Harish K. Pillai
Head's Message
Ours is one of the largest departments in the institute in the terms of the number of faculty members, students enrolled and research funding. The department has made rapid strides during the last decade in all spheres of education and research. Our undergraduate program has always been known to be one of the best engineering undergraduate programs in the country. We now emphasize post-graduate education and research in a significant way. In our department, Masters and Doctoral students outnumber undergraduate students today. Our sponsored research activities have multiplied several folds. From 2000 to 2012, there has been a tenfold increase in terms of the sponsored research budget. The department has set up many states of the art research laboratories and centres such as the Center for Excellence in Nanoelectronics, the National Center for Photovoltaic Research and Education, Telecom Center of Excellence to name a few. We recognize that we have a tremendous role to play in driving our country’s technology roadmap in the Electronics sector.
We provide a very informal atmosphere between faculty and students. EE department has always been known for creating an ambience where scholarship flourishes. Faculty members of our department are not only engaged in cutting edge technology research but are also very passionate about teaching. We pride ourselves on having persons with an exceptional academic background as our faculty colleagues. If you have a high academic standing (as demonstrated by high-quality publications and good academic pedigree), desire for student mentoring and teaching and would like to be part of our faculty, please write to us at fsc_convenor@ee.iitb.ac.in. Our department has an ambitious plan of further improving both the quality and quantity of research that can make a difference as well as have an impact at the global level. We constantly look for bright, young students who have the passion to participate in our research programs. If you are one of them, we would like to encourage you to apply for our Master and PhD programs. You may also have an opportunity to be part of a research group or team by joining some of the sponsored projects as Project Staff. As Project Staff, you may get an opportunity to do MTech and PhD in our department. Such positions may be advertised on our website from time to time and also on the website of the Dean of Research and Development (http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in).
If you are an alumnus of the department and are reading this page, then it is now time to get in touch with us. Believe me, these are exciting times in the department and we would love to get your support. Alumni support has always been a great driving force in the progress of our institute and we value our continued relationship with all alumni.
Finally, our department has a long tradition of striving for excellence in whatever we do. I hope we will be able to maintain this in the years to come.
EE Office, Second Floor, GG Bldg. Department of Electrical
Engineering IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India -
(O): +91-22-2576-7400 (R): +91-22-2576-8472
- head@ee.iitb.ac.in
- EE IIT Bombay

Harish K. Pillai
Head's Message
Ours is one of the largest departments in the institute in the terms of the number of faculty members, students enrolled and research funding. The department has made rapid strides during the last decade in all spheres of education and research. Our undergraduate program has always been known to be one of the best engineering undergraduate programs in the country. We now emphasize post-graduate education and research in a significant way. In our department, Masters and Doctoral students outnumber undergraduate students today. Our sponsored research activities have multiplied several folds. From 2000 to 2012, there has been a tenfold increase in terms of the sponsored research budget. The department has set up many states of the art research laboratories and centres such as the Center for Excellence in Nanoelectronics, the National Center for Photovoltaic Research and Education, Telecom Center of Excellence to name a few. We recognize that we have a tremendous role to play in driving our country’s technology roadmap in the Electronics sector.
We provide a very informal atmosphere between faculty and students. EE department has always been known for creating an ambience where scholarship flourishes. Faculty members of our department are not only engaged in cutting edge technology research but are also very passionate about teaching. We pride ourselves on having persons with an exceptional academic background as our faculty colleagues. If you have a high academic standing (as demonstrated by high-quality publications and good academic pedigree), desire for student mentoring and teaching and would like to be part of our faculty, please write to us at fsc_convenor@ee.iitb.ac.in. Our department has an ambitious plan of further improving both the quality and quantity of research that can make a difference as well as have an impact at the global level. We constantly look for bright, young students who have the passion to participate in our research programs. If you are one of them, we would like to encourage you to apply for our Master and PhD programs. You may also have an opportunity to be part of a research group or team by joining some of the sponsored projects as Project Staff. As Project Staff, you may get an opportunity to do MTech and PhD in our department. Such positions may be advertised on our website from time to time and also on the website of the Dean of Research and Development (http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in).
If you are an alumnus of the department and are reading this page, then it is now time to get in touch with us. Believe me, these are exciting times in the department and we would love to get your support. Alumni support has always been a great driving force in the progress of our institute and we value our continued relationship with all alumni.
Finally, our department has a long tradition of striving for excellence in whatever we do. I hope we will be able to maintain this in the years to come.
EE Office, Second Floor, GG Bldg. Department of Electrical
Engineering IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India -
(O): +91-22-2576-7400 (R): +91-22-2576-8472
- head@ee.iitb.ac.in
- EE IIT Bombay

Harish K. Pillai
Head's Message
Ours is one of the largest departments in the institute in the terms of the number of faculty members, students enrolled and research funding. The department has made rapid strides during the last decade in all spheres of education and research. Our undergraduate program has always been known to be one of the best engineering undergraduate programs in the country. We now emphasize post-graduate education and research in a significant way. In our department, Masters and Doctoral students outnumber undergraduate students today. Our sponsored research activities have multiplied several folds. From 2000 to 2012, there has been a tenfold increase in terms of the sponsored research budget. The department has set up many states of the art research laboratories and centres such as the Center for Excellence in Nanoelectronics, the National Center for Photovoltaic Research and Education, Telecom Center of Excellence to name a few. We recognize that we have a tremendous role to play in driving our country’s technology roadmap in the Electronics sector.
We provide a very informal atmosphere between faculty and students. EE department has always been known for creating an ambience where scholarship flourishes. Faculty members of our department are not only engaged in cutting edge technology research but are also very passionate about teaching. We pride ourselves on having persons with an exceptional academic background as our faculty colleagues. If you have a high academic standing (as demonstrated by high-quality publications and good academic pedigree), desire for student mentoring and teaching and would like to be part of our faculty, please write to us at fsc_convenor@ee.iitb.ac.in. Our department has an ambitious plan of further improving both the quality and quantity of research that can make a difference as well as have an impact at the global level. We constantly look for bright, young students who have the passion to participate in our research programs. If you are one of them, we would like to encourage you to apply for our Master and PhD programs. You may also have an opportunity to be part of a research group or team by joining some of the sponsored projects as Project Staff. As Project Staff, you may get an opportunity to do MTech and PhD in our department. Such positions may be advertised on our website from time to time and also on the website of the Dean of Research and Development (http://www.ircc.iitb.ac.in).
If you are an alumnus of the department and are reading this page, then it is now time to get in touch with us. Believe me, these are exciting times in the department and we would love to get your support. Alumni support has always been a great driving force in the progress of our institute and we value our continued relationship with all alumni.
Finally, our department has a long tradition of striving for excellence in whatever we do. I hope we will be able to maintain this in the years to come.
EE Office, Second Floor, GG Bldg. Department of Electrical
Engineering IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India -
(O): +91-22-2576-7400 (R): +91-22-2576-8472
- head@ee.iitb.ac.in
- EE IIT Bombay