Modeling devices: Static characteristics of ideal two terminal and three terminal devices, Small signal models of non-linear devices. Introduction to semiconductor equations and carrier statistics: poisson’s and continuity equations, Fermi-Dirac statistics and Boltzmann approximation to the Fermi-Dirac statistics. Semiconductor Diodes: Barrier formation in metal-semiconductor junctions, PN homo- and hetero- junctions, CV characteristics and dopant profiling, IV characteristics, Small signal models of diodes, Some Applications of diodes. Field Effect Devices: JFET/HFET, MIS structures and MOSFET operation; JFET characteristics and small signal models, MOS capacitor CV and concept of accumulation, depletion and inversion, MOSFET characteristics and small signal models. Bipolar transistors: IV characteristics and elers-Moll model, small signal models, Charge storage and transient response. Discrete transistor amplifiers: Common emitter and common source amplifiers, Emitter and source followers.