, with Prof. Erik Larsson, Linkoping University, Sweden

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
Synthesis of high quality testable circuits and diagnosis of performance oriented faults

Project Detail: Indo Russian (DST-RFBR) joint research grant with Prof. Anzhela Matrosova, Tomsk State University

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
Development of techniques for metamorphic malware detection and analysis

Project Detail: Indo Russian (DST-RFBR) joint research grant with Lyudmila Babenko, Taganrog Institute of Rechnology, and Prof. M.S. Gaur, MNIT, Jaipur

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
Computer aided design of hardware accelerated Tsunami prediction system

Project Detail: Research grant under strategic Japanese-Indian cooperative program (DST-JST) with Prof. Masahiro Fujita, Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan

Associated Faculty Members

Virendra Singh
National Programme on Perception Engineering

Project Detail: - Visual speech training aid for the hearing impaired - Speech processing for improving speech perception under adverse listening conditions - Binaural audio processing and presentation: Improving audio virtualization - Rendering and analysis of haptic signals - Anywhere projection for virtual reality

Associated Faculty Members

Prem C. Pandey Rajbabu Velmurugan Subhasis Chaudhuri Preeti Rao
Electronics design using DSP, FPGA, CPLD and Micro controllers through simulation and direct access of the hardware

Project Detail: MHRD sponsored project on developing simulation labs and experiments.

Associated Faculty Members

Sachin Patkar Rajbabu Velmurugan Mahesh B. Patil
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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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