The Digital Audio Processing Lab is a signal processing research facility dedicated to speech and audio applications. Research projects involving Ph.D. and M.Tech. students include music content analysis and retrieval, speech prosody for language learning, speech enhancement and recognition. The lab is equipped with computers, GPU servers, recording and listening equipment. The interdisciplinary flavour of several of the projects has stimulated many interactions with musicians, musicologists and language experts. Further, audio IP developed in the lab has been incorporated into a few products and services for the entertainment industry.
More information about the lab is available at DAP lab website
Research Areas/Publications
Audio Music Information Retrieval (MIR), Automating Spoken Language Assessment, Multi-channel Speech Enhancement
Resources and Facilities
GPU servers with NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti and GTX 1080, Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB interface and microphone setup for audio dataset recordings, Microphone array with AKG C417PP lapel condenser microphones, M-AUDIO USB interface for multichannel audio recordings
Related Specialization and Courses
Specialization : Communication and Signal Processing
Courses : EE403 Digital Signal Processing EE679 Speech Processing EE443 Digital Signal Processing Lab
List of associated students
Current students:
Ph.D.: Sabu Kamini Munnalal, Nikhil M, Vinutha T.P.
M.Tech: Shreeharsha B S, M A Rohit, Sachin Nayak
Dual Degree: Aniruddha Deshpande, Krishna Subramani
Ph.D.: Kaustuv Kanti Ganguli, Shrikant Shankar Joshi, Joe Cheri Ross, Vaishali Patil, Veena Karjigi, Vishweshwara Rao, Patwardhan Pushkar P.
M.Tech & Dual Degree: Pratheek Suresh, Charvi Vitthal, Kanhaiya Nathani, Hitesh Tulsiani, Prakhar Swarup, George Jose, Shrikant Venkataramani, Amruta Vidwans, Mayur Jagtap, Prateek Verma, Parvathy Chandran, Harikrishnan P, Pranav Jawale, Arpita Agrawal, Rutika Maheshwari, K. L. Srinivas, Rohan Shah, Nikhil Bhave, Chitralekha Gupta, Kini Sujeet, Pant Sachin, Chandrayan Kedar, Sengupta Dipti, Pradeep Gaddipati, Belle Shreyas R., Dave Nipun, Motamarri Deepak, Santosh N., Patel Bhavik Rajnikant, Sarda Swapnil, Tamrakar Neelesh Kumar, Savitha S., Ramakrishnan S., Kartik S. Vijay, Hariharan Subramanian, Siva Kumar R., Singh Om Prakash, Thapliyal Sunil, Ram Singh, Pavan Kumar K., Agarwal Ankush, Bapat Ashutosh Vishwas, Bhargava Rishabh, Vaity Chetan J., Kesarkar Manish P., Shah Dhaval, Manohar K., Shandilya Saurabh Kumar, Patel Ritesh J., Santosh Gupta, G. Moharir, M. A. Raju, Kulshrestha Peeyush, Bajpai Satyarth, A.K. Malot
Contact Details
Email address :
Address : EE 119, First Floor, Old EE Building, Department of Electrical Engineering
Phone Number : +91-22-2576-4670
Associated Faculty Members
Preeti Rao