Admissions to MTech programmes with a two-year duration are usually performed in the April-May months of every year. Details about eligibility criteria with regards to academic qualifications, experience, application forms and online application procedure, selection procedures etc are advertised here. Admissions to MTech programmes with a three-year duration, MTech programmes with RA positions are usually performed in the June-July months of every year. More details about eligibility criteria with regards to academic qualification, experience, application forms, selection procedures, etc. are advertised here.
If you are interested in admissions to MTech as Teaching Assistant (TA/TAP) or as Research Assistant (RA), or as Project Staff (PS) already working in IIT Bombay, you are strongly encouraged to appear in GATE. More information about GATE, including procedures for appearing in GATE, can be found here.
MTech with two-year duration: The two year MTech programme is a full-time programme and limited Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are available in the department. Teaching Assistant positions through sponsored projects may also be available sometimes. These positions are called Teaching Assistant through Project (TAP). All teaching assistants (whether TA or TAP) are required to assist course instructors for the prescribed hours per week. TA or TAP positions require a valid GATE score in EC/EE/IN/PH/CS disciplines as prescribed for various specializations. More information about GATE including procedures for appearing in GATE can be found here. Employees working in the industry or teachers of universities/colleges, who are sponsored full time by their respective organizations, can also apply for a full-time MTech programme. All such persons are required to satisfy a minimum working/professional experience of two years. Detailed eligibility conditions in terms of academic qualifications and experiences for the above programme can be found here.
MTech with three-year duration: sponsored staff, employees working in IIT Bombay either as permanent staff (IS) or employed in sponsored research projects as Project Staff (PS) and Research Assistant (RA) are eligible for part-time 3 year MTech programme. Except for RA, all others, sponsored staff, the institute’s permanent staff, and project staff require minimum working/professional experience of two years before they can be considered for admission.