Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay




D. Manjunath

• BE from Mysore University
• MS from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
• PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst,Troy NY

Research Interests

• Computer and Communication Network Protocols
• Systems and Algorithms Performance Modeling
• Queuing Theory and Simulation
• Stochastic Systems

Work Experience

• Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Apr 2007­ – current.
• Assoc Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Feb 2001-Apr 2007.
• Asst. Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Jul 1998 – Feb 2001

Journal Papers

  1. Virag Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network flows for functions", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Special Issue on In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 714 - 730, Apr. 2013.
  2. Virag Shah, Bikash Kumar Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network flows for functions", Accepted, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Special Issue on In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, 2012.
  3. Rahul Meshram, V. S. Borkar and D. Manjunath, "Problem-aware Scheduling of In-Network Computation Over Multi-hop Wireless Networks", Submitted, 2012.
  4. N. Sastry, D. Manjunath, J. Crowcroft, and K. Sollins, "Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 868-880, Jun. 2011.
  5. N. Sastry, D. Manjunath, J. Crowcroft and K. Sollins, "Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 868-880, Jun. 2011.
  6. Bikash Kumar Dey, D. Manjunath, and Supriyo Chakraborty, "Estimating Network Link Characteristics using Packet-Pair Dispersion: A Discrete Time Queueing Theoretic Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1052-1068, Apr. 2011.
  7. Bikash Kumar Dey, D. Manjunath and Supriyo Chakraborty, "Estimating Link Characteristics using Packet-Pair Dispersion: A Discrete Time Queueing Theoretic Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1052-1068, Apr. 2011.
  8. Srikanth K. Iyer, D. Manjunath and Rajesh Sundaresan, "In-Network Computation in Random Wireless Networks at Constant Refresh Rates with Lower Energy Costs: A PAC Approach", IEEE Transacations on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 146-155, Jan. 2011.
  9. Pallavi Manohar and D. Manjunath, "On the Coverage Process of a Moving Point Target in a Non Uniform, Dynamic Sensor Field", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1245-1255, Sep. 2009.
  10. U. Jayakrishnan Nair and D. Manjunath, "Distributed Iterative Optimal Resource Allocation with Concurrent Updates of Routing and Flow Control Variables", IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1312-1325, Aug. 2009.
  11. J. Nair and D. Manjunath, "Distributed Iterative Optimal Resource Allocation With Concurrent Updates of Routing and Flow Control Variables", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, pp. 1312-1325, Aug. 2009. [DOI]
  12. Pallavi Manohar, S Sundhar Ram and D. Manjunath, "Path Coverage by a Sensor Field: The Non Homogeneous Case", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 5, no. 2, Mar. 2009.
  13. Anurag Kumar and D. Manjunath, "A Tutorial Survey of Topics in Wireless Networking: Part II", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sceinces (Engineering), vol. 32, no. 6, Dec. 2008.
  14. Srikanth. K. Iyer, D. Manjunath and D. Yogeshwaran, "Limit Laws for k-Coverage of Paths by a Markov- Poisson-Boolean Model", Stochastic Models, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 558-582, Oct. 2008.
  15. Bhupendra G. Gupta, Srikant K. Iyer and D. Manjunath, "On the Topological Properties of One Dimensional Exponential Random Geometric Graphs", Random Structures and Algorithms, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 181-204, Mar. 2008.
  16. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "A Distributed Control Law for Incremental Power Adaptation Based Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks", Wireless Networks, vol. 14, no. 5, 2008.
  17. Essia H. ElHafsi, Mart Molle and D. Manjunath, "On the application of forking nodes to product-form queueing networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 135-165, 2008.
  18. Anurag Kumar and D. Manjunath, "A Tutorial Survey of Topics in Wireless Networking:Part I", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sceinces (Engineering), vol. 32, no. 6, Dec. 2007.
  19. S. Sundhar Ram, D. Manjunath, Srikanth. K. Iyer and D. Yogeshwaran, "On the Path Coverage Properties of Random Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 446-458, May 2007.
  20. Anirudha Sahoo and D. Manjunath, "Revisiting WFQ: Minimum Packet Lengths Tighten Delay and Fairness Bounds", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 366-368, Apr. 2007.
  21. Amol Sahasrabudhe and D. Manjunath, "Performance of Optical Burst Switched Networks: A Two Moment Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 3550-3563, Dec. 2006.
  22. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Topological Properties of Random Wireless Networks", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 117-139, Apr. 2006.
  23. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Queues with Dependency Between Interarrival and Service Times Using Mixtures of Bivariates", Stochastic Models, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 320, 2005.
  24. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Correlated Queues using Linear Structures", Stochastic Models and Applications, vol. 8, no. 1, 2005.
  25. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "Charge Based Control of DiffServ-like Queues", Automatica, vol. 40, pp. 2043-2057, 2004.
  26. Srikanth K. Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Correlated Bivariate Sequences using Linear Structuresfor Queueing and Reliability Applications", Communications in Statistics, vol. 33, pp. 331-350, 2004.
  27. Rahul Tandra, N. Hemachandra and D. Manjunath, "Join Minimum Cost Queue for Multiclass Customers: Stability and Performance Bounds", Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol. 18, pp. 445-472, 2004.
  28. Rahul Tandra, N. Hemachandra and D. Manjunath, "DiffServ Node with Join Minimum Cost Queue Policy and Multiclass Traffic", Performance Evaluation (An Elsevier Journal), vol. 55, pp. 6991, 2004.
  29. Pallavi Manohar, Anant Padmanath, Sumit Singh and D. Manjunath, "Multiperiod Virtual Topology Design in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks", IEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 516-520, Dec. 2003.
  30. M. Desai and D. Manjunath, "On the Connectivity in Finite Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 437­439, Oct. 2002.
  31. Pallavi Manohar, D. Manjunath and R. K. Shevgaonkar, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks from Edge Disjoint Path Algorithms", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 211­213, May 2002.
  32. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Input Queued Switches for Variable Length Packets: Analysis for Poisson and Self Similar Traffic", Computer Communications: Special Issue on Terabit Switching, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 590-610, Apr. 2002.
  33. Srikanth K. Iyer, D. Manjunath, and R. Manivasakam, "Bivariate Exponential Distributions using Linear Structures", Sankhya: Series A, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 156-166, Feb. 2002.
  34. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Variable Length Packet Switches: Input Queued Fabrics with Finite Buffers, Speedup and Parallelism", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2228, 2001.
  35. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Integral Expressions for the Numerical Evaluation of Product Form Expressions Over Irregular Multidimensional Integer State Spaces", Telecommunication Systems, vol. 16, no. 1,2, pp. 195-215, 2001.
  36. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Queueing Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Copy Networks of Space Based Multicast Packet Switches", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 396­406, Jun. 2000.
  37. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle, "Effect of Bandwidth Allocation Schemes on Delay in Unidirectional Bus Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1309­1323, Sep. 1995.
  38. D.Manjunath and K.S.Vastola, "On Packet Processes in Interconnected LANs", In Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 587­591, Dec. 1992.

Conference Papers / Book Chapters

  1. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Efficient Flow Allocation Algorithms for In-Network Function Computation" in Globecom, Dec. 2011.
  2. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "“Efficient Flow Allocation Algorithms for In-Network Computation" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, Houston TX USA, Dec. 2011.
  3. T. Bodas, A. Ganesh, and D. Manjunath, "Load Balancing and Routing Games with Admission Prices" in Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Orlando FL USA, Dec. 2011.
  4. Tejas P. Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On Load Balancing Equilibria in Multiqueue Systems with Multiclass Traffic" in Proceedings of International Conference on NETwork Games, Control and OPtimization (NetGCooP), Paris, France, Oct. 2011.
  5. Tejas P. Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On Load Balancing Equilibria in Multiqueue Systems with Multiclass Traffic" in in Proceedings of International Conference on NETwork Games COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCooP) Paris France, Oct. 2011.
  6. A. Khan, A. Sahoo, and D. Manjunath, "Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router" in Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, Oct. 2011.
  7. A. Khan, A. Sahoo, and D. Manjunath, "Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router" in in Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) Bonn Germany, Oct. 2011.
  8. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network Flows for Functions" in Proceeedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-2011), St.~Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 2011.
  9. Sibi Raj Bhaskaran, D. Manjunath, and Gourav Vijayvergia, "On the Timing Channel in a Queue Inferencing Setting" in Invited Paper Eigth International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) , Jul. 2010.
  10. P. Manohar and D. Manjunath, "Survivability Analysis under Non Uniform Stochastically Dependent Node Damages" in in Proceedings of the National Communications Conference (NCC 2010) Jan 2010 Chennai INDIA, Jan. 2010.
  11. S. Poojary, R. Raghavendra, and D. Manjunath, "An Online Derivative-Free Optimization Approach to Autotuning of Computing Systems" in In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking Kolkata INDIA., Jan. 2010.
  12. R. Birke et al., "Control and Management Plane in a Multistage Software Router Architecture" in Proceedings of High Performance Switching and Routing Conference Shanghai China, Jun. 2009.
  13. S. T. Aditya, Pallavi Manohar, and D. Manjunath, "On the k-Coverage of Line Segments by a Non Homogeneous Poisson-Boolean Model" in Proceedings of Workshop on Stochastic Geometry (SPASWIN) at WiOpt 2009 Seoul Korea, May 2009.
  14. N. Athaide, A. Khan, D. Manjunath, and A. Sahoo, "Trie Partitioning in Distributed PC Based Routers" in Proceedings of COMSNETS Bangalore INDIA , Jan. 2009.
  15. A. Khan, R. Birke, D. Manjunath, A. Sahoo, and A. Bianco, "Distributed PC Based Routers: Bottleneck Analysis and Architecture Proposal" in Proceedings of High Performance Switching and Routing Conference Shanghai China, Jun. 2008.
  16. Pallavi Manohar and D. Manjunath, "On the Coverage Process of a Moving Target in Dynamic Nonstationary Sensor Field" in Proceedings of Workshop on Stochastic Geometry (SPASWIN ) at WiOpt 2008 Berlin Germany, Apr. 2008.
  17. P. Vasantha Kumar and D. Manjunath, "Remote NATs for Always-Best-Connected Service and Application Mobility " in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing Singapore, Dec. 2007.
  18. Nikhil Karamchandani, D. Manjunath, D. Yogeshwaran, and Srikanth K. Iyer, "Evolving Random Geometric Graph Models for Mobile Wireless Networks " in In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks. Boston MA , Dec. 2006.
  19. Pallavi Manohar, S. Sundhar Ram, and D. Manjunath, "On the Path Coverage by a Non Homogeneous Sensor Field" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco CA, Nov. 2006.
  20. Eric Law, Venkata N. Lolla, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Chinya R. Ravishankar, and D. Manjunath, "Detecting MAC Layer Back-off Timer Violations in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks " in In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Distributed Systems (ICDCS) Lisboa Portugal, Jul. 2006.
  21. S. Sundhar Ram, Pallavi Manohar, and D. Manjunath, "Monitoring a Wireless Sensor Network " in In Proceedings of the National Communications Conference (NCC-2006) New Delhi India, Jan. 2006.
  22. Madhav Desai and D. Manjunath, "On Range Matrices and Geometric Random Graphs " in In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) Trentino Italy, Dec. 2005.
  23. Dinesh Garg, Vivek S. Borkar, and D. Manjunath, "Network Pricing for QoS: A `Regulation’ Approach" in Proceedings of the Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks: In honor of Pravin Varaiya, Birkhauser Boston, Dec. 2005.
  24. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "A Distributed Control Law for Incremental Power Adaptation Based Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks " in In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) Trentino Italy , Selected as one of the best papers and Invited for Special Issue of “Wireless Networks” Journal, Dec. 2005.
  25. Nikhil Karamchandani, D. Manjunath, and Srikanth K. Iyer, "On the Clustering Properties of Exponential Random Networks " in In Proceedings of the IEEE Intnl. Symp. World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) Taormina Italy, Jul. 2005.
  26. Essia H. ElHafsi, Mart Molle, and D. Manjunath, "Can We Use Product-Form Solution Techniques for Networks with Alternate Path Routing " in In Proc of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS’05) Philadelphia PA USA, Jul. 2005.
  27. Supriyo Chakraborty, Bikramjit Walia, and D. Manjunath, "Non Cooperative Path Characterisation Using Packet Spacing Techniques " in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing Hong Kong PRChina, May 2005.
  28. Naresh Singhmar, Vipul Mathur, Varsha Apte, and D. Manjunath, "A Combined LIFO-Priority Scheme for Overload Control of E-commerce Web Servers " in International Survivability Workshop at IEEE-RTSS ‘04 Lisbon Portugal, Dec. 2004.
  29. Arati Tapase and D. Manjunath, "Estimating Parameters of Segment Delay on Network Paths " in In Proc. of the Tenth National Communications Conference (NCC-2004) Bangalore India, Judged as one of best five papers in the conference, Jan. 2004.
  30. Kapil Bajaj, Balaji Kasal, Harshal Ninawe, Sriharsha, and D. Manjunath, "Non-Cooperative End-to-End Path Characterisation " in In Proc. of the Ninth National Communications Conference (NCC-2003) Chennai India, Jan. 2003.
  31. Kapil Bajaj and D. Manjunath, "Intranet Topology Discovery using Untwine " in In Proc. of Ninth National Communications Conference (NCC-2003) Chennai India, Jan. 2003.
  32. Pallavi Manohar, Anant Padmanath, Sumit Singh, and D. Manjunath, "Multiperiod Virtual Topology Design in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks " in In Proc of Photonics 2002 Mumbai, Selected to be among the best papers and invited for Submission to IEE Proceedings on Circuits Devices and Systems, Dec. 2002.
  33. D. Manjunath, Ashish Goel, and N. Hemachandra, "DiffServ Node with Join Minimum Cost Queue Policy: Analysis with Multiclass Traffic" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, pp.2573-2577, Nov. 2002.
  34. P. Dube, V. S. Borkar, and D. Manjunath, "Differential Join Prices for Parallel Queues: Social Optimality, Dynamic Pricing Algorithms and Application to Internet Pricing" in In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.276­283, Jun. 2002.
  35. Pallavi Manohar, D. Manjunath, and R. K. Shevgaonkar, "Effect of Objective Function on Performance in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks " in in Proc of Eighth National Commun. Conf (NCC-2002) Mumbai, Jan. 2002.
  36. D. Manjunath and Padma Panchapakesan, "On the Transmission Range in Dense Ad Hoc Radio Networks" in In Proc of Signal Processing and Communication Conference SPCOM-01 Bangalore India, Dec. 2001.
  37. V. Khandkar and D. Manjunath, "Delay Models for Single Hop and Multihop HIPERLAN " in In Proc of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2001) Atlantic City NJ, Sep. 2001.
  38. Padma Panchapakesan and D. Manjunath, "Randomised Transmission for k-Gossip Multihop Radio Networks" in In Proc of International Conf on Personal and Wireless Commun (ICPWC-2000), Dec. 2000.
  39. Hema Tahilramani, D. Manjunath, and S.K. Bose, "QNAT–A Queueing Network Analysis Tool" in In Tools Track Proc of VIII Intnl Symp on Modeling Analysis and Simulation (MASCOTS) San Francisco CA, Sep. 2000.
  40. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Variable Length Packet Switches: Delay Analysis of Crossbar Switches under Poisson and Self Similar Traffic" in In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.1055­1064, Mar. 2000.
  41. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Integral Expressions for the Numerical Evaluation of Product Form Expressions Over Irregular Multidimensional Integer State Spaces" in In Proc of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 99), Selected as one of the best papers in the conference and invited for Submission to Telecommunication Systems, Oct. 1999.
  42. Hema Tahilramani, D. Manjunath, and S. K. Bose, "Approximate Analysis of Open Network of GE/GE/m/N Queues with Transfer Blocking" in In Proc of VII Intnl Symp on Modeling Analysis and Simulation (MASCOTS) College Park MD, Oct. 1999.
  43. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Input Queued Switches for Variable Length Packets: A Continuous Time Analysis" in In Proc. of IEEE Broadband Switching Symposium (BSS-99) Kingston Ontario, Jun. 1999.
  44. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Queueing Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Copy Networks of Space Based Multicast ATM Switches" in In Proc. IEEE Broadband Switching Symposium (BSS-99) Kingston Ontario, Mar. 1999.
  45. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Evaluation of the Exact Overflow Probabilities in a Space Based Multicast Switch Copy Network" in In Proc of the Conference on Information Systems and Sciences (CISS) Baltimore MD, Mar. 1999.
  46. Neeraj Gupta and D. Manjunath, "Gossiping in Multihop Radio Networks" in In Proc of International Conf on Personal and Wireless Commun (ICPWC-99) Jaipur India, Feb. 1999.
  47. D. Manjunath and In et al, "QNAT: A Graphical Tool for the Analysis of Queueing Networks" in In Proc. of IEEE TENCON New Delhi India , Dec. 1998.
  48. Jayesh V. Shah and D. Manjunath, "Memory Optimized Lee Multicast Switch" in In Proc. of Third National Conference on Communications NCC 97 Madras India , Feb. 1997.
  49. D. Manjunath and Sandhya V. Sule, "Multicast Service: Flow Control and Throughput Modelling" in In Proc. of the Second National Conference on Communications NCC 96 Bombay India , Feb. 1996.
  50. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle , "Queue Inferencing Techniques for Passive Monitoring of Telecommunication Networks" in Invited Paper INFORMS Meeting Fall 1995 New Orleans LA., Dec. 1995.
  51. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle, "Passive Estimation Algorithms for Queueing Delays in LANs and other Polling Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.240­247, Mar. 1995.
  52. Mart Molle, D. Manjunath, and , "Online Estimation of Packet Waiting Times in Local Area Networks" in Invited Paper ORSA/TIMS Meeting Detroit MI., Oct. 1994.
  53. D. Manjunath, "Random Access and High Speed Bus Networks" in in Proceedings of Conference on Information Sciences & Systems 1993 Baltimore MD., Dec. 1993.
  54. D. Manjunath and K. S. Vastola, "Collisions in Contention Ring Protocols" in Proceedings of the Conference on Information Sciences & Systems Princeton NJ, Mar. 1990.
  55. A. Jhunjhunwala, R. K. Sanghi, and D.Manjunath, "Fibre Optic Bus Network for Voice and Data Transmission in a Ship" in In Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile Platforms Norris Lewis and Emery L. Moore Editors Proceedings of SPE-840 , Dec. 1987.
  56. A. Jhunjhunwala, R. K. Sanghi, and D.Manjunath, "An Optical LAN for Voice/Data Integration" in In Proc. of Intnl. Symp. on Electronic Devices Circuits and Systems Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India , Dec. 1987.


  1. Lalhruaizela Chhangte, Aditi Garg, D Manjunath, and Nikhil Karamchandani, "Wi-cache: Towards an SDN based distributed content caching system in WLAN", IEEE, Jan. 2018.

D. Manjunath

• BE from Mysore University
• MS from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
• PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst,Troy NY

Research Interests

• Computer and Communication Network Protocols
• Systems and Algorithms Performance Modeling
• Queuing Theory and Simulation
• Stochastic Systems

Work Experience

• Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Apr 2007­ – current.
• Assoc Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Feb 2001-Apr 2007.
• Asst. Professor, Dept of Electrical Engineering,Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Jul 1998 – Feb 2001

Journal Papers

  1. Virag Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network flows for functions", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Special Issue on In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 714 - 730, Apr. 2013.
  2. Virag Shah, Bikash Kumar Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network flows for functions", Accepted, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications - Special Issue on In-Network Computation: Exploring the Fundamental Limits, 2012.
  3. Rahul Meshram, V. S. Borkar and D. Manjunath, "Problem-aware Scheduling of In-Network Computation Over Multi-hop Wireless Networks", Submitted, 2012.
  4. N. Sastry, D. Manjunath, J. Crowcroft, and K. Sollins, "Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 868-880, Jun. 2011.
  5. N. Sastry, D. Manjunath, J. Crowcroft and K. Sollins, "Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 868-880, Jun. 2011.
  6. Bikash Kumar Dey, D. Manjunath, and Supriyo Chakraborty, "Estimating Network Link Characteristics using Packet-Pair Dispersion: A Discrete Time Queueing Theoretic Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1052-1068, Apr. 2011.
  7. Bikash Kumar Dey, D. Manjunath and Supriyo Chakraborty, "Estimating Link Characteristics using Packet-Pair Dispersion: A Discrete Time Queueing Theoretic Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1052-1068, Apr. 2011.
  8. Srikanth K. Iyer, D. Manjunath and Rajesh Sundaresan, "In-Network Computation in Random Wireless Networks at Constant Refresh Rates with Lower Energy Costs: A PAC Approach", IEEE Transacations on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 146-155, Jan. 2011.
  9. Pallavi Manohar and D. Manjunath, "On the Coverage Process of a Moving Point Target in a Non Uniform, Dynamic Sensor Field", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 1245-1255, Sep. 2009.
  10. U. Jayakrishnan Nair and D. Manjunath, "Distributed Iterative Optimal Resource Allocation with Concurrent Updates of Routing and Flow Control Variables", IEEE Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1312-1325, Aug. 2009.
  11. J. Nair and D. Manjunath, "Distributed Iterative Optimal Resource Allocation With Concurrent Updates of Routing and Flow Control Variables", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 17, pp. 1312-1325, Aug. 2009. [DOI]
  12. Pallavi Manohar, S Sundhar Ram and D. Manjunath, "Path Coverage by a Sensor Field: The Non Homogeneous Case", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 5, no. 2, Mar. 2009.
  13. Anurag Kumar and D. Manjunath, "A Tutorial Survey of Topics in Wireless Networking: Part II", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sceinces (Engineering), vol. 32, no. 6, Dec. 2008.
  14. Srikanth. K. Iyer, D. Manjunath and D. Yogeshwaran, "Limit Laws for k-Coverage of Paths by a Markov- Poisson-Boolean Model", Stochastic Models, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 558-582, Oct. 2008.
  15. Bhupendra G. Gupta, Srikant K. Iyer and D. Manjunath, "On the Topological Properties of One Dimensional Exponential Random Geometric Graphs", Random Structures and Algorithms, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 181-204, Mar. 2008.
  16. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "A Distributed Control Law for Incremental Power Adaptation Based Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks", Wireless Networks, vol. 14, no. 5, 2008.
  17. Essia H. ElHafsi, Mart Molle and D. Manjunath, "On the application of forking nodes to product-form queueing networks", International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 135-165, 2008.
  18. Anurag Kumar and D. Manjunath, "A Tutorial Survey of Topics in Wireless Networking:Part I", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sceinces (Engineering), vol. 32, no. 6, Dec. 2007.
  19. S. Sundhar Ram, D. Manjunath, Srikanth. K. Iyer and D. Yogeshwaran, "On the Path Coverage Properties of Random Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 446-458, May 2007.
  20. Anirudha Sahoo and D. Manjunath, "Revisiting WFQ: Minimum Packet Lengths Tighten Delay and Fairness Bounds", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 366-368, Apr. 2007.
  21. Amol Sahasrabudhe and D. Manjunath, "Performance of Optical Burst Switched Networks: A Two Moment Analysis", Computer Networks, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 3550-3563, Dec. 2006.
  22. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Topological Properties of Random Wireless Networks", Sadhana: Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 117-139, Apr. 2006.
  23. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Queues with Dependency Between Interarrival and Service Times Using Mixtures of Bivariates", Stochastic Models, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 320, 2005.
  24. Srikanth Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Correlated Queues using Linear Structures", Stochastic Models and Applications, vol. 8, no. 1, 2005.
  25. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "Charge Based Control of DiffServ-like Queues", Automatica, vol. 40, pp. 2043-2057, 2004.
  26. Srikanth K. Iyer and D. Manjunath, "Correlated Bivariate Sequences using Linear Structuresfor Queueing and Reliability Applications", Communications in Statistics, vol. 33, pp. 331-350, 2004.
  27. Rahul Tandra, N. Hemachandra and D. Manjunath, "Join Minimum Cost Queue for Multiclass Customers: Stability and Performance Bounds", Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol. 18, pp. 445-472, 2004.
  28. Rahul Tandra, N. Hemachandra and D. Manjunath, "DiffServ Node with Join Minimum Cost Queue Policy and Multiclass Traffic", Performance Evaluation (An Elsevier Journal), vol. 55, pp. 6991, 2004.
  29. Pallavi Manohar, Anant Padmanath, Sumit Singh and D. Manjunath, "Multiperiod Virtual Topology Design in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks", IEE Proceedings on Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 516-520, Dec. 2003.
  30. M. Desai and D. Manjunath, "On the Connectivity in Finite Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 437­439, Oct. 2002.
  31. Pallavi Manohar, D. Manjunath and R. K. Shevgaonkar, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks from Edge Disjoint Path Algorithms", IEEE Communication Letters, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 211­213, May 2002.
  32. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Input Queued Switches for Variable Length Packets: Analysis for Poisson and Self Similar Traffic", Computer Communications: Special Issue on Terabit Switching, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 590-610, Apr. 2002.
  33. Srikanth K. Iyer, D. Manjunath, and R. Manivasakam, "Bivariate Exponential Distributions using Linear Structures", Sankhya: Series A, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 156-166, Feb. 2002.
  34. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Variable Length Packet Switches: Input Queued Fabrics with Finite Buffers, Speedup and Parallelism", In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2228, 2001.
  35. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Integral Expressions for the Numerical Evaluation of Product Form Expressions Over Irregular Multidimensional Integer State Spaces", Telecommunication Systems, vol. 16, no. 1,2, pp. 195-215, 2001.
  36. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Queueing Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Copy Networks of Space Based Multicast Packet Switches", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 396­406, Jun. 2000.
  37. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle, "Effect of Bandwidth Allocation Schemes on Delay in Unidirectional Bus Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1309­1323, Sep. 1995.
  38. D.Manjunath and K.S.Vastola, "On Packet Processes in Interconnected LANs", In Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 587­591, Dec. 1992.

Conference Papers / Book Chapters

  1. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Efficient Flow Allocation Algorithms for In-Network Function Computation" in Globecom, Dec. 2011.
  2. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "“Efficient Flow Allocation Algorithms for In-Network Computation" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, Houston TX USA, Dec. 2011.
  3. T. Bodas, A. Ganesh, and D. Manjunath, "Load Balancing and Routing Games with Admission Prices" in Proceedings of IEEE CDC, Orlando FL USA, Dec. 2011.
  4. Tejas P. Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On Load Balancing Equilibria in Multiqueue Systems with Multiclass Traffic" in Proceedings of International Conference on NETwork Games, Control and OPtimization (NetGCooP), Paris, France, Oct. 2011.
  5. Tejas P. Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On Load Balancing Equilibria in Multiqueue Systems with Multiclass Traffic" in in Proceedings of International Conference on NETwork Games COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCooP) Paris France, Oct. 2011.
  6. A. Khan, A. Sahoo, and D. Manjunath, "Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router" in Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, Oct. 2011.
  7. A. Khan, A. Sahoo, and D. Manjunath, "Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router" in in Proceedings of 36th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) Bonn Germany, Oct. 2011.
  8. V. Shah, B. K. Dey, and D. Manjunath, "Network Flows for Functions" in Proceeedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-2011), St.~Petersburg, Russia, Aug. 2011.
  9. Sibi Raj Bhaskaran, D. Manjunath, and Gourav Vijayvergia, "On the Timing Channel in a Queue Inferencing Setting" in Invited Paper Eigth International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) , Jul. 2010.
  10. P. Manohar and D. Manjunath, "Survivability Analysis under Non Uniform Stochastically Dependent Node Damages" in in Proceedings of the National Communications Conference (NCC 2010) Jan 2010 Chennai INDIA, Jan. 2010.
  11. S. Poojary, R. Raghavendra, and D. Manjunath, "An Online Derivative-Free Optimization Approach to Autotuning of Computing Systems" in In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking Kolkata INDIA., Jan. 2010.
  12. R. Birke et al., "Control and Management Plane in a Multistage Software Router Architecture" in Proceedings of High Performance Switching and Routing Conference Shanghai China, Jun. 2009.
  13. S. T. Aditya, Pallavi Manohar, and D. Manjunath, "On the k-Coverage of Line Segments by a Non Homogeneous Poisson-Boolean Model" in Proceedings of Workshop on Stochastic Geometry (SPASWIN) at WiOpt 2009 Seoul Korea, May 2009.
  14. N. Athaide, A. Khan, D. Manjunath, and A. Sahoo, "Trie Partitioning in Distributed PC Based Routers" in Proceedings of COMSNETS Bangalore INDIA , Jan. 2009.
  15. A. Khan, R. Birke, D. Manjunath, A. Sahoo, and A. Bianco, "Distributed PC Based Routers: Bottleneck Analysis and Architecture Proposal" in Proceedings of High Performance Switching and Routing Conference Shanghai China, Jun. 2008.
  16. Pallavi Manohar and D. Manjunath, "On the Coverage Process of a Moving Target in Dynamic Nonstationary Sensor Field" in Proceedings of Workshop on Stochastic Geometry (SPASWIN ) at WiOpt 2008 Berlin Germany, Apr. 2008.
  17. P. Vasantha Kumar and D. Manjunath, "Remote NATs for Always-Best-Connected Service and Application Mobility " in Proceedings of International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing Singapore, Dec. 2007.
  18. Nikhil Karamchandani, D. Manjunath, D. Yogeshwaran, and Srikanth K. Iyer, "Evolving Random Geometric Graph Models for Mobile Wireless Networks " in In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks. Boston MA , Dec. 2006.
  19. Pallavi Manohar, S. Sundhar Ram, and D. Manjunath, "On the Path Coverage by a Non Homogeneous Sensor Field" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco CA, Nov. 2006.
  20. Eric Law, Venkata N. Lolla, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Chinya R. Ravishankar, and D. Manjunath, "Detecting MAC Layer Back-off Timer Violations in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks " in In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Distributed Systems (ICDCS) Lisboa Portugal, Jul. 2006.
  21. S. Sundhar Ram, Pallavi Manohar, and D. Manjunath, "Monitoring a Wireless Sensor Network " in In Proceedings of the National Communications Conference (NCC-2006) New Delhi India, Jan. 2006.
  22. Madhav Desai and D. Manjunath, "On Range Matrices and Geometric Random Graphs " in In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) Trentino Italy, Dec. 2005.
  23. Dinesh Garg, Vivek S. Borkar, and D. Manjunath, "Network Pricing for QoS: A `Regulation’ Approach" in Proceedings of the Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks: In honor of Pravin Varaiya, Birkhauser Boston, Dec. 2005.
  24. Vivek Borkar and D. Manjunath, "A Distributed Control Law for Incremental Power Adaptation Based Topology Control of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks " in In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt) Trentino Italy , Selected as one of the best papers and Invited for Special Issue of “Wireless Networks” Journal, Dec. 2005.
  25. Nikhil Karamchandani, D. Manjunath, and Srikanth K. Iyer, "On the Clustering Properties of Exponential Random Networks " in In Proceedings of the IEEE Intnl. Symp. World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) Taormina Italy, Jul. 2005.
  26. Essia H. ElHafsi, Mart Molle, and D. Manjunath, "Can We Use Product-Form Solution Techniques for Networks with Alternate Path Routing " in In Proc of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS’05) Philadelphia PA USA, Jul. 2005.
  27. Supriyo Chakraborty, Bikramjit Walia, and D. Manjunath, "Non Cooperative Path Characterisation Using Packet Spacing Techniques " in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing Hong Kong PRChina, May 2005.
  28. Naresh Singhmar, Vipul Mathur, Varsha Apte, and D. Manjunath, "A Combined LIFO-Priority Scheme for Overload Control of E-commerce Web Servers " in International Survivability Workshop at IEEE-RTSS ‘04 Lisbon Portugal, Dec. 2004.
  29. Arati Tapase and D. Manjunath, "Estimating Parameters of Segment Delay on Network Paths " in In Proc. of the Tenth National Communications Conference (NCC-2004) Bangalore India, Judged as one of best five papers in the conference, Jan. 2004.
  30. Kapil Bajaj, Balaji Kasal, Harshal Ninawe, Sriharsha, and D. Manjunath, "Non-Cooperative End-to-End Path Characterisation " in In Proc. of the Ninth National Communications Conference (NCC-2003) Chennai India, Jan. 2003.
  31. Kapil Bajaj and D. Manjunath, "Intranet Topology Discovery using Untwine " in In Proc. of Ninth National Communications Conference (NCC-2003) Chennai India, Jan. 2003.
  32. Pallavi Manohar, Anant Padmanath, Sumit Singh, and D. Manjunath, "Multiperiod Virtual Topology Design in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks " in In Proc of Photonics 2002 Mumbai, Selected to be among the best papers and invited for Submission to IEE Proceedings on Circuits Devices and Systems, Dec. 2002.
  33. D. Manjunath, Ashish Goel, and N. Hemachandra, "DiffServ Node with Join Minimum Cost Queue Policy: Analysis with Multiclass Traffic" in Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, pp.2573-2577, Nov. 2002.
  34. P. Dube, V. S. Borkar, and D. Manjunath, "Differential Join Prices for Parallel Queues: Social Optimality, Dynamic Pricing Algorithms and Application to Internet Pricing" in In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.276­283, Jun. 2002.
  35. Pallavi Manohar, D. Manjunath, and R. K. Shevgaonkar, "Effect of Objective Function on Performance in Wavelength Routed Optical Networks " in in Proc of Eighth National Commun. Conf (NCC-2002) Mumbai, Jan. 2002.
  36. D. Manjunath and Padma Panchapakesan, "On the Transmission Range in Dense Ad Hoc Radio Networks" in In Proc of Signal Processing and Communication Conference SPCOM-01 Bangalore India, Dec. 2001.
  37. V. Khandkar and D. Manjunath, "Delay Models for Single Hop and Multihop HIPERLAN " in In Proc of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2001) Atlantic City NJ, Sep. 2001.
  38. Padma Panchapakesan and D. Manjunath, "Randomised Transmission for k-Gossip Multihop Radio Networks" in In Proc of International Conf on Personal and Wireless Commun (ICPWC-2000), Dec. 2000.
  39. Hema Tahilramani, D. Manjunath, and S.K. Bose, "QNAT–A Queueing Network Analysis Tool" in In Tools Track Proc of VIII Intnl Symp on Modeling Analysis and Simulation (MASCOTS) San Francisco CA, Sep. 2000.
  40. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Variable Length Packet Switches: Delay Analysis of Crossbar Switches under Poisson and Self Similar Traffic" in In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.1055­1064, Mar. 2000.
  41. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Integral Expressions for the Numerical Evaluation of Product Form Expressions Over Irregular Multidimensional Integer State Spaces" in In Proc of the International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 99), Selected as one of the best papers in the conference and invited for Submission to Telecommunication Systems, Oct. 1999.
  42. Hema Tahilramani, D. Manjunath, and S. K. Bose, "Approximate Analysis of Open Network of GE/GE/m/N Queues with Transfer Blocking" in In Proc of VII Intnl Symp on Modeling Analysis and Simulation (MASCOTS) College Park MD, Oct. 1999.
  43. D. Manjunath and Biplab Sikdar, "Input Queued Switches for Variable Length Packets: A Continuous Time Analysis" in In Proc. of IEEE Broadband Switching Symposium (BSS-99) Kingston Ontario, Jun. 1999.
  44. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Queueing Analysis of Scheduling Policies in Copy Networks of Space Based Multicast ATM Switches" in In Proc. IEEE Broadband Switching Symposium (BSS-99) Kingston Ontario, Mar. 1999.
  45. Biplab Sikdar and D. Manjunath, "Evaluation of the Exact Overflow Probabilities in a Space Based Multicast Switch Copy Network" in In Proc of the Conference on Information Systems and Sciences (CISS) Baltimore MD, Mar. 1999.
  46. Neeraj Gupta and D. Manjunath, "Gossiping in Multihop Radio Networks" in In Proc of International Conf on Personal and Wireless Commun (ICPWC-99) Jaipur India, Feb. 1999.
  47. D. Manjunath and In et al, "QNAT: A Graphical Tool for the Analysis of Queueing Networks" in In Proc. of IEEE TENCON New Delhi India , Dec. 1998.
  48. Jayesh V. Shah and D. Manjunath, "Memory Optimized Lee Multicast Switch" in In Proc. of Third National Conference on Communications NCC 97 Madras India , Feb. 1997.
  49. D. Manjunath and Sandhya V. Sule, "Multicast Service: Flow Control and Throughput Modelling" in In Proc. of the Second National Conference on Communications NCC 96 Bombay India , Feb. 1996.
  50. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle , "Queue Inferencing Techniques for Passive Monitoring of Telecommunication Networks" in Invited Paper INFORMS Meeting Fall 1995 New Orleans LA., Dec. 1995.
  51. D. Manjunath and Mart L. Molle, "Passive Estimation Algorithms for Queueing Delays in LANs and other Polling Systems" in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, pp.240­247, Mar. 1995.
  52. Mart Molle, D. Manjunath, and , "Online Estimation of Packet Waiting Times in Local Area Networks" in Invited Paper ORSA/TIMS Meeting Detroit MI., Oct. 1994.
  53. D. Manjunath, "Random Access and High Speed Bus Networks" in in Proceedings of Conference on Information Sciences & Systems 1993 Baltimore MD., Dec. 1993.
  54. D. Manjunath and K. S. Vastola, "Collisions in Contention Ring Protocols" in Proceedings of the Conference on Information Sciences & Systems Princeton NJ, Mar. 1990.
  55. A. Jhunjhunwala, R. K. Sanghi, and D.Manjunath, "Fibre Optic Bus Network for Voice and Data Transmission in a Ship" in In Fiber Optic Systems for Mobile Platforms Norris Lewis and Emery L. Moore Editors Proceedings of SPE-840 , Dec. 1987.
  56. A. Jhunjhunwala, R. K. Sanghi, and D.Manjunath, "An Optical LAN for Voice/Data Integration" in In Proc. of Intnl. Symp. on Electronic Devices Circuits and Systems Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India , Dec. 1987.


  1. Lalhruaizela Chhangte, Aditi Garg, D Manjunath, and Nikhil Karamchandani, "Wi-cache: Towards an SDN based distributed content caching system in WLAN", IEEE, Jan. 2018.


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IIT Bombay was established in the year 1957 and the department of Electrical Engineering (EE) has been one of its major departments since its inception.

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