I am Sivaramakrishna R. Currently, I graduated with B.Tech (in Electrical Engineering), M.Tech (in Microelectronics and VLSI) and Ph.D. degrees from IIT Bombay.
The evolution of mobile communication technologies in the recent past has been beyond my imagination. This lead to my passion towards circuits for communication systems and choosing CMOS RFIC design as my PhD thesis research area.
Towards the end of my PhD, several prototypes have been fabricated with novel ideas. One of our VCOs with seamless/continuous tunability of 44.7% with a center frequency of 14.3GHz is a record widest reported till date in LC-VCOs (with a center frequency greater than 10 GHz). We have also demonstrated an mm-Wave VCO with seamless/continuous tunability from 48.3GHz to 57.5GHz.
Some of our work has been nominated twice for the Best Paper award at the International Conference on VLSI Design [2014, 2015]. Additionally, in mentoring M.Tech students during the course of my Ph.D., I have developed skills required to lead a project as well. Communication Lab, which is lead by Prof. Shalabh Gupta has the state of the art facilities for RFIC design and testing. Personally, the Dept. of EE / IITB is like a home to me after spending around 12 years.